C Y; '*• viSv' ••Si?: ?ys ;-wy Pl^f--S$& OUR STO<*&{^ %r ;£ ̂ - T (fie b^fimfnlr bf SlafeW school year ̂ ipe are so many items needed that it is al- . ' & most impossible for pupils to start in die fir& day with a full equipment We carry a ^ery complete line of school supplies and shall be glad to supply your needs at all times. Pencils, rws, rn holmk, erasers, INIfC II1UU, roivnuc vnn i vnti. ummur didto piMn -nnimivi ihilr, IHdlL, ;\i TABLETS, RULERS, MUifttfE, WttWWG MATERIALS, ETC. :: :: :: A child can buy at our store as safely as the grown-ups DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W & Did You Ever Keep a record of how long your children's shoes la&? We would like to have you buy your shoes here and keep a record of how long they last. You will be sur prised and pleased to find them last longer than others. Try it* p&r SMITH BROS. Mĉ r"°r Special Sale For this Week 10-quart Tin Dish Pan__ -10c 10-quart Granite Dish Pan -10c 14-quart Granite Dish Pan -25c 17-quart Granite Dish Pan ... 25c 12-quart Dairy Pail 25c Scrub Brushes 9c Flower Pots 5c and 10c 6 Light House Cleanser .-__25c 6 Gold Dust 25c Boys' Overalls : 25c Stockings, per pair 10c to 50c 50c Butcher Knives 39c 6 Tea Spoons 10c 3 Table Spoons 10c 0U& Pans -5c and 10c VycitaPs Novelty Store Centerville • - McHenry 4 Ki i^r^iender Ffeet! A RE of a sort that '• will interest ev ery wearer of shoes Who wants comfort and ease. No pain ful and tedious '•breaking" in of 'Fruease shoes.They are built for ease and comfort and com bine unusual material and workman ship in their, construction. Women's Lace or Low 'Cut.-S24>0 Men's Blucher Cut JOHN STOFFEL Phone 59-J NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y QUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 4* RIDGEFIELO Mrs. F. W. Hartman is spending this week in Chicago. Amol Berlin) was a Chicago passen ger Monday afternoon. Robert Knilans spent Sunday aft ernoon at Crystal Lake. x Earl Colby spent part o# Sunday and Monday at Crystal Lakfe. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and Miss Crystal Conerty spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. E. Smith is confined to her home with an attack of hay fever. Miss Perry of Chicago was an aft ernoon caller at the home of Mrs. A. Anners. Mr. and Mrs. & Reed and daugh ters of Woodstock ^ere week end vis itors here. k gi > Miss Edythe frelson had the mis fortune to fall Sunday', breaking an ankle bone. S. Levey was in attendance at a meeting of old soldiers at Woodstock last Saturday. Mrs. A. Peterson and daughter, Rose, were Elgin shoppers the first of the week. Mrs. Martin Nelson and daughter, Martha, were Crystal Lake shoppers Monday afternoon. Miss Anna Morse of Charleston, 111., was a recent visitor of her brother, F. S. Morse, and family. Mrs. A. Stephenson visited her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Schaffer, at Mc Henry Thursday last. Miss Lura Davis of Austin vis ited at the home S. C. Smith Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Lars Nelson and children of Holcombville spent Saturday after noon at Hans Nelson's. John Gould has secured a position in the Oliver factory at Woodstock and will move this week. Miss Carrie Smith of Terre Haute, Ind., is visiting in the home of her nephew, Gerald C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. James Westerman and children of Capron have been visit ing at -the home of Geo. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Doolittle and Mrs. Geo. Doolittle of Chicago were guests of friends in.this vicinity over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Harrison and little daughter of Marley, 111., were calling on their many friends here Saturday last. Miss Ruth England and brother, Roy, of Chicago were visitors in the home of Hans Nelson from Saturday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nelson and daughter, Edythe, and Mrs. Ruth England visited with relatives at Mc Henry Sunday. ' Miss Lucille Conerty returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday after spend ing her vacation with her sister, Crys tal, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Miss Edythe Nelson entertained a few of her friends at a "weenie" and marshmallow roast Saturday evening. The evening passed all too quickly, various games being indulged in un til a late hour, when the guests de parted, assuring their hostess of hav ing had a fine time. Go to Petesch's and get what you want when you want it. spent RINGWOOD Bert McCannon and family Sunday in Elgin. Mildred Wolkos is visiting in Chi cago and Milwaukee. August Walters and wi^e of Wood stock were in town last Saturday. Warren FOBS and wife returned Sunday evening from their trip to Vermont. Mrs. Jessie Smith entertained rela tives from Ashtabula and Erie, Penn., last week. H. M. Stephenson entertained rel atives from Chicago Sunday and Mon day, also Miss Edith Ingalls of El gin. William Rawson, principal' of our school, has moved his family into James Green's new house, just com pleted. Mrs. Emma Brown and grand daughter, Mary Smith, returned Mon day morning from their visit to Minnesota. Herbert Blames, wife and two little daughters of Chicago were guests in the Allen home from Saturday until Monday evening. Lewis Lawrence of Blue Island was a visitor in the home of his brother, A. L. Lawrence, from Saturday until Monday evening. Mrs. Frank Fay went to a hospital in Chicago last week f°r treatment. Her husband spent Monday and Tuesday with her. Mrs. Jessie Smith had two buds Wednesday of last week for Chicago, where they would spend a day or two on the way to their home in Jefferson, Iowa. EM. Carter, wife and daughter left open on her night blooming cereus Monday night. They are beautiful when open, but fade with the morn ing light Quite a number of our farmers went to Woodstock Tuesday to get the names of their farms recorded. Geo. Harrison was the first in the county, he having gone on Saturday. A number of relatives and friends came in quietly last Friday after noon to spend the afternoon with Mrs. Luella Stephenson in honor of her birthday. Delicious cake and ice cream were served, after which all departed, wishing her many returns of the day. The Famous Players at the Air Dome every Thursday evening, Riv- JOHNSBURG A number of our summer reporters have departed for their winter homes in Chicago. A few of our young people took in the show at the McHenry opera house last Sunday evening. • Clarence Sternberg of Elgin called on his old friend, Dr. Arnold Mueller, here last Saturday afternoon. A number of the baseball fans here went down to McHenry Monday aft ernoon and saw the McHenry Sox trim up the Englewood Council, K. of C., team. The dance at Smith's hall last Sat urday evening proved a highly enjoy able event This is the first Saturday night dance ever held in the hall. The Northern Illinois orchestra furnished the music and gave good satisfac tion. The Johnsburgh bridge was reop ened for public traffic on Wednes day, after having been closed for sev eral days, while the work of replank- \iiiK the structure was in progress. The improvement thus made is quite noticeable, the old rattle being done away with entirely. Our schools, the St John's parochial as well as the public, opened on Tuesday morning of this week with a good attendance. A new interest seems to have been awakened among the parents, pupils and teachers and the year should terminate into one of the most successful ever. The parishioners of St John's church are still undecided as to the heating system of the church. How ever, it is expected that the pastor and church directors will come to some decision soon and all may rest assured that the beautiful edifice will be well heated the coming winter. The public card party, held at par ish hall here last Monday evening, proved a great success, both socially and financially. There were thirteen tables occupied by cinch players, ten euchre and one domino. The grand success of the event is partially due to a fine crowd of McHenryites, who honored us with their presence. The visitors came in hayracks, buggies and automobiles and the entertainment committee made them feel that they were welcome, indeed. The cinch prizes went to Mrs. Peter Freund, Jr., the euchre prize to Mrs. Josephine Heimer of McHenry and the domino prize to Mrs. Jacob Adams. A series of these parties will be held at the parish hall during the coming fall and winter months* .1.-' i iim f n&fc School supplies at McAllister's. YOLO Mrs. Noyes of Elgin is visiting at Jas. Kirwan's. Mrs. Sable and Clara Wagner were in Wauconda last Thursday. Phil. Peterson and family were in McHenry Friday of last week. Mrs. Frank Henkle and Helen were Wauconda callers Thursday of last week. Mrs. Sadie Meade and daughters of Grayslake spent part of the week at Ray Paddock's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohne of El gin spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Rose Dunnill. Mrs. Chas. Thompson and son of Fort Hill spent Saturday last with Miss Ella Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heinz and Ruth of Chicago spent Labor day with Dr. Rossdeutscher and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Converse and chil dren and Miss Ella Moore were Mc Henry callers Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crocker of Lib- ertyville spent Sunday and Monday with Lee Huson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Worts were reunited last Thursday at 2:00 p. m. by Rev. Miller in Grayslake,. after which a reception was held at the bride's home in the evening. They will make their home in Round Lake, where the groom has purchased a fine residence. School supplies at McAllister's. OSTEND Wm. Harris has been quite ill since fair week. Frank Kaiser and family are enter taining friends from Chicago. Mrs. William Hutson has been quite t ill for some time, her old trouble returning. We hear it rumored that weddipg bells will soon ring no great dis tance from here. Miss Nellie Silliman of Woodstock ELS the guest of her sister, Mrs. Eva Eppel, several days last week. Mrs. Helen Whealin of Lake county, Illinois, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Carrie Francisco. Gilbert Harris and wife went to Spring Grove Saturday last to at tend the funeral of an uncle of Mrs. Harris'. K If Jack Frost will only prolong his stay in other regions we will have a corn crop yet. It is making great progress. Sunday was another rainy day. It was thought that all growing things needed rain, but for threshing and hay making it is entirely out of order. Children, remember and be at the school house promptly at nine o'clock next Tuesday fhorning. Miss Knox will be looking for you. Remember the date, Tuesday, Sept 7. Royal Neighbor Night Royal Neighbor night at the Air Dome on Monday evening proved' a i)ig success. One of the largest crowds that ever turned out to a picture show in McHenry was present to en joy the special run of pictures, which were produced for th?» . Hif OF THIS BANK arfe assured that their every reasonable need for accommodation will be prompt ly met. It will pay you to become a customer of this bank. • • • • • • Hoy Banking Co. Fremont Hoy Clarence F. Hoy ii 'v* m THERE'S AN INSIDE AND AN OUTSIDE to most all questions and the fellow who knows the inside of the house building game from actual experience, as we do, is a pretty good friend to any home builder, whether you seek his advice for material best suited to either inside or outside. We specialize in lumber and build ing material and are here to serve. _ WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry Phone 5 •iONDAY WEDNtSW FRIDAY TUI5WVY THURSDAY TUMMY Bell System Settlements for Telephone Ser vice are due upon receipt of bills rendered the first of each month. Payment should always be madebcfore the 15& of each month K; at the local exchange office.* Checks should be made payable to the Chicago Telephone Company. Subscribers are urged to settle their bilk promptly. Do not become delinquent. Chicago Telephone Company I. H. Conrath, District Manager Telephone 990$ :-A. - ,• it'll m:r-n '"M . •v "4 EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK the busy housewife is called upon to make something for the hungry family. In nearly every instance flour plays a prominent part and if it isn't good flour the results are discouraging. Early Riser flour, •o matter what you are baking, be it cakes, pies or bread, neiver dis appoints. It lightens tlM labor of every housewife. WEST N'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS • •• Buy... Let Us Supply You with our staple and fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. We are ever at your service and will try our hardest to please you. Telephone in your next order and get the prompt service that you are en titled to. Everything in the Canned Goods and Bakery line. :: :: :: M M. NIESfN. ^^1 Vulcan Coke BECAUSE---- it saves 1-3 of your fuel bill. Buy Vulcan Coke now so that you will be prepared for chilly fall weather. Price, $6.75 D. M. WORKMAN, - Tl «f1 P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COilMlSSION MERCHANT flte. SPECIAL ATTENTION 6IYHI fO Pressed Beef, riutton. Hogs, VmI, PEELLEY ,̂̂ Hides, Etc.. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest boose oa the street Ta#saEdprloettrti application. OQUD STORAGE FREE Stall 1*1. M* Wl CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Subscribe for the Plaindealer •J&l %