i iiV jm lf?WM " ^ •:;• -- 3^>.v: •SS -; ' I-'-3- . yjiv * * - • ' - f ^ ' * * 4 " ' • : 4 * * « : « 'srmm KMtt Study Food Value# - •*•*«&* >-*>- \\ rjS ,.??, » Kv.wAv, v/y v>«-' ^', Food provided for thefarni' serves the careful thought of evrayjtwusc- ̂ "wife. Do you use thought whenU îng baking powder? ,.\ The quality of cake, biscuits and all quickly raised flour foods depends larger upon the kind of baking powder used. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar derived from grapes. It is absolutely pure and has proved its excellence for making food of finest qual ity and wholesomeness for generations. -• tr There is no alum nor phosphate in DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR DERIVED FROM GRAPES ^•1 TIE FFHERRY PLMNM&LER PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY BY l; F. G. SCHREINER la Bank Building Telephone W-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: OH Year $1M $tx Moatfaa, 75c Three Month#, 4*c Thursday, June 8, 1916 f~\- K Candidate for State's Attorney |v,; , H ' I hereby announce myself a candi- V; ^atte for the Republican nomination '•& * i for state's attorney. 4" /(} 4d « ' V. S. Lumley. ; ?%W,- %Wb- ft /! > L^- f SgKs*.' was sr t'r , a •XI >*-*• For Circuit Cle^k I hereby announce myself a candi- for the Republican nomination for the office of Circuit Clerk of Mc- Henry county at the Republican pri maries to be held on Wednesday, September 13, 1916. 48 Thos. F. Nolan. -- ... --sb V" ; • 'For State's Attorney , * I am a candidate for renomination as state's attorney of McHenry coun ty. If the manner in which I have conducted the affiairs of that office daring my incumbency meets with your approval I will appreciate your support at the Republican primaries on September 13, 1916. David R. Juslyn. vf "S». -?v - .itr li>•&' $>, • • $ State's Attorney \( I hereby announce myself a candi- date for the Republican domination I for the office of State's Attorney of McHenry county at the Republican primaries to be held on Wednesday, September 13, 1916. I ask every voter and tax payer to read ny platform and pledge. <19 Charles P. Barnes. IF# the Voters of McHenry County ; I am again a candidate for the of fice of circuit clerk. I have at all times endeavored to conduct this of fice to the satisfaction of all. Effi- Sc ciency, courtesy and fairness have been the watchwords of my office. If you are satisfied, I should appreciate your vote at the primary on Sept. 13, next. I am satisfied with my job and perfectly willing to sefve another without a raise in salary, f Yours very truly, Theo. Hamer. :yvi.' -ft. >1 w ;8 *• f</? ^ W:: % ?•: , tj tvM ANNUAL REPORT If Of the Village Treasurer of McHen* ' \ **•IU- WmK: Statement of the receipts and dis- : lmrsements of funds for the Village i of McHenry, 111., for the year ending April 30, 1916: Receipts • ; Pf ...If*#' 7 JBal. ree'd front C. S ^ W. Stenge May 7 Gus Schoel May 27 J. W. Kimball . Jun 7 L. F. Newman Jun 8 James Revor Jun 9 Village Clerk.. Jun 21 Village Clerk ... Jun 24 Village Clerk Jun 28 J. W. Kimball Jun 29 Jmaes Revor Jul 6 J. W. Kimball Jtj$ 16 Village Clerk Jul 26 J. W. Kimball Aug 4 J. W. Kimball Aug 6 Delinquent tax Aug 14 J. W. Kimball Sept 1 Village Clerk Sept 8 J. W. Kimball...... - Sept 15 Village Clerk...... Sept 16 J. W. Kimball Sept 20 James Revor Sept 29 James R»vor Oct 6 J. W. Kimball Oct 15 tillage Clerk Oct 15 J. W. Kimball Oct 19 J. W. Kimball Oct 23 Village Clerk.. Oct 30 Village Clerk Nov 1 J. W. Kimball --Nov 18 Village Clerk....... ~~ov 29 James Revor ov 29 A. H. Pouse 1 Village Clerk Dec 10 A, H. Pouse Pec- 14 J. W. Kimball Dec 14 Village Clerk .... D«c ?! Village Clerk ... Jan 5 Village Clerk....... Ik . Jan 15 F. Clausen & Son.., •ste" Jan 17 A. H. Pouse... fe Jan 19 Village Clerk-...'. . £•" • ,;l<f Jan 24 F. O. Gans. £ V Jan 25 Village Clerk f-! ,r sX Jan 25 Wm. J. Schumacher. Jan 29 Village Clerk Feb 5 J. W. Kimball...... eb 25 A. H. Pouse..... ar 6 A. H. Pouse Mar 14 Village Clerk...... Mar 21 James Revor....... Mar 27 L. F. Newman. $8,494.45 500.00 3.00 18.00 20.00 100.00 101.00 100.00 1.00 AM J't ifipf * 1/ 178.56 18.90 5.00 <330.61 8.00 125.00 5.00 126.66 5.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 132.3^, 20.00 10.00 48.00 100.00 10.00 190.00 2.00 25.37 46.80 5.00 10.00 140.00 113.10 20.00 5.00 21,00 75.00 22.08 28.72 26.36 67.64 5.00 2.46 5.00 75.00 10.00 Majj 14 57 TI>waK 1? ~ May 38 Geo. Meyers, Jr.,........ May 24 39 C &. N. W. Ry. Co....... May 24 40 Standard Oil Co......... June 3 41 C. & N. W. Ry. Co........ June 8 42 Ed. P. Granger 43 Linus F. Newman..... 44 Chas. W. Newman........ 45 James Revor.....;.. . ... 46 Gerald Newman. I....... 47 Geo. Meyers, Sr., 48 Paul Meyer's. .*. 49 Jacob Leickem. 50 John Engeln 51 Wm. Herbes 52 T. J. Waish. . 53 N.. H. Petesch • • • •....... 54 F. G. Schreiner.......... ^5 John^J. Vycital.. 56 Everett Hunter. 57 P. J. Schoewer 58 W. G. Sch/einer........ June 9 59 Portridge Scotford Co.... 60 James B. Clow & Son.... 61 Neptune Meter Co..;..... "62 Public Service Co., 63 A. Landwer 64 Mueller Mfg. Co......... 65 Wilbur Lumber Co........ June 23 66 Wm. Herbes........"... June 24 67 Geo. Meyers July 1 68 Hubert Caspers July 7 69 John D. Lodtz 70 W. G. Schreiner......:.. 71 Math. Thelen Wm. Spencer Joe En^eln F. H. Offergelt; A. Landwer Linus F. Newman........ Albert Freund........... Neptune Meter Co...r... Public Servile© Co........ Pete Worts...... James B. Clow & Son.... July 8 .. Geo. Meyers ,* 1- Meyers..... July 7 4 Frank -Zuelsdorf July 8 5 E. Hunter r July 7 5 W. G. Schreiner i July 8 6 Peter Weber. • July 7 6 Wm. Spencer July 8 7 D. *G. Wells 8 Gerald Newman........ 8 N. E. Barbiari. 8 John Mulch .i.:,.. 9 John Heimer.....c 9 Wilbur Lumber Co 10 Simon Stoffel 10 Frank J.. Herbes 72' 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 „ 5.00 Mar 29 Corporation tax.... 1,277.01 fi'~r: Mar 29 James Revor il# Mar 29 % the road' & bridge tax.... Mar 30 A. H. Pouse J" - '-Apr 25 Village Clerk....... •Apr 26 Gustave Behrenji^. 6.00 1,060.07 5.00 84.70 500.00 Total receipts..... .$5,811.50 Disbursements : * Msr & '*r* • *•*.88 K.00 6.00 / 1S.37 1.50 i.00 1 Fr«Kl J. Nickels....... 2 Wm. J. Schumacher..... 3 Anton "Krumpen..,... ̂ 4 Linus F. Newman , i ..... 5 James Revor ............ 6 Chas. Newman..... 7 Gerald Newman 8 paul Meyers 9 Geo. Meyers, Sr., 10 W. G. Schreiner 11 Litchfield Co 12 Legal Adviser........... 13 A. Landwer 14 Public Service Co........ 15 F. G. Schreiner 16 E. Hunter 17 McHenry Brewery 18 F. O. Gans 19 John J. Vycital 20 V. S. Lumley... 21 Anton Engeln ........ 22 R. G. Chamberlin 23 D. G. Wells.,. 24 Ben J. Brefeld 25 Wm. Bacon 26 Simon StoffeK 27 N. E. Barbian 28 Wm. Spencer. 29 Chas. B. Harmsen.. 30 W. G. Schreiner. 31 John Heimer May 7 32 Mueller Mfg. Co. May 8 33 John W. Silicon May 1® ' 34 Chas. B. Harmsen... „. ^ May 11 * 3fTC. N. W. Ry. Co....,.. 1 36 Standard, Oil Co.,/. . t ' W • Maw 1 July If 11 Standard Oil Co July 8 11 Wm. J. Schumacher...... 12 Wm. Simes 13 James Revor ......... 14 Frank Thurlwell... A •. • Aug. 8 15 Glenn Van Natta.». .... 15 James Revor 16 Hubert Caspers......... 16 Linus F. Newman. . . 17 Frank Zuelsdorf 17 John W. Smith........... 18 Albert Freund. 18 Public Service Co........ 19 Geo. Rothermel......... 1 Henry Ahrens... 1 K. G . Schre in er . . . . . . . . . 2 D. G. Wells 2 Math. Blake. 3-Theo. Winkel./ Aug. 18 3 Peter J. Freund. Aug# 3 4 John Glossen Aug. 28* • 4 Peter J. Freund...»•...<.. Aug. 8 • 5 John J, Vycital H Frank J. Herbes*.... ... '1 Standard ©It Co........v '12.00 12.00 7.75 51.15 50.95 1.00 •• 1.00 66.00 84.75 3.45 4.75 2.13 9.50 93.00 35.60 14.25 2.50 2.00 17.75 100.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 • 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 40.00 25.00 12.00 22.14 4.00 3£.00 46.39 276.98 ^00 30.92 172.69 4.00 3.00 65.00 9.50 65.00 18.25 69.50 52.50 5.00 10.50 ^ 6.25 3.00 40.00 50.30 14.00 17.25 3.00 4.58 1.35 24.31 42.00 93.00 28.50 5.85 7.25 .50 11.00 27.76 42.00 1.24 6.90 8.80 1.75 20.00 18.00 - 50.00 9.25 45.00 98.00 8.00 .36.55 59.00 20.50 9.50 9.15 25.00 7.00 12.00 15.00 3.80 15.00 1.00 15.00 157.43 12.00 1.40 2.00 15.00 15.00 50.00 6.25 1.00 50.00 12.75 50.00 3.00 2.25 2.00 . 98.00 .75 63.20 16.45 1.40 5.00 1.20 600.00 1.50 300.00 ^ 66.78 80.15 X?J20 12 Gerald 13 Geo. Meyer§.......«•1 >' 19 John Simon '20 Wilbur Lumber Co..|fe^v ^ Aug. 5 21 Jay Schneider- Aug. -if "I'f- 22 John Mulch. ^^.... s».-„ • ^ Aug.' 27 23 C. 4 N. RyS Co. .;^^> j , . Aug. 25 P*Q. & N. W, Ry. Co.Li>:&V 156-56 ' .Sept. 8. • 29 Dolese & Shepard.56.82 30 Public Service Co.. ^ i 94.00 21 James Revor 50.00 8 F. G. Schreiner.... ,11.40 20 Linus F. Newman..;. . 50.00 24 Gerald NewmaiL%'i79.70 26 Geo. Meyers.......;..,.-. 114.50 32 Wm. Herbes.• vi.00 2 8 Michael Puree#. ...i* x t.25 22 Frank Zuelsdorf, 8.00 10 John J. Vycital.,...;... 17.52 11 McHenry Brewery....... 2.75 3 McHenry Art Stone Co.?v 594.55 S 3 d o d o d o C o . . . » 3 9 . 0 0 28 Frank Herbes..... .'"..v.. 8.70 31 Standard Oil Co........ * 279.92 27 Paul Meyers......... •>. 17.50 • " '• - ' Sept. 7 ' \ 5 Am. ferra Cotta.... .C. 1200.00 ' ' •' 'Sept. 8 . 4 Henry W. Aherns .. . . 55.20 2 Henry W. Aherns..'.. 262.80 6 Geo. A. Stilling .1-75 7 Peter J. Schoewer. f 3,50 9 Standard Oil Co.*. .17.30 Sept. 10 12 Nick Bohr.... v........... 2.00 25 Hubert Caspers........ 3.00 Oct 1 34 C. & N. W. Ry. Co.. 35 C. & N. W. Fiy. Co.. Oct 6 16 Henry W. Ahrens.. 25 James Revor/.,.... 14 John J. Vycital..... 39 Geo. Meyers 13 F. G. Schreiner 38 Gerald Newman.... 27 Simon Stoffel.,%... 9 Jacob F. Adams.. 17 W. G. Schreiner. 26 W. G. Schreiner.....-....' 15 Standard Oil Co...<..•... 29 D. G. Wells..,. 22 Valvoline Oil 'Co.. ... 30 N. E. Barbian 37 Chas. Newman 24 Linus F. Newman 36 Hubert Caspers 41 Wilbur Lumber Co,....»., 21 James B. Clow & Son.... 8 Peter J. Schoewer.,./... 19 Mueller Mfg. 0k>.«....... 42 Dolese & Shepard 40 -Public Service Co........ Oct. 7 43 C. & JN, W. Ry. Co.. Oct 6 18 Glamorgan Pipe Co...... 20 Neptune Meter Co 32 Wm. J. Schumacher 33 Wm. Simes......... -- .' 31 John Heinfer.. 44 C. & N. W. Ry. Co....... 28 Wm. Spencer. Oct 15 45 C. & N. W. Ry. Co 23 C. & N. W. Ry. Co ./ Oct 19 24 C. & N. W. Ry. Co....... Oct. 2b 54 C. & N. W. Ry, Co....... Nov. 2. 32 J. W. Smith............ 33 Gerald Newman......... 46 Jay Schneider -.... Oct. 29 26 C. & N. W. Ry. Co 25 C. & N. W. H^. Co.. Nov. 2 30 Geo. Meyers............ 39 A. M. Brown..... f...... 34 Paul Meyers............ 38 Janies Revor.'... 34 Linus F. Newman 11 John J. Vycital.. 27 John J. Vycital 28 F. G. Schreiner... i,... * 47 Chas. Givens 38 Wilbur Lumber ^ Co 31 Hubert Caspers* 41 Dolese & Shepard....... 29 McHenry Art. Stone Co... 10 do do do Co...<... 14 A. H. Pouse 36 Standard Oil Co 35 Peter H. Weber 37 Wm. Simes............. 42 Public Service Co........ 13 Jacob Justen\. 40 Mueller Mfg. Co 15 Mrs. Jacob Bonslett.... .T 12 Peter J. Freund 37 F. L. McOmber .-... 36 Frank4 Zuelsdorf 43 Electrical Service Co 39 W. G. Schreiner Dec. 6 40 Linus F. Newman....... Dec. 7 46 Gerald Newman 47 Geo. Meyers 41 James Revor...- 49 Joseph Engeln.. ..«.. 52 A. H.' Pouse 45 Gilbert Howard 51 John J. Vycital... 44 Hvtbert Caspers -- 49 Frank Weingart ".. ...v 48 Carl Patzke <, Dec. 10 56 James B~.Clow & Son.... 54 Standard Oil Co...: 58 Mueller Mfg. Co 57 Public Service Co. 53 W. G. Schreiner Dec. 7 50 Peter H. Weber Nov. 2 35 John Engeln r* Doc 10 55 W. U. G. & E." Co... r... Jan. 4 43 Linus F. Newman 56 James Revor 43 James Revor 62 Wilbur Lumber Co 6M Public Service Co™. 61 Standard Oil Co.» 60 John J. Vycital J&T) 25 48 W. G. Schreiner........ 45 Wm. Spencer... 44 Simon Stoffel.. f. '* 40 N. E. Barbiai) 47 John Heimer. ..... , Jan. 28 50 Wm. Simes 51 Wm. J. Schumacher..... 49 D. G. Wells Feb. 8 53 James Revor 52 Linus F. Newman 78 Wilbur Lumber Co 7i J. W. Kimball... #P. J. Schoewer. John J. Vycital t. 69 Gerald Newman..,. . .- 77 Electrical Service Co.!.,. 73 Donavin & Reihansperger * 76 Standard Oil Co 75 Public Service Co 70 W. G. Schreiner....... . . "' March 1 53 Valvoline Oil Co..v.»*...• 55 James Revor....... ;v»'.. 54 Linus F. Newman.;.... t 51 Wilbur Lumber Co....... 52 Standard Oil Co...*.* 54, Public Service Co.";.... > . 49 Joe Engeln 50 John J. Vycital April 5 56 Linus F. Newman 55 John J. Oeffling..., . f • 57 James Revor..... .. 63 John Kimball.... ...ii.. 66 Joe Engeln. .v . ^ " " - „ " s ^ ' v • m • April-* 'ft, 57 Geo. Meyers....,t. 61 Chas. B. II arm sen,.. »" 1 8,00 60 Standard Oil Co..^. . . 22.20 61 Legal Advisor. 59 MiWibn Ott... 62 Meyeri & Wentn® .. fe3 Public S&vice C,0.. 62 Albert Kamholz.-.... t, 58 West McHenry Mills... 59 Wm .Koeppe.......... 60 Wm. Simes. 76 John W. KuhbalL;. 66 Chas. B. Harmsen.. . 67 Anton Engeln 68 N. E. Barbian... I ,i:,. 65 N. H. Petesch ri .'iftv...• M. D. Ott ;....,... Legal Advisei-..... D, G. Wells ; John H :r'r^ 2.54 ^ 3.0Q '• 2.00 101.80 3.00 2;40 ,.90 ioo 3-yo 78.00 20.00 12M 1.00 3.00 6.07 12.00 69.96 49.76 106.60 50.00 19.80 71.25 9.00 33.80 9.00 46.18 .3.28 25.00 18.30 12.00 13.25 12.00 3.75 60.00 6.00 20.89 34.81 5.85 14.92 39.92 98.50 52.53 FC.47 7*9.20 12.00 12.00 12.00 51.57 12.00 52.58 ^2.00 49.66 ~F49.76 14.00 83.50 4.50 1.00 • 42.40 184.50 6.00 10.50 60.00 50.00 75.00 27.31 18.00 7.50 89.91 34.25 <22840 282ja 4^8 10.50 15.14 1.50 98.00 « 16.20 6.24 --14.00 356.00 .50 1.50 75.00 1.79 51.25 41 1.25 13.50 50.00 4.35 2.00 1.20 19.67 5.45 1.00 V 2.00 25.80 26.38 4.31 98.68 1.30 6f 1.58 1.30 58.50 5.00 50.00 39.71 101.80 15,50 6.30 25.00 12.00 .12.00 12.00 9.00 12.D0 12.00 I2f.00 J ohn Heimer.. y i *. S 12.00 Simon Stoffel.. . i'v>v V, A 12100 Standard Oil Co...,.... . i1 18.50 A. H. Pouse. f....,.J;V 100.00 77 Geo. Rothermel ..;. v • 3.00 6 4 W . G . S c h r e i n e r . 2 6 . 0 0 58 Geo. Rothermel...., ' 3.00 April 28. ̂ Total expenditures.. ..$12,205^79 , Summary • J May i; 1915 Bal. on hand. .$8,494.45 Receipts.....* 5,811.50 Total. .T. ............ $14,305.95 Expenditures $12,205.79 April* 28, 1916 Bal. on hand 2,100.16 Total................. 14,305.95 I hereby certify that the above re port is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. James B. Perry, Village Treasurer, and sworn to before me this 28th day of April, A. D. 1916, Fred J. Mershon, Notary Public. June 1, 1916. We, the undersigned, met at the city "hall at 7 p. in.,'to audit the Vil lage books from May 1, 1915, to April 28, 1916, and found same cor rect as per village treasurer's report with the following exceptions: ' ' On June 21, village clerk is cred ited with $101.00, which he claims he did not turil in and' on Dec. 1 the village clerk is Credited with $46.80, he says, and his receipt shows he turned in on that day $48.60. We also find the following: May 1, 1916, Bal. on hand. .$ 8494.45 • Receipts for yr 5811.50 Total 14305.95 Expenditures. .$12205.79 April 28, 1916, Bal. on hand 2100.16 Total 14305.95 Patrick J. Cleary. / Wm. Bonslett. Wm. G. Schreiner^ Village Clerk's Annual Report Annual statement of the Village Clerk for money collected for the Vil lage of McHenry, Illinois, from May 3, 1915, to April 28, 1916, and paid into the Village Treasury: * Rec'd for water rates .$1078.08 Rec'd for water taps 180.00 Rec'd for licenses issued. . 147.17 Rec'd for miscellaneous.... 528.46 Total ..,$1933.71 Paid over to Vil. Treas $1^79.81 Less 5 per cent for water col* 53.90 Total ....... v.....r?$1933.71 I hereby certify the fwepoing re port to be correct to the best of my knowledge and . belief. Dated ^ this 28th day of April, A.„D. 4$ 16. Wm. G. Schreiner, Village Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of April, 1916. Carl W. Stenger, Notary ^Public. BARNES CHALLENGES . • jOSLYN TO REPLY Joslyn's Request of Public to Reserve Judgment Brings Letter From Opponent Two weeks ago the Woodstock Sen tinel published an interview given out by our present state's attorney, and last \Veek a cop/^of the sa*ne was published in this paper. -- «• Last week's Sentinel contained a letter from Attorney Charles* P. Barnes to .the editor of that jSaper, which, with the above headings, as published, read as follows^ Woodstock, 111., May 29, 1916 Mr. Charles F. Renich, Editor Woodstock Sentinel, Woodstock, Illinois. My Dear Sir:-- I notice in your issue of last week, in a conspicuous placf on the front page of your paper, an interview given by our present state's attorney to a representative of The Sentinel, in relation to the charges now being publicly made by me against our present state's attorney to the effect that as state's attorney he has charged up in criminal cases illegal fees amounting to thousands of dol lars, and has wrongfully deducted the OUR NEXT STATE'S ATTORNEY 1 "W--: : L N 'Vj# WoJ: tfie' efeeapest ̂ ) iathestore but the cheapest oin the" » {. 1 -"V y* * SOLD IN McHENRY ATVHE 'tfr&r**?-. ' • Store /if f.v. .» » • nvi a«B.S4.j 'Phone 59-W - "Tl&W « * r: The operation is a simple one, interest!ng, of low cost and particulafly pleasant in summer.' ; The crispiest, tastiest, hn^ te^t toast is made on an ELECTRIC TOASTER v " .. ' Boiled coffee contains . tannic acid. The best is made on the ' ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Numerotis other most ingeni- labor saying cooking | utensik are usableinthe j Wireo^Housfe- « OF NORJIIERN ILLINOIS 3TVIITH Mock, 111. Willi pay 1he highest cash 1 price lor dead horses and cattle^ and will remove them frotii the premises as before. Hides must be on. Will pay reverse ̂ tel ephone charges. 4 Tele phone 162 R, Woodstock. M. SMITH 61.50 63.50 8.86 4.00 1.00 5.55 2.25 3.00 .50 "16.50 97.50 1.00 6.00 10.30 52.50 12.66; 85.00 101.80 .35 ~ 1.65 60.00 7.50 , 60.00 3.00 BM CHARLES P. BARNES same from our county school funds. You quote him as saying that all the charges I have made against him as state's attorney are false, malici ous nd misleading, and you also say that he asks that the people reserve passing judgment on him at this time as to the charges that 1 have made against him. , ? May I ask the favor, that in case you should obtain another interview from our present states attorney, that you ask him to give to the vot ers of this county through the col umns of The Sentinel, the name and court number, of just one of the nu merous cases I have mentioned, where as state's attorney he did not charge the exact amount of illegal fees, named by me, ar$ wrongfully de duct the same from our county school fund? ^ If any one of the many charges I have made as to his charging illegal lee* and deducting the same from money that should go to our county school fund, is fn any way incorrect, to the extent of -even one penny, our present state's attorney is certainly- Entitled to have the .error corrected through the columns of the press of our county, and I Will cheerfully do so, if he or you will specify through 'the columns of The Sentinel, the par ticular case, or* cases, and show therein the charge I have mfde as to His charging illegal fees,, is in any way untrue, or incorrect. « ^ \ T«ftl him to avowi general denials, and give the name of the case t|nd the eburt number, an<l°say over bis own signature that, he <lid, or did not, Charge illegal fees in the case men tioned, <jr *in th|^um, or sums, I have! mentioned, and let him say that he " did, or did not, in his sworn report, deduct the sum, or sums, named by me, from the money going to our county school fund. I assure you that no personalities ol| any kind will be indulged in by me during this entire campaign, nor shall T depart from t|\e issue 1 have made on. the record of our state's attorney as tb our county school funds, but you will recall that in 1908 when our present state's attorney was a candi date for this office he seemed greatly worried about state's attorneys prop-, erly accounting to our county school fund, and caused it to be published in the columns of your 'pafter, and thru- out the press of this county, that the matter of a state's attorney honestly accounting to our bounty school fund related "to a subject of public inter est, concerning which the public have a right to be Informed." ^ May I ask that you do me the favor publish fhis letter in as conspicu ous a glace on the front page of your jftjiblffcation promptly Bgmtt. • » : W ! ' • ' • Very truly yours, . l'a T»T T*C%" TV T» A T>vnptf liAlVi - - -4 *.s.?!»'± A lr ^ The tycllenry Ready Roofing com- pan&Lhaafe just completed a roofiing" job W tine €|as. G. Frett building in Ccntorville. a • ( ; - P ' Vaciuum. tleaiter to rent by hour or day. " 25 cents per hour or 5Q^ ,. c^nts per day. fnquiri Adams, West McHenry. t^ 's r Bead Pi • ',v • '• . / HARDWAKB; IJLUMBINp,. HEATTN6; T ;•?; ' *' _ANp -SHRET METi\L WORK . . ̂ "• • »* ^ 'd B ^ . f Let us give ^ou an e^imate on your plumb- jigr, heating and sheet toetal workv Also on your, hardware. LET US HELP YOU IN THIS WAY f3; IT COSTS YOU NOTHING fieaaaa See the 1916 HA RT.EY-D AVIOSON - V - v , Inspect- fhe new models, both Motorcycles „ -1 • and Side Cars. Give us an opportunity to T.44**1^. ^4. . .4 oiivrW nw.V nun; *.i vwia IU umi aiivi Op- erate a' Harley-D^vidson. Let us arrange to give you^^demoastfatiop at yotir home at " " ^ofae.' ' 3 BOTTLEMY BROS: r ALDEN, ILLINOIS Dealers . < . • \ •/F ••if" TE. are g<^ing toyesignate this day Tr as "Baby's Day" in the future r at our* studio'. T'ake advantage of the - ' m special inducements On that day, as in addition we will give one-half dozen - l * f r ' photographs free to the first sitting com- % . ing in, no matler %Bat your order may be. Having discontinued our branch at Crystal Lake, we can now give all our at|entkj>n every day in the week to the McHenry studio. Make an appointment today^lof th^ bah^y w the children. . - .... ' ^ ' Schn^bel's Photo Studio McHenry, 111^' Phone 61-R tinrsfi MILLV % ANYTHING IN LUflpt QUICK It has always been our (toli^y to render our customers prompt service. That's the reason they stay with us year in and year out. klt ifiakes no difference what your requirements may be, whether iMs ; . .. m .f uniber, T|mbei^s. Dimensions. Shinffler or Anythingiin Building Material '•H,':. •• ' ' •"* " . you'll altftA^R fit|d us ready to 011 your order on short noti©B. There is HBi*thing we wtw^d liket,han to be put to the test, tiring y6ur order in toda^ and let demonstrate how quickly %e get material to the job. •/'. % WEST %HFNR PHONE 5 "'t V ;'¥ 5 S'^ • *5 i