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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1915, p. 5

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BWWIP 11 ^ 111 I II ~ v% - -•»ir' '• '^rmt'nwsaK-- . s rv*-" . ̂ !*>-;^*'V,-.;* -J# 4- • C' *VJ • i - : • * - v - k * J r . * • ; « < , * : "ii-S^^'W-. : •»,••••.'fsav~, V** ;~r '.•:-"--«.i;»»i«- ».v: ¥'5£f'i •'- -WW' 'fli Wf: •-JJv.#5 «"i JJt ̂ ' - ...V •* ̂ {* ', .-V ,«• - >. # ***>% J? ?n4fc-* ' ' '• ":" k *i: *",»*£- •^^7 vr '• • "Sjir t'***' & $%' r^vT;'""- *?&' •r"v'f H • 'I 7 •s - . j r | % : • g.p ^ AH > ' ^ " ' *"\ ^ . :£-*'siI;'V '•' - " v ) £ k J "••* Nit)BALiER.S51:i V - 'W ^•r VOI-XmB XX.T MoHKNRY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1015 NO. ••?:• •« '-'•d^S- fy'C •^C -•:*v •• 'M-'* ?*s Our Christmas •*£&?» f>;. ; nrr Li* $> . Vi' "-V ', *' ;• *t" '.iji:/ ,v #•- '-:••••• % f ?/•. «K ^ WBJ. BE LUGEK AND BOtt NTIUI WW EVER Thousands will* be provided with money at the : time when it will be needed most for buying presents i. and other expenses incidental to the holidays. " Our Landis Christmas Sayings Club furnishes a systematic plan for saving. The payments are so small that almost anyone can keep them up without. ; inconvenience. ' ' . -r":" * By becoming'a member and co-operating with * others you can accomplish what most people would * fail to do, individually--save continuously--without losing interest--until ypji «ave a specifiecl .amount for a certain purpose. ^ , §r It's a sure way to have Money for Christmas -There,, no restiictioiia regarding member- / sh^p. Everybody is welcome. You can take out membership in as many classes as you care to join. " Parents may take out memberships for their chil­ dren--or the children may act for themselves. ; jThe First Paymemt makes you « mem^>er ̂: Xheie are no fees oor extra expensei •. ,t -r"- •••'•>• v ^ v .- •' > •, ITU i I.^iwfti L.ljM Ij;.. nnitfii"! II IM; Miuumi ' Start now when the club starts and be one ?r4S the happy crowd next Christmas McHenry sillispi pfp^> Poultry '• Show •'-' .fx ^>1% MANY BEAUTIFUL CUPS TO BE AWARED AT S • - • T H E C O M I N G S H O W ' " " " ' ; •y?T Premiums ami Awards *• ' Cupe---Important Rule Competing for best display cups, special cups and cash specials, there must be at least two (2) exhibitors showing ten (10) birds or more each in their respective classes. Open to each and all exhibitors-- largest entry. 1 One silver cup for the largest entry received by 8 p. m., December 22, 1915. Open to Bach and All Exhibitors Barred Plymouth Rocks--Cockerel bred: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point sys­ tem to govern. One* silver cup for best cockerel; $2.00 for best exhibi­ tion of-Barred Rock cock. * Barred Plymouth Rocks--Pullet bred: One silver trophy tfup for the )cockerel in the class. « Single Comb Brown Leghortm: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Single Comb Buff Leghorns: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to gov­ ern. One silver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. Rose Comb White Leghorns: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to gov­ ern. One silver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. Single Comb White Leghorns: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to gov­ ern. One silver trophy cup for the best pullet in the class. Single Comb Buff Orpingtons: One silver trophy cup for the largest and largest and best display. Point sys-jbest display. Point system to gov- ' ' * .f'H>'" *. ' • ' . • display of one variety fn -the Amer­ ican class, to be awarded by the point systein. Donated by Representative Edward D. Shurtleff of Marengo. One silver trophy cup for the larg­ est and best display of one variety in the English clas$ to be awarded by the point system. Donated by Repre­ sentative James H. Vickers of Har­ vard. One silver trophy cup for the larg­ est and best display of one variety in the Asiatic class, to be awarded by the point system. Donated by State Game Warden Ed. L. Hayes. One silver trophy cup for the larg­ est and best display of one variety in the Mediterranean class, to be award­ ed by the point system. Donated by Senator Albert J. Olson of Woodstock. Cigars, candies, perfumes and sta­ tionery at McAllister's. Two Minute Title Talks I. Going Back to Uncle Sanci LINCOLN was once asked Eb4 long a man's legs ought to be. He unhes- Sy f itatingly replied that they ought to be long enough *. vf to reach from his body to the ground* ; -S ̂ How far back should your abstract gc? We think if you are going to look up the condition of your title at all, the search by all means should go bacfe to Uncle Sam. One link short and you stand in midair. The patent is the foundation itself, "the root of the title," the books say. Make aure of your title from the ground up. -4* 2 McHenry s County Ab&radt Co; p£$ WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS ̂ O f f i c e r a F. F. AXTELL. PrMktoat L. E. MENTCH, V. Pres. EMIL AMNOLD, Sfe# MURPHY, Treas. h.. * McHENRY; ILLINOIS ? ^Roughest, Reddest iiands Made ±3eautiful v'.fv' 'MM m on • 'L'Att -p C»DIC w ^awaci^ COMPOUND i corrt Now,every woman can have hands of lily Whiteness and vel' vety softness, if she will rub Cidic .Cucumber Grearn Compound them once or twice daily fbr a short period. • rr;v %he juice of fresh cucutrv* bers and other soothing, heal' ing and whitening elements which compose Cidic Cu' cumber Cream Compound sre of the greatest value to i he Am. and thii preparation will be found especially fine for chaps or that dry, harsh condition caused by wintry weather or motoring in wind or dust as it restores and preserves the nat­ ural beauty and texture of the Ain. Cidic Cucumber Cream Compound wiU free the hand* from wead*r- itain or blemish of any kind, and its use will not soil gloves nor the daint­ iest lace. Nothing else is like it-- nothing can take its pUct; *nd onoa you try it you will prdw it to any thing you ever used. {H0- li ^c^d ^ Your Druggist CIDIC COMPANT. CHICAQO, ILL. PHILIP JAEGER .̂̂ PUSRAL COflMISSION MERCHAt ,̂ ']JWCBAI. ATTXKnON GIYXN TO' THS SAIJl OP Dialled Beat, riattoa, Hop, Veal. frMltry, Hide*, Etc., Butter and Eggs Tkbiithtf oldest honae on the street Tags and price Hati fanddMd m STORAOB PRBE ̂ ' •*'iESSr*C CHICAOT, ILLINOIS. :4 a *• «r ia ,%* ' •Mi TWELVE OF THE CUPS TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT THS i COMING McHENRY POULTRY SHOW 5s Alii •#1.... •' -• . • ;l •' 'yS. •> |S-/ -'iiir* • i"f Amber GloW i« NOT fbr the people who want a dim, dull lighi; Thoie who like darkness wont have v" :T 4 IT IS FOR THE HOME WHICH IS KEPT BRIGHT and CLEAN There the 150 candles of aoffc Amber light for ̂ *1-8 of a cent an hour will be appreciated* JSpeeiltv Terms of Payment if you order NOW. i ' '«15Uai)d Electric Compai)f - Mi womoiah. tw.ain s-v:« '3^' Wk Subscribe for the Plaindealer ^nd keep potted «n local tem to govern. One silver trophy cup for best hen. . White Plymouth Rocks: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. One Bilver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. JJuff Plymouth Rocks: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. One silver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. Partridge Plymouth Rocks: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. One silver trophy cu*> for the best bird in the class. Columbian Plymouth Rocks I One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to gov­ ern. One silver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. rVmto VY y«uuuttcS • One silvsr trophy cup fc4- the largest and best display. Point system to govern. One silver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. Silver Laced Wyandottes: One sil- ir trophy cup for the largest and tost display. Point system to gov­ ern. One silver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. Buff Wyandottes: One silver trophy cop for the largest and best display. Point system tb govern. One silver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. Columbian Wyandottes: One sil­ ver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Partridge Wyandottes: dire-silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Single Comb Rhode Island Reds: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. One silver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds: One silver trophy cup for the largest^ and best display. Point system to gov­ ern. One silver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. Asiatic class: One silver trophy cup for the largest and beet display. Point system to govern. Buff Cochins: One silver trophy enp for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Single Comb White Leghorns: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point'system to govern. One silver trophy cup for the best : .*:*•> •:}£gf-'kr x#*.- • .f a? y." Aw ? . • -i ifcf }%: "r -'n-.- •m:- ""V' H V<c' ^ ̂ ; ^ era. a •- Single Comb Black Orpingtons: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. One silver trophy cup for the best bird in the class. Single Comb Black Minorcas: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system ̂gov­ ern. • Ahconas: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. One cup for the best bird in the class. Houdans; One silver trophy eup for the largest and best display. ̂ Point system to govern. . Cornish fowl: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Silver Campines: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system ts govern. Golden Campines: One silver trophy cug for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Blue Andalusians: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Bantam cups: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display of bantams. Point system to govern. Turkey cup: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display of turkeys. Point system to govern. Buff Orpington ducks: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Rouen ducks: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Pekin ducks: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. All varieties of ducks: One silver trophy cup for the best display of ducks. AH varieties competing. Point system to govern. White Embden geese: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Wild geese: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Point system to govern. Toulouse geese: One silver trophy cup for the largest and bea$ display. Point system to govern. Buff geese: One silver trophy cup for the largest and best display. Pqjant system to govern. On all special of­ fers there must be competition to win. Grand sweepstakes: One silver trophy cop for the largest end best •f5*. vy - '*U" tV-:* w ft'fTS! yS-r'Y.". ' :-i(:' S>'- % el* J* >•*»" Conductors as First Aid Surgeons Conductors on the Chicago & Northwestern have new duties im­ posed upon them under orders recent ly issued, and hereafter they will act as "first aid" surgeons in case of ac­ cident. Each conductor is supplied with a first aid kit, containing band­ ages, tourniquets, etc., and the kit must be turned in and replaced with a new one each time it is used. Book­ lets containing detailed instruction for first aid have been issued to the con­ ductors and they are being given ex­ aminations on the contents of the book. It is the belief of the officials of the Northwestern, which is the pioneer safety first movement, that the first aid kits and operations of the condutcors will eventually result in the saving of many lives, in that peo­ ple who are injured in wrecks or by Vr%i*> n» qfyiiolf Ky niitren sufficient aid to prevent death before the injured ones can be gotten to some hospital. v Executor's Notice Estate of Jacob Adams, Deceased. The undersigned having been ap­ pointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Jacob Adams, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the Coun­ ty Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the February term, on the first Monday in February next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of ^having same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under­ signed. Dated thin 22nd day of November, A. D. 1915. Mrs. Katherine Adams, 24-3t ' Executrix. M. E. Church Services as follows next Sunday: Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.; preach­ ing services, 11:00 a. m.; evening services, 7:46 p. m. W. C. Even, IV tor. Don't forget that The Plaindealer will print your l|gal notices just as cheaply as any papnr in McHenry county. Give us your next order for en­ graved calling cards and see what a neat job we put out for you. HIGHEST GRADE CANNED GOODS { V-flf.-. A,,X Reaolvedt fhat 9| not only Mil """ :• V̂ 'y*.*, .̂v'r; : V< tho highest gradd {«'VT oanz^d goods tout ll purest grocepie# the ^ world's nakers offer. fe vant your business ->1 /̂ |1 | only because we gire: "At. j you money. ̂ M 1 That1 a the way we hare done in the years past; that's the way we shall do in* the rears t* Schneider Bros., ? - We^t McHenry Vegetables Groceries 1 ! ' § S. J. 1 Phone 26 V . ' v •>*! deinlein3 McHanry, Ok •{* ~ ft-:-M .:al ' ;•/> ...# • v ss.'r-it MEATS | - FRUITS Telephone No. 1S-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classe* of property in the beet companies. WEST McHENRY, ELLINO S Offi ce Hours 9M to 12:M a. m- l^tto 4:3* p.m. Telep 8Mice I1 Mld«nci Sl-W A. L FROEHUCH Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY Sduftdrt Bldg. DR. F. J. A1CHER DENTIST Office fan Telephone Ex cheese 1 Ceetsrvtne McHenry, >i HHnoii N& !ft>W Office to ALFORD H. rousa f a Atterney-et-Law ^ WiA McHenry, jgt ? .*&y t $•: iull" :i .is 1 PS*/ 4:", V:> tp-' Xi[ 4 \ f . . I-vA

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