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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jun 1916, p. 7

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vV"-* * t. Mm§* , •"Mjlkfr******'* ***- '"; ' ," " • ' ~" *"' »• ' -• • 1MB McHENRT FLAINDKA1ER, McHENBT, Bill % • • & > . < i^- -.rA&X * • j . " • ' > y % \ f S , • y-v.m " «? <± ^ *~^y$ ^vJVv** s» • .•:«$&; T * ? " v < . ' 1 .<Tv-:!- wac. -' >: " KSir^ %c •>*...**?.•* v-- :* *V /•# - > ••-£• - * *' JE •* • • l'^TLO >* ; "-"• $** "* «*«&.'•' ," , v-' ... , • . . , , ' - . ^ w ^ , . , S j . •' j . *.\ '• •*"'" Should be purl ^a-> ̂ "• • •• . .. ,»|s? »« - f * fy> /•«>» Should be fresh ! " I. ; Should be properly kept ̂ Should be right potency Should be dispensed carefully S^uld rbe sold at a fair price Everything at^our store is as it should be. You can the utmost coiificfence in our goods and our~ methods will surely appeal to you • >*,&, i, > ' % ' . ' - : ' V '• *' '""• ' *.w « t'< .v: it I. ' >•> 1 »•' • " ' ' " ' ' * ---• • . ' , . • " - . './• -v, ... - - • " •• /> . %•,/ ,•:"**•• i£*£ Jpruggist \r?;t ̂ " McHenry, I1L J : 4x4 .' f ' V." 4 • , Arrived from New York la& week. SfrW. *• ' ;'• They are nice we can tell you and sell ' ^or $1.25 each. It ia about time that you should make up your mind aboq| *T:#?rr; . iv- .. ..-••• tKat goods for ypur Fourth of Ju|jr... 4ress. We ^lill have a &ir selection of ..... . • j -Steamer goods. :-: -:-:• :-: ,. ^r-...,•,' v, ^ .„.•••• 'Phone 79-1? BROS. McHenry, llk \ •r? After a Hard, Hot Day! What? A soothing, warm bath. Prepared quickly andv cheaply witlfa Gas Wa­ ter Heater. It is the^ofjly method by which you can heat 10 gallons of water for a sin­ gle cent without the slightest incon­ venience. . H \ , r^^l^pare^tio for summer comfibrts -t. -r . .. " 40 J Western United Gas and Electric Company '<£*«' P. M. WOEĵ tAW, PM|n«t Mun^yy vSidailm e irf-' "*• »rv ^ t "•» ss a y' - " s McHenry, This |s the chiy of preparedness and he who - -ir^ is not prepared must suffer the conse- 4 ' awences. No, we are not giving you war ; 1n,&* *e are merely reminding you to pre- ^ - ^ par - yourself for the hot summer days Vvl.ioh are sure to be with us soon. Enjoy the real comforts «nd pleasures of summer by purchasing yvur summer furniture now. Our line of Fibre Furniture, Lawn Chairs, Swings and Hammdcks is very complete and a selection may be made with ease. We deliver right to your door. Come and let us talk further preparedness with you, V £>V'f: v" S#muitur^ iqoiU »Y*t ' ' ing ':•• ~W. •$$ lllinoU » OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS % ridgefield w« J, B. Lynch spent 'Tuesday In Chicago. ^ Prank Beers is ^pending tiiis -w«ek at Sterling, 111. H. Nf. Cooper was a Chicago Busi­ ness caller Friday. 4,, Mrs. H, Reed waS id Woodstock Saturday afternoon. ^ Miss Edna Stephenson spent last Thursday at McHenry. B. F. Peck spent the first of the week at Madison, Wis. MrS. Angelo Martini was a Wood stock shopper last Friday. Mrs. Carrie Johnson was home from Woodstock over Sunday.' Harold Walkup is visiting friends this week at Winona Lake, Ind. Mrs. A. G. Levey was a Crystal Lake shopper Saturday afternoon, F. W. Hartman and C. Anderson spent Monday at the county seat. Mrs. Olson of Woodstock visited Sunday with her lister, Mrs. Rush- ton. I. A. ̂ Kennedy of Chicago was guest in the home of J. B. Lynch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M, H. Fitzsimmons were Chicago passengers Monday morning. C. M. Keeler of Elgin spent the weeks end with his mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield, Misses Elsie Welle and Elsie An­ derson "were Woodstock callers Mon­ day afternoon. Mrs. S. Wakefield and Miss Lois Levey were Crystal Lake callers Fri 9ay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Skinner visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Doolittle in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ormsby of Crystal Lake were plGasant callers here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Gould and daughter of Ringwood visited at Mrs. A. Jacob's the latter part of the week. Mrs. Myron Jacobs and daughter of Belvidere, 111., 'visited the past week at the home of A. Jacobs. Mrs.' H. Nelson and daughter, Edythe, and Ralph Johnson " were business callers at Sharon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruell and son, Henry, and -Mr. and Mrs. A. Anners spent Sunday* at Lord's park, Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. W. Simmons and daughter, Evelyn, of Woodstock were jSunday callers at the home of F, Reed. v& , 9 Mrs. K( Steffenson and son and Mrs. 'L. M. Goddard of Woodstock spent Wednesday at the home of J. B. Lynch. Leroy Skinner spent Saturday at Cary, where he enjoyed the day with hi§ roommates of the Woodstock- type factory. Malcolm Parker of Camp Point, 111., visited over the week end with his brother, Albert Parker, at th; home of E. E. Knilans. * Mrs. Irish returned . home *• fast Tuesday from several weeks' visit with her daughter, at Belvidere an also her son at Harvard. M. J. Mullenbach of Stacyville, la., writes that the crops out there are looking fine, exeept corn, which is small on account of over abundance of rain. Mr. and Mrs. S sons, Mrs. J. Mer A. Merchant and :hant and Mr. and c. wj «n<.w •* ^ *y^f ^ k „u -j •* -<<." » "V.-V .• • ,„i, , \ " *. »*» tt&h* i v 4* >- t »<. -c v ^ * Mrs. D. L. Gibson enjoyed an auto ride to Solon Mills Sunday. Miss Marie Nolte returned to her home in Alton, 111., Saturday after a number of weeks spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ijeroy Skinner. F. WilJ^ and granddaughter, Miss Elsie, returned home Wednesday from a months visit with the for­ mer V; daughter at Paxico, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Senne and son, Marcellus, of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs, Fred' Senne and son, Elmer, spent Sunday at the home of Father Wille. Misses Genevieve Goddard and Pearl Reed left Mifnday to attend normal at DeKalb and Miss Hazel Baker is attending normal. at Madi- son, Wis. Church No|e« The attendance at church last "Sun­ day morning was 106 wd 99 at Sun­ day school, Mr. Parker's theme for next Sun­ day morning" "frill be "The Peril of National Prosperity." The topic for C,, E. next Sunday evening is "How to Make Ours An Ideal Nation.1' Robt. Knilans, leader. There will be a committee meeting of the C. E. on Friday evening at the church. Would like each chair­ man to be present. The concert on Friday evening was very well attended. The proceeds amounted to $25. This money will be used to buy new chairs for the choir. About twenty of "The Helpers" met at the >ome of Mrs. L. A. Walk- up last Tuesday evening and elected the following officers for another year: Miss Ella Mollohan, Pres.; Ralph Walkup, vice. Pres.; Eleanor Pedersoo, §ec.; Nora Skinner, Treas. j JOHtiSBURG > Come to Columbia park on July 4. 1 Let the people of Johnsburg enter­ tain you. j A number of the farmers in this locality have discfrrded their milking i machines a^id have gone^back to the I old and natural way of draining milk from their caws, which, they declare, is the best and most, satisfactory after all, , A number of our baseball "bugs", wore at McHenry last Sunday to see the McHenry-Huntley game. Next Sunday our pitcher, Nick Miller, who is now a regular on the McHenry team, will pitch against the colored boys. A big crowd from here will likely go down to see what Nick will do to the chocolate colored gents. (Last week's delayed letter>- Misses Celia and Rosa Miller were McHenry callers Tuesday. Miss Helen Heimer of McHenry was a visitor here Sunday. Mrs. Baer of Chicago is the guest of her son, L. Baer, and family here. Miss Helen Adams was a business tiansactor in Chicago this Thursday. Mrs. John Miller and Lydia Lenzen of Spring Grove were in town Tues day. " . TPrenk Pox of Minneapolis, Minn., is the guest of his wife and children here. Mrs. Wm. Kattner and son, Ed., of Spring Grove were callers'in town Saturday. f Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt of Spring Qrove were Johnsburg callers' Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Justen of McHenry was a Sunday guest in the home of Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. {Safakes and daughters of Pistakee Bay Were in town Tuesday. Joe Miller and. daughter, Clarice, of Ringwood _were callers in town "one day last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Mat. May of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the home of Michael Schaefer. Mrs. Carlston spent a couple of days the past week with friends and relatives in Chicago. - -- Mr. and Mrs. L. Bishop of^McHeri- ry were Sunday guests in w home of John H. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. John Pint of Mc­ Henry visited in. the home of Hubert Karls here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and daughter, Alice, were McHenry vis­ itors Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer and children passed Sunday with Mrs. Margaret Freund here. " ^ Mr. and Mrs. Mat. S. Freund of McHenry were Johnsburg visitors Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake and chil­ dren of McHenry spent Sttnday in the home of John Klein.., Mrs. Joe King and children and Miss Mayme Michels were McHenry visitors Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen of Volo were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer. Get in the habit of buying^ ybur groceries at the Adams store. / It's better quality at less money. Nick Nett of Ringwood was an over Sunday guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Nett, here. Mrs. Wm. Smith and daughter, Emily, of McHenry were Sunday uests in the home of Jos. J. Michels. Mr. and Mrs. John Degan of Mo- H^nry>- were Sunday visitors in the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Young and daughters, Laura and Julia, of Mc­ Henry attended church services here Sunday. Quite a number of Chicagoans have already taken possession of their summer homes atonjr the river and Pistakee bay. Mr. and Mrs. August Huff and children of Spring Grove were Sun­ day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pepping. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen aiid Son. Arnold, and grandma, Mrs.' Rauen, of Spring Grove were visitors here one day last week. Mrs. Brefeld and children of Mc­ Henry were Sunday guests in t^e home of the former's v. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller, who reside on a farm neqjr Ringwood, arr the happy parents over the arrival of twin boys, tyorn Sunday, June 18. OSTEND Joe Harrer has purchased an Em­ pire milking machine. Frank Kaiser and family were Crystal Lake callers Sunday. Emil Thomas of Woodstock was calling on relatives here one evening last week. Leon Lincoln of Harvard was a guest of relatives here froih Satur­ day until Tuesday. F. E. Martin and family attend the 'band concert at Woodstock last Thursday night. Harry Francisco and Ben Wallis left for Springfield with the guards last Friday night. • F. B. Thompson and family mo­ tored to Woodstock to attend the band concert last Thursday night The little Cooley girls have moiv nerve and determination than mo^t girls. They dare venture on the road with a tin Lizzie. °A number of the youngsters gave Ben Wallis and wife a serenade one night last week ere he. departed for Springfield.He was married June 17 and lqft for Springfield th^ 24th. He did not know oh the wedding day he was to go. Henry Hobart and family find Warre* Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, motored to Woodstock last Thursday night to see the guards off and listen to the band concert. They were* disappointed in the first, but the music Was supurb. Henry Hobart and family, bar­ ren Francisco and sister, Miss Am­ mie, Earl and Clifford J. Sherman and famiiies and Mrs. Jennie Sher­ man motored to Elgin Sunday and ate dinner in Wing park. They sug­ gest the name be changed to Mos­ quito park. _ - , "" ; ' ' '•*. 1 -V" * . jisj "fe*- • , 1 - -fw ----THE--• "BANK OF McHENRY r:xp?< " fs- l ^ .. * u : - f • s. • • . . ALWAYS A GOOD BANK--THE SAME NOW * if f .... ... . ... . - t ^ i ijF ) Ytm mxy expect courteous consideration an<f cssrefal attenrion C I t ; to all matters entrusted to us GENERAL BANKING • .. V •' / .. . ' ... - . r Interest paid on Time Deposits and Savings Accounts 7V > S Farm Loans negotiated on most favorable terms ̂ Open a Checking Account, be up-tp-date CLARENCE F. HOY, FRED J. MERSHON, Manager Cashier FREMONT HOY President (? Bank of Ringwood About July 1st we expect, to occupy our NEW BANK BUILDING ^ ft- •!' 1 " '.M «> fji when we will be equipped about , as well as any ban£in ; this vicinity to care for all kinds of business for our custo­ mers. Come no ̂and start doing business at Your Home Bank ^" i ^ , f % 4$ * „ v v tv We will treat you right. All kinds of banking transacted. I, " Interest paid on time and savings deposits. • ^ H. F. WHARTON, Cashier 1M , * " » „ . *\ @ . t-X'. ~U~ ; / £ fc.A JL.^1 . „ .. uf, H. * vsf ( r" '*l '1 j "lx ' v*!' Dr. Carl Strueh's Sanatorium and Health Ideal place for the sick and those seeking re& and recreation amidst the mosft pleasant and home-like rural surroundings. NATURAL METHODS. Write for illustrated booklet. Telephone, McHenry 92-M. v V McHENRY, ILLINOISi \y You.wili tind at your grocer's a stock of EARLY fUSEB Flour in different sized pack­ ages. He will be pleased to take your order for EARLY RISEB Flour, because he knows it gives genuine satisfaction, bakes the finest bread and bis- - cults, the flakiest pie crust and the most toothsome cake you e?er ate. „ WESf FTHENRY FLOOR AND FEED HILLS 7^ JUST AS COMPLETE is mm We wish to once more call your attention to our Gro­ ceries. Our stock of staple and fancy Groceries is just as complete as ever and you have the assurance of gett­ ing fresh goods when you make a purchase at this store. Our line of Fruits and Vegetables is also com­ plete at all times. Let us supply your table needs. . John Stoffel li ':k-' ti.,3# : 4.' ?'# t, - '%• • Not the in the store but the ; cheapest on tbp hous» ̂ "V-f SOLD IN McHENRY AT THE Store . I If* .4^ 'Phone S9-W r v" '1k% + • s-v^ I * ' i

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