••••' X . / » • • • > » » "1, • ' • • • • \< THE McHENRT PLAINDEALfiR, McfiKWft*,1 lit. if-is# >W:' # i* V f -.-•* Winter Clothing in Suits and Over c6ats at 15 per cent Discount. JOS. W. FREUND We have a complete line of Shoes in heavy, medium and fine dress qualities. Popular priced lines in men's, boys' and children's, from 50c to $4.50 per pair. Rubbers to fit all sizes in light dress and heavy serviceable. Our White Oak brand is the best heavy rubber made. "Try them. Underwear, Caps and heavy Winter Goods at reduced prices. M. J. WALSH Phone 63-R Goods Delivered If W- w lE;. fe. V mi * V I5&-; I WANT YOUR TRADE If high-class goods, right prices, square dealing and courteous treatment will get it, 1 can count on you for a customer. :: :: JOS. J. MILLER RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS /! ' MK* /J [. 1. ML West McHenry, Delivery 111. Phone 58-J Up-to-date Merchandise at all times at bottom prices DRY GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS AND SHOES CROCKERY GLASSWARE NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS JOHNSBURG * Vote NO Tuesday, April 4. Adv. Ed. Peterson was a McHenry vis itor Saturday. Joe Nell was home from Monaville for the week end. Wallace Hewett of In&leside was a local visitor Tuesday., Steve H. Freund of McHenry vis ited in this village Saturday. Saturday night and Sunday brought our first real spring weather. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen were McHenry callers last Thursday. M rs. Fret! Huemann of McHenry •, i si ted in Johnsburg Friday last. Lewis Adams of Ringwood was a Johnsburg visitor the week end. John Karls of Spring Grove was a Johnsburg visitor here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Spring Grove were callers in town last week Wednesday. Rev. Father Weber boarded the Chicago train at the McHenry station Wednesday morning. M isses Anna Oeffling and Susie Michels visited Friday afternoon with Miss Barbara Smith. Misses Frances Freund and The resa Huemann were McHenry visitors Friday last. Mrs. August Huff of Spring Grove visited her sister, Mrs. Joe Hetter- mann, Saturday. M iss Helen Klein gassed Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Klein. Hunters are quite numerous these days around this part of the country. Some great sport, eh? Hubert Michels and daugther, Frances, were Saturday afternoon visitors in McHenry. Nick Nett of Ringwood was an over Sunday visitor in the home of his mother, Mrs. Nett. There was a large number of farmers in town Saturday shopping. It turned out to be a fine day. Mrs. Emil Feltes and little son of Kansas City, Mo., are visiting in tl.e home of her mother, Mrs. Nett. Miss Kate Althoff of Spring Grove was a Sunday guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Al thoff. M rs. Wm. Smith and daughter, Emily, of McHenry visited Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels. Mrs. Ben Schaefer and children passed a few days last week at the horhe of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen, at Volo. Lewis Althoff of Palatine, who has been visiting with friends and folks here the past few days,s returned to his home Tuesday morning. Mr. ^and Mrs. Jos. Michels have recently purchased the John King house in the west end of town and took possession of same last week Tuesday. over a month. The other card came from the extreme south, Belleview, Fla. Birds and flowers there, corn up and had been cultivated, weather very warm, and we here with a coat of ice. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS RINGWOOD J. C. Ladd attended the funeral of Frank Thompson at Richmond Sun day. Mrs. Richard McLaughlin was the guest of relatives in McHenry Sun day. M'iss Dorcas Foss passed Sunday as the guest of Miss Corabel McOmber in McHenry. Mrs. Bertha Esh of Spring Grove spent last Thursday and Friday with her parents here. Samuel Beatty and Charles Bacon and families attended the funeral of their mother at Richmond Tuesday. Mrs. Alma Thomas of West Mc Henry spent last Thursday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Callie Rainey. Mrs. Emma Matthews of McHenry is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Edith McCannon, and sister, Mrs. Allen. On account of the rain the Sunday evening meeting was given up and will be held at Mrs. Emma Brown's next S u n d a y e v e n i n g , A p r i l 2 . The W. C. T. U. had a good meeting at Mrs. Flanders' last Saturday. The letter in \he Woodstock Sentinel, en titled "A Woman's Appeal," was read as a part of the program. Thirteen of our townspeople attend ed the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McCannon at the church in Greenwood Tuesday evening of last week. About 200 were present. There was a good program, consisting of songs. and readings. Letters were read from three of their former pas tors and from absent friends, after which an elegant supper ^was served. They received many elegant and use ful presents. OSTEND James N. Sayler still sticks to his tin Lizzie, bad as the roads have been Later--Monday J. N. Sayler used horse power. Myron Francisco drove up * from Wauconda Tuesday of last week and spent the night with his daughter, Mrs. Hazel Sherman. Mr. Cornwell drove four horses to Ringwood with his milk and from two other farms Sunday last and the load was enough for the roads. It took four span of horses to de liver the milk to Bowman's from this neighborhood now when two span have been doing the work daily. If we are to have many items of good news we will have to have better weather and better weather will bring better roads and more going on Telephones are badly out of order. Two postal cards were received by the writer Monday, one from far away Derby, Oregon, saying spring has i been there with birds and flowers for People Who Come and Go During a Week Earl Brown was a county seat vis itor Tuesday. P. J. Dorr joined the teachers at Crystal Lake Tuesday. N. J. Justen was a business visitor at Woodstock Tuesday. Albert Justen is passing the day in the metropolitan city. Dr. C. IL Fegers boarded the Chi cago train this morning. Mrs. C. S. Dumbleton was a metro politan city visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Math. Freund atid daughter were Chicago visitors today. John Meyers boarded the train for Chicago Wednesday morning. Ben Stilling was among the Chi cago passengers this morning. N. J. Justen attended to business at the county seat Wednesday. J. C. Bickler was among the Chica go passengers Tuesday morning. Miss Helen Fay is the ^uest of friends at Woodstock thiii week. Mrs. J. C. Bickler was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye were Crys tal Lake passengers this morning. •R. I. Overton was a business vis itor in the windy city Wednesday. Mrs. James Revor was among the passengers for Chicago Friday morn ing. Wm. Simth attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Tues day. James B. Perry attended to busi ness matters at the county seat to day. Mesdames Jack Walsh and Walter J. Walsh were Crystal Lake visitors today. Mrs. P. J. Heimer and daughter, Elvera, were Chicago visitors Wed nesday . Mrs. N. E. Barbian and daughter, Theresa, were Chicago visitors Wed nesday. ' Wm. T. Waite of LaPorte, Ifid., spent "Sunday in the home of his broth er, R. Waite. Miss Elizabeth Thelen was in Chi cago yesterday, adding to her stock of spring millinery. ing are guests of their sister, Mrs. P. ing are guest of their sister, Mrs. P. N. Musser, at Elgin. Mr. <and Mrs. C. Unti and children and Miss Irene Herdklotz passed to day in the windy city. Atty. A. H. Pouse attended to matters of a legal nature at the county seat Wednesday. Miss Blanche Meyers is spending the week as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Chesnut, at Elgin. Miss Agnes Sheehan of Chicago spent Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mrs. W. F. Bassett and grand daughter, Floribelle Bassett, were Woodstock pasesngers Wednesday evening. S. W. Wells of Montreal, Can., ar rived in McHenry yesterday for a short visit in the hoihe of his brother, Dr. D, G. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Steilen and son, Gerald, of Chicago spent Sunday as guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Barbara Engeln. F. A. Bohlander was a business visitor in the. windy city Wednesday. Mrs. Sarah Dermbnt passed Wed nesday in Chicago. * Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chesnut and son, Arnold, of Crystal Lake were Sat urday and Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Misses Alta Wentworth, Mildred Welch, Verena Justen and Clara Frisby attended the teachers' insti tute at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Francis Bonslett and Edwin Heimer witnessed the basket ball -game be tween Lake (Geneva and Hebron at the latter place last Friday evening. Francis refereed the game. E. V. McAllister will have another lot of gold fish for sale this week. Bring your pail. Primary notices are posted for the election which will take place April 11. Look them over. Let Us Be Your Bookkeeper A checking account can be made a very convenient system of bookkeeping, commending itself especially to those peo ple who feel that they do not have enough business to justify an elaborate set of books. Your deposits can be made to represent your receipts, and your checks your expenditures. The stubs of your check book will be your record, which will require very little time to keep up to date. We would be pleased to have you call and let us explain more fully the advantages of a checking account. We can give you the names of people who have done checking business with us for years and who will recommend it very highly. Come in and talk it over. If you once get the checking habit you will not want to bi*eak it, but "Will be gladth^t you started it. West McHervry State B&nk s i C e n t r a l OPERA HOUSE MOVIES SATURDAY SUNDAY Mutual Programs Admission :: 10c Painting and paper hanging. Let me give you an estimate. First-class work guaranteed. R. I. Turner, West McHenry, 111. 41 Mrs. Josephine Kuber of Chicago, formerly instructor in Marshall Field's, will give lessons in all kinds of crochet wock at the home of Mrs. Philipps, West McHenry. Orders al so taken for work. Ladies invited to call. G. W. Daily, superintendent of the Chicago & Northwestern railway, has sent notices to the agents along the line instructing them to prohibit roller skating on the station platforms. This order is given out to prevent acci dents. t&iiyysyL^. The Boy Scouts are now meeting every Saturday night at the high school gym at 7 o'clock. All boys over twelve years of age should become members of this splendid organization and we hope soon to boost of at least one troop here. Hand your name to A. H. Pouse, scoutmaster, now and be in readiness for the summer work. You will be sure to ^njoy it. Luxury Magnified by Economy - Ir those four words you have the story of the new Grant Six. The value of its gener ously large, beautiful boat-line body-- - its silent^ powerful valve-in-head motor --its strong, substan tial chassis, is mag nified, intensified, by the lovv first cost and the exceedingly low cost of operation. T-S1X r • / < / * I S f t grant? sir ms "WILLIAM AND NARY" PERIOD DESIGN 7-P1ECE DINING SET PWPI JACOBEAN OR FUMED FINISHES ALL SOLID QUARTERED OAK 54 INCH TABLE GENUINE LEATHER SLIP SEATS SHAPED CANE OR WOOD BACKS ARM CHAIR TO MATCH--IF DESIRED. Our Motto: Quality, Latest Styles, Service N. J. JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING AUTOMOBILES OR HORSE DRAWN VEHICLES , ^ . Phones: Office, 63-W; Res. 8«>-M. WEST McHENRYVlLL. ' ' -JJ Th^ Grant S i x has a wheel-base of 112 inches •--loeg enough to permit a large, comfortable, r o o m y b o d y -- s h o r t e n o ugh to eliminate waste .-pace and make it easily handled any- . where -- It is a fall fiv« passenger car-- Ami yet rturivc •-%?• ex perience of owncis over 20 miles to the gal lon of gasoline-; 900 miles to the gallon of ~ oilf It is equal! y easy on tire* and repairs-- And the first cost is only $795 complete-- Jos. II. Huemdiw JOHNSBURG, ILL. Worth Careful Thought Do you read, the label to know whether your baking powder is made from cream of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum or phosphate? Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and adds to the food only whole some qualities. Some baking powders contain alum or phosphate, both: of mineral origin, and used as substitutes for cream of tartar because of their cheapness. Never sacrifice quality and healthful lness for low price. DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR DERIVED FROM GRAPES The Promise of Spring It's in the air and many things are timely. For example-- let us aug- ge^t it the work of Wiring Your House FOR Electric Service We're in the market to do it - cheaply and without inconven ience to the occupants. PUBLIC SERVKI (0. of Northern Illinois Early Seed Potatoes I wish to announce that I have again •arranged for a ship ment of early seed potatoes. Thosje who have used these potatoes in the past year or two have had very good suc cess with them. Give us your order BOW. M. Niesen Mi-Uenry 1'iioiie ftu W Read Plaindealer Ads