m ifSP < v< 'V I- * 1\ V -». <• S \ '\f • > ' ' ' : : '.!' *- ,; »r r . *. IHElTKianrrLAIl»£ALER (•OTUMMEt EVBEY nQHMY IT F. G. SCHREINER Mftceia Bank Building Telephone '"*" ' y'? •?$?' TERMS OF SUBSCMPTldNt ^ Tk«M Months, 4*c MoMhii flfe trhonday, June 17,1915 QUARTER Of A CENTDIY inili cum ram rumKALator iTWEHTY-ftVE YEAM A00 \ in IS' ^ftstccoxint of the storm on Saturday the races at the Hebron driving park were postponed until Tuesday. Earl Mead has taken a position Miss J. A. Story'8 drug store, and com 'menced work on Monday morning. Tickets have been issued for Fourth of July parties at both the Riverside and Parker Houses, in this village. ; The famous Georgia minstrels, under the managementof Prof. J. C. Cameron will appear at the Parker House hall West McHenry, on June 26, for one night only. A townships. S.j convention will be held at the M. E. church, in this vil lage, Wednesday, June 25, day and evening, morning services beginning at 10 o'clock. Children's day was observed at the Universalistchurch on Sunday evening last, in appropriate manner. The church was packed to its outmost car pacity, and all went away well pleased with the entertainment. We hear a rumor that Shepard & Son will commence receiving clover blossoms this week, at their dryer in this village. We cannot vouch for the truth of the report, however, as we have not been officially informed. The last quarterly conference for the year of the M. E. church will be held at Ringwood on Saturday, June 18, at 10 o'clock a. m. Rev. W. H. Haight, presiding elder, will conduct the quarterly services meeting on Sun day, the 29th There will be a musical recital, given t>y the pupils of Miss Myrtle Brill, at Riverside hall, on Friday evening, June 27. Miss Brill will be assisted by Prof. C. M. Hutchins, clarionetist ||nd cornetist, and Miss Rose Louise . /jprown, elocutionist, and others. * • 'f\At a meeting of the board of school directors, of this district, the follow* / , jtog corps of .teachers were hired for the coming year: Prof. F. M. Over seer, principal; Mrs. Mary Cobb, inter mediate department; Miss Barbara j£ills, primary department, and Prof. #<• H. Burger, West Side division. On Tuesday night last the barn of Coates, northwest of Ringwood, yas struck by lightning, and together iftth its contents, totally destroyed. *r. Coates loses, besides his barn, ijrirty tons of hay and all his farming tools. Loss about two thousand dollars partially insured. The races at the driving park last teek were a success in one particular, id that is that they were as fine flosely contested as any ever held in this.county, but on account of the heavy rains they did not pan finan cially as they otherwise would. The •pest day the track was heavy, but the .2*45 and 2:25 classes both came off »nj furnished rare sport for the small orofod in attendance. The second day Ifce track was better, and the 2:30 •rotting class, 2:35 pacing, and the jfUnning race came off and were closely Sohtesunl from the start to the firfsh. Great praise is due the managers, MeSijjs. Smith and Hanly, for the man- nier in Wiich everything. was conducted. • |Mthough the weather was against them everything was carried out as advertised,v'exceptthe running race the first day, which did not fill, but it was no fault of the managers. l- KM. J. ~ ~~ f-'wi-/ • ~ l v , h - * f'Xi '<? * •' V ' - D. LODTZ DEAD |f Death came as a sweet relief to long ?j®iid continued suffering of Mrs. John ;"-p. Lodtz at three o'clock on Monday ; afternoon of this week, following an - , illness of nearly three years in duration. During that time she underwent two Operations, the last of which was per formed last January. After returning iiome from her second operation she appeared greatly benefited and for a time it looked as if she would recover from her ailment. As weeks passed l|y, however, it became known to the ttembers of her family that she was gradually weakening, and, while every thing was done for her that medical •kill and human hands could accom- plish, she was unable to withstand the (• ; *»vages of the disease, the end bring ing relief from great suffering she en dured during the last few weeks that 4&ie lived. A short sermon was con ducted at her late home at two o'clock ®Q Tuesday afternoon of this week, Rev. John Ratcliff, officiating. The remains were then taken to Solon, from which place they were shipped to Stoughton, Wis., where the deceased Was born and raised. The funeral .took place from Stoughton, Wis., On Wednesday. Obituary next week! MRS. HENRY S1MES DEAD , *£rs. Henry Simes, well known to : vx jnany of our people and a resident of this village for many years, passed *WV her hon,e at CrJ6tal Lake at Wf - ®ine °'clock °n Tuesday morning of f ' ! ^ Ws week. She had been in poor mt V fiealth since last January. The funeral . sServicea took place from the M. E. I":*?' ipi]; church here at two o'clock this after- i&Vfc- « 1 noon with interment in Woodland pemetery. The deceased leaves a grief stricken husband and two daugh ters. McHenry friends extend to the 3trittf stricken family their heartfelt sympathy. W •r- %yv':,??i S t - 1 ? 1 ' Volo School Entertainment f . . . . . v r ful year. Sixty-five pupils has been the total number of en rollment. The good sisters, now in charge of the school, have accomplished great work in the past ten months. Tile degree of efficiency achieved by the pupils in their various grades is a harbinger of exceptional promise in the future. With confidence and pleasure we therefore extend a moat cordial invitation to our friends and neighbors from far afid near to travel to Volo and witness the rendition of the fQdk lowing excellent program at our school commencement «*» > ercises next Sunday at a matinee, commencing at 2 o'clock, and the evening performance, commencing at 7:30 o'clook. ; -tl The entertainmet will take place in thft spadOMa hftU erf thft , ,, • Vrtln hnfikl ..'i :v: "t. -H 'Xv'Ml 'W new Volo hoteL ̂ PROGRAM' Greeting CaiBwa..̂ ,. Salutatory Children's ChJEb J^lbtdww Rossdeutachir. Kathleen, or The Cost of a Promise A DRAMA IN FIVE ACTS y?'i;: /f -THB CAST* Kathleen. .....r»« ,..,..>..%,Ilosephine Krupf Mrs. O'Connor, her invalid mother ..................Gerirude Glosson Granny Gillijran, the apple woman.. .... . Frances Pitzan Loda and Fola, gypriea Shaid and Colette Molidor ' Mrs. Roya)ton Clara Roaio® Ethel Rovalton ~ I 1 'v V V. J Marie Dauevril Lucille Royafton (•****• Rose Stoffe! ' Madam Fclice, a French aaiw....̂ ,„tIOiz8beth Oeffli«s Topsy, maid to the nlccm Theresa Milttr Tlw MagiativM. .7.--. - Feonk Rosiog ' Guards Herman Molidor and Frank Pitzen M e s s e n g e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J o s e p h R o s s d e u t s c l i e r Girls Playing in the Parte....Othre, H. Rosing; Selena, J. Stoffel; Ger trude, L. Rosing; Marie, C. Worts; Geneva, L. Vogt; Margaret, V. Vogt. Act I Scene: Ireland--Mrs. O'Connor's Cottage. The dying mother re- . veals to her daughter the cause of her silently borne afflictions. "The Filler Fhea"-. Twelve Little Girls Act n A lapse of one year between A.ct I and II. Granny Gilligan, who accompanied Kathleen to America, suspedtf that the gypsy Fola is (he adopted but lo& child of Mrs. Royalton. A Piano Duet Anna Rosing and Josephine Kragft . The Con tat a of the Frogs: y. 0 Comic Chorus Men of the Church ChoKr' The Frog DrilL Sixteen'Boya • Act ni Scene: The Royalton Mansion. The two nieces suspect Kathleen to be the heiress to Mrs. Royalton and plot to injure her reputation. Song of the Titanic............ ..'....-...^...........Children's Choir A Voice of the Titanic ..Josephine Kraptf A Pantomime--"Neater My God to Thee".. Eight Girils Piano, Violin and Mandolin Accompaniment Anna Roeing, Martin and Henry Stoffel, Otto Molidor Act IV Scene: The Magistrate's office. Kathleen's innocence is vindicated.^- Piano Duet Herman Molidor and Cora Shaid St. Peter at the Golden Gate.... Agnes Amann Act V Scene: SIM asactllL The Promise Redeemed. Piano Duet Clara Rosing and Agnes Amann The Star Drill , Sixteen Girls "Down You Go"--A One Act Comedy \ CAST OF CHARACTERS ^cepMhiH, < Iswyet Joseph Mblidor Peter, his office boy ..Joseph Rossdeutscher Terence O'Connetl.a policeman..̂ ... Frank Rosing Hans Bungspiegel, a shoemaker....... Herman Molidap James Flashing, an insurance agen ..... Albert Sterbei# ^ Bohemian Bear Tamer .._*C. Frank Stoffel Bruno Joseph Rossdeutscheflf- ; Italian Anthony Wegencj$ . Tragedian....j. ...... ......y.4... Albert Rosing Chinaman ....Frank Pitzen Song--"God be with You" St. Peter's Church Choir Address By the Reverend Pastor The piano in tee at our exercises has been kindly placed at* * oar disposal by N. A. Hnemann. West McHenry, IlL^f' f'zu • Admission, 2$c. -5-t Children, 15c YEAR'S SCHOOL WORK 8UIUIA*r AS COMPILED BY SCHOOLS A. E. NYE \^ K', The following is a report of all grades of the school for the last two weeks: Enrollment--Boya, 100; girla, 136; total, 226. No. of days of attendance--Boys, 948; girls, 1213; total, 2161. No. of days absence--Boys, 38; girls, 30}; total, 68*. Cases of tardiness--Boys, 17; girls, 9; total, 26. Average daily attendance for grade, 216. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in in dustry, 162. Number neither absent nor tardy, 146. No. of cases of oorporal punishment for school, 0. No. of cases of truancy for school, 1. A. EDGAR NYE, Supt. Promotions by grades for yean Grade No. Promnted Retained Conditioned You'll never go wrong by eating cHenry ice cream, made |from Bor- 's choicest cream. C. Unti. •\ Wlgf t tel.. First 16 2 Second.. 17 2 Third 13 3 Fourth 12 0 Fifth 17 2 - Sixth .17 2 Seventh 29 2 El7hth 20 0. 1st yr. high .21 0 2nd yr. high. 16 0 3rd yr. high. 12 0 4th yr. high. 10 graduated. Enrollment during year--Bo^i. 116; girls, 143; total, 259. Grand total days attendance during year, 41737. Average daily Attendance during year, 225. ; No. tuition students in high school, 32; No. tuition students in grades, 4; total, 36. Amount of tuition collected, $859.50; Amount of tuition due, $55.50; total tui tion, $915.00. Names of pupils with perfect attend ance during the entire year: First grade--Richard Stenger. Second grade--Mildred Ahrens, Ftm Bacon, Kenneth Petersen. Third grade--Leone Givens, Alice Miller. Fourth grade--Doris Baec*« Pearl Feltz, Bernard Thurlwell. Fifth grade--Helen Frett, Mildred Kinsala, Rosa Lauras, Gladys Van Natta. Sixth grade--Dorothy BUM, laji# Newman, Frank Thurl^H. ^ Seventh grade--Chas. Frett, Jennie Cooley. Earl Boyle. grade--Donald Givens, Opal -i. Cooley. First year high--Bernice Bonslett. Second year high--Nellie Doherty. Third year high--Alta Wentworth, Floyd Cooley. Those passing into tenth grade: Les ter Bacon, Ellen Spencer, Bernice Bonslett, Elfreda Block, Verona Nies- en, Dorothy Carr, Geo. Stoffel, A. Barbian, E. Whiting, M. Miller, Lora Harrison, Mary Harrison, Dorcas Foss, H. Pint, E. Buss, A. Bonslett, Lisle Brunswick, LewisMcOmber, H.Miller, Geo. Stock, Frank Justen. Failed: K. Thurlwell, Thos. Phalin, Varina Wentworth, Margaret Swank, Howard Smith. " Brick ice cream may be had at C. Unti's at any time. I A SOCIAL WHEEL The Social Wheel was most delight fully entertained by Mrs. L. F. Pouse at her pleasant home cm Woodstock road Thursday afternoon, June 10. Miss Lillian Pouse was assistant hostess. A pleasing program was prepared enjoyed by all present, Mrs. D. G. Wells and Mrs. T. J. Walsh being the winners in the contests. Delicious re freshments were served, which com pleted a very pleasant afternoon. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Lydia Owen Monday afternoon, June 21. BURKE DEAD Thos. Burke, who for many years conducted the Water street meat market in this village, passed away at his late home on a small farm owned by him and situated near Spring Groye, on Tuesday morning of this week. Mr. Burke has been ailing for some time and his death caused little sur prise among our people. His many friends in McHenfy and vicinity ex tend their sympathy to the bereaved ones. LET US HELP PLAN YOtJK SUIDIEK VA CATION We shall be glad to assist you and supply maps, booklets and complete information regarding the Great North Woods, beautiful lake country MWI famous resort and fishing district of Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, Min nesota. Apply to Ticket Agents, Chicago it North Western Railway. 52 3t NEJUTLY KEADY ROK OCCUPANCY One of the two new bungalows being erected on Main street by N. J. Justen will soon be ready fot occupancy. The house is of the right size and is so constructed that it will prove an easy renter. Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will hold a patriotic uiiiee ftj, Kag*'* t̂ ll Ml the evening of J«ly 4g T7[; . ̂#«- - ; v . . v cmiac*THAT PLACE TO CELEB**** NATION'S BIRTHDAY The parishioners and pastor of St. John's Catholic church at Johnsburgli are now hard at work on plana and arrangements for a monster Fourth of July picnic to beheld at Ne}l'aGn>v4, Columbia park, at that place on Mon day, July 5. The arrangement committee as well as the various other committees hav ing- the big event in hand have Bet out to make the picnic the biggest, ever held at that place. The Columbia park,grounds will be transformed into a real amusement park on that day and there will be something doing every minute from sunrise until midnight. At 10:30 in the morning a big street parade, led by the Johnsburgh' brass band, will take placc. The band will also furnish music tbruout the entire day. During the afternoon a program of sports and races, for valuable prizes, will be pulled off, while the spacious dancse pavilion will furnish aitfusement for the dancers^rorn 1:30 p. m. until midnight./ The Northern Illinois or chestra will furnish the music for the dance and tickets will sell at 7^ cents each. •. ' At twelve jo'eioek the ladies of the parish will serve an elaborate chicken dinner at 35 cents per plate, while a supper will be served ia the evening at 25 cents. ' Refreshments of all kinds will be served on the grounds all day and a fine time is in store for all (hose who attend the big event. Excursion boats will carry passen gers to and from the picnic grounds during the entire afternoon and even- ing. The people of Johnsburgh extend a cordial invitation to everyone to be their guests on that day and promise all cordial treatment and a good time. POTATOES We hive just put in; a supply of Red River Early Ohio seed potatoes and want you to give this va riety a trial. Those who have used this variety of potato are more than pleased with them and that's the reason why we want you to be one of our satisfied customers. Send in your orders and they will be filled with courtesy and dispatch. M. M. one of our customers bought the famous Iowa Gates. • • The same condition as pic tured above exists on many farms in the country. There's no earthly excuse for it. The amount of money it costs to re pair these old contraptions will pay for several COUNTY H0LSTEIN BREEDERS These all steel gates axe made of No. 9 wires, high carbon steel tubing, galvan ised 3 times heavier than fence wive* Their adjustability on end to raise over' snow and other obstructions, or to allow small stock to pass from one enclosure to another Is another good point in their favor. Sold tf ymi rrn 60 day trial •with, out obligation--and for less than you would expect to pay for such quality. Come in and learn of our iron-clad guanuitso and «My payment plan. IOWA GATES (Tbo leweatioa Of Ike y«ar) & •• •OLD ANNUAL MEETING--TKANSACT BUS- , y DIE88 AND ELECT OmSEM -V Wilbur Lumber Co. West McHenry, i: |jj. 5551 PISTAKEE YACHT CLUB OFFICERS IMS OFFICERS ARE ELECTEO--FBEB MILLER IS COMMODORE The officers for the Pistakee Yacht club for the season 1915, as elected re cently, have been forwarded to The Plaindealer as follows: OFFICERS Commodore ...Fred H. Miller Vice Commodore Arthur Friestedt Rear Commodore4..Chas. E. Reed Fleet Captain .......Harry E. Hoff Secretary..^ Frank L. Pasdeloup Assistant Secretary.Fred L. Wilk, Jr. Treasurer Fred L. Wilk, Sr. Judge Advocate.William A. Small, Sr, Fleet Chaplain Alfred F. Tompkins Fleet burgeon. ...Dr. Robert A. Smith DIBECTOBS John J. Duffy William Lorimer Fred L. Wilk, Sr. Chas. W. Peters Joseph F. Haas F. B. Ed el Ba an n Chas. E. Carson Chas. E. Reed Andrew McAnsh Geo. J. Sayer Frank E. Hanaell MEASURER R. LaPointe Full details of the entertainments contemplated for this season will be issued next week. ROYAL NEIGHBOR DELEGATES MEET The delegates of the several Royal Neighbor camps of McHenry county held a committee meeting at the home of Mrs. S. S. Giddings at McCollum's lake on Wednesday of this week Jor the purpose of framing up the by-laws and constitution for the coming con vention to be held in McHenry. on Sept. 28 next. It was an all day meet ing and a chicken pie dinner was served at noon. Those present at the meeting were: Mrs. Conover of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Mary Lanning of Harvard, Mrs. Geo. Griffith of Woodstock, Mrs. Parson of Richmond, Mrs. Ida West- lake of Solon, Mrs. Hattie Smaltz of Huntley and Mrs. Cora of West McHenry. MUCH IN EVIDENCE It just seems as if the citizens of Mc Henry are becoming more patriotic every day. On Monday, Flag day, many of the homes in the village were Hying the stars and stripes, something that has never occurred before in the history of the village. The Plain- dealer is surely glad to see this spirit, as it leads us to believe that the general feeling among our citizens la OUR COUNTRY, RIGHT OR WRONG." A LARGELY ATTENDED FUNERAL The funeral of Mrs. Edith Rittyr Dowel 1, which was held from the Volo M. E. church last Sunday afternoon* was one of the most largely attended ever held in this section. The de ceased was widely known tbruout Mc Henry and Lake counties, and friends from near and far were present to ex tend their last tribute to a beloved one. Interment was made in the Volo ceme tery. ; • KINGSLEY HERE FOR SUMMER A> H. Kingsley, former owner and proprietor of the summer resort bear ing his name at Pistakee Bay, now in business in Chicago, has again rented one of the Lasch cottages on Fox river just north of the village, which he and his estimable family will enjoy during the summer month*. His family is already here, while he will make regu lar week end trips to McHenry. PUISSANT. REGISTER NO. 33388 Imported pure bred Belgian draft stallion. Weight 2100. Pedigree shows the best blood strain of the celebrated Belgian draft. Entire time at Hanly's farm, McHenry, 111. CARD OF THANKS . In this manner we wish to effptem our thanks for the many kind favors extended us by neighbors and friends the recent 8ad bereavement. THE WIRFS CHILDREN. Go to Petesch's and yet want wben jou VMtlt. ̂ . •' ' • " t'-Xi, . -**0 -tfjv .v,. "' The regular annual meeting of tlse McHenry County Holstein Breeders' association was held at Woodstock on Saturday, June 12, at which about thir ty-five members were present. . Con siderable business was transacted and officers elected. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, C. W. Harrison, Ringwood, 111.; first vice president, Frank White, Woodstock, 111.; secretary, Leslie akeley, Har vard, 111. It was decided to hold a sale of Hol stein cattle some time next fall. About one hundred head were pledged and a good sale is assured. It was also planned to have a picnic some time during the summer. At 1:30 all par took of an excellent dinner, served by the Model restaurant. The following resolutions were read and adopted, after Which the meeting adjourned: . Resolutions adopted by the members of the McHenry County Hol^tein- Friesian Breeders' association assem bled in annual meeting, June 12, 1915: Where as, The several record asso ciations of the different breeds of live stock of the United States have urgent ly asked for the appointment of a prac tical stockman as chief of the Unitrd States bureau of animal industry, and Whereas, The members of the Mc Henry County Holstein Breeders' asso ciation heartily approved of the above recommendation; therefore be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Mc&enry County Holstein-Friesian Breeders' association, in annual meet ing assembled, do hereby endorse the action of the record associations and ask that a practical stockman be ap pointed aa ohief of the United States bureau of animal industry; and be it further Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon our records 'and a copy of same furnished the various newspapers of the county and agricultural papers of the state. Whereas, The majority oi the farm ers in northern Illinois are engaged in dairy farming, and Whereas, Their livelihood i6 depend ent upon the sale of dairy cattle and their products, and Whereas, The sale of dairy cattle by reliable breeders in the counties of Kane, Dupage, McHenry, Lake and Cook have been greatly interfered with on account of the federal tuber- culine quarantine, effective Opfe, 1, 1914, and still in force, and Whereas, The dairy cattle of this section are known to be among the healthiest of any in the United States, *nd Whereas, T^eee cattle are stabled and oared for under most moidern sani tary methods, and , Whereas, The federal tutferculine quarantine is discriminating, Unjust and tends to retard and discourage the breeding of dairy cattle ami the devel opment of the dairy industry; there fore be it Resolved, That we, the members of the McHenry County Holstein-Friesian Breeders' association, assembled in an nual meeting, do hereby respectfully request his excellency, Edward F. Dunne, governor of Illinois, and other state authorities to use all possible in fluence to have this quarantine imme diately withdrawn; and be it further Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon our records and a copy of the same furnished the various news papers of the county and agricultural papers of the state. An excellent spirit of co-operation was manifested among the members of the association and the interests of the breeders are becoming stronger thru- Out the county. DELOS L. JAMES, County Agriculturist and Agent U. S. Dept. Agrt. • i (r P H I L I P - J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCH4JS"T ,, >rf%P»aLAI, ASTKNTlOMr OIVSM TO THK SAL* OF v' " ^ Dressed Beef, nation, {logs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the Oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished .OR - application. :i • • ,r v . * fiOLD STORAGE FREE * CHICAGO, Stall i A a, P«NM St. WteolMalr Market. J! Monumental/Work of every description. We fian&e / the famous Montello, Wis., Granite which has no equal for beauty and durability. WriteNfor desigtis and prices. - - - - J, H. Miller, McHenry YOU JVQ C H A N C E S ! Razors are .-4 ̂ - Guaranteed for Life For Sale by E. V. McAllister, West McHenry You may see fiour advertisements wherever you go, but few are will ing to back up their product with the guarantee we give with every sack of EARLY RISER Flour. We guarantee every sack to be perfect flour and will refund the money if you are satisfied that every claim we make for it ifc not true. If you have never tried EARLY RISER Flour do so today. Phone us for a trial saok taw mtwh fatter lH: ̂ - • y - ^-- ^ : >!W.'V / •• f S • WEST H'HERRTTi FLOUR AND FEED Special service and double THIS WEEK STOCK REMEDIES POULTRY REMEDIES STOCK DIP FLY SPRAY :;->^PRAY' PUMPS CHI-NAME& Stationery,/ Toilet Articles and Books Wh. i v. mum West McHenry, III. W£LC0M£ FOR ' ' LOCAL PEOPLE ' People in this town wiii be giad to hear that the mixture of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, can be obtained at our store. This simple remedy became famous by curing appendicitis and it has been found that JUST A SINGLE DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation IN STANTLY because it drains off such a surprising amount of old foul mat ter f«W thp body. ,;,v>.. I, v, M'ALUSTER, Ik MUGGIST ROX LAKE GETS IT We are told that a number or ¥V>x Lake saloon keepers were again ar rested for selling liquors on Sunday. The arrests are coming quite fre quently and we don't see how the fellows up there can stand it much/ longer, aa it takes money to pay fines and court coats. CARD OF THANKS We, the undersigned, wish to express our sincere thanks to the many kind neighbors and friends who assisted us in any way and for sympathy extended during our recent sad bereavement. MR. AND MRS. H. L. RITTKR. Don't forget that an Independence 4apce is to be held atStoffel's hall on _ _ i -- TJf. ivt-.. fte night of Jiiiy 3. V v 1' > Bterisol ontiseptie Office la Spauldtoff Bldff. Phone No. 73-R ALFORD H. POUSE -AHOCTOF ill LS^ Wedt McHenry, We are at your service with the finest line of Meats, Canned and "?|f | Bakery goods to be found in town. We want you to feel that we are here to give you the best i of service at. all times and if we fail to do this we will consider it a favor if you will come and tell $:£}• us, as it is our aim to make it $ pleasure for yQu to trade here. Don't forget#that our delivery system is at your constant ser vice. Call us up at any time and your order will be filled with care and promptly delivered *0$ at McAllistar^s. , J McHenrjr, nt f V*