THE McHENHYPLAINDKAXEB, McHENKT, £7*..». •; ̂ ;-c'f<23er ¥ffiSX"%r,. +• i -v^-Uf '-.Vir: • s..?fe.': -?rpjr,i ,f ff */;? ^ ^, y /%- f* „"*'** 4/ '* „ • ¥ >. i<;v.".^ ./v;'^ a.;,;'V> ' *'• -. •S3* *«"f V3 *r :u£T M: ,jfc- ii-«» » * '• and mfse^ilah rt'-^jujck: :• • cat-nluUy as we do w«" ^*.1 M»e I't/ht quality an$«|»y; • m i t f . p v i v ^ t i ' * ^ jM"e & splendid line df r. , . iBrashe^ Soaps, Toilet Articles, Perfumer and all other Drug al Store Sundries ^ 1^7 We Want'vour trade on these goods ' 3 e h ' • lotr tyili appreciate, the assortment, the quality, tl^e, prices and tte doelknpflf^ oiir service.!' • " . " v~ ' •;:'. * ^ a€ Your 'Service •'.jQ^sloi-e has al ways enjoyed the^odo- ridfenceof b|>th physicians and thepubthe." .'• '*>•.'• WE ARE PREPARED ; Ju render yon superior service Jtfevery department of our business. • •*," We maintain a regular Mail Order Department for the convenience of ottr _ rural customers b, p. s. •^•f-/>..:;'-vPAiNT - .. .;c..:j h*. H. mm\:: Dfuist J} TURN YOUR WASTE LAND INTO PROFIT With lkirirconstan.tly goiiiK up in value ithwe's no reason why every acre in this county, possible of utilization, should not be in use. Webav«in mind quite a few acres of choice soil where n little draiding would pat tbem in first-olass condition for tiie raising of good crops and would also enhance their vutne should yon want to sell. We have in stock a good assortment of I DRAIN TILE - ® . "• . . All are sound. uniformly burned.-perfect in size and shape, and are the kind that won't oru*nblj».We hkve assorted sl/es for all' requirement# andean till order* promptly . If you want the best tile at reasonable prices, here's the place to buy,* Conje in today and look them over. WILBUR LUMBER CO. •d) These Styles We Have In Stock & Also a lull line of W. B. CORSETS $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 ITH •P^one J9-J McHenry, 111. •wMqmw - «»•••«•• »•--»«» i>mi)|iimm NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CI/RONICLEDBY OUR, ABLE CORPS, OF CORRESPONDENTS > TIME. Is near at hand and every housewife will find, that new things are needed to keep the home comfortable and cozy. Probably a rug or two has outlived its usefulness, linoleums have be come shabby and worn out, draperies need replacing* or a piece or two of furniture might add to the attractiveness and comfort of your home. This will mean a visit to the furniture store and we wish to say that we have stocked up in all lines and extend to you an invitation to visit our place, look over our ca^fully se lected stock and talk shop with us. Our goods' arefdisplayed in a manner that makes selection in easy task and our prices are in conformity w^th your pockfct Book. a > ••• RIDGEFIELD , A. Wille was- a Chicago ,pftssenger Monday morning. Miss Ma%Je 'Murplif; ^^wedc- end visitor in Elgin. " ^ ! . Mrs. E. Anderson was a Crystal Lake shopper Saturday. Mrs., J. B. Lynch was a basinets caller in Chicago Saturday. Mrg. Frank Muffley and son, Ma son, spent Monday in Elgin. Mrs. Leroy Skinner was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday evening. Harold Walkup was the guest of friends in Indiana over Easter. Miss Lura Davis of Austin spent ^Wednesday with Grandfather Button. . Mrs! A. Hansen and son, Eari, ofj; Woodstock were callers here Satui/ day. ^ The Ladies' Aid society will meet Thursday, May 4, in the church par lors. • - ' Mrs. J; Coates entertained her sis* ters and brothers from Woodstoclc Sunday. , Mrs. L. Mr Goddard of Wootlstock was a pleasant caller Ker^ Sunday a f t e r n o o n . > r . . . Mrs. Rose Goddard and daughter, Genevieve, spent Friday night at Woodstock. Mrs. Earl Johnson of Crystal Lake • visited at the home of Mrs. A. Mar tini Friday. R. Knilans spent Sunday afternoon with his sister, Mrs. C. H. Ormsby, at Crystal Lake. Mr. Parker was entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. "W. E. Dike over, Sunday. • • Rev. J. W. MacGowan of Janes- Ville, Wis., was calling on old friends here this week. \ The Ladies' Missionary society will meet at the home of Mrsi Bruell on Tuesday afternoon,. May 9. Little Miss Virginia Reed of Wood stock was the «:uest of her grand mother, Mrs. R. Goddard, Sunday. Miss Jewel Con^rty of Chicago is spending the week with her sister, Crystal, at the home of their grand parents. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waterman and Mrs. Byron Waterman and children, of Woodstock visited at H. Reed's Sunday. . Miss Marian Schoof of LaGrange and Miss Helen Zaabel of Chicago are visiting at the home of 'Mr. and-Mrs. F. S. Morse. Mrs. P. Hodgkinson, Mrs. L. Ben* nett, Miss Adaline Day and Miss Rosie Peterson were Woodstock vis itors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Jensen and son and Mr. and Mrs. R. Hesselgrave and daughters spent Easter Sunday with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schuenemann of Crystal Lake visited Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs, Anna Mollo- han, and daughter, Ella. Remember the three-part farce to be given at the church this Friday evening by the young people ^ under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid soci ety. Proceeds are to be used for ah outside lamp. There will be a candy booth. Admission to all, 15 cents. RINGWOOD Rev. Ratclilf was calling in town Saturday afternoon. L./D. Todd of Dundee shipped cat tle from this station Monday evening. James Conway, wife and daughter spent Easter in Elgin with his sister. Robert McLean- and wife" of Wood stock visited at C. H. Stephenson's Tuesday. Next .Sunday evening meeting will be held at. H. M. Stephenson's oh April 30. Mrs. Mary Esh and little son of Spring Grove spent id^Sfc Saturday with her parents. Charles and William Harrison of North Crystal Lake were calling at J. C. Ladd's last Friday. Mrs. Mabel Johnson and daughter, Marguerite, of McHenry visited at W. A. Dodge's last Saturday. Mrs. Anna Byrd and daughter, Lu- cile, of McHenry and Miss Villa Flanders of Terra Cotta spent Easter at E. P. Flanders'. c A goodly number, of our people at- ded the Easter service at the Uni- ersalist church _in McHenry Sunday morning. Five new members were taken in. Grandma Hawley of Barrington spent -part of last week with her son's family at this place, going to her other son's in Elgin Friday. Mrs. E. C. Hawley and Mrs. Eleanor Ba con went with her. OSTEND Ben Wallis and mother were taking trips with their Jackson car Monday. Alvin Eppel and family of Wood stock visited with the former's broth er Synday. - Donald Thompson and the three Kaiser children were absent from school Monday. F. ..R. Eppel, Wife and little son, Glenn, were Saturday evening callei-s at the county seat, W. B. Morris and little daughter, of North Crystal Lake'were Saturday callers at Henry Hobart's. Henry Hobart and Warren Fran cisco autoed to Ridgefield for some repairs on their Empire milking ma chines, „ ^ April showers are £pid to bring May flowers, but they will not bring May oats unless it holds up pretty soon. The ground was too wet to move the greater part of last week. The Paramount pictures will be shown in vthe Central operl house ex- . Ringwood Ringwood McHenry ttiong the Hawl, j clusively at the regular price of ad- I mission, 10 cents, beginning May 4, [with "The Lost Paradise." - JDfTNSBURG John. Tonyan was i caller Tuesday.. ' John H. Freund was a visitor"last 'Saturday. John Schumacher wis a-visitor at Ringwood last Friday. Miss Lizzie Justen of was a Sunday faller in^ter Miss Helen Adams was Chicago passengers Thursday. Mrs. John' Oeffling .of McHenry was •&*caller in town laSf week Thurs- day. Miss Dora Blake was a Siyiilay guest of Misses Rose and Celia Miller*' ; ; Mrs. Peter Wagner and children of Volo called on relatives in Johnsburg Tuesday. Arthur Adams attended to business matters at Ringwood last Saturday forenoon. Lewis Adams of Ringwood was an over Sunday êst ih the fioUie of C. M. Adams. Joe Nell of |fonaville was a Sun day guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Nell. " Mrs. Anton May of Spring Grove attended church services here last Thursofey. 1 Mr. and Mi's. Steve May visited last Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J<^e King. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wjrfs and chil dren of McHenry spent Sunday in the home of John Klein. . Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Michels en tertained relatives from Kenosha, Wis., Sunday and Monday. * Mr. j^nd Mrs. Mat. Rauen and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove were Sun day visitors in Johnsburg. Mrs. August Huif and Mrs. Al. Pepping and children of Spring Grove were Johnsburg visitors Tuesday. Miss Laura Miller of McHenry passed Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Mc Henry were last Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels. Miss Mayme Michels of McHenry passed Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hub Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and chil dren Vf . Ringwood were last Sunday guests in the home of John P* Mrs. Fillman is recovering from a severe attack of tonsilitis, 1 haVt.iH been under the care of Drs. Mueller and Wells. j Mioses Mjayme and Katherine Fitett of Spring Grove passed Sunday in the home pf their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frett. Joe Nett, Joe Michels and Mat. Schaefer have secured work for tlu' e n t i r e s u m m e r o f J o h n a n d J . J , Schumacher. . * Miss Ella Huemann of Chicago was an over Sunday guest in hthe home of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Huemann. Miss Kate . Pitzen of McHenry passed Sunday "in the home of fier parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen, at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. """Peter Freund of Spring Grovq,, spent Sunday in the home of the former's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat. H. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Bishop of Mc Henry were entertained Sunday in thfc home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. John Degen and Mr. and Mi;s. John Meyers of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon in tfce home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund were Sun day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels at McHenry. Mrs. Nick Schaefer of Ingieside and daughter, Mrs. John Cossmann, of McHenry visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob May, who reside near Spring Grove. The rumor was spread thruout this section the first of the week that Stephen H. Smith of this place had rented the Riverside hotel at Mc Henry, but ao far as we are able to learn there is no truth to the report. The Kaster dance, held at Smith's hall here on Monday evening, drew out a large crowd of dancers, ninety tickets being sold. The1 event was thoroly enjoyed by everyone present- The management also announced a May party to be held at his hall on Wednesday evening, May 10. Mrs. Jos. F. Schmitt is expected home some time this week from Chi cago, where' she has been receiving treatment at St Elizabeth's hospital since April 15. The treatments have, proven very successful and her many friends here hope that she will ,soon recover her former good health. Ouf new meat market is now open and doing business. The place pre sents a neat and up-to-date appear ance and is being accorded a very sat^ isfactory patronage. A new delivery wagon* has already been placed into comnlission and it surely looks as tho the boys are giving the public the very best service. Jos. F, Schmitt of this place is now employed as traveling' salesman for Vette & Zuncker, wholesale meat dealers of Chicago. His new em ployment takes him away from home four days each week, he making his entire route, in his^Ford touring car. •Mr. Schmitt is a^hustler and Js, no doubt, proving a good man for the firmlie is now serving. . L,. : ' - 3 " ' *' -Li Martin May has accepted the posi tion of s caretaker of St. Mary's Catholic cemetery. Mr. May resides near the cemetery and will, no doubt, give the burial grounds the very best care at his co L/ McHenry prospers most in the summer season. Get ready--take courage--boo^t for prosperity. ' A deposit with this bank is an evidence of YOUR prosperity, as well as good judgment^ Open a checking account and pay by check. ----THE-^-- •• Hoy Banking C BANK OF McHENRY CLARENCE F. Manager HOY, FRED J. MERSHON, Cashier FREMONT President i x& "For Ringwood" war is settled* All are happy over the better prices. AH conditions fa= orable for the best time in the history of Ringwood. The new bank building start ed. The foundation is completed--Terra Gotta ready, walls will be going up next Week. You can help "For Ringwood'f by doing your banking "In Ringwood.'** Bank of Ringwood H. F. WHARTON, Cashier xi> Any Man or \Y omati can transform a soft wood floor into a perfW-t itnihitimi <«f h beautifully ^rrniiit-d haixl «•< mh! Hour iu a lew minutes with Chi-Namel and the Chi-Namel Self-Grainer Or an oil<) hard worxi flixtr, furn i ture, etc., may Iv inmlt- l<>li*>k lik<- new.with a ii..ul«-i. iiioh- UuraUh- rtliinll than it iiad <ni(rili;i!1>. Clii-Nann'l cuini'si ii>«? w"i*i. snil Mir nishes it at th<* same limp, and llicmr face is smi hard t!i:it walking or waahtiiji w ill not Hit* kIok^. * 'Mr.* neww-if jfr.iii«-r it ensj- for an . ne lo prmi n't* a U-.-un il'ul Kiaim-d flli < lt ex icily like the IiiimI hard w<«Hj ll<Kirs. (.'.ill at oursforc and allow u;s todemon- 81rate how ' ;is)' it is In Kran 1 and vumuill by tins improved sj'strth. J>4# •ft iilic tiicy last cAllister Weil' McHenry, III. PROBA TE ffEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911.] * \ *. Marriage Licence* V Herman A. Bockman,f 31r.St'tieca*"Tp". Verna A. Crisaey, 27...... Riley Tp. i Fred Vogelman, 21 Woodstock | Emmy Schauer, 22 Marengo sv C E N T R A I , Anro A UATTCP OPERA HOUSE McHENRY, ILL. SUNDAY, APRIL 30 THE GREAT BORDER DRAMA- The . y Sheriff An Up-to-date Play of the Great West Special Scenery A&». Wzi •HPIPK (r PHILIP JAEGER OBNERAL COnMlSSlON MERCHANT Stall • ft in PattMl It WktitHl* Mark at. , 9PKIAL ATTENTION (HV1H 'TO THK SAU OF UrMMd Beef, Huttoa, Hofs, llid«A, Etc., Butter and G|fi , « street. Tags and' ̂ rioe Bate COLD STORAQB FREB CHICAGO, This w the oldaet honse on Application. ILLINOIS.