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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1916, p. 4

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rvfp- ri"^--.v'.-: - "'vr'-; > v:v.A* • ':^/"r^.^?^^'^€":.%'"' f^,:'r.v >V THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, McHENRT, IL1* ^ §3 r •v:fc :••"' fey^t- .• *$&!>& e Standard <(§£& BAKING POWDER Made from cream of tartar derived from grapes. NO ALUM THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER Officc in Bank Building Telephone 98-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oo« Ye»r $I.M Six Month*, 7Sc Three Months, 40c Thursday, April 6, 1916. For Village Clerk I hereby announft my candidacy for the office of village clerk and will ap­ preciate the support of the voters at the coming spring election. 38-tf W. G. Schreiner. To the Voters of the Township Announcement I wish in this manner to extend my thanks for the support tendered me at the polls at the village primary and once more ask the voters of the vil­ lage of McHenry for their assistance at the election to be held on Tuesday, April 18. J. Holly. Sewer Improvement Office of the Board of Local Im­ provement, Village of McHenry, III. Notice of time and place of Public Hearing. The board of local improvements of the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hav­ ing passed a resolution that a local improvement shall be made in the said Village of McHenry, as follows, to-wit: » That a purification plant shall be constructed on Lot Three (3) of the Assessor's Plat of the E. M. Owen Estate, in the North East Quarter (N. E. %) of the North East Quarter (N. E. %) of Section 35, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, more particularly located as follows: Starting on a point on the center line of Water Ut. produced and extended 400 feet southwesterly from the southerly line of Elm Street; thence South 39 degrees East 361 feet; thence South 56 degrees East 275 feet to a point on the West line of said purification plant site; thence North 75 feet; thence East to the Fox river; and al­ so beginning at the aforesaid point cn the West line of said ^>lant site; thence South 75 feet, thence East to the Fox River; thence Northwesterly along the Fox River to an intersec­ tion with the foregoing described North line of said plant site. That the said purification plant shall consist of a concrete settling basin and sludge chamber construct­ ed of concrete and rectangular in form, 13 feet in width and 42 feet in length with a maximum depth of 17 feet, surrounded by a concrete wall 12 inches in thickness, and also sump pit and ejector chamber 6x8x14 feet in depth, surrounded by a concrete wall 12 inches in thickness; all suit­ ably covered with a frame structure having shingle roof and plaster and pebble dash walls; the settling basin to be constructed with a manhole and suitable pipes < to permit the flow of clarified sewage tq enter, which shall be connected to the Fox River outlet by means of vitrified pipe of 12 inches internal diameter. That an outfall sewer of vitrified sewer pipe of 12 inch internal diam eter be constructed beginning at i point on the center line of Water Street produced and extended South­ westerly 400 feet from the Southerly line of Elm Street; thence South 88 degrees East 361 feet; thence South 55 degrees East 300 feet to connection with the purification plant heretofore provided for. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 10 inches internal diameter be construct ed on and along the center line of Water Street; from a connection with the foregoing described out-fall sew­ er at a point on safd center lin^ of Water Street, produced and extended 400 feet Southwesterly from the Southerly line of Elm Street to the center of Washington Street. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 10 Inches internal diameter be construct ed on and along the center line of Washington Street from a connection with the 10 inch sewer at the center of Water Street to the ceifter of Green Street. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be construct ed on and along the center line of Waiter Street from a connection with the 10 inch sewer at the center of Washington Street to a point 750 feet Northeasterly from the Northerly line of Washington Street. That a vitrified pipe sewer of inches internal diameter be construct ed on and"along the center line of the 10 inch sewer at the center of Washington Street to a point 132 feet Northerly from the Nbrtherly line of Elm street That a vitrified pipe sewer «f 8 inches internal diameter be construct-, ed on and along the center line of Court Street from the Southerly line of First avenue to a point 200 feet Northerly from the Northerly line of Elm street and that said sewer be connected with the 10 inch sewet- heretofore described at the center.of Washington Street. * That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be construct­ ed on and along the center line of Elm Street, from a connection with the 10 inch sewer at the center of Water Street to the center of the Ringwood and Richmond road. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be construct­ ed on and along the center line of Green StVeet from a connection with the 10 inch sewer at the center of Washington Street to., a connection with the 8 inch sower at the center of Elm Street. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be construct­ ed on and along the center line of Washington Street from a connection with the 10 inch sewer at the center of Green Street to the South line of First Avenvje, produced across Wash­ ington Street. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be construct­ ed on and along the center line of Broad Street from a connection with the 8 inch sewer at the center of Green Street to a point 300 feet Easterly from the East line of the Ringwood arid Richmond road. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be construct­ ed on and along the center line of Pearl Street from a connection with the 10 inch sewer at the center line of Water Street to a connection with the 8 inch sewer at the center line of Court Street, and also from a eonnec- ion with the 8 inch sewer at the cen- r line of Green Street to the center of the Ringwood and Richmond road. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 nches internal diameter be construct­ ed on and along the center line of the ingwood and Richmond road from connection with the 8 inch sewer at the center of Elm Stx-eet to the South line of Broad Street, and also from a connection with the 8 inch sewer at the center of Pearl Street to the outh line of First Avenue. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 ches internal diameter be construct- 1 on and along the center line of reen Street for a connection with the 8 inch sewer at the center of Elm Street to a point 385 feet South- ly from the Southerly line of Elm Street; thence Easterly to a connec­ tion with the 10 inch sewer in the cen­ ter of Water Street at a point 400 feet Southerly from the Southerly ne of Elm Street. That an out-fall sewer of vitrified sewer pipe of 10 inches internal diam­ eter be laid in Waukegan Road and long the center line thereof from the center of Elgin Road to a point 750 feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Elgin road; thence North 73 de­ grees East a vitrified pipe sewer of 2 inches internal diameter be laid, 000 feet to a connection with the out­ fall sewer line hereinbefore described. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 10 nches internal diameter be laid in Elgin Koad and along the center line'brick masonry. The flush tank shall thereof from a connection with the 10 be provided with a 5 inch cast iron 10 inch sewer at Waukegan Road to a point 300 feet Northerly from the center of said Waukegan Road. That a vitrified pipe sewer be laid in ami across Lots 15-16 of the North West quarter (N. W. XA) of the North West Quarter (N. W. %) of Section 35, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, from a connection with the 10 inch sewer at the intersection of the center lines of Jamies and Front Streets to the in­ tersection of the center lines of South and Mill Streets; thence Northwesterly along the center line of Mill Street to the center of Crys­ tal Lake Road. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be laid in Grove Street and along the center line thereof from a connection with the 8 inch sewer at the center of Mill Street to the Northeasterly 4ine of Logan Street. That a* vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be laid in Main Street along the center line thereof, produced and extended West from the East line of the right of way of the C. & N. W. R. Rr ^o. to Crystal Lake Road and connecting with the 8 inch sewer in Main Street at the East line of the right of way of the C. & N. W. R. R. Co.; thence West along said center line of Main Street to the center of Crystal Lake road; thence Northeasterly along the center line of Crystal Lake Road to the center of Waukegan Road; thence Westerly along the center line of Waukegan Road to a point 750 feet Westerly from the intersection of the center lines of Crystal Lake Road and Waukegan Road. That all sewers herein provided $kall be constructed of the best grade of vitrified socket sewer pipe with all joints cemented and said sewers shall be laid to such depth and grade as will provide adequate drainage for the sewage of all abut­ ting property, and shall be so laid and connected as to form one con­ tinuous system, and w*ien laid the trenches shall be refilled and the streets restored. That there shall be furnished and inserted in all sewers 6 inch internal diameter house branches sufficient in number to provide connection for all property abutting upon sucb^ sewers. That 92 manholes be constructed and placed over such sewers. at all street intersections and change of grade and direction, such manholes to be 3 feet in diameter, surrounded with an 8 inch wall of brick mason­ ry, constructed on a concrete foun­ dation 9 inches in thickness and be covered with a cast iron frame and lid, weighing not less theft 365 pounds. That 6 penstocks be constructed at and in conjunction with such man­ holes as may connect two sewers whose elevations differ more than two feet. The penstocks shall be constructed of .vitrified pipe of the same diameter as the entering sewer and shall be placed in such a manner that the sewage may enter the man­ hole at an elevation of one-tenth of one foot above the invert of the out­ flowing sewer. That 7 flush tanks be constructed of brick masonry on a concrete foun­ dation 9 inches in thickness. The flush tank walls shall be 8 inches in thickness and the, tank shall have in­ side measurement 4 feet x 5 feet by 4 feet in depth and arched over with nch out-fall sewer at the center of Waukegan Road to a point 10 feet South of the North line of James Street; thence Westerly along a line 10 feet South of the North line of umes Street to the center of Front Street; thence Northerly along the enter of Front Street to the center f Main Street, That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 iches internal diameter be laid in Front Street and along the center line thereof, from a connection with the 10 Mich sewer at the center of Main Street to the center of Waukegan Road. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be laid in Waukegan Road and along the cen­ ter line thereof, from a connection with the 10 inch sewer at the center of Elgin Road to a connection with the 8 inch sewer at the center of Front Street; thence continue along the center line of Waukegan Road to a point GOO feet Westerly from the said center of Front Street. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be laid fti Main Street and aiong the center line thereof, from a connection with the 10 inch sewer at Elgin Road, to a connection with the 10 inch sewer at Front Street; thenpe continue in Main Street to the Easterly line of the right of way of the C. & N. W. R. R. Co. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be laid in John Street from a connection with the 10 inch sewer at Elgin Road to a connection with the 10 inch sewer at Front Street; thence Westerly along said center line of John Street to the Easterly line of the right of way of the C. & N. W. R. R. Co. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be laid in Center Street and along the center line thereof from a connection with the 8 inch sewer at John Street to a point 132 feet Northerly from the Northerly line of John Street, and al­ so from a connection with the 8 inch sewer at James Street to a point on the center line of said Center Street, 1000 feet South of the center line of James Street. That a vitrified pipe sewer of 8 inches internal diameter be laid in Elgin Road, and along the center line It is with consider­ able pride that I call the attention of the ladies of Johnsburg and vi­ cinity to my beau tiful new line of Spring and Easter Millinery. With­ out doubt my line this spring is the largest and most varied I have ever shown. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies to come in and look over my stock. I will be pleased to talk millinery with you and give you my prices. MISS HELEN ADAMS JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS Jos. H. Huemann, Johnsburg, III. Local Distributor FroQt Street from a connection with J thereof, from a connection with the automatic siphon, ^arranged to dis­ charge at a depth of 27 inches. The flush tanks shall be located at the summits of the foregoing described sewers and shall be connected with a manhole in such a manner that the siphon shall discharge into the sewer at that point. Be it further resolved, That the estimate of the cost of said improve­ ment, as made by the President of the Board of Local Improvements, as required by law, and signed by him, aggregating the sum of $34,500.00, which said estimate is hereao at­ tached and made a part of this res­ olution, be and the said estimate is hereby approved and ordered spread on record as a part hereof, and of the procedeings of this Board. That the whole cost of said im­ provement, or so much thereof as may be lawful, shall be paid for by special assessment upon the^rop^r- ty benefitted in accordance ^fith the laws of the State of Illinois and be divided in ten annual installments, f Resolved further, That on the 19th day of April, A. D. 1916, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. in John Smith's opera house in the Village of Mc­ Henry, in the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, be fixed as the time and* place for the public hear ing and consideration of said pro posed improvement, at which time and place said Board will meet and hear representations of any and all persons desiring to' be heard on the subject of the necessity for the pro posed improvement, the nature there­ of or the cost as estimated. Resolved, further, That the Secre­ tary of said Board be and is hereby directed to give the notice required by law of the time and place of said hearing, said notice to contain the substance of this resolution and the various items of the estimate of the cost of sibid improvements as speci­ fied in the estimate of the President of the Board of Local Improvements hereto attached and made a part hereof; said ynotice to be given in the name of members of the Board of Lo^al Improvements of said Vil­ lage of McHenry. ^ Estimate of the President of tlfe Board of Local Improvements To the Board of Local Improve ments of the Village of McHenry, ratio .$ 4014.00 McHenry County, Illinois. I, D. G. Wells, President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of McHenry, County, erf Mc­ Henry, State of Illinois, hereby sub­ mit a detailed estimate of the cost of constructing a local improvement in and for the Village of McHenry, Illinois, as provided, specified and de­ scribed in the foregoing resolution of your board, of which this estimate is made a part, providing for the con­ struction of a purification plant and system of sanitary sewers in the Village of McHenry, Illinois, includ­ ing $he cost of all labor, materials and other expenses attending the same, and the cost of making and collecting the assessment therefor as follows: i 24,900 lineaj feet of 8 inch sewer, average depth 8 feet complete, including house junctions and back filling trenches, at $ .65 _ per foot '"".TT;"$16,18r».00 5352 lineal feet of 10 inch sewer, average depth 8 feet complete, including ' house junction and back filling trenches at $ .75 per foot . 2000 lineal feet 10 inch sewer, average depth 14 feet complete, including house junction and back filling trenches at $ .90 per foot $ 1,800.00 1300 lineal feet of 12 inch sewer, average depth 6 feet complete, including house junctions and back filling trepches at $. .85 per foot $ 1,105.00 125 lineal feet of 12 inch cast iron pipe complete in place under pond outlet, at $1.00 per foot $ 125.00 92 brick manholes 3 feet internal diameter with r 8 inch walls resting on 9 inch concrete foundation and having an average depth of 8 feet at $35.00 each $ 3,220.00 brick flush tanks complete with, 5 inch cast iron siphon connected to sew­ er at $75.00 each $ 526.00 6 penstocks of 8 inch vitri­ fied pipe complete in place and connected with manhole at $15.00 each..$ 90.00 Concrete settling tank . 13 feet by 42 in length and 17"feet in depth complete including ejector cham­ ber, ejectors, air com­ pressor and motor, air tank and piping at $ 5,500.00 For -lawful costs and ex­ penses attending the pro­ ceedings and the cost of . making and collecting the assessment thereof $ 1,936.00 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All auvuniiioujoiiu iimertttU uuder ltii» U«*U at tiie following ratea: Klveiiuctsor 96 cent* Cor flrit luaertlnn, 16 ceuta for each »nL>euqu*nt loftwrttoa. More than nve llnoa, 6 cents a liu* for ttref Inflerttou, and H obUla » line fur ailditioul tuiiei tlo<u. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of, C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 19 FOR SALE--Jackson automobile. $125 or best offer. Ben Schoewer, West McHenry, 111. Box 94. 41* FOR SALE--House and lot on east side of Fox river. All conveniences. Inquire of Al. Krause, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--Twenty choice Barred Rock pullets. Bred from prize win­ ners. L. E. Turner, Solon Mills, III. FOR SALE--A light milk wagon. Will be sold at a bargain if taken at once. S. J. Deinlein, McHenry, 111. 40 FOR SALE--Good, clean clover seed. Won the prize at last year's McHenry county fair. W.- E. Whiting, West McHenry, 111. 40 FOR RENT--The Wm. Davis prop­ erty, West McHenry. Inquire of John Boyle, West McHenry, III. Phone 638-j-l. 41-tf FOR SALE--A quantity of. Dusty Rural potatoes. Will deliver at $1.00 per bushel. E. G. Petersen, Johns­ burg, 111. Phone 625-M-l. 38-tf FOR SALE--A limited amount or1 <-lover seed, first prize at the grain show. Inquire of C. L. Page, West McHenry, 111. Phone 620-J-l. 37-tf FOUND--On Water street, a packet book containing a small amount of change. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Apply at Stilling's garage. FOR SALE--A quantity of early 60- day oats, known as the Kershon vari­ ety. Ther.e oats yielded better than 90 bushels to the acre in 1915. Hill- crest Stock farm, W. E. Whiting, Prop., West McHenry, 111. Phone 620-R-l. 36-tf Total estimate.... $3^,500.00 I hereby certify that in my opinion the above estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the above pro­ posed improvement and the lawful expenses attending the same. D. G. Wells, President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mc­ Henry, Illinois. McHenry, Illinois, April 5, 1916. McHenry, Illinois, Aj»ril G, A. D. 1916. Noti<*> is hereby given that the said Board of Local Improvements has fixed Wednesday, the 19th day of April, A. D. 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m., in John Smith's opera house in the said VHlage of McHenry, us the time and place for the public consideration of said improvement. The extetf^ nature, kind, character and estimated cost of said proposed improvement may be changed by the said Board of LocaTTmprovements at said public consideration, as provid­ ed by law. All ^persons desiring will then and there be heard as to the necessity, nature or cost as estimat­ ed of said improvement. Address all communication to tkf Secretary of the Board of Local Im­ provements at McHenry, Illinois. Simon Stoffel. Secretary of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mc­ Henry, Illinois. f 5F===£ MtCHElIN- FOUNDED- Note Litr* Added Thick neu ofTntd MICHELIN Universal Tread C. The Unusually Ileavy Long-Wearing Tread ia Unique, Combining in OneTire AH the advantages \ of lx>th the Suction and Railed Tread Type*. C. The Tread Bears Flat on the Ground. 'ITiere Are No Projecting Knobs or Uneven Surface^ Recognized Causes of Fabric Separation in n many Rubber Nun-Skids. This it the New Tire Everyone is Talking A bent JOHN R. jKNOX McHenry, Illinois ONE QUALITY ONLY - THE BEST •V-i* . V w-. Sp*.', . V * > fer'- -j? f 1 . r •S OUR SPRING stock of eave trough and conductor has jutft arrived and we are now ready to put your gutters in first- class condition in advance of the spring rains, which are due in a few weeks now. Estimates cheerfully given on all work in our line. Ooiviii&ReinsiK^er West McHenry Phone 65-1 £ REPUBLICANS: I am the only unpledged candidate for delegate to the Republican Nation­ al Convention from this district. SEEKS CONVENTION SEAT AS UNPLEDGED DELEGATE I favor the nomination of the VERY STRONG­ EST MAN at the command of the party for Presi­ dent, and to accomplish this, the delegates should be free to cpnsider all the candidates. To send delegates tied hand and foot to any one candidate is to destroy the spirit that should prevail at the convention, and endangers success in November. Your support at the primary, on April llth, is earnestly solicited, v EDWARD It HfRBSUR ELGIN ILLINOIS r

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