'5 PtUKDfiALEfi, M'HKMKY, IN BANKING Real Rubber .V.??" pT V •••?V^i3S's>!' -- • • -- i -- -- -- « « -- m m -- -- -- ' V • --••*•*••••••HMMMMim•••MMMMM•••fBB v.v/J^T. f . r I f y o u a r e n o t a j u d g e o f h o n e s t r u b b e r ifiB rou >ds, j~ goods, then you should rely upon the . word of some reliable druggist. By buying rubber goods of us you will avoid the cheap "made-to-sell" kind. In saving you this risk we can consist ently claim to have aided you. See our rubber goods and compare quality and ; prices with those you see elsewhere. household Rubber Goods, Sick Room Supplies, - ' ;•> . Nursery Supplies, Ctc. A hot-Water bottle will provide a world of comfort during cold weather N . H DRUGGIST PHONE 56-W to" Stocking Caps Now that the weather is cold you will think of something warm for yourself and the children to wear. We show and sell a good assortment of Caps, Hoods and Veils for just that purpose. Compare the weight/ of Gloves you buy here with others, then we think you will buy your gloves here. Smith tiros. 'Pfaone 79-J McHenry, 111. NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS j "llll OSTEND Clyde Clark and family were Rock- ford visitors Saturday last. Frank Martin spent last week in South Dakota on a business trip. Frank Kaiser is erecting a new. building for £is pumping engine. Ed. Rohloff, the Monarch remedy vender, was distributing goods in this section last week. Everyone who has poultry look out for night prowlers. They have been seen in some places. Henry Hobart and wife visited the cemetery at McHenry Sunday last and took the last flowers of the season. Myron Francisco' is looking after business in the factory east of Mc Henry while Mr. Knigge and wife take a trip "to California. Mrs. Clyde Clark entertained on Wednesday of last week her parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Abbott of Ring- wood, Mr. Clark's mother, Mrs. R. J. Clark, his sister, Mrs. Merritt Thomas, and Mrs. Philo Roe and daughter, Lily, of Woodstock. Fred Eppel found a very unwel come visitor in his cellar. He nailed some cleats on a board and shoved it in the cellar thru the window and invited the visitor to walk out, which invitation was accepted. Fred is not fond of perfumery. T h r e e t i m e s a d a y , •evei? daya a week and fifty two weeks a year you sit down to eat, B u t t h e n u m b e r o f '% yearS ^ou si* down pends much on the kind of food you put into your stomach. You wi l l be guaranteed the longest lifo pos sible if you begin now and keep on using our pure foods. You wi4l keep on when you begin. Schneider Bros., - We^l McHenry Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings RIDGEFIELD v Miss Lura Davis of Austin wis a pleasant caller here Saturday. Mrs. A. Purvey and little son spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. Mrs. A. Hansen and son, Earl, were Crystal Lake callers Monday after noon. Mies Etta Levey entertained an aunt .and cousin from Batavia last week. Mrs. C. F. French of Woodstock was a caller here Wednesday of last week. Miss Elsie Wille visited with friends at Woodstock Sunday afternoon and evening. _ Mrs. B. Vedelean and daughter, Mrs. C. Lilja, were Woodstock shop pers Saturday. Rev. J. W. MacGovput -of Janes- ville, Wis., visited with fri£hds and neighbors this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goddard of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of Station Agent Lynch. Misses Emma and Clara Eichkoff of Woodstock were callers at the home of S. A. Merchant Sunday. ^ }H. Nelson and C. Lilja visited Sat urday and Sunday at the home of Geo. Mitchell in Chicago. . Mrs. Helge Nelson and son and Mrs. Martin and children were Sunday callers at the home of C. Lilja. Mesdames H. Wine, A. Peterson, L. Bennett and Miss Etta Levey were shoppers at the county seat Thurs day of last week. "Mrs. J. B. Lynch returned Sunday morning from Bloomer, Wis., where she has been visiting her daughter for the past six weeks. Mrs. Chas. Ormsby of Crystal Lake has been caring for her mother, Mrs. E. E. Knilans, who has been confined to her bed for several days. Jewel Conerty of Chicago visited from Saturday until Tuesday with her sister, Crystal, at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. The date for the Ladies' Aid society bazaar and chicken pie supper is set for Friday evening, Nov. 19. There will be a candy booth and fish pond. Mr. Leonard of Woodstock will auctioneer. The funeral services of Marvin and Russell Reed were held from the home Monday af^mnon. Mr. D V Rlaynay of Chicago speaking words of comfort to the bereaved mother in this, her double loss. The remains were tak en to Woodstock fend placed in the vault. Many out of town relatives and friends were present. William Carl Ar.ners passed away Nov. 4, at the home of his step daugh ter, Mrs. Alfred Masler, Hague Ave., St. Paul, Minn. He was born in Ger many in 1850. The remains were brought to Ridgefield Sunday morn ing and funeral services were held from the home of his brother, Edward Anners, at 2:3Q Sunday afternoon. Mr. Blayney of Chicago officiated. His great kindness and lovable dispo sition endeared him to all, especially in the home where he has lived for 1 picket." the past twenty-five years. He leaves a wife in St. Paul and two brothers, Edward and Alfred Anners of Ridge- field, and many relatives and friends to mourn his departure. The out of town relatives who were present at the funeral were A. F. Masler of St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. MacLoud 0f Chi cago, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morey of Austin, EJdwprd Schoof of LaGrange and Geo. R. Schoof of Irving Park. The remains were laid to rest in the Ridgefield cemetery beside his father and mother. SCHOOL NOTES Items Pertaining to Our Educational Institution beat Room three has commenced their gymnasium work. Rah, rah! Watch McHenry Crystal Lake Saturday. Good "English-Men" are wanted about school from now on. Scholar, beware! Someone is lis tening for your bad English. Wonders will never cease! The senior class rings have arrived. How many people were listening in current events period Wednesday? Good English is now being used in high school. Example: "I went for to get" Current events were discussed by ^ Ellen Spencer, Elfreida Block and Al bert Barbian. Pender Walsh of sixth grade has returned to her school duties after a week's absence. The seniors must be very proud of their rings, because they keep holding "uieir hands up. Miss Welch's class offered a prize for the best illustration of the poem, "The Song of the Brook." Mr. Dorr in history class: "What do you call fighting men?" Bright pupil: "Soldiers." Teacher to freshie; "You may read next." Freshie: "I don't cure to. The eighth grade takes this means of thanking the board or education for the very useful map of the United States, If you are interested m football turn out next Saturday or at least buy a It will be easier to win a game if we have rooters, Teacher: "What is the main clause in this sentence: 'America, my native land, I love thee,'" Jacob: "I love thee." Violet Vycital of i|oom one celebrat ed her birthday last jMonday by treat- , i 'to Limited responsibility is usually the aim of the proprietor of a business in seeking the protection of incorporation. The big difference between a private banker and an incor?^i^li) porated institution is the fad: that the private banker is per- sonally and individually responsible for every dollar entrust ed to his care. This company seeks no self protection, for its methods are so conservative that every transaction is * s s'V. " . ;.':V ; -ii V safeguarded by sane judgment as well as ample resources. Wl •:tW V; Hoy Banking Co: Fremont Hoy Clarence F. Hoy •: These Dark Mornings Emphasize the Need of Good Clocks No household is complete without one or more good clocks in the home* A mantel- clock, a dresser clock and a good, dependable alarm clock are essential. Learn to depend upon the alarm and you will sleep soundly right up to the time for ^wakening. We have a complete and varied line of clocks for all purposes, all good, guaranteed time-pieces at pop ular prices. Mantel Clocks, $5.H to $20.00 Oresser Clocks, $1.5# to $6.00 Alarpi £lo(ks, $l.ft to $3.0# Many a home is without the convenience and comfort of a good clock simply be cause folks do not realize how reasonably they can be bought and maintained. Optometrists yvi \ 'W RINGWOOD George Stevens of Elgin was in town Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Bacon was an Elgin visitor Saturday. Some of our young people visited schools last Friday. J. V. Buckland attended the flower show in Chicago Wednesday. Ed. Hopper- spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Elgin. Mrs. Lillian Marvin of Elgin was a visitor at Walter Bradley's Satur day. Miss Agnes Bigelow went to Crys tal Lake Tuesday for a few days' visit. August Walters and wife of Wood stock were calling on friends in town Saturday. H. kM. Stephenson, wife and son, Paul, drove to Ridgefield Sunday and called on Floyd Howe. Mrs. Jessie Smith returned from Aurora Monday evening, where sfce had been visiting a few d^ys, Mesdames Mayme Harrison, Clara Starritt and M. D. Ott of McHenry were visitors in town on Thursday of last week. H. W. Allen and wife spent two days last week with Elgin relatives and attended the entertainment at the Universalist church oil Wednesday evening. The W, (J. T« V, dinner at Krs, Ladd*s was well attended and all had a pleasant time. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Florence Smith on Friday, Nov. 19. Mrs Grace McCaimon was very pleasantly surprised by about forty of her friends and neighbors coming in to spend last Thursday afternoon with her. She soon recovered from the shock and all enjoyed themselves very much. The Universalist evening meeting will be dispensed with next Sunday and a union church service will be ing her teacher andUcheolmates to a five pound box of candy. The fresman class organized last Monday night after school and elect ed the following officers: Ellen Walsh, president; Glenn Wells, secretary, and Evelyn Freund, treasurer. The fifth and sixth grade pupils are trying faithfully to live up to the mottoes: "Honesty is the first step to ^ greatness."--Johnson. "Politeness goes far, yet costs nothing." Student in modern history: "The army was slain by the angel of the Lord." Teacher: "Whom do you mean by the Lord?" Student: "By God, I suppose." EXTRA PERSpNALS Henry Reith boarded the Chicago train this morning. Charles Gardiner left tiiis morning for Fort Wayne, Ind. Miss Kathryn \Veber was among the Chicago passengers this morning. Mrs. E. W. Howe was a Chicago passenger this morning. Mrs. C. W. QoodeU is passing the day in the metropolitan city. F. Q. Gaos was a business visitor in Chicago today. Mrs. Christina Schreiner is the guest of her children at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fischer and son, Benno, of Elgin were guests of relatives here Wed^esda^. Geo. Jones is spending the week as the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mary Wingete, ft Crystal Lake. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Donavin board ed the train for West Chicago last evening. Mrs. W. D. Wentworth passed sev eral days this week as the guest of Hebron relatives. :• Just Received NEW PREPARED PANqAKE AND BUCKWHEAT FU>URS • v-r '•%ik •: •i.-nstt.: y Aunt Jemima's Pancake Floor ' ^ Oriole Prepared Buckwheat Grandma's Pancake Flour Acme Prepared Buckwheat _ rSt - „ -yi , , • * »; Any of these makes a fine breakfast for a fro&y morning, with Karo syrup, which we carry in all size packages Telephone No. 26 S. J. DEINLEIN McHenry, Illinois Successor to Anton Schneider Grocery and Market 3" CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All advertisement* inserted under tbl* head at the following rate*: FlTellneaor lera, 3b oentu for Or*t Insertion; 15 cents for each subsequent Insertion. Mora than lines, i cents a line for flrat Insertion, and S cent* a line for addition 1 Insertions. FOR SALE--Fourteen inch ensilage cutter, good as new. Wm. Thomas, West McHenry, 111. 'Phone 606-M-l. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West Mcftejiry .State Bank. 19 FOR SALE--Full blood rose comb Rhode Island reds. Price 75 cents apiece. Inquire of or write Jacob M. Diedrich, McHenry, HI. 20-6t* FOR SALE--A motorcycle and side car. In first-class condition. Will sell at a bargain. Inquire of or write Dr. A. Mueller, Johnsburg, III. 19-tf FOR SALE--Registered Jersey cow, coming fresh first part of December. Inquire of F. Pouse, West Mc Henry, HI, *Phone 368-M-l. 20-tf FOR SALE--Plenty of good whiskey barrels at cider mill, located two miles north of Wauconda. Inquire of or write Earle E. Davis, Wauconda, 111. preach- evening M. E. Church Services as follows next Sunday school, 10:00 a, n.; ing services, H;Q0 a. m.; services^ p. m. fy. C. Evers, Pa-tor. * Universalist Church World's Temperance Sufyd^js Ser vices as usual. Sunday school, 10:00 held in the M. E. church Sunday aft- a. m.; morning worship, 11:00 a. m. ernoon at 2:30. Both pastors will (Ser©on topic, "The Case of Science take part in the service with an|jjf^. Against Alcohol." miiaii* ' I John M. priate music. John M. ItatelUT, Mi«jsfexi FOR SALE--The residence of the late Sarah E. McOmber. Inquire of Mrs. J. W. Smith, McHenry, Bl., or J. M. McOmber, 4^31 W. Congress St., Chi cago, III 15-tf LOST--On streets ef McHenry last Saturday evening, a pair of eye glasses. Finder will confer a favor by returning same to owner, Mrs. Joe Leickem, McHenry, 111. LOST--On Monday evening, some where between the store and home of M. M. Niesen, a ladies' (&ld open-face watch and chain. Finder will kindly return to owne>?, Miss Rena Niesen, McHenry, Vk Cidic Toilet Articles Proprietary Remedies and Applications CIDIC Tha Ufa ol Par* Horn R»ndi-- Cidic t R.edCross Stands for PURITY «< QUALITY Manufactured by The Cidic Company, Chicago, I1L --Chemists Cidic Toilet Articles and Remedies have been on the market for 30 years, and are known the country over, as die best preparations made. Once tried, always used.--ASK FOR. CIDIC. We call attention to a few of the moat popular items in the Cidic line. CIDIC TOILET ARTICLES Cold Cream Creme Marquise Rouge Freckle Cream Peroxide Vanish ing Cream e Egg Shampoo Hair Tonic Eau De Quinine Nail Polish Deodorant Pow der CIDIC FACE POWDER is the best made,--no grit or dirt. Produces that velvety hnish to the face that all women like--and it lasts! 251 and 500 sizes. CIDIC PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE the tooth paste without an equal. It cleanses and is so refreshing. lit the tube. CIDIC TALCOUNB far superior to Talcum Powder, either for baby or the grown-up. One of our best sellers. Try it. 250 the box. CIDIC MMEDIES Headadie Pow ders Hepatic Skhs Liver Pills Kidney Pills Teething Syrup Castoria Kandy Laxative Tablets Pile Ointment Parasite Killer Stomach Elixir Any good druggist FOR SALEt--Farms and lots on the river front in the village and at Pista- kee Bay, some including: buildings. Also fire insurance in tkree different companies. O. N..Qnren, Notary Pub lic. 1-tf FOR &ALE--I have twenty Duroc boar pigs eligible to register. $25.00 each. First come first choice. Pleas- ant Hill farm, one mile northwest of Greenwood. Marion Kiser, Wood stock, Phone Greenwood 748. A choice line of box as well as bulk candies stay be found at C. Unti's. if- v> P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL C0/1MISS10N MERCHANT SPBCLAA ATTSNT10M Q7.VXK TO TBS SAUOT ; v-V ' Drc«M#l BmI, HattM, Hogs, VmI, Hide*, Etc., Batter and Eggs ' ^ This la the oldest honse on the aire st Taga and p0oe llali application. COU> STCIRAQB FRBB CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i A }, Wholesale Ma Hut.