|p/;« n̂̂ rv̂ v -7̂ . . . " ' , . - • * ' " ̂ x ' ' » , . . . ' 1 > > - w-« _ :, Ik l, '"' « •"1 • .$r» ' * ̂ •>' > > £ • - « w ^ ? ? - ' * ? \ ; , r * ; •ifef '-:Ji, - % w , ..... * , *?>. •'* *•»*" ,* - .•**•*< a*" .THE McHBNK¥ PLAINBEALER, UfcHEWRY, ILL iJV-: " v "V*- t *«.••'» ^ f ' ' •> *"»' V * * " 's¥- ' *J -> ,:•' " -:- •-^'t i:*:^'-"•... •• '...A .. ;.\a.i'^.--. %8tr>3 - f . ] . j *•')&• • { '1' N* *•$*" 'AC A warnhiff to the buyer of ciothkw: Be very careful In making; your pur chase this sprhlg the colommayrfade % •,•/ " - The woolens colored with cheaper dyes are being placed on the market for sale and if you buy them your suit may turn from a brown to a dirty looking green, or from blue to a;,rusj^ looking color.^ We guarantee all our su|ts made of fast* colored woolen goods and the price not more than last year, as we bought our stock early, before the '40 per cent advance took effeet. :: :: JOS. W. FREUND WEST aICHKNRY, ILL. W' : Sp 1-V* C-- 'i Lvj*'. A^,|X- - r>l; \ Of the newest ami latest* creations in dainty colors And patterns from 10c Jo 50c per yard. Tub Silks for fancy waists, in neat colors, 25c to $1.25 per yard. Taffeta Silks for waists or suits, plain or fancy stripe. Pjussy Willow, Georgette Crepe and Messaline Silks, all popular shades, from 75c to $2.00 per yard. Wool Dress Goods and Suitings, 36 to 54 inches wide, popular colors and weaves, from 50c to $LC5 per yard. Our line of Shoe? and Oxfords is very complete for the whole family. Men's Hats, nobby styles and colors. Men's and Boys' Caps^Oc to $1.00. Ladies' Auto Gaps, 5|t>c to $1.00. Groceries, pi^e and fresh. :: M. J. WALSH . Phone 63-R Goods Delivered a,, „n * 15 -xV' lii r t v.- Coffee lUcek i At Miller's Next week,'May 15 to May 20, is Coffee Week at our store. In order to get you in touch with our different brands'we have decided to make a small reduction for a few • days only. Prices then v^ill be as follows: Manor House, 40c Coffee_ __36c New Moon, 35c ^off€Ste__y. _31c , None Such, 30c Coffee. !28c * Vintage, 30c Coffee _ _ . _ 27c Alamo (bulk), 30c Coffee 27c < * Economy, 28c Coffee. 25c Magpie, 25c Coffee 22c $ • ' r. With the first pound of New Moon and Vintage we giv^ free of charge a $2.50 Aluminum Percolator. Most people already know the value of our Vintage Coffee. :: JOS. J. MILLER RING WOOD, ILLINOIS i % ifS-:. feM4. t,'- w&;- •!*?' ' §c • N Sr'A' • I"* ' iii • • • & W "J* < • f' fe G r V ' West McHenry, :: 111, Prompt Delivery Phone 58-J Up-to-date Merchandise at aill times at Dottom prices DRY GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS AND SHOES ^CROCKERY, GLASSWARE '~V y WILL HAVE BASEBALL TEAM CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All <LdT»rti|wtni-nt« !n«ert«d under thin h«»<1 Mtbo foMowiBtr*lM: Five lines or ie««, Sfi pent# for fir»t . imiri 4IT1CC urT* T . DG1 rkVT̂ tVUS . loMrtfoâ U cunt* tor om-h >ub»e<jimnt Insertion V-AXNUiliA t JSS VtIIm^ IMSi .UB-I "VB I Mom tluui five ft centa » line for ltr<t Inrurtlon, PRACTICE SUNDAY and S i'Mti m tine for Addition i insertions. . FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C. - ° •• , ̂ . JW. Stenger,' West McHenry State Over $400 Are Contributed Towards j j^an]c> .19 Maintenance of a Team---Richard B. Walsh Will Be Manager That McHenr^ will have another j»ood baseball team in the field during the coming sumiper is now an assured fact, as Messrs. Raymond Howard and M?. A. Conway,^ who "solicited the town and country for the purpose of accunititating. funds' with which to finance the team, have been success ful in securing ovor $4O0 for the pur pose and. before they get thru they hope to have $450 in tlie bank. That the business men, fans and country folks residing in the vicinity of McHenry want another good team here this summer is evidenced from the manner in which the solicitors were received during their* rounds in the* past week or two. They received very few tup^doWns. Since these two gentlemen were kind enough to go out and secure the funds with which to finance the, ball club, Mr. Walsh has again consented to manage the. team, which will be gratifying news to the baseball fans and public in general. The manager has asked us to an nounce that the first try-out will be held at the baseball park next Sun day afternoon and everyone who wishes to makea try for the team should be on hand early, as it is the desire of the manager to start the season as soon as possible. - In an' interview with Manager Walsh the writer was informed that he has had letters from a score or more ball players who desire an op portunity to try for a place on the team and it looks as if he will ex perience very little trouble in build ing up yb ball club as good, if not better, than the,teams that have rep resented McHenry during the, past two seasons. , 1 Roy Sahlberg, George Brailsford, Johnny Koob, Walter Warner, Peter Ann/fen, Jack Mitchell and John Grant have all asked to be given an oppor tunity for a try-out with the team and the manager is looking for all of these boys to be on hand next Sun day. McGloon, who was given a trial at first brfse last year, will also be here for another chance. Mc Gloon has informed Manager Walsh that he played out of his regular po sition when he covered first base here last year and that he hoped to make good at the receiving end of the battery. ' Sahlberg, Brailsford . and Koob are all members of last year's team and 'the fans are already too well acquainted with these young men for us to introduce them. Annen was given a trial in the outfield last year, but this year he hopes to be given a chance at an infield position. Bill Bowen, who covered short last year, will be one of the first to re port to Manager Walsh, as he is par ticularly anxious to gain a place on thevteam, as there isnt a small town in the country that he would rather play in than McHenry., However, to give everyone a fair chance to 'make the team, Manager Walsh has asked us to state that a special invitation is extended to the home players to come out next Sun day and try for the team. McHenry has developed some pretty fair base ball timber during the past two sea sons and it looks to us as if at least one or two of these players will stand a good chance of making the team. John Grant of Richmond, who caught for the McHenry team two FOR SALE--Brood sows with pigs. Jacob Diedrich, McHenry, 111. Phone • •r """ """ 47 tf *Jf o FOR SAL®--A quantity of Early Ohio seed potatoes. W. E. Whjting, West McHenry, 111. 44-tf FOR SALR-Twd Chester ^hite sows with twelve pigs. Inquire of I^J. Wegener, McHenry, 111. 46-tf and 7 FOR SALE--Fence posts, 6 feet long. Price, 18c each. Mrs. Jos. H. Justen, McHenry, 111. 46-2t* FOR SALE--Quantity of White Cap Yellow Dent seed corn. Inquire of Peter M. Freund, McHenr,y IM. 473t* FOR SALE CHEAP--Buggy and harness. Inquire of L. F.' Pouse, West McHenry, 111. Phone 638-M-l. FOR SALE--Quantity of cord wood. Inquire of or write Mathias M. Blake, West McHenry, 111., or call, phone 607- W-l. .- "" ' 47-tf FOR SALE--Choice timothy hay in barn. Price, $16.00 per ton. Swank Bros., Hanly farm, West McHenry, 111. . - . . /. - 46-tf FOR SALE--Early Ohio and late po tatoes, known as the Dolleys. ' John Flanagan, McHenry, ^111. Phone 608- R-l. * " 47-lt FOR SALE--Early and late potatoes, suitable for seed or eating. Inquire of or write John McCarthy, McHen ry, 111. 46-tf FOR . 8ALE--About 15 bushles o| seed corn; also about 3 bushels of clover seed. Mrs. M. A.. Howell, Mc Henry, 111. 47-tf FOR SALE--The R. ;A. Howard property In West McHenry. Reason-' able price and terms. Simon Stof- fel, West McHenry, 111. 46-Ct FOR SALE--House, barn and 3 acres of land, situated on Woodstock road, just outside of village limits. E. M. Geier, West McHenry, 111. 47-tf WANTED--Good, strong, able men to learn foundry work. No experi ence necessary. Good wages to start. Free Sewing Machine Co., Rockford, 111. / 46-31 FOR RENT--Seven room" flat, gas, electric light,, bathroom and city wa ter. Also small store and barn. In quire of Gertrude Masquelet, McHen ry, 111. 47-tf HORSES FOR SALE--About fifteen head of young work and driving horses. All broke. May be seen at farm No. 2. Geo. J. Sayer, Pistpkee Bay, 111. < 45-tf LOST--Somewhere rtear the park, c>n Thursday evening, ladies' gold watch with fleur-de-lis watch pin. Finder please return to this office and re ceive reward. 47-lt years ago, was in McHenry last week.. thoro discussion of the baseball John is looking fine and he informed his friends while here that he hoped to put up the best ®rticle of ball this season that he has ever shown. John, while a member of .the McHenry squad, became quite & favorite with the fans and it looks as if he will make a strong bid for the team this year. Jack Mitchell is employed at the Rosedale greenhouses. He has played on several good teams and ,seeips very anxious for a chance. Ther6 are also several others who have written to the McHenry man ager for a try-out and it looks as if next Sunday will see a small army of players on hand. Much Work to Be Done There is much work to be done between now and the opening game of the season and the manager is en titled to every assistance that the fans and followers of the sport here may be able to tender him. The grounds, especially, are sadly in need of attention and in order to get same in shape for the Sunday practice a clean-up day has been suggested for Saturday afternoon. The sugges tion struck Manager Walsh as a mighty good one and in response to his request we wish to state that every follower of the sport and those who . wish to see the park in shape next Sunday are kindly asked to apt- pear on the grounds next Saturday afternoon armed with a shovel and hoe or scraper. A number of the young fellows around town are now enjoying a half holiday on Saturday and this will give them an opportu nity of giving a fqpw hours of their time for the good of the ball club. tLe.t all who can do so be on hand Saturday afternoon. Meeting May 20 , A public meeting will be held at the village hall here on Saturday ^evening, May 20. The purpose of the meeting will be to talk over plans fot the season and receive any and all suggestions that players, fans and supporters of the game may make. FOR SALE--Full blood Rhode Island Red eggs, for hatching at 40 cents per dozen or three dozen for $1.00. Jacob Si. Diedrich,"" McHenry,4*' lit. Phone 631-M-2. 44-6t* FOR SALE--Lumber wagon, hay rack, set springs, dump boards, hay rake, mower and set of bob sleighs. Inquire ot Henry' B. Schaefer, Mc Henry, 111? Phone 81-M. 46 FOR SALE--At a bargain, 1914 Krit 5 passenger, 25 h. p., thoroly over hauled, Bosch magneto,' good paint, tires? demountable rims, and in good running order,' E. Hunter, Jr., Mc Henry, 111. Phone 613-R-2. 47* situation in McHenry will take place and it is hoped that the meeting will have a full attendance. Work to Be Commended The work of Messrs. Howard and Conway is to be commended, as it was thru the sole efforts of these two men that the ball was set to rolling, which has finally developed the grat ifying fact that we are again to have team. Those who contributed to the cause also have the thanks of the manager and players, as without the prevailing spirit among these good people a team would be out of the question. • Date Not Set The date for the opening game has not as yet beep set. Manager Walsh does not want to open the season until after the summer schedule of train service becomes effective. It will be remembered that the season began early in May last year and for the first two or three Sundays it was found necessary to carry the players to Crystal Lake and other points by automobile. This entailed a consid erable expense and one that the man ager hopes to avoid this sesaon. Everyone is hoping that .conditions may be such that the opmiing game may be played no later \ than two weeks from next Sunday, May 28. Co-operation Is Neeotai To make this season's teamNa suc cess co-operation on the part -of, every fan in and around McHenry is needed. It is hoped that this spirit will prevail and that the season of 1916 will be one of the biggest and most successful that McHenry has ever had. With the proper co-oper ation this can and will be accem- plished. Make up your mind right now to do your share' in bringing about this much desired end. SV : k M- Our Savings Department We wish to call your attention to the fact that this bank maintains a first class savings department. We receive on savings accounts any amount from one dollar up. On each account we compound the interest semi-annually, adding the interest to the account without any trouble on the part of the depositor. Additions m&y be made at any time, and under normal conditions deposits may be withdrawn in whole or in part at any time. On these savings accounts we pay 3 per cent interest. We recommend this kind of in account to persons who have money for which they have no immediate use and which they wish kept in a safe place until needed. The compounding of interest is automatic. This monejr is not idle, but is constantly making more mon: ey for you, accumulating for the rainy day or the day of need when other sources fail .."We would be pleased to have you call and open a saving# account with us. , • West McHenry' Staute Bank 3: .if Wizard Handled FREE - I " WITH EVERY 50c BOTTLE OF WIZARD POLISH Get One Today SK^TO SEE IT. Every woman wants one. Saves two-thirds your time dusting woodwork, doors, chairs, tables, radiators and general surfaces i|r the house. A big, handled duster--15 1-2 inches over all, with 10-inch mass of thick, long, soft, chemically,treat ed strands that LIFT AND ABSORB THE DUST. The regular price of the WIZARD HANDLE DUST ER is 50 cents. For a LIMITED TIME you can get it FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A 50-CENT BOTTLE OF WIZARD POLISH, :: :: A' N.*J. JUSTEN <& SON West McHenry, 111. Phones: Rea. llfl-M; office, W-W J) C e n t r a l OPERA HOUSE MOVIES Alumni Meeting The McHenry Alumni association will meet with Missea^Plorence and Fanny Granger on Tuesday evening of next week, May 16, at 8:00 o'clock. All members are urgently requested to be present < J|ay Page, See. TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Admission » 10c A Vic JO u>s 'Vest ^Ua iimjet mrtjr • bUUo« <«liart Mk ot load aaAvn«wtr mmr lpf. MM mice urf mtprtmr tmm wife RAT CORN k b ah » ra. D«*dtrte rats bat tm ""How Dhow ll«. lOouitl.OOL Here's Why G. & B. PEARL Wire Cloth Stops Screen Expense V\ • Paintings-repairing--replacing screen -^those are the expenses which make inefficient wire cloth a source of annoyance and money Joss- Whe$ yoij screen with genuine G. & K. PEARL ypu do away witty Pointing, repairing, replacements--sjmpiy becgysje |®EARJL i| rust-prpof as metal can be made, consequently piakp* a screen that's practically wear-proof. . G. & B. PEARL represents true screen econ omy. It outwears all imitations so far that no oth<?f* similar appearing wire can be placed in the same class. points of appearances-sanitation--durability and economy G- & B, , FEAitl* is the one choice of the man who wgpts permanent protectiopt, For Pmrmanwntiy Scr**ning Doan, Window* and Porehmm ciistBT t •t«nrrr w»r*c ClOTH Mwh #»» 7V*> W*ight§ mr*9 JEtfro W««)» s _ ̂ v.. I ̂̂ T ^ f y , V ]. ̂ k- ^ V ' - . fV J.#*?*- .•* . *j" ' .. €'r:> ~-i ̂v*. fr.* " «•?»!. a'. I • The longer G. & B. PEARL is up-^tbe nearer the color of the atmosphere it becomes. It is easy on the eyes--easy on the pocketbookvand the one screen who$# smooth meshes prevent the lodging of dust and dirt and grim#. We sel) genuine PEARL Wire Cloih witi : two Copper Wires in -the Selvage and the Rouiifjir - Tag bearing the Gilbert & Bennett name on each roll. * /t Donavin & Reihansperger West McHenry, JUL 7 m V. IfeAllwter,