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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jul 1915, p. 5

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vV*fc£ mm. to "Parcel Post" Orders M /1 The farmers' busy season is at hand. This may afljfef"*1® y°u *° postpone a trip to town until a more ?vconvenient time. But don't do without drug &oer i >!"|roods on this account. If you live on a rural route, . we shall be glad to deliver drugs or other drug &ore "goods at your door. Ju& phone to us or mail your q . order and we will send you the goods as quickly as y* * possible--usually by fir& mail after your order ip*.'reaches us. '! •., , Supply your .medicine cabinet with special reipy f^dies which are apt to be needed during the summer - feason. Foot Powders, Headache Remedies, Rem* , edies for Sudden Stomach and Bowel Troubles, -/:;i;And many other items which should be kept regulafc- vly on hand. Let us fill your prescriptions and recipes. : *•'k We are agents for Dr. David Roberts' Remedies «nd cany a full line of medicines .with which tpf - • properly fill veterinary prescriptions. '.>9y : . '-•••• DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W L 'MM !/?" '+ '< , • - "v" • & •iAeZ-K •* V3WV ' V\v> A : < -Jbt rf V~* % y.. i INCHAJO This is the INCINERATOR we sell for $25j Costs the average family less than . s 50c per ~ month to operate. /SfeWestern United Gas # and Electric Compapy '-gk* rv u wnnifMAW u...... J-;' \>.vr"V-3 ' •;i*' OYAI. W O R C L S 1 \ W < c : o p s f i s Th<* more closely yeHi follow^ lath* / ion's trend, the more fully ydtt ap- predate the style supremacy of these charming corsets. With ab- " ' Solute assurance they strike the note that, is pervading the field of fashion. Observe, for ex­ ample, the model illustrated. Note # # pits excellent lines, ample boning, freedomat thevbust and gentle uf icurve at waist.- It's only one of any recent models'• which we are igw fea tur ing . Br ices range from $1 to $3. •. ̂ ^ • •• • ••. - WEST McHENRY, ILL. 1 msv*-" - : DR. CARL STRUEH'S Sanatorium and Health Resort *1; 10. '-*• ^McHeory, 10.'; •' the sick and fer i^l and recreation amid& the moS pleasant and > limie>]|ke rural surroundings. NATURAL METHODS Write for illustrated descriptive booklet. TELEPHONE McHENRY J2-M. f NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS • ••• ii 11 f mMM, RTI)GEFIELD Mr. Rootiey of Chicago wa* * MU- er here Monday. Mrs. Nets Nelson entertained her parents from Batavia recently. Ray England of Chicago is a vis­ itor at the home of Hans Nelson. P. Reed was a business caller at Woodstock Thursday and Friday. Herman Wille shipped a car of stock tir'- Chicago the fcrrt «£^the week. .;•/ C. M. Keeler of Elgin visited with his mother, "Mrs. S. Wakefield, last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daugh­ ter of Woodstock were visitors here Sundajr. Rufus Conant of Woodstock was a caller at the home of G. W. Wheeler Sunday. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet July 22 at the home of Mrs. D. L. Gibson. Messrs. Hel^e Nfefs«®, Carl Lilja and Joel Johnson were at Aurora and Elgin last week. Master James Bennett is spending this week with his aunt, Mrs. L. Goddard, at Wodstock. Mrs. A. Jacojbs and. Miss Marga­ ret Green were business callers at Sharon, Wis., Monday. Mrs. W. French and children of Crystal Lake visited on Tuesday at |the home of C. P. French. "t Mrs. J. B. Lynch and son, Ray, peft Monday for a three weeks' visit Svith relatives at Clark, S. D. Mr. "and Mrs. Monohan of Elgin spent last week in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Reed, Missea Helen Reed, Genevieve Goddard and Hallie Barber spent Sunday evening at Woodstock. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and granddaugh­ ter, Crystal Conerty, visited the Mat­ ter's mother in Chicago Thursday. Jas. Mitchell returned to his home in Chicago Monday after spending his vacation in the home of C. Lilja. Mr. and Mrs. John Waller and sons, Bert and Glen, of Genoa Junc­ tion, spent Sunday at Hans Nelson's. Mr. and Mrs. H. N Cooper. Mr. (<fmd Mrs. H. Wille and Miss Elsie Wille were enjoying the sport at tliverview park, Chicago, Monday evening. - v Miss Lois Levey visited the home of her uncle, Lyman Levey, at Crystal Lake from Friday until Tuesday. Mrs. Schoof and little son of La Grange were visitors pn the homes of A. Anners and F. S. Morse Monday and Tuesday. A number of our yotmg people- saw "The Eternal City" in motion pic tures at the Princess, Woodstock, Monday evening. Miss Hallie Barber returned home Monday afternoon after spending two weeks as the guest of Miss Genevieve Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stratton and two children of Woodstock were pleasantly entertained in the home of E. E. Knilans Sunday. Miss Lucile Conerty of Chicago is spending a few weeks with her sis ter, Crystal, in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Jensen and son of Woodstock and Mrs. R. Hes- selgrave and daughter of McHenry spent Sunday at the home of A. Peterson. Mr and Mrs. G. Eddy and children Mr. and Mrs. Helge Nelson and baby, Joel Johnson of Woodstock, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Jas. and Bessie Mitchell and Mrs. Cowen of Chicago were entertained in the home of C. Lilja recently. Miss Edythe Nelson was pleasant­ ly surprised last Sunday evening by a party of young people from Crys tal Lake in honor of her birthday. Miss Edythe was presented with five dollars. The evening passed away all too quiekly. Light refreshments were served, after which the guests departed, wishing Miss Edythe many more happy birthdays. Mrs. S. A. Merchant and sons, Lester and Clifford, are spending the week with relatives in Chicago, Miss Opal Nethergall of Greshem, Neb., and two lady friends of Ar­ lington, Neb., all of them delegates to the National Christian Endeavor convention being held in Chicago, I were pleasantly entertained in the home of the former's great-grand- J mother, Mrs. P. Hodgekinson, over Friday night. * OSTEND Bowman's-milk inspector was call­ ing on the farmers Saturday last. The interior of the Ostend school house is receiving a fresh coat of paint. Joe Harris, wife and children spent Sunday at the home of the for­ mer's aunt at Woodstock. Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, ate Sunday dinner with their brother, Myron, and family, F. B. Thompson is having the ex­ terior of his two farm dwellings treated to fresh coats of paint We are informed that Miss Mary Knox has been engaged to teach our school again the coming season. Earl and Clifford Sherman and families ate Sunday dinner with C. H. Snider and family at Woodstock. Many of the most experienced farmers say they can scarcely re­ member corn being so backward at this time of the year. F. B. Thompson and brother, L. W. Thompson, autoed to Waukesha, Wis., Saturday and also visited other points, a distance of over 160 miles, returning in the evening. JOHNSBURG It begins to look as if the bridge across Fox river here is not to be re­ paired until after the busy season. The farmers in this vicinity are jtlst as busy as they can be and from all appearances the crops will turn out all right after all. Frank Smith left Monday night for Hope, S. D., where he will assist for­ mer McHenry residents with their an­ nual harvest work. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lay and Sim­ o n S c h a e f e r l e f t M o n d a y e v e n i n g f o r Juanita, N. D., whsrs th°y vifiU spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J us ten. Many of the summer resorters are finding this place a good place to trade. At least our merchants re­ port a fine patronage from people who spend the summer in this vicin- ity. ' A fine new dairy barn is under con­ struction on the farm occupied by Robert Schaefer, situated about one and one-half miles north of this place. The barn, when completed, will be modern in every detail. A barn dance will be held at the new barn on the Robert Schaefer farm, north of here, next Saturday evening. Good music will be provid- ed for the occasion and a good time is promised to those who turn out. Jos. J. Michels is navigating with the aid of a crutch as the result of a cake fo ice falling onto his foot. Al- tho the injury caused him much pain at the offset, he is getting along nice­ ly at this writing and will soon be able to get along without the aid of the crutch he is now using. Rev. Geo. Nell of Effingham, 111., passed a week's vacation at the home of his mother. Mrs. Geo. Ncl!, here. He left tins week for Otsego, Mich., where he will assist Rev. Jos. Lahey, a former classmate,, in a forty hour devotion service. Rev. Nell is well pleased with Effingham. % TERRA COTTA Miss Annie Buss was a McHenry visitor Monday. Arthur Klein of Crystal .ake is vis­ iting relatives here. Wm. Conway was the guest of El­ gin relatives over the Fourth. Miss Ellen Doherty, of McHenry, called on relatives here Friday. Miss Eleanor Walsh, of McHenry, visited her cousins here Friday. Miss Minnie Knox, oi McHenry, spent Sunday with relatives here. Chas. A. Matthews, of Crystal Lake, was a caller in this vicinity Tuesday. Misses Irene nad Florence Conway were recent guests of Elgin relatives. Mrs. Stella Peck, of Elgin, is vis­ iting at Henry McMillan's for a few days. Charles L. Buch, of Crystal Lake, was a business caller here Tuesday morning. Misses Mayme Alward and Anna Ryan, of Elgin, were callers at M. Knox's Friday. Miss Mary Burke, of McHenry, spent Friday afternoon with Miss Florence Knox. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers and children of Holcombville called * al Frank McMillan's Sunday evening. Mrs. Louis Schnelle and daughter, Eleanor, of Huntley spent the week end with Mrs. Schnelle's daughter, Mrs. Allen Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family attended the laying of the corner stone of the new Corpus Christi church at Algonquin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and fam­ ily spent Sunday at Algonquin, where they attended the laying of the cor­ ner stone of the new Catholic church, 'r"W< -I ID it ever occur to you that surplus turnings, stead!!? saved* could be converted to a 'friend in need?" By yr 1 • . placing odd dollars in a savings account here they will de- 3: velop into a substantial sum that. will prove its worth in S 0 * emergency* Absolute safety is afforded and savings earn interest at the rate of 3 per ceiit« compounded semi-annually. ' ' ' • At any time we will gladly discuss the advisability of open­ ing a savings account in this institution. ,5 f v w . Co. McHENRY, ILLINOIS VOLO Wm. Dodson has moved into the Kirwan home. Miss Bessie Dunnill and friend spent Sunday in Chicago. . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher ware Round Lake callers Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and Chester spent Thursday at F. Henkle's. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. Lee Huson on July 29. Mrs H_- Kruger and son of Wau- conda spent Thursday at John Wal­ ton's. Mrs. M. Sable and Clara Wagner spent Friday with friends in Free- mont. Mrs. Ray Smith and son of Grayslake visited friends here the past week. Mrs. Frank Zuelsdorf and children af McHenry spent the past week at Hironimus'. Miss Lena Michels and friend of Chicago spent Sunday with Miss Bessie Dunnill. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour and Hallie spent Sunday with W.« Con­ verse and family. 1 Miss Florence Rathcliff of Water­ loo, la., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Howard Converse. A DIPPING TANK OR A H06 WALLOW WITH KRESO DIP N2.I WILL DO THE WORK THIRE IS NO EXCUSE FOR LOUSY IWKV UNTHRIFTY PIGS. IF VOU HAVE SOMK OF THIS NINO VOW WILL FIND IT WOKTN «VMM.E. TO OCT OUR CIRCULAR ON TANKS AND WALLOWS. IT TSU-S «tOW TO MAKt THEM OP CCMCNT KRES6'DIP*N2I IS A REAL NECESSITY ABOUT ALL LIVE STOCK "FOR HILLING UCE.TICKS,MITCS,FLEAS. 'FOR TREATING SCAB.MANCE,RtN6W0MI. AND OTHER SKIN DISEASESt TO DISINFECT.DEODORIZE. CLEANSE^PURIFY. ALL OF THESE USES FULLY*DESCRIBED IN OUR BOOKLETS.̂ WWTE^FOR COPIES E. v. MCALLISTER West McHenry, III. MKE-tMStO) OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK In the spring of the year Mr. Quaint Eecided to improve things with paint. So he came to Our Store Where we sell paints galore, And he still paints without any restraint No Matter What You Want to paint, see us. Our paints are adapted ^ to all purposes, exterior and interior. ^ We sell the best points andmake the • right price. •' ^ > J. J. VYCITAL The CeTrterville Hardware Man Milk Producers' Picnic The Cary local of the Milk Pro­ ducers' association is arranging for an elaborate basket picnic to be held at Abbott's grove, two miles east of Cary, Tuesday, July 20. Extensive preparations are being made, and in­ vitations are being extended to all the locals of the association to spend the day at Cary and participate in the aifair. Good speakers have been secured--H. S. Early of Sycamore, H. Potter of Elgin, W. J. Kittle and W. A. Goodwin ahd others. Mu- from Chicago has been secured and the young people will enjoy the dancing in the large pavilion on the grounds. Everyone attending will be cordially welcomed. A good auto road le&is to the grounds. Trains Now on Time The C. & N. W. Railway company is now running its trains thru this vil­ lage on schedule time. They have discontinued the Friday and Saturday night as well as the Monday morning specials and patrons of the road from this village and resorts are given the same service and accommodations as were enjoyed exclusively by the Lake Geneva patrons heretofore. The big engine, which now hauls the fast trains between Lake Geneva, Wis., and Chicago, is of sufficient power to handle a dozen cars besides the regu­ lar coaches. Thanks to Mr. Howell. Carriers to Be Paid on Mileage Basis Salaries of rural mail carriers since July i are on the mileage basis, in ac cordance with a recent order of the postal department. Rural carriers circling a route of twenty-four miles or more will receive $1,200 a year, payable monthly; carriers on twen­ ty-two mile routes will receive $1,152, and so on down to carriers on four mile routes, who will receive $480. It is probable, however ,that the pay car­ riers who furnish and maintain their own motor vehicles and who serve routes not less -tnan fifty miles in length, may befixed as high as $1,800. Are Cleaning up Property Superintendent John Pufahl of the Borden Condensed Milk company, with a gang of Borden employes, started to clean up the Borden prop­ erty on Green street on Monday of this week. Since Monday the men have been putting in some effective work and a big improvement is al­ ready noticeable. It now looks as if Borden park will soon become a real­ ity. Hate off to Superintendent puf­ ahl and the Borden company. ^ --r~ • 1 T Twentieth Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Arvedson of Carpentersville entertained a com­ pany of relatives and friends at tiieir home in that village jon a recent even­ ing in hdnor of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lamphere, whose twentieth wedding anniversary it was on that day. Mr. and Mrs. Lamphere as well as the hostess of this occasion were former McHenry residents and are favorabty known to many of our readers. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COilMISSlON MERCHANT SPKG1AX. ATTENTION GXVSH TO TIB SAI^GT Drcaaed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Begs This is the oldest house o»the street application. f, Y*>i Stall I A 3. PlItM M. Wholesale Market. Tags and prioe list* fiu nishsd on COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. YOUR GROCER WILL SMILE WITH PLEASURE When you order a sack of EARLY RISER flour. He knows you will be pleased with the results and will come for more. It can be depended upon for quality--It never varies. TRY A SACK TO­ DAY. WEST PFBENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS CURSES. mtYRC GfTTN& WISE BEAT OLD WINTER TO IT THIS YEAR and let us put your eoel in early. It's not too late yet to take ad­ vantage of the low prices, and there's no feeling like the satis­ faction of knowing you are pre­ pared for the first cold snap. As usual, our coal is free from slate and true to grade. phone your order today. . % WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry, Phone 5 Read Plaindeaier Ads m A3 t le-/..:' v ' s

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