Sr* SEE OUR STOCK OF "A-? the beginning: of a new school year there are so many items '̂needed that it is al most impossible for pupils to start in the -fii& day with a full equipment. .We cany a fl :f|̂ ery complete line of school supplies and shall to supply your needs at ail times. PENCILS, PENS PEN HOLDERS, ERASERS, INKS, CRAYONS, WRITING PAPER, PASTE, TABLETS, RULERS, NUCHA®, DRAWING MATERIALS, ETC. ^ :: t, be glad ' V" „ AS #~.v -M:A§ * n;H. DRUGGIST jr: PHONE 56-W m X Wig*** 1 1 )? ^8 now complete and^it is certainly sell- these cold days. ' We have the Staley brand Stephenson underwear for The Athena for Prices, as always, ' V- * » are right lor the quality you get. men--none better, ladies and children <Phone 7W McHenry, 111. >$: fy •'i ' i Consistent Quality ' IN VULCAN COKE makes it a dependable fuel for all kinds of work. Heat units in Vulcan Coke out number those in Hard Coal, ton for ton. Jt is easy to handle. It inquires the minimum of attention to keep up a good fire. There's no secret about ̂ its quality and no secret about its price. x -u $6.75 a ton. v*„. £• i:k< D. M. WORKMAN. District In serving you we .try to satisfy, if we fail to do ^so please tell us. . ;WHt4 # M If DROP 1NTX>\ ds^/oUR STORE •%* '*%> 1 f $ * * rA OUR STORE and let us shew you sontt of the many^sod tfargp WB arc offering. Amon&them KRUNBLES foe veiy newest and bestdf pure whole whost foods iOapack^ ~ -- -- -- 7 7 -- " V " k -- New Pack Sifted Early June Peas Sweet and tender iy 8c Saturday Special for FVicI 3 T 6 cans at Dozen 2 doz. cans : Fancy Hawaiian Pineapple, lunch cut, can*. 15c Special Blend Coffee, elegant cup quality, lb.... 28c High grade Japan Tea, lb 50o 0oq Aini Powder tlone Such Peanut Butter, jar -16c 1 Morton's Free Running Salt.. None Such Coffee, steel cut, lb.-,*; ...10c JOHN STOFFEL IE if.V <.W NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS * RIDGEFIELD f F. W. Hartman boarded the train for Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Mary Irish is visiting with relatives at DeKalb. Miss Etta Irish was a ..Woodstock caller Wednesday last. • Miss Elsie Wille was a business ,caller at Woodstock Tuesday. Geo. , Schumacher and friends of Chicago were callers here Sunday, A. Jacobs is confined to the house and under the care of Dr. Freeman. A. G. Levey and daughter, Lois, drove to Crystal Lake Tuesday aft ernoon. Mesdames A. . Wille, W. Reed and H. Wille were Crystal Lake shoppers Tuesday. S. A. Merchant and D. L." Gibson were business callers at McHenry last Wednesday. Mrs. John Schaffer of McHenry spent Sunday with her sister, Miss Edna Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bunker and P. Bunker of Woodstock were callers here Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Rose Goddard returned home Sunday from Ringwood, where she has been staying at the home of Mr. Harrison. C. F. French has secured a tion in the Oliver typewriter factory at Woodstock and will make his home there for the presents Mrs. S. Wakefield, Mrs. L. Bennett and Mrs. E. F. Anderson and daugh ter, Mary, were Crystal Lake shop pers Saturday afternoon. The Ladies' Cemetery association will hold its annual chicken dinner in the church parlors Thursday, Oct. 14. Election of officers will bS held after the dinner. Everyone is cordially in vited to come out and help a good cause. The usual fee of 26 cents will be collected. Church Notes The text for next Sabbath morn ing is to be "Christ Our Example." Subject for Christian Endeavor next Sunday evening is "Be a Leader, Be a Follower." Leader, Miss Pearl Reed. Next Sunday Mr. Blayney will in terest the children at the Sunday school hour with a story from Jer emiah 12:9. Nearly all the chairs were filled in the lecture room on rally day, there being about eighty present. Let us try and make each Sunday a rally day. Tuesday afternoon, Oet 12, the Missionary society will be entertained at the home of Mrs. W. E. Dike. Mrs. Briggs will give a very inter esting talk on Mormonism. A large attendance is desired. RINGWOOD S. W. Brown was a Sharon visitor Tuesday. - ^ Warren FOBS and wife were shop ping in Chicago Tuesday. Harry Stephenson was in Chicago last Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Flanders returned from their visit last Friday. Harry Stephenson is again working in S. W. Brown's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley are enter taining their son from Vermont. Charles Stephenson went to Minne sota last week to visit relatives. Fred Allen and wife of Chicago were in town Thursday of last week. N. D. Stevens and wife visited at John Claxton's in McHenry Sunday tat. Karl Bradley and wife attended Clarence Tuttle's sale at Coral Tues day of this week. Clark Hall has purchased the John McLaughlin house and will move into town next spring. Paul Stephenson and Howard Smith attended the football game at Crystal Lake last Saturday. The W. C. T. U. will meet Satur day of this week with Miss Nellie Baldwin of Greenwood. Mesdames Luella Stephenson and Grace McCannon were Richmond vis itors last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, Weldon Smith of Clif ton, 111., are visiting at Amos and S. W. Smith's and other relatives. Ward Bloss and Miss Hope, teacher in the Salem school, visited at H. W. Allen's Saturday night and Sunday.. The State W. C. T. >U. convention at Waukegan was fine. . 275 delegates were present and a large number of visitors. •A Mesdames Luella Stephenson and Lillian Conway attended the meeting- of the Social Wheel at Martha Page's last Thursday. S. W. and Amos Smith and wives attended the golden wedding of their uncle, George Smith, and wife at El gin last Saturday. W. E. Walker entertained his moth er from Peoria, 111., and sister-in-law from Clinton Junction, Wis., last week. His mother is eighty-nine years of age. Miss Lora Walkington and Mr. Mar tin Klintworth were married in Chi cago Wednesday of last week and are visiting his parents at Grand Rapids, Mich. - Miss Katie Krohn and Mr. Roy Har rison were married Wednesday of last week at Woodstock. We extend con gratulations and best wishes to all young people. JOHNSBURG George Laypassed Tuesday in Chi- Miss Clara Pitxe* spent Tuesday Miss Helen Adams was in the met ropolitan city Wednesday. Susie Michels boarded the Chi- frain Tuesday morning. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller on Sept. 20. Mrs. J. C. Debrecht was among He Chicajro passengers Wednesday. Mrs. ""Peter Schaefer and son, Fsed, were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Blake of Mc Henry were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Blake enter tained friends from Chicago over Sun day. The C. M. Adams store building is being beautified with a new coat of paint. Rumor has it that Johnsburg is to have a new dance hall in the near future. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weilaad of Spring Grove were callers in* town Monday. Mrs. Nick Weber of Spring Grove vfeited friends in Johnsburg Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and chil dren visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Steve May. Joe Nell of Monavillte spent Sunday as a guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Geo. Nell. Frank Mathieu of Chicago spent a few days the past week in the home of Th«o. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wirfs and .chil dren of McHenry spent Sunday in the home of John Klein. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bishop of Mc Henry were Sunday guests in the home of John H. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and daughter, Martha, of Spring Grove were callers in town Monday. Seems rather dull around the creamery these mornings. Too bad to have this place closed down. Mr. and Mrs. Fraifk Fox are happy parents over the arrival of a baby girl, born Sunday, Oct. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Will Klein and daugh ter, Galena, of Ingleside visited in the home of J. J. Michels Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Freund of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay. Mrs. John King and Mrs. Jacob Steffes of McHenry visited among relatives here Friday afternoon last. Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt of McHen ry spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. Miss Margaret Huemann of Mc Henry was a Sunday guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huemann. Emil Debrfecht and sister, Stella, returned home Monday evening, after spending a few days among relatives and friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blake and chil dren of McHenry were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Blake's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonian. The farmers around here ane awjul ly busy cutting corn. It certainty is a bad job, as it is all tangled up so it must all be cut by hand this year. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund on Monday morning of this week, but lived less than a day, the infant passing away about eleven o'clock that evening. The funeral took place from St. John's church on Wednesday morning of this week, with interment' in the cemetery ad joining. Poisoned by a pill she had taken to relieve a minor trouble with which she was suffering, Mrs. Frank Miller of this place had quite a serious time one night last week. After taking the pill she became violently ill and was rushed to the office of Dr. N. J. Nye at McHenry with all possible haste. Here she was given relief and re turned home. However, she did not get over the effects of the poisoning for several days thereafter. Mrs. Fillman, Joe Hettermann and Nick Nett of this place, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schoel of Mc Henry, drove to Ft. Sheri4an in Mr. Hettermann's car last Sunday to visit Dr. Arnold Mueller, who is listed among the "rookies" there. The par ty returned home late in the afternoon after a most delightful ride and tour of the famous fort. They report our jovial doctor to be one of the best looking soldiers in camp and from all appearances he is enjoying the soldier life immensely. John Smith, who resides south of this place, on the McHenry road, has been enjoying some nice strawberries of late. Mr. Smith informs us that he and his family have been enjoying strawberry short cake ever since the opening of the strawberry season. He has a patch of the Everbearing va riety and has plants to dispose of. If you want some of these plants you had better speak early. One of the most enjoyable ev«rt£ ever held at the parish hall here took place last Wednesday evening, when an old time dance and harvest party was the attraction. . The event proved a big success from every point of view and the ladies of St. John's church, who had charge of the affair, are to be congratulated upon their success. Most of the dancers appeared in cos tumes appropriate for the occasion, while a few came with their glad rags on. The latter were quickly spied and made to pay a fine of 10 cents. Those who came in for fines paid up most willingly and took it as a good joke. AH of the old time dances were in dulged in. Ninety-three tickets were disposed of and the net amount denied by the ladies was $56.50. OF THIS BANK are assured that their every reasonable edfoi ly met. It will pay you to become a cu&omer of this bank. : :: . •M mm I*** Hoy Banking Co. Fremont Hoy •• - : * "-- ' • Clarence F. Hoy 11 ••as i*!i Vv 'i'W >M.t . Know! About the Ovent Judge for your::elf--see the large oven, made in one piece of heavy boiler , iron and notice thfif very close riveting--nothing is left to the im4* gination in the oven construction of Cole's Hot Blast Range Range Secrets Disclosed! The entire oven edge, top-bottom and sides is exposed tp view in this remarkable range. In no other range is the edge of tlje material used exposed to the eye, and thus the weight and quality can only be guessed at. When you pur chase Cole *s Hot Blast Range you see the heaviest material ever used in the construction of « 4omestic range. ' Oven will not warp I or buckle. Heaviest body material made of Copper-Alloy Iron. Come in today--slop'past range troubles now and purchase Cole's Durable Hot Blast Range. It will mean economyftiel and repair bills* **TKe Double Capacity'Range Look for the Name "Cole'sn None Other GertaMma. John J. Vycital ' McHenry, lllinbis • Xt • ill. m 1 m TERRA COTTA ,Mrs. M. A. Conway is on the «kk list. - • . .v; Royal Gracy waa an t̂tt$ of town visitor Saturday.1 |>r. B. G. Wells tff McHenry was w caller here Sunday. x Arthur Anderson spent Saturday afternoon at Crystal Lake. Mrs. John Riley spent Tuesday as the guest of relatives in Elgin. Miss Eleanor Phalin of Ridgefield spent Sunday in her home here. Misses Mildred and Violet Stein- bach were DeKalb visitors Sunday. Mrs. Neff of Rockford • is spending a few days in the C. W. Ames home here. Misses Florence and Frances Knox were business visitors in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mc Henry relatives. Miss Marie Dolan of Chicago is a guest in the home of her uncle* John Riley, and family. " Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of Emerald Park were callers at the J. M. Phalin home Sunday. Edward Knox attended the Mc- Henry-Crystal Lake football game at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. Mary Powers of McHenry spent Sunday as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. John Carey sod daughter, Agnes, of McHenry spent in the home of JV M. Phidin. OSTEND C. E. Jecks is filling his silo. Mr. Cooley is doing the filling. A nice April shower Sunday morn ing. The remainder of the day bright and sunny. Frank Kaiser, wife and children went to Chicago Saturday last by auto, returning Monday. We are wondering how those youngsters will pay for damage done at the Ostend school house. Farmers are dreading corn cutting. So much rain and heavy wind has blown it down so they find it difficult getting between the rows. R. H. Richardson's barn is near- ing completion. Carpenters and painters are nearly done and cement mixers are putting in the floors. Ernest Brott, the Ostend milk car rier, has changed his boarding place. He has moved nearer the end of his route. He is boarding at the Kaiser home. VOLO Dunnill ia visiting in Misfr. Bessie Chicago." Miss Anna Compton is visiting her sister at Round Lake. Frank Hanson of Wisconsin visited at Peter Stadtf eld's last week. Ife and Mrs. Ed. Lusk were Mc- Offlce ia Sptuidini Bids. N«.J3-a -Jiff ALFORD H. POUS® Attorney-at-Law , Wedt McHenry, - E Henry visitors Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh ters spent Sunday at Libertyvilla. Miss Ella Moore attended the Ladies' Auxiliary meeting at W«oce«- da Thui^day of last week. Mrs. Ray Tritch of Waukegan and Mrs. Thomas of North Chicago spent Wednesday and Thursday at Dillon's. * Ip: a#; Universalis* Clarch Se>*k#' - ' Next Sunday, Oct. 10, will be open ing Sunday for the Sunday school and classes for all children will be ar ranged for. A year of unusual inter est is being planned, so it is hoped that all young people who are not at tending elsewhere will be here Sun day to make the start together. 10 o'clock is the Sunday school hour, 11 o'clock the hour for church services. A very good interest was manifested last Sunday in the it continue to grow. • 'V