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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jul 1915, p. 5

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v „ . . , : _ , . R 1 * •J*\\SI;~ ' ^,% *W<} s<S*it*« i* *»*' - >f;f'? -WA" , >±r" \}j> ^*~» *£ '-""»^ ** *' fr r - „ 4-- ^-^v v * "HT«S»»* ' ̂ v ' »" ^ ~*~T "' "."*»*>' aX Wfr :^ :^' »;«;'• ?ms®&*i •mm ...<. ••&: 'jikfm -&$i ?$* 'M'* 5^-:| i'V,'* dive to "Parcel Posr The farmers' busy season is at hand. This may J' cause you to postpone a trip to town until a more Inconvenient time. But don't do without drug &ore *goods on this account If you live on a rural route, ylwe shall be glad to deliver drugs or other drug £cwre | ;" ^goods at your door. Ju& phone to us or mail your i 4; order and we will send you the goods as quickly as | - possible--usually by fir& mail after your order f ^ reaches us. Supply your medicine cabinet with special leal̂ l ^ ̂ " edies which are apt to be needed during the summer season. Foot Powders, Headache Remedies, Rem­ edies for Sudden Stomach and Bowel Troubles, and many other items which should be kept regular" ly on hand. Let us fill your prescriptions and recipes. We are agents for Dr. David Roberts' Remedies fjand carry a full line of medicines with which ill Iproperly fill veterinary prescriptions. \ NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS m DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W This is the Incinerator we for $35.00 Qailawi C Midi Refuse | average s family than 50cperiii6nth to operate# wm D. M. WORKMAN, District Manager ry;*»** jl'fe t"# TffZS "SPH sv TH&inore closely yoa follow fash­ ion's trend, the more fully you ap­ preciate the style supremacy of these charming corset®, uWith ab­ solute assurance they strike the new note that is pervading the field of fashion. Observe, for ex­ ample, the model illustrated. Note its excellent lines, ample boning, ^T*'freedom; the bust ijind gentle . ^ ^ at waist, it's otijy one of f \*^many recent models which we are " •" :r: • now featuring. Prices range frbift'ti to $3. John Stoffel WEST'McHENRY, ILL. 1 * JS#W»f DR. CARL STRUEH'S, •" • & ,-i.r ' »•! "f, . Sanatorium and Health Resort McHenry, 111. , Ideal place for the sick and for those seeking V^re& and recreation amidol the mod pleasant M fihom^-|i|^XUfal surroundings. ^H^TVKAL METHODS Jk:-{Write for illustrated descriptive boo^M. TELEPHONE McHENRY M-M. & NSNtSNtMMMMMMMMiMIMINfaiatMIMtM RINGWOOD \ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell left Mon­ day morning for their home atOng, Neb. Mn Nettle Motley of Richmond visited at Ed. Bell's Friday of last week. Paul Stephenson and Lora Walk- ington were Elgin visitors last Sat­ urday. j The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Hattie Buckland on July 17. All invited. i C. H. Stephenson went to Chicago Saturday and returned with his new Ford auto. Miss Agnes Bigelow fi spending a few days with relatives iat North Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen of Chica­ go spent the Fourth with Thos. Walk- ington and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers of Chi­ cago were Sunday and Monday guests at the home of Henry Stephenson. Mrs. Hattie Fitch and Mrs. Alice Butterfield visited at H. W. Allen's from Saturday to Tuesday evening. Mrs. Paulina Parks and daughter, Olive, of Painsville, O., are visiting her brother, N. D. Stevens, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Coates" and Mrs. Zimmerman of Big Foot were recent guests in the home of Mrs Mary Smith. W. E. Smith, J. D. Smith, Frank Martin, William Beck and William McCannon drove to Starved Rock last Thursday. Mrs. Zillah Newlin of Hutsonville, 111., and Mrs. Agnes Jenks of Elgin are visiting their uncle, N. D. Stev ens, for a few days. We are pleased to state that the Hoy Banking company has pur­ chased a lot in our village and will erect a bank in the near future. Some of our people attended the celebration at Greenwood Saturday and some at Woodstock and Lake Geneva Monday. Grandma Hawley df Barrington spent the last of the week with her son and family, going to Elgin Sun day morning with her granddaugh ter, Mrs. Eleanor Bacon. Chancey Harrison's wood house took fire Wednesday night. Mrs. Harrison discovered it about 1:30 and with prompt assistance of neighbors they kept the house from taking fire. The attendance at Sunday school last Sunday was: Ringwood, 41; Greenwood, 42. This leaves Ring- wood with a lead of five. Let there be a great rally in attendance next Sunday. EMERALD PARK Geo. Blum and children spent the Fourth here. B^r. and Mrs. W. K. Barns of Chi­ cago spent Sunday here. Mrs. R. Sohns of Chicago is spend­ ing a few days at her cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong are spending a few days at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Cohen and children are spending a few days at their cot­ tage. Jack Condon of Cicero, 111., is spending a few days at his summer home. Mrs. William Aim and son of Chi­ cago are spending a few days at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoelsceher are spending a few days at M. A. Sut­ ton's. Ml. and Mrs. W. Haxton returned home after spending a few days at the Haxton cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kirk and chil­ dren of Chicago are spending a few days at the Pd!*k. Miss Ruth Armstrong of Chicago is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. James Armstrong. Mis3 Mayme Smith and Fuller Boutelle of Lake Geneva sprat Sun- Jay at J. R. Smith's. Miss Ruth Scrivner of Chicago is •pending a few weeks as the guest Mr. and Mrs. L. Huck. Ray Deady of Chicago spent a few days recently as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox. Mrs. H. Fitzpatrick and daughter of Chicago spent a few days this( and last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. JSdmund Knox. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton enter­ tained Lillian McGee of Woodstock and Lillipkn Harrington, Ed. Harring­ ton and John Scanlan of Chicago over, the Fourth. HWtMHM, EXTRA PERSONALS Wl# Come and fit pariai a Week Glenn G. Waite of Davenport, la., is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Waite. Mr8. Lou Scott of Chicago is spending a few week/in the home of her brother, R. Waite. Mrs. N. H. Petesch and daughters, Edythe and Angela, are the guests of •Chicago relatives this week. Mrs. Mary Wormley of Mendota, Granger Smith of Elgin passed Sun­ day and Monday as the guest of Mc- Henry relatives and friends. Dr. F. J. Heller of De^pl&ines spent Sunday and Monday as the guest of Dr. F. J. Aicher here. HI., visited Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wormley the first of the wek. Misses Anna and Christina Freui'd of Chicago spent Sunday and Mon­ day at the home of John Ysoag, Miss Anna M. Schoewer of Chicago passed the Fourth as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schoewer. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Lattimer and baby, John, Were guests in the home of Mrs. E. S. Wheeler over the Fourth. Miss Helen Horning of Evans ton, 111., was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh the first of the week. George J us ten of Chicago is spend­ ing a couple of weeks as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. Norman Earl Waite of Lake Gen­ eva, Wis., spent the Fourth in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Waite. Mr. and, Mrs. R f. Aieher and son, Junior, of Chicago were Sunday guests of the former's brother, Dr. F. J. Aicher, here. Mr. and Mrs. A. E» Brown of Chica­ go spent Sunday and Monday as guests in the home of the former's brother, A. M. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waite of Lake Geneva spent a few days last week in the hofyie of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Waite. Mr. and Mrs. A. Heppler and two children of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John JP. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen and Miss Mayme Schaefer of Chicago passed' the Fourth in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkle. Willie and Charlie Hoffman and Ralph Marten of Chicago and Ve­ ronica and Julia Young motored to Crystal Lake Tuesday evening. Mrs. Joe M. Schoewer and daugh­ ter, Ruth, of Beloit, Wis., spent the latter part of the week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schoewer. Miss Catherine Schmit of Chicago is spending the week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. Her sister, Miss Pauline, was here on Sunday and Monday. Earl Mead and Mr. Castor of Oak Park spent Sunday and Monday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mead. They returned home Monday via Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Karges and daughter, Dorothy, returned last Sun­ day evening from Kenosha, Wis., after spending the Home-Coming week in that city. They were ac­ companied home by Miss Emma Klaes, who is spending the week as a guest in the Karges home. Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Shipley, for­ mer pastor of the M. E. church here, r of North Prairie, Wis., visited at the home of Mrs. E. S. Wheeler one day this week. They are taking an auto trip to Mr. Shipley's home, near the central part of the state. Wm. and J. D. Smith, Frank Mar­ tin, Wm. McCannon, Wm. Beck and A. M. Brown comprised an auto party to make a trip' thru the central part of the .state to Starved Rock la^t Thursday and Friday. The gentle­ men report crops looking fine in that part of the state and also report an enjoyable time while enrouteJ ; ID it ever occur to you that surplus earnings, steadily saved, could be converted to a "friend in need?" By placing odd dollars in a savings account here they will de­ velop into a substantial sum that will prove its worth in emergency*; Absolute safety is afforded and savings earn interest at the rate of 3 per cent, compounded semi-annually. At any time we will gladly discuss the ad visability of open- ing a sayings account in this institution. :: - •Sscr-v >;>v. t IftiOi " ri Hdyl Banking Co. McHENRY, s: ILLINOIS = /?• A DIPPING TANK OR A HOG WALLOW WITH KRESO DIP N2.I WILL DO THE WORK THCHt IS NO EXCUSE FOR IOUSY MANCV 1MTNRIFTY PIGS, IF VOU HAVE SOME or THIS KIND VOU WILL FINO IT WORTH WHILE TO OCT OUR CIRCULAR ON TANKS AND WALLOWS. IT TELLS MOW TO MAKE THEM OF CEMENT KRESODIP N2I IS A REAL NECESSITY ABOUT ALL LIVE STOCK M'LUfK) UC£.TICKS,MfTES,FLEAS. POK TREATING SCAMIANCE .RUMWOIW. AND OTHER SKIN OlSEASBSt TO DISINFECT DEODORIZE. CLEANSE & PURIFY. ALL OF THESE USES FULLY DESCRIBED IN OUR BOOKLETS. JWR1TE FOR COPIES ETV. MCALLISTER West McHenry, 111. WELCOME NEWS FOR i ii -4-'> . ' / LOCAL PEOPLE OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK There was a man, whose last name was Loer, Who for his lawn needed a ?ood lawn mower. So he came to Where he • (found them galore, And Ms lawn looks neglected flvp moie. Note the Neat Appe arance f of the lawn and the unruffled appearance of the man, re­ vealing the efficiency of the Ellwood lawn mower he par- chased here and the ease with which he accomplishes his task. Follow his example and fare likewise* variety of good mowers from $3.00 to $12.00.1 „v J. J. VYC1TAL The Centerville Hardware Man Anniversary Dance Hie ^thirteenth anniversary of Smith's hall at Johnsburg will be properly observed at that place with d grand dance to be held on Wednes­ day evening, July 14. It is just thir­ teen years ago that Smith's hall was built and each year since then a dance has been held to commemorate the event. Manager Smith informs us that thirteen brings little fear to him and adds further that he believes that the hoodoo" anniversary will prove one of the biggest successes ever. At any rate he is making plans to entertain a big crowd on this occasion and ex­ tends a hearty invitation to everyone to be his guest on that night. The Northern Illinois orchestra will fur­ nish the music. Dance tickets, 50 cents. . Why take a chance of having your building destroyed when a lightning rod system can be placed thereon at a small cost? See Wm. Simes, the light­ ning rod man, McHenry, 111. McHenry ioe cream has no com­ parison, because there is none as good, pure and delicious. C. Unti, proprie­ tor. ' " Go lo Petesch's and wast when /on want *r>.: ... ̂ OSTEND Frank Kaiser and family returned from Chicago Monday evening. * Raspberries are beginning to ripen and with good weather will be vei-y plentiful. John Harris is the gueat this week of his brother, Joe, and sister, Mrs. Mary Kaiser. Lavern W. l̂ ompson aari family came out from Chicago to spend ths glorious Fourth with relatives here. C. S. Apgar, wife and son, Clar­ ence, of Chicago are spending the week of the glorious Fourth with C. B. Durkee and wife. Fred Eppel is making use of the spaces in his new barn althb'not com­ pleted. He manages with ropes and pulleys to get the alfalfa in the mow. Cherries are ripe and the birdies shall have, some. In some instances they are getting the largest sum. Cherries are a heavy crop this year and not many wormy ones. Frank Kaiser, wife and children drove to Chicago in their Ford auto­ mobile ^Saturday and will spend the fourth and fifth with friends. Ray Thomas and two -children accom­ panied them, returning Sunday aft­ ernoon. Clyde Francisco came out from Chicago to spend his vacation here and take in all the Fourth of July sports. He has been transferred to Detroit, where he will go at the close of his vacation. The first cutting of aUfeHUt is well Mornt tai tiw farmers' bains and People !n this town will be glad to hear that the mixture of simple buck­ thorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, can be obtained at our store. This simple remedy became famous by curing appendicitis and it has been found that JUST A SINGLE DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation IN­ STANTLY because It drains off such a surprising amount of old foul mat­ ter from the body. E. V. MCALLISTER, X DRUGGIST =5= DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in -Telephone Exchange Bldg Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 7>-W Office in Spudding Bldg. Phone No. 73-R MJFORD H. mum • •' V-.. ' vW" -* : • Attoraey-at-La'tf. ^ f <. \ * Werit McHenry, 111. Telephone No. 1N-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS Office Hon* , Telephones *M to 12.-M a. m. ' ' Office 17 l.-M to p. m. Residence 51-W 7* to 8:M p. m. A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon Schnorr Bldg. WEST McHENRY they are now looking over the heavy crop of clover' and timothy, which will be ready in a few days. Some have already commenced cutting. Why pay more when you can get best grade binder twine for H4|6ish this week at Bonslett|sf Chicken feed at M. M. NieeenV READING OUR AO WE DELIGHT in providing our customers with groceries of quality-- goods that please. To satisfy hunger is our aim ami we seldom miss the mark. Our good "eats" go to tlur right spot. Try them. Buy them. :: n :: s pf,T SMITH BROS. McHenry HI. £ 1 THAT Tou need not have ons moment's anxiety about getting ••that pioni# basket** ready. Phone or toll us bom" nany people to prepare for and leave the rest to us. It will be easier cheaper to pay the aodS erate bill ve will son* you than to take time, to prepare a lunch. ^5 You can ' «*ohuck" thjSl^ •'tins'* and paper boxeaijr' SAVE WORRY. ^ •'= - '-*! mf- • .'-.ft. ' , p wir ' V'fi 0m i Schneide ̂Bros., /- We l̂ McHenry "A •/ 3% n- ,s

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