McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Sep 1915, p. 5

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V i ' ,"^d\ ' ^ K, '* *•>' ! - V ^ ^ V - -y- , - * '» •>7^ : ^V?^-v ,J if-.;; •';y >"•* c ,• -«•::" *#?'.';: . ; *£*v>r-••V'v ;". ' I...-.;' . : . 'i' "«3 "W -V. '-Sty' '1"; 4: £:<-i\ . " - " ; • - / > , > " « » v ̂ * X v vr ̂ "* v • ' M A'B M »\BiT »l> • M'»» ---- • , "" '** » ' • ' :V'"" - ; .y-\ FLoxN DE&Ll!B, M HBNKY^, UiJLi* s svyy-rv _,£ •;.wx*fr W$it: ^!ii W HMH i"'j|j*igij'ni -SEE OUR STOCK OF--- • ft- ' -¥1' w : --- £ , :•" V- ' •• "A ' " - • - T the beginning of a newschool year there are so many items needed that it is al­ most impossible for pupils to start in the fir& day with a full equipment. We carry a v very complete line of school supplies and shall be glad to supply your needs at all times. ̂PENCILS, PENS, PEN HOLDERS, ERASERS, i OIKS, CRAYONS. WRITING PATER, PASTE, .y-fcv pg TABLETS, RULERS, VSQU®, DMlfflC ,' [**-& MATERIALS, Eft ; ' > ' a ?; V A child can buy at our store as safely as the grown-ups I€H.PETESCH DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W LAST week we said we had a good as­ sortment of sweaters. We sold about fifteen of them, but as it is early, yet we were able to fill in all sizes sold and our &ock is again complete. Yeu mu& see them to know the value you are getting. "ST SMITH BROS. "ft"7 Special Sale For this Week 6 packages Pride Washing Powder. __25c 8 bars Pride Laundry Soap *25c 3 boxes Parlor Matches 10c 40 Clothes Pin8__--*_ 5c 6 rolls Toilet Paper 25c 1-gallon Oil Can.. .... 10c Curtain RQds __._ ,̂__5 and 10c 10-quart Tin Pail ..... 10c 25 Picnic Plates.--_.̂ _.___ .̂̂ ___I0c Vycital's Novelty Store . Centerville - . / - McHenry y&?v ^Sr^Iender Feet! A RE of a sort that ' will interest ev­ ery wearer of shoes who wants comfort and ease. N o pain- ful and tedious "breaking" in of Truease shoes.They are built for ease and comfort and com­ bine unusual material and workman­ ship in their construction/ :: A •• Women's Lace or Low Cut.. ^*£L__f2.50 Men's Blucher Cut i...^..j|L0D JOHN STOFFEL "W NEIGHBORING NE1VS AS CHRONICLED BY { OUR ABLE CtRPS OF< CORRESPONDENTS j TERRA COTTA Mrs. John Eiley was a Oary vis­ itor Monday. H. B. Wikbx of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Monday. Miss Katie Hess of Wanconda spent Sunday at P. H. Conway's. Dr. N. J. Nye and children of Mc­ Henry were callers here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cox spent Sun­ day with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin were Grayslake callers one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hyde of Genoa Junction are visiting at Robert An­ derson's. Miss Minnie Stanton of Chicago visited her sister, Mrs. B. F. Martin, last week. Several from here attended the McHenry county fair at. Woodstock last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and chil- dren of Woodstock spent Sunday at John Riley's. Miss Vera Doherty of Holeombville called on relatives here Thursday evening last. Miss Bernice Doian of Chicago is visiting her cousins, MiBses Alice and Lillian Riley. Thomas Knox of Chicago is spend­ ing the week with his cousins, Ed ward and Harold Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nett and son, Raymond, of Wilmot spent last Sun day with relatives here. Miss Lillian Riley returned home Sunday from a two weeks' visit with relatives near* Woodstock. Mrs. P. H. Conway spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. E Adams, at McCollum's Lake. Mrs. Will Portanan of Chicago and Miss Agnes Frisby of McHenry called on friends here Tuesday. Miss Eleanor Phalin passed' Wed­ nesday and Thursday of last week with Miss Vera Bolger at Woodstock. Mr. .and Mrs. John Nett of Wilmot, Wis., spent ft recent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. P. H. Conway, and family. Dr. John Stanton of Chicago spent last week at B. F. Martin's. He was accompanied home Friday by his wife, who has spent the .past five weeks here. School supplies at McAllister's. OSTEND The Ostend school will open Toes- day, Sept. 7. Miss Mary Knox, teach er. Mr. Cornwell and Mr. Constant re­ port corn frost bitten on Saturday night, Aug. 28. Fred R. Eppel has a fine new silo of solid cement all complete. Roof and all of the same material. R. H. Richardson's basement wall for his bsirn is completed and carpeh- ters will soon be busy with the frame. Harry Francisco is improving fast under the skillful treatment of Dr. Hepburn since his return from the hospital. Ernest Brott returned from Mani­ towoc Sunday and is at work at his old trade--hauling milk for the farm­ ers to Bowman's at Ringwood. Clinton Martin and Vinton Thomp­ son drove F. B. Thompson's automo­ bile up to Waukesha so that he could have it to spend his spare time with. Threshing is well under way. The past week was a busy one, some not stopping to attend the county fair. Oats are yielding well and are of a good qualty. If all the down grain could have been gathered it would be astonishing the yield pet acre. Nearly all the farmers have a few acres of wheat. Hiat, too, is reported yielding well. There was ft heavy acreage of barley this year, but so much rain and wind that also went down some. VOLO Mrs. John Frost spent Friday and Saturday in Round Lake. Mrs. Clyde Wright and Miss Zella Huson spent Tuesday at E. Fisher's. George Barker of Oak Park was in town on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld and John Effinger were in McHenry Saturday last. Miss Clara Wagner was a Mc­ Henry visitor Wednesday of last week. Miss Ella Moore attended the Sun­ day school convention at Wauconda Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. S. J. Russell on Thurs­ day, Sept. 9. Mrs. Nora Walton and daughters and two grandchildren of Waukegan spent part of last week at John Wal­ ton's. Sunday. Sept. 5, there will be Sun­ day school at 2:00 and preaching at 2:30 in the M. E. church. Everyone welcome. RINGWOOD Mrs. E. C. Hawley was an Elgin visitor Thursday of last week. The young people of Smith's cor­ ners were Eglin visitors Monday. Mrs. Will Brown and son called on relatives' in McHenry Saturday last. The Missionary society met with Mrs. Spaulding Tuesday of this week Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Southwick of Williams Bay spent Sunday at J. C. Ladd's. Remember the W. C. T. U. conven­ tion meets at Chemung on Sept. 11 and 12. Geo. Bacon, wife( and daughter of Antioch are visiting at W. A, Dodge's. Edwin Johonnott and family left [Monday for their home in Terre Haute, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe of Elgin vis­ ited their daughter, Mrs. Lewis Cal- bow, last week. Miss Arline Harrison of McHenry visited with relatives here on. Satur­ day afternoorv last. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy Harrison and son passed Sunday as the guests of her parents in McHenry. Mrs. Josephine Coates and two grandsons visited at Henry Sweet's in Spring Grove one day last week. Mesdames Mary and Bertha Esh of Spring Grove spent Tuesday df this week with their parents here. Emily Smith and mother returned from their trip to the coast last Sat­ urday. They report a good time. Edith McCannon was a McHenry visitor Monday. Her mother came home with her for a few days' visit. Jay Hawver and family of Lake Geneva spent Saturday night at H. W. Allen's and on Sunday all visited at Sharon, Wis. A goodly number of our people attended the fair at Wodstock last w&ek. The exhibits were good and attendance large. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS People Who Come and a Week Go During JOHNSBURG Don't miss the dance at Smith's hall here next Saturday night. Big time in store for all who attend. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wulf of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of Dr. Arnold Mueller. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling, Who re­ side north of here, are the proud par­ ents of a ten pound boy, born to them Monday morning. LOST-r-Somewhere between this place and McHenry or between here and Nick Schaefer's, a motorcycle top cover. Finder will kindly notify Dr. Arnold Mueller. The ladies of McHenry and vicin­ ity are cordially invited to the fall opening of the West Side millinery on Saturday, Sept 18. Come in and get a flower. F. O. Gans was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. C. Unti attended to business mat­ ters in Chicago Wednesday. J. W. Smith was a business vis­ itor in Chicago Wednesday. Rev. M. McEvoy was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday. Mrs. Stacia Knox called on friends in Crystal Lake Monday afternopn. Miss Anna Frisby spent a recent day as the guest of friends at Elgin. John Leitner of Winnebago, Minn., was a recent guest of Dr. A. I. Froehlich. Albert Warner of Elgin spent Sun­ day as the guest of his brother^ Wal­ ter, here Sunday. Thos. Cleary of Elgin was a Sun­ day guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cleary. Geo. Hanly of Elgin was enter­ tained in the home of his mother, Mrs. Ella Hanly, Sunday. John, George and Jos. Scheid at­ tended the funeral of Jos. Pekovsky in Chicago last Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Thelen and son, Leo, passed Sunday and Monday as the guests of relatives in Chicago. Miss Clara Miller left last evening for a week's visit as the guest of Miss Viola Cowles at West Chicago. Mesdames Josephine Heimer and N. E. Barbian attended the funeral* of Mrs. Fred Eggebrecht at Elgin to­ day. H. E. Wightman of Glencoe, 111., spent a few days this week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Waite. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly and son and the former's mother, Mrs. Nizzie Holly, motored to Genoa, 111., last. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Connor of Evanston spent last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett. Miss Josephine Fischer of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of her aunts, the Misses Thel­ en, here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Larkin and chil­ dren of Elgin spent a few days re­ cently as guests in the home of M. A. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Givens were called to Elgin Monday thru the death of the former's brother-in-law, Ed. McGinnisk Miss Clara L. Wightman of Gieri- coe, 111., spent a few days last\ Week as a guest in the home of Mn| and Mrs. Rollin Waite. ' Mrs. L. F. Newman has returned home from Chicago, where she has been with her daughter, Ella, at the West Side hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lester and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson motored-up from Elgin last Sunday and cftlled at the home of M. A. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs Robert Aylward and son, Floyd, of Elgin spent Sunday as guests in the home of the former's brother, John Aylward. M. D. Wilkins, Mrs. Robt. Schies- sle, Mrs. P. H. Weber, L. F. Newman and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander wefre Chi­ cago passengers this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas have returned from their honeymoon trip to Wisconsin and are now making their home with the former's par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blackman and two children of Chicago and Mrs. Maude Wilson of Greenwood spent day this week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mead. School supplies at McAllister's. '•V" • OF THIS BANK ?rm are assured that4 their every reasonable need for accommodation wili be prompt­ ly met. It will pay you to become a customer of this bank. :: •• •• • : 'vm •'/k. •pgi I m ••••.la Hoy Banking Co. Fremont Hoy Clarence F1 Hoy m THERE'S All INSIDE AND AN OUTSIDE to most all questions and the fellow who knows the inside of the house building game from actual experience, as we do, is a pretty good friend to any home builder, whether you seek his advice for material best suited to either inside or outside. We specialize in lumber and build­ ing material and are here to serve. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry Phone 5 „ A • It's Early Riser Flour the man is delivering. It's a pleas­ ure to the grocer to sell EARLY RISER ilour because he knows it never disappoints. It's a pleasure to the housewife to bake with it because she is sure of that delicate, delicious, nutty flavor to her bread and the light cakes and pastry that she can't get from common flour. H undreds of housewives swear by EARLY RISER flour and will use no other. WEST M'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS fr Let Us Supply You with our staple and fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. We are ever at your service and will try our hardest to please you. Telephone in your next order and get the prompt service that you are en­ titled to. Everything in the Canned Goods and Bakery line. :: :: :: K M. HUNTER BOAT LINE "Gladene" is now making daily trips to Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake at 10:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. Also 8:00 p. m. Saturdays for Mertes' and Stilling's Resorts •m OUR SPECIALTIES Large and small launches to rent at any time, night or day, by the hour, day, week or season, with or without engineers. M 1 (r- fEN OPE1 TRA OPERA HOUSE L SUNDAY, SEPT. 5 HE FUNNIEST SHOW IN THE Wtlftff A MANGLER, OF MELANCHQ ^MILWAUKEE SENTINELj"" UNCER OF BLUE<$ TWENTY TINKLING TEASING TUNES TO HUM AND V;HJSTLE: PHEAV OF INGERIE AND LAUGHTER m: BROADWAY CHORUS Of BEAUTIfULGIPLS Prices: 50c and 75c SEAT SALE AT PETESCH*S * / m. htm M /? 4

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