; m- iWiMi **&*• ** klMM. sa ̂SgM&tfw."' if STs. sa-T> •>'"f .#* Y-idFM A %*V **& *-**-& 4 ̂ a ̂ rwjk - ,<-r i"<\ ̂ Betiia, April 20, 1918--Br, Maz Stein, director of the, iatioa for the Distribution of Beer in Germany* witti beer. I&rector Stein, who is a Swiss citizen, sayjf ̂ "Every day.the association, ol which I am the direct or, sends 1,600,000 liters of- beer; to our soldiers at the *front. , ""' ' *" l '" ' ' * . "V' ̂„*« i "Railroads, motor triM&s, pack animals, steamships are carrying great shipments of beer to pur soldiers in i Russia,ii* Germany, and in the Balkans. ̂ \[ "The average American cannot understand why the German government spends Millions and uses valuable f transportation in carrying Wjhat you consider lwroi$f But this is just the point. * 5 "We do not consider beer fe luxury--we consider it a I, necessity, and believe that the health of our.troops would suffer greatly if the beer supply were cut off h "To me it seems unbelievable that America shot^Jd sen^^an army intoa waste country likeCMexieo and I ject them to the dangers of poisoned Water holgs and tp* ; i phoid when you might so easily transport beer." "'XS'1 ^FWWi, id^drink, containing as it , does but* i e o f a l c o h o l . ° v - w f is truly a tei I| slight percent J Dr, P. W. Pavy, Fellow of theBoyal OpUe&eot [ sicians,of London, JSngland, says: * - „ Jf "*'* j | ' 'A light beer, well flavored with thl h6p, W' < I Hted to promote digestion, and may be. looked upon a$ f constituting one of the most wholesome of the alcoholic I class of beverages. It is refreshing, exhilarating and * VETS;." >-T;' £...'• "v." lifi ,:v. tit- ••'. -* e--. -, W> -•. * ^tlc^^ins M iSie gtS ̂̂ 1*® above eminent authority.: tsmrsite*tr.'iSA>: D^£. Payne, Agt. McHENRY, ILU T^oae, U 14 . * ANNUAL XJST Of lui Lots and Persooal Property Of t '"v •»% %x- v-1 Stat* of Illinois, _ ̂ McHenry County, ss. Public notice is hereby given, that the following is a fall and com plete List of the changes m value m th« Assessment of Lands in Township of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the. year A. D, 1916, as appears from the Assess-, mtifit Books of said Year. Lynn Richards, Supervisor of Assessments, C. D. Bacon, sub It 1 of 53 and ' ail 51 & 52, sec 9 it 10, town 45, r 8, 17.50 acres. TOT Nicholas and Mary Hess, (ex It 24) n pt its 25 A *2t>, sec* io, 1.25 acres. 319 jouu iiiertes, pt 26 & 26, sec id, 2.02 acres SOB tfernara Tonyan, (ex e 42 ft.) it c\s, sec 13, .yo acres..... . . . . m Anna ̂usten, sw^4 s\v^4, sec 14, «u. acres >..,........ im ti. xx. Sherburne, eVi neH, sec io, 60. acres .............. 2035* ciokieri Kicaanlson, Oft, Ctn'S" " putc, it 2, &W*, 866 20j AV*'"' " • ; c m # ; JiaweU'i Villas Sub " 4 y *'•' niv|k w., Martin A. & Warren Ut* ̂ AiwWtsa,'mcu -i.'w inti i, sec 24. Wf A. ^5. com&tocjc, lot jus, out 1 i .̂vk w., Martin A. ami barren tioweil, blk 2. . . 49W i>o., OiK 3..................... 4!Wr Orchard Beach- Oriole Pleasure Club, lot 11,;.f €6 Jonn A. Arado, lot li i».. 1®? Angel Marubio, lot IS.. 117 Jay E. Waite, lots 23 and 84. • 368 Geo. F. Kramer, It 40, sec 26, .25 acres 484 Do., it 41, .25 acres.......... 167 a. L. Isberg, It 44, i6 acres. . 884 Chas>. B. Mueller, It 45, .25 acres 184 Chas. Eabei, It 46, .25 acres.. 108 Herman Strave, Its 49 & 50, .60 acres 402 James E. Spire, Its 62 ft 58, .60 acres 168 John Motzer, It 59, .25 acres... W0 George Micliels, Its 60, 61 A 62, .75 acres ... i......... 684 Fred Schau, Rosedale, It 6, .72 acres S41 Fred R. Eppei, sVfc tow%, sec 30, 80. acres 1988 Francis M. Pierpont. Sunny side Its 40, 41, 42, sec 35, .65 acres 626 Peter M. Freund, sV6 se%, 80. acres .................. 626 Mathias N. Freund, Its 11 & 12, 24.16 acres 1000 C. Champion, Co. Clk's plat, pt It 6, .56 acres...... 418 McHenry Township, Town 45, R. 9 E. E. & Ida Leonard, as per' D. R. 143, p. 431, pt It 3, sec j 17, town 45, r 9, 1.05 acres.* 887 .Peter Niesen, Co. Clk's plat, 1 (ex % a) It 28, sec 18, 50.4Q acres 'Jacob Scnaefer, D. E., pt It 28, sec 18. • George R. John, May's sub-div of pt nMt neY*, It 1, sec 18.. Ellen McDrought, It 5, sec 18.. J. C. Nettnin, Its 12 & 13, sec 18 Anna L. Gubbins, It 15, sec 18.. John H. & Beda T. Ahlstrom, Its 19 & 20, sec 18.... Bernard Tonian, w^i se% & se»4 se%, sec 20, 120. acres.. Ben Wagner, pt e% swtt, sec 32, 62.44 acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gerhard Wegener, pt n% se% & n% se^4 se^4, sec 82, 94^5 acres State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. Public notice is hereby give* that the following is a full and complete List of the Assessment of Lots and Blocks in the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1916, as appears from the Assessment Books of said Yea*; Lynn Richards, Supervisor of Assessments. Mathias Niesen, Its 8 ft 9, blk 5, 788 John A. Thennis, it 5, blk 10.. 600 J. J. Buch, It 4, blk 17..... ... 400 Huemann, sub-It 1, 16r9 1140 ** 188 166 266 166 201 2888 1200 1767 HOK^ddft with tiieir strong traction trod giwf ̂r -- - you a sure grip on die road, rMt3» it „ The Price Is Less than that of the plain tread styles of several other standard tires. Make jrour own comparisons: Plim -- Pisfc Cwy Noa-Slrid Ca>jf x30. IOAO 4jx38 . 31M 34x30 . l&4df ^«x30 . 31.811 4 x83 • aw;;*37.37^0 Ik Kn«t service orgsnmrfion in the cooatry ' itbaa I23> Fisfc Bnuache*) is back ot wor Jiit, wtSUUm aft all times wiARAFM* SwviMfoedMlOTBaMltimmen. ** • '•/ "V ' . Ovorton & Cowen We^t McHenry, Illinois #H fkmmkm tm Mtm Thm 125 Qto N. A. uucumiiu» », »-- -- - . ! - ---- --'J™,*? & 12, blk 21 • 1000 Freund, Jacob 1C........ D. G. Wells, se% Its 9 ft 12, blk Ffcand, Peter M........ 22 1087 +*• • ' ~ • Mary J usten, sub-It 2, Its 2 ft 8, ̂ blk 23 •••• 1W> C. H. Fegers, e 85 ft, Its 1 ft 4, blk 24 Michael Freund, sub-it 1, 2 ft 8, Its 3 & 6, blk 26 600 Mathias & Maria A. Miller, n 60 ft, Its 1, 2 & 3, blk 8 ,890 Magdalina Bohr, Its 4, 6 ft 6, blk 3 j Henry J. Schaefer, sub-It 8, It ! 2, blk 1., tW. D. Wentworth, nH, It 4, blk j 1 Richard I. Overton, It 1, blk 8., Nicholas J. J usten, Its 2 ft 8, , blk 8 ' Richard Thompson, It 1 and sub- i it 1, Its 2 & 3, blk 13 Thomas Thompson, Its 21, 22 ft »'T oo klb O 1067 699 1284 Michael.. • • • » i • »V, • • •, • V 4 * " i • • • " y ̂ <• • *+ * • m: % • *.»>:• • • •m:4 "••i'.'f • • f * • •. 584 73 96 409 266 658 716 220 667 30 53 60 136 39 28 760 202 k 367 .1191 . 53 v- 777 .'2333 41 422 461 400 416 602 426 29 543 26 38 28 1700 834 W*'« tktokhf SScH)T|ur4## 0 j.; IkMitieherf. • *«• # #•>'• • • BbUi Louia..»••*«** Bell, Ed............ «;s . ' Bell, J. N.........., Bell, Jam#s Bell; Florence R-.... Beti>, W. j,... t, A. B. _, ield, Mrs. Christine Brtaiey, W: E.;-^v. . . Berner, C. G Brifeld, Ben fieatty, S. H*..;,..v. Brink, E. S*............. Britft, Peter... *.1*,̂ . *» Blake, Wm. Blake, Mathias Brown, S. W. . . . . . . rJradley & Foss,,.... drowning, Mrs.' E.... iJj unswicK, Leoi*.*.,.. tiiake, Peter......... make. Frank M. liiaKe, John. . . .i iimtce, Joe...., , liiake, Matt M. £5)ake, Chris;... diggers, J; B..;.;.. riisnop, Mrs; Jaooii iiishop & Olson: tiirk, Jacob. licwmsn Dairy Co.. Bohlander, Mrs. Ann* Uohiantier, F. A.. ........... v. 2427 Bonsiett, Wni.»« " 721' Bohr, Mick '«»>*" 98 Borden Cond. Milk Co.. -*N» * • MA Boal, Samuel..... Beley, Mrs. G. f.....,.., Boyle, John...w.. Buickland, J, V.« ;\ Bueh, J. J.....*,. Brents, John... ... Barbian Bros..*.. Blake, John M.;.. Bvhr, Frank.. Brown, A. M... , Barbian, N. E.:;f. Bidder, J. C Bonstett, Adelia*. , Covalt, Floyd &/.... .v., n,.. Cossman, Wm.viv># Cooley, Fred.......\ Cornwell, Jatneit..'...»., Carr, C. H....̂ ... Campbell, John'.,,. Carey, John....... Carson, Anna Chase, Eli'P..'.,. . . . . . . Churchill, C. .>, ' laaxton, J* lv*« ̂•' * '*f:? *•' Kjomxm, Klijaii ooii\iMA]yf J* L..••••«*•«• j'ttc*• vJoutM, Wlh. O.', ....... .-, ,.i"» . ohamuerlin, it. ."..'f .'*..>4;'"• bleary, FatricK Cramer, Ben... . ..'..a VyOlDy, ueo. W*. . ooiuy, JN. If".... •..» Oarey, John... oonway, M.' * .» . Itall, H»M, fiftilf Cb&8. ; 0»'• BaaS, Joseph. .. 1 v., Harrer, Joe v... «>v +*4 Harris Bros.... ,.f... V....;...,' Harris, Gilbert. .. .* t*».. r?i ^<^8 Hawley, E. C ̂ Maverin, James............... 46 Hallstrozs, Martin..... J*. V1 681 Heimer, Henry w Heimer, Stephen^ .̂177. Heimer, John... ,y.|8? Heimer, Wm. Ml... ... . .•.% 78 Heimer, MathiasX..25 Herman Bros..... . ,«»... . . V; Hess, Nicholas 80 Hepburn, Wm...V. y7l3 Hedges, James " 61 Hetterman, Henry W..»#IK, | .'4,̂ 57 Hetterman, Henry J..., , . . . . . Hetterman, Jos.; Herbes, F. J.......... Himler ̂Geo. A...........;.... Hodge, EdsoK. liohenstein, Geo./.;v-.. ..>v. Hopper, E. J.... . . f..V. .'ii.. Howe, Mrs. E. W..'....;wVw..">. Howell, Mrs. Martin ... Holly, Jos. C. Hobart, Henry Hoffman. Fred. ilmquist, Augusta. •' ;Upward, C. S. & Son.., Howard, Raymond S........... Hunter, Everett. Huemann, Joe H.......,.•* ' uemaan, Fred Jy&, John. ........ •«.. puck, L..". » %+ a a • • • a a; a ili' i 1 a a • -a. * * \ » * M i •W." i'A, • a • a ata a » . •• . ••j' v.v */*•* a *, a • • • • • a.»»>a-i A.. A, • • » « • • *;• » •W* • *.«# • • *1. » •1 > . . 4 . . . . . . » , . . . . . . . jjaistium, Ci. A.. * v. *... .'.'k. uegen, Ataniry. l^cuCeciiliiaii, rirad.....ji lieimain, S. J.. oeutenu, Nick.. i^ebreciit, J. i>0dge, W. A..̂ '..*.;»,V..v Uonavu A .ttetnansperger Vonavm, W. j.. . . . . . . . . . Vermont, Sarah....... •, jJiedrich, Joseph • • • • i?» a V.̂ Uiedricn, Peter...'.. ."... i>iedrich, J acob M. I.,. '.* • Uiedrich, Jacob I*.'.. Uiedrich, Fred.,... _ liiethorn, Fred,',.,...*,, Dutfy, John J.̂ , E44y, Andrew,, Kdberg, P. E.. Bdinger, L. I Ekbler, Godfred Krickson, C.. fiisner, John..,,....̂ 9*........• EhgstAm, N. P...,..,..to.. Ekstrom, John.'.'. Eppel, Fred R.. Engeln, Barbara Engeln, Anton v.......... . . .. Everett Hunter Boat'Go... Fay, Kmma. Fay, Frank.. Fegers, Dr. C. Flanders, E. P......'..... ^Francisco, Wanip, Freund, Peter B.... , +.?-4 •' Freund, Anton PI Freund, Mathias S.. Freund, John F..... Freund, Joseph W..-. Freund, Martin' S.. . Freund, John Freund, Peter F.. .., Freund, Peter, Jr., • • a • +)0 a V-e Freund, Nick N.. .. . 1848 Freund, John P..'... Freund, Joseph <1.. . Freund, John V1..,. . Freund, Ben Freund, Jacob, Jfr .̂ . Freund, John H.. , .. Freund, Math. N.... f M > a %'•* * V: »• a--#-# * • • • • » . « .,».. »'• •.. 468 28 t 847 2521 ' 68 26 2626 1884' * 84 5 34 ̂ 242 ' 202 - 292 * 55 I 626 879 i 788 992 • 161 265 33 2825 60 904 61 t>2 , 13»4 <0 44^9 liO OU2 2800 2U9 11U 4^2 2< 4&S 26 1812 WtI 1446 61 1000 1129 1061 477 411 . 362 337 159 312 108 66 58 126 86 418 281 765 281 28 1062 182 203 1320 40 501 108 174 661 175 627 106 873 401 493 516*] 23, blk 2 fm. Spencer, Hanly's third add, Its i & 2, blk 2 Ringwofdv, 1800 200 433 406 18. 400 660 780 : 1 ! m e:i::t o •:;R e -.1-1 r e;7:: IT « v a # » ' m - k ̂* aa rn. 1 "\_/ jir i if 1 'Nfc -a-i, 'J ,i i'llHIIIHIk Jt- S *»*» * «* : _ _ - r r 1 . i ltniUliH.i »r-».»«»»»•»> «***•*(»<»*•* TdMtoMiJTilqdHMW No. 1M-R OlBce It SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENHT. ̂ttXINOIS. Anna' Miller, w pt It 6 fif&rry Fay, (ex 60 ft x 118 ft from center of w • 125 ft. - ft W. off w 126 ft. sub 4 of 1% rub-It 3, It 81. . lames Green, ex e 60 x 118 ft., center of H. W. w 126 ft, sub- It 4, It 18 ias. Stephenson, Sttb-lot l, lot j so (State of IllineSs,. >• 'McHenry County, sa. ̂ | Public notice is hereby given that the following is a full tSlid complete si Ust of the Assessed Value of Per sonal Property in the Town of Mc Henry, County of McHenry and ' State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1916, as taken from the Assessment Books of said year, k Lynn Richards, Ci Supervisor of Assessments. Mm, r A...... . , , ,^,? . .nso2 Adams, Jacob H.. • Adams," C. M...... . Anderson, F. A.. . .*«'<» • • ̂ t A r t i f i c i a l S t o n e C o t . . % • Allen, H. W...... .»• • •»• • Adams. Katherine»? ...'s#.- Adams, Castor..... . .j,. Adams, Peter....,'.»>.,.. •» r • Adams, B. J......̂ ̂• Adams, Geo. E Alexander Lumber, Co.* Anderson. John.... • Ahrcns, Henry •. • r» •.,* ** *1 • • Aurora Brewing Althoff, Wm......... •'» *a> •**"'• • • V * • •>^>-;a • •"• a #a"a^a_» ' • Wa-a-e • a %» a^. 1 tt! - '209 61 > 66 •862 613 183 206 101 642 245 c 58 143 6ft 64 147 894 446 100 1206 2950 91 ts 186 95 Freund, Frank J.. Freund, John Jj. '. , Freund, Math. .V F r e u n d , P . H . . . Freund, Nick I'reund, Hubert.., .*. ̂ it'reund, John .N..l. ̂ . ._ i< reund, John S. • • • V I* i» eiLit, t'. (J... r r«email, Jura r'rett, joiui m.. r r«u, o. y.... i'r«u**eu, t tvsiu>v»i «/•» A' t'iU, • ' • .w'K+f- .J * »• «- a «•••• "a;'«f"a Jonn.'... 8tl 1446 88 249 619 595 492 226 249 862 1100 86 *0 'U*?* f *r » a^f> a • • f -f iiwi, »*v-M i- twuii, v. •». »». f « • • fG* * *?hi • * ;:s 1'iMui, * etcf 44* * •,* *,* •» .• .* A - i « u , v v o t p a , . , . . f « « • • . * » : ,• iciL, Aioe» t ? f • • «>»»>•.»» • j, r leuuu, • • / • a .a a'a^a •> • ; f ivuttu, rtiwr |t.. ̂ .. i' reuuu, Jo tin i%...... . i reuitu, >3. it-«•« .», rreund, Martm~ •»»'**'€*••••> Freund,.. M- J.n.a, Gay lord, Martha.-.•• Grasser,. Frank>.... Geier, E. M...........(,•»•«....' German Ins. Cq|.,..........,n, Gerding, Mrs. Pa\i| Goodman, C. Goodman, F. Goodsell, I. W. ,.. ,. .M,r«...... Gorman, Mrs. Jenqifj ̂aVa a ••; Gibbs, Fred W..... .r«, f. . .. « ** Green, James,,.... Graneer. Frank. B. Oanther, F. ft Gans, F. O...... « • • f a a .4'## Granger, Darwin Harrison, Geo. H.f Harrison, Clayton Q,. Harristm, Roy C Ora uemann, N. A..;.-.»;'.̂ r£... ;eimer, Peter J..̂ *... Jsmiin, Jacobk. .-I Eay Banking Co.. lbsh, Adolph................. Iqftniakus, Anton. jiv*s .%*. l^fcerg, A. L... * .V»;;«ru 28 Jacks, D. T..,-80 Jaeger, Philip. Jackson, Glenn C. £«« a a a a4 • a #» » ̂47 Jensen, Jqngen, Math |qng, Martin...... I2® Jung, Nick Jung, Math, Jung, John B....*.....475 Judd, C. D. 4 • a a'Va-a a w1'* •= /' Jones, Geo. J usten, Jacob....,.......•*** . Jus ten, John J.. w ilisten,«N. j usten, Ben J usten, Jacob T...... **88 j usten, Michael M...........jt* j usten, Mrs. Anna.. ..«»*» J usten, jgcob K.......»«v«.,»*v ̂ j usten, Michael .. .*V. •» i a usten, Fred.... *«., ,• ouateu, Jose^i. tvane, Thbtos«.. jxattner, W liiian^f ... * «> * ivaiser, Frank.. lfyu Kamhois, HermaA#>.. ?•:#510 K a m h o l ^ , F r a d . . . » . . . v w Jkamnolz, Henry tJ....**,*»«»*I" ^ ivenneoecK, Jonn tt... jtwenneoecK, tilizabetli.......'.« #**" 998 Knox, Mary & Alice...... »'*.* bt>8 Kranai, Matilda •»• »• Krumpen, Anton.......#* .4*f*• i, ivrumpen, Mai*a,;.Am»% .̂ Kimoaii, J. W. v..#*..* / . 35i King, Joseph King, John KiappericK, Henry Kiiuti, Chas. Klein, Jonn.........».»* Knox, John E. Knox, J oftn....... Knapp, G. A..... • .Vi» x*™** -4 • • • • ry • vj *m • Kock, Adam........ Koerber, John • . » • »«a»*a> a a *>,» • Kramer, Geo. F....«|»:* .̂5*. Krausa, Albert.«.».#5 • Katz, B • • • •• Ladd, J. C Lallinger, A Lawrence, A. Lay, Martin...... .-r». Lawrence, Wm... i.. . . . . . . . . . auv Laures, Math. B# ̂.k ».i.̂ » 28 Laughlin, Mrs. M»ry....t..». 27 Lane, Diedrick....... • •.... 1169 Landwer, A. A....... *»... •. •» 1^2 Leickem, Jacob.. 83 Leickem, Joseph....̂ ' 29 Leonard, E. E. & Ida..... . . . . . 36 Linda*), Olaf 169 Lind, H. J. . . . . . . . . . . .^1^86 Lorimer, Wm........•.»•..»^1®® Lodtz, Jt\ D...... * 127 Loy, John P..>^27 Lasch, Emil,... . .-...*....».r» » 33 Laper, Albert J. . . . . . . . . 4.<*. ; J"5 May, May, Jacob J....• • _«•>( 906}May, Katharine.̂ -, -fvti.•. 2000 M a y , J o h n M . 1 6 9 1 1®1 Mall in, S. J.. •. .*»». ",c. 369 Meyers, Geo..... . . . .*,,.*.4 ' ^70 408 May, Nick..... .«,,«*. ,. ». s 367 1103 May, Joseph. 532 May, M&rtui Ni .-a • a i -- 28 37 Martin, Abbie Lu... \.s.1.. 1000 60 Martin, F= E-- - 264 Matthews, Della .̂.̂ .»i9r 490 j Mertas, John... « •. . . , •?» j ̂ 149{Merchani, Ray... 80 Mead, H. C 25 207 Meyers, Wm. J.%,. **•»% *•? 32 948 Merchant, Eliza k324 346 Miller, John P...>......,60 699"; Miller, Jo&"|.. 2iU McLaughlin, J. F.... .i t .»V...V w138 uo McAllister, E. V.̂ "733 1<01 McAllister, E. V..... . . . «.»**.# 76 aowO 1 McCarthy, Margasat...n.t.27 v*.. McDonald, Lewis.v . 180 <,4 ̂McCafinon, WUl hi.. v ^>39 • McCannon, L. Hi, Mite, Joiuv..... |»:,:.̂ #»^"i.s,,:^346 ̂Miller, John. Miller, Majth. 599 Miller, Peter... Miller, Peter F Miller, Henry.. Miller, John A Miller, Cristine B......... Miller, Gertrude L... Michels, Jos. J.... ...»v. Miehels, Hubertf. Mueller, Arnold F..".. .J.. . Mueller, Elizabettt... DURING JULY ONLY ing Machines "u>rr- ^ .inn r limn- 1,tin.,,tif if $50 and: up, t^- f t '4 *f< '* i h ' * gjni: i < ,• M ife * 'S 'Ssi."' •w t * : ii ELECTRK? ' ' " ' i n f > P i ( • f r n VACUUM CLF.ANRWS 'in-: $19.75 and upi- :- ?V.'H • EACH OH MOHTHLY ttYTOSTOWm ̂ . , 1-12th with the order and 1-12 a month|for eleven months m ~: >» - J'S.. payable with light bill DfMONSTRATIONS AT Q||it DISPLAY ROOMS * CRYSTAL ;jbAKE ' *>/' OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 1 ! - i - U ' " " - . . " - • -- --: -- • 7-- "f ,••••• : p r e e y o n r ^ e i f i r o n ) fr^ke davT cirudder \ . %ou, who still bake your own . fan now be from this unni teiy drudgery a*) expense. Vou»|i admit home- 'baking IS an EX- iPENSE for certain ly you canngi bake as cheaply is you .^jpan buy. ^And it is dmdgery. Beaider it isn't practical, when you can buy good bread, a loaf at a time, always fresh, al ways good to the last crumb. ; Try a loaf--the folks will call km more. ;• jA McHENRY ' BAKERY- A. LALLINGER. PROPRIETOR * X 4 • «, '4mm ai - no 11 1U2 53 109 37 483 62 967 58 172 437 122 70 289 694 56 53 112 78 3040 , , » . . . . . . . . . ... ... „•> -^s-' • . » . d » ' ! ' ^>1 'r- • a«"^au^W. Mfiler, Caroline Mayers, Theo.... Matthews, Emma: •«_««• • *• Mershon, F. J • •• * M M»rray, F. C Miller, Frank. • ,.v>v Miller, John F......»» National Pickle & Canniag Qpn. • M.fh Nell, Mrs. Christina ... Noonan, Mi*.' Mary. .?5V;. Nettia, • Lanra L. i..-. iffy Nalaoo, M«cnea • »•••* 4 aja » Natt, Nfc* • •• Nia^n, M. M. 442 5t>4 28 482 25 190 37 28 102 866 1 33 413 600 65 232 (025 250 133 323 60 •268 166 508 * 50 379 Jos. H. Iluemann, - Johnsbuift ^S DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone ExchangeBWti Centerrllle McHenry, 1 Diinoit Telephone Na. 7f-W weaamt runmifi tun mem ' ? • Expcricilccd DONAVIN & % 'i - •? ' '• • srsimm 51 • 'K% & Read Plaindealer Ads *"