OT , ' ' H/. y f ^ ' ittfi l?i:tltl' ,%;• '4J&& '"'•. X i. - --if *>• $•*•: • '* ** ."•" ••••5 ^fs'A J -"cV u:^ \V"' •; ^ • fWPPPBP ;;.vi::; ;• / © " "fs" •"" **&• MHENBY KLAIOTPMyyER, OUR line of new fall goods is here in great variety and assortment and we invite the public to come and inspect our stock. Weha>e given much time to the selecting of this stock and we believe that we have one of the best fall and winter lines ever brought into the village. We cannot begin to enumerate, but invite you to call as we know that we can supply the whole family from father to the baby with anything and everything in,general merchandise. - « M 1TJL. Phone '63-R j. i •, Goods Delivered rl?1 : a * Pi' isl---- fc,V 4 t* -> i-: &*t > m-'si-- ~V"st j>- >:• '4f$- * - - • "" " lZ~~ e AN,-be cheerful without being neatly, and comfortably furnished. We are in the house furnishing business and that's why we always take great pleasure in talking about the excel lent line of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains and the many other things that go to make up the cheerful home. Come in and let us talk over these matters with you. You will be surprised at what little cost you can make your home just as cheerful and comfortable as any. We gladly extend credit to responsible customers. Jacob Ju^ten McHenry, Illinois fe !•% iT: % Keep Warm In our Bindley Sweaters. We have one of the largest assortments of sweaters for Men, Women, Misses and Boys and the Kiddies to be found in McHenry county. Not only can we fit any mem ber of the family, but we have an assort ment of colors that makes a selection an easy task here. Prices range from $2.00u to;$8.0#. Come while selection is good. F. A. 'Phone 58-J Prompt Delivery • I HONm SCHOOL REPORT 25$ 18 TOTAL ENROLLMENT FOR MONTH #• f'" - % • Gloves, and Mittens> WE aim to have the best in gloves and mittens for ladies, men and children at all times. Come look them over. We think you can find about what you want. We have a par ticularly good line of leather gloves for work Or dress, :: :: :: :: Smith Bros. f Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. m* & TT--? 16 Average Daily Attendance Fof First • Month of School Is 246--M COMB of Tardiness Following is a report , of the the school for the month beginning Sept. 6 and ending Oct. 1: First Grade Enrollment: Boys, 9; girla,10; total, 19. v 5 No. of days attendance: Boys, ,168; girls, 170%; total, 338%. No. of days absence: girls, 3; total, 3.. ~ " - Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, total, 2. Average daily attendance for graded 1.9. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 14. Number neither absent nor tardy, 17. Second Grade Enrollment: Boys, 11; 'girls, 9; total, 20. No.,* of days attendance: Boys, 217%; girls, 174; total, 391%. ^ No. of days absence: Boys, 1%; girls, 4; total, 5%. . '"j" Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls, total, 1. Average daily atendance for grade, 19.6. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 10. Number neither absent nor tardy, 16 < • * No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Pearl I. Glaxton, Teacher. Third Grade Enrollment: Boys, 11; girls, 10; total, 21. No. of days attendance: Boys, 216%; girls, 200; total, 416%. No. of days absence: Boys, 1)4; girls, 0; total, 1%. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls, 0; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, £0.83 plu& No. of pupils ranking above 90. in industry, 7. Number neither absent, nor tardy, 19. Fourth Grade Enrollment: Boys, 8; girls, 14; total, 17. No. of days attendance: Boys, 50; girls, 275; total, 325. No. of days absence: Boys, 0; girls, 5; total, 5. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls, ; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, 16.7. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 12. Number neither absent nor tardy, 13. No. of cases of corporal punish ment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Clara V. Stoffel, Teacher. Fifth Grade Enrollment: Boys, 9; girls, 6; total, 14. No. of days attendance: Boys, 169%; girls, ltiO; total, 269%. No. of days absence: Boys, 10%; girls, 0; total, 10%. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 0; girls, 0; total, 0. Average daily attendance for graded 13.47 plus. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 11. Number neither absent nor tardy, 10. Sixth Grade Enrollment: Boys, 8; girls, 14; total, 22. No. of days attendance: Boys, 156; girls, 280; total, 436. No. of days absence: Boys, 4; girls, 0; total, 4. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls, 0; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, 21.8. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 18. Number neither absent nor tardy, 20. No. of cases of corporal punishment for room, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Fanny Granger, Teacher, Seventh Grade Enrollment: Boys, 16; girls, 7; total, 23. No. of days of attendance: Boys, 312%; girls, 132%; total, 445. No. of days absence: Boys* 6%; girls, 4%; total, 11. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 2; girls, 0; total, 2. Average daily attendance for grade, 22.25. No. of ptipils ranking above 90."in industry, 1. Number neither absent nor tardy, 15. No. of cases of corjforal punishment, 0. No. of cases of truancy for room, 0. Frances E. Welch, Teacher. Eighth Grade Enrollment: Boys, 20; girls, 17; total, 37. No. of days attendance: Boys, 867; girls, 318; total, 685. No. of days absence: Boys, 11; girls, 12; total, 23. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 1; girls, 0; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, 34.2 plus. No. of pupils ranking obove 90 in industry, 22. Number neither absent nor tardy, 2L Agnes Dodge, Teacher. Ninth Grade Enrollment: Boys, 19; girls, 21 total, 40. < No. of days attendance: Boys, 877; OPERA HOUSE •• :%.v 'V TUESDAY TTORSMYti SATURDAYS: -- : Tuesday Charlie Chaplin, Thursday, Famous Players Saturday and Sunday Pathe Program, Admission^:: 10c girls, 415; total, 792. No. of days absence: Boys, 3; girls? 5; total, 8. Cases of tardiness: Boys, O; girls, 0; total, 0. ^ Average daily attendance for grade, 39.3. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 4. j Number neither aheent nor tardy, 33. P. J. Dorr, Teacher. Tenth Grade Enrollment: Boys, 6; girls, 9; total, 15. No. of days attendance:. Boys, 115; girls, 175; total, 190. No. of days absence: Boys, 5; girls, 5; total, 10. i Cases of tardiness: Boyfc-1; girls, 0; total, 1. Average daily attendance for grade, 14%. ; No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 9. / Number neither absent nor tardy, 10. B. Mae Small, Teacher. Eleventh .Grftde , Enrollment; Boys,.. 4; girls, 13; total, 16. No. of days attendance:. Boys, 74; girls, 239%; total, 313%. No. of days absence: Boys, 0; girls, %; total, %. Cases of tardine&$: Boys, 0; girls, D; total, 0. Average daily attendance for grade, 15.6. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 14. Number neither absent nor tardy, 14. Twelfth Grade Enrollment: Boys, 4; girls, 7; total, 11. No. of days attendance: Boys, 78; girls, 137%; total, 215%. No. of^days absence: Boys, 2; girls, 2%; total, 4%. Cases of tardiness: Bpys, 0; girls, 0; total, 0. Average daily attendance for grade, 10.7. No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 9. Number neither absent nor tardy, 7. All Grades Enrollment: Boys, 120; girls, 185; total, 255. / No. of days attendance: Boys,-2801; girls, 2617; total, 4918. No. of days absence: Boys, 44%; girls, 42%; total, 87%. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 8; girls, 2; total, 10. Average daily attendance for school, 246. * No. of pupils ranking above 90 in industry, 131. Number neither absent nor tardy, 195. A. Edgar Nye, Supt. LETTER FROM TEXAS W. H. Mead Tells of Conditions Down Sfeuth The following letter from the pen of a former McHenry boy, who is now making his home at Raymonds- ville, Texas, will be interesting to our readers: Raymondsville, Texas, Oct. 5, 1915. McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. Friend Schreiner--Enclosed find check for subscription to Plaindealer. Times are h-- down here just now and if Carranza is not recognized soon may the Lord help us, and if he is Lord help those on the upper border around El Paso when Villa turns loose. There his been a cleaning up in this9county of the worst Mexicans by the civilians, but the job was not quite finished when the military officers put a. 8top to it and declared a closed season on the Mexicans and stopped the hunting. The soldiers don't know how to hunt them at all and are busy protecting themselves and the towns. We have a few soldiers at our store, but if things get much worse at the iriver they will all be called together and have a real fight. I have been shot at three times, oom While my wife was riding with me, and I "have reasons to believe" that I wiU^ever be shot at again by the same Mexican. Manylhave moved north and wo may fol w", but not until we are con* polled to%° it. •vrsv-r--, • 'in.-Mm } • * v' WHEN YOUNG -31* "* . /"It fip--Tsp r&vp; -v: « r-f: f|E importance of beginning to save when young cannot be over-estimated. It is during the chatf*^ a<fter forming period of a young man's life that the foun- } dation of his future success.is laid. Industry has its ow»,v" •*»'"pf reward, but industry without FRUGALITY will produce but HALF its reward. So the successful business main will ^art to be .successful with the depositing of his firsfl dollar in a bank. And the sooner he deposits that dollajf the sooneir he will have a real objedt in being careful of his money. We invite young men to let us becomfe their bankers* rr • .i ; Apply here for meinbetahip jln.the McHenry Poultry >nd Grain associetiosuj)"v Membership fee, ll.N. West McHenry* Illinois. 4 Telephone No.. llfeR* • SIMON STOFFEL v- Insurance agent for all classes bl property in the best, companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED" DEPARTMENT All advertisements Inxarted under thin head at the following ratei: Five lints or lent, 8fi cenu for Brnt Insertion; IS cents for each eubpuquent InHprtlon. More than Ove lines, 6 eente a line (or Qr.t lnaertlon, and S oents a line tor addition! luaertion*. FARMS FOR SALEr--Inquire of C. W. , Stenger,„ MpHenry State Bank. 19 FOR SALE--Everbearing strawberry plants. 50 cents per dozen. Mrs. J. B. Buss, West McHenry, 111. FOUNDr--In Centerville, a gold stick pin with turquoise setting. Inquire at Gus Schoel's place, Centerville. FOR SALE--Two passenger 25 h. p„ Overland roadster, in first-class con dition. F. E. Covalt, West McHenry, 111. 16-2t FOR SALE--Fine full blood White Leghorn cockerels. Ferris strain. E. 6. Peterson, Johnsburg, 111. Tele phone 625-M-l. 15-lt*-tf FOR SALEJ--Twenty-five early sum mer pigs and also a few good sows ready to farrow. Inquire of or write H. E. Clemens, West McHenry, 111. 'Phone 613-W-l. 14-lm« FOR SALE--The ^residence pf the late Sarah E. McQmbej. Inquire of Mrs. J. W. Smith, McHenry,, 111., or J. M. McOntber^ilSJL W» Congress St^ Chi cago, 111. 15-tf FOR SALE--Farms and lots on the river front, in-the village and at Pista- kee Bay, some including buildings. Also fire insurance in three different companies. O. N. Owen, Notary Pub lic. . 1-tf Love at Fir Sight FOR SALE^--I have twenty Duroc boar pigs eligible to register. $25.00 each. .First come first choice. Pleas ant Hill farm, one mile northwest of Greenwood. Marion Kiser, Wood stock, 111. Phone Greenwood 748. W. H. Mead. Feds Win Again Not satisfied to quit with three de feats, the Irish Prairie boys took an other lacing from the McHenry Feds at the local ball yard last Sunday aft ernoon before a very respectable look ing crowd of fans. The visitors opened the proceedings with Warner, the McHenry Sox catcher, on the fir ing line, but for some reason not yet made public he made way for Peter son in the early rounds. Warner kept the Feds well in hand during his stay in the pitchers' box, but Peterson's offerings seemed to be just to the liking of the Feds, and as a result the home crew had little trouble in batting out an 8 to 3 victory. Ross- man did the bombarding for the Feds and was in fine shape. At one time, with the bases loaded, he struck out Warner, this proving the feature per formance of the day. While consid erable rivalry exists between the members of the two teams which bat tled each, .other last Sunday, they are all considered home boys and . by put ting together the cream of the two teams wo believe McHenry would be given,.a pretty fair little amateur team and we hope that by another season this will be done. * The attend ance at Sunday's game plainly showed that the followers of baseball are sat isfied to watch the home boys in action and we believe if they get to gether and organize they will be giv en excellent support from the fans next season. It has been proven be yond a shadow of a doubt that McHen ry will not support a salaried team, so why not give the home boys, who - - HAVE you ever been in love? Tell me tfie symptoms,"said one neighbor to another,4 - "You must feel\ the objedt of your.affec tions is handsome, wi)i» in$ to work, for yoi4 easily understood and in- dispensabl̂ ŷour lpB. ̂ K piness." >': *{" H*iiAPTika< wwf "I certainly have a bad case," said the first speaker. "This morning I weht down to see Sewing Machine (Invented and patented by W< lp» Free) Tfc# FREE is the handsomest inact^jte^!^ acotftfat of^ta - adorable case and beautiful flnis^/. . ' ' ^ The. lightest running--Beoaueeof tbfe n»wi RotoseHJo more- * ment. " ' - - .. The mq«t npiseleA^-It runs vithout irleUon. The most easily undervbood^Becftuse pf its staple and durable construction*. • „ • Wil highest development in sewing macKln6-art--Therefore ; neoessary to the comfort of a perfect homeV Tf*a<)e Your Old 'Machine for The FREE Machine and pay a difference v • . ' o f • $122 a week for a few- weeks for this guaranteed and insured machine. This offer last^>nly dlp£ ing the introductlq^ QONVKNI&NT WHEN OPEN tbe 19,5 ModeK ' They are sold only by JACOB JUSTEN U !& CANNED GOODS ;3:.' i * Ifo indeed I - '"4';. m. yit fi :A11 banned godda are. ' 4 NOT the same quality. There is a difference - between silk* and ' ton; there is a diffei^ ^ enoe in canned goods* ' ;jr Our **Can** goods yWl can eat. • "r' Buy them"; try themt ' and you'IX come again •for them. ° Buy from D8* Schneider Bros., - We& McHenry S i r*rl v v. ...k