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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1916, p. 4

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h?<?"' > fci KC ?>,SV • t <A, isW ™- - % ;< - 'HV !tv f' ^ l^: tV/r! i ,v I ; -4«" * • M " : ,V • * ;r3's § • • " " S< " „ • r • * H , ^ *' L*:"K~p H*; *v ^ f • # V V"."v" $*v '» * JJT «t ?£ ' - ^ *<• -f I' : tw? rr^- &"%' > \;r~- * ^ - %r' &. V'" fflm\ isr $$ ' k̂ 'i I fc.;*V If" V*' < IV '< %$~t' &'• ;, ^ * $/*' JL ift'.'i »." .«* Itfany repl>rts tinfsur to m© arje being circulated In t$e newspapers and other, ways as to the effect of a recent decision rendered by Judge Pond in regard to reports filed by me as State's Attorney of McHenry county during n§gr: first term, 1908-1912. . ; - 0" judge Pond delivered his opinion orally and no judgment "Whatever has been entered. His opinion was taken in short hand by the court reporter, has been written up and sent to Judge Pond for correction by him before being entered in tahe case? • - ^ His opinion ̂ delivered sustains my reports in many re­ spects and finds them incorrect in his judgment, in other respects. A complete statement of the opinion cannot be given until a copy of his decision is receipted. • ; In passing upon some of the matters in dispute Judge Pond stated that he had twice approved similar reports as presented to him by the State, s Attorney of DeKalb county and the State's Attorney of Boone county, and he made it very clear that in his opinion I was in justice aud equity entitled to retain such fees, but that since rendering hi? former decisions he had changed his mined as to the strict rule of law govering such cases. From which it will ap­ pear that the law is not as clear, certain and unquestionable as it might be. Judge Pond has been more than two years in arriving at a decision in this case. Part of the pay I atti to receive for my service during my first term as State's Attorney is involved in the ques­ tions now before the courts. I have rendered honest and successful services to the people of McHenry county and I believe they are willing that I have a square deal in this ^matter. ' •• - • » I have made a complete and detailed report to the court of every cent of money I ever received as State's Attorney.*- I have given a good and «u,Hicient bond which absolutely protects the public from possible loss. I ask only what pay the law gives me, but I do not propose to permit a man who is seeking my job to determine what that amount is. ! I know that the Peny'e of this County are willing to give me a square deal aiid 1 am ready to give them one and to pay into the school treasury every dollar that belongs there. During my first term, after deducting all fees and salary claimed by me, there .ras a balance of $4,037.47 remaining for the County School funds. This sum is almost as large as tlie total amount paid into this fund by all my predeces­ sors, so that the school taxes have not been raised but low­ ered by me. Under the law in forefe during my second term, 1912-1916, the office held by me lias been on a salary basis and the law requires that all moneys received be turned over to the County Treasurer. Under this law I have already paid the sum of $20,833.89, a fact shown by the records but not here­ tofore published in the newspapers. Judge Pond is an able and honest Judge and I know he has given his best judgement as to the law in the opinion he has rendered, and when I have an opportunity to examine the decision carfully I will either Comply, with it or take the case to the Supreme Court and settle the law, on the disputed points, a right which I have in common with all other citizens. In the meantime I ask the public to re­ member that I have brought every dollar I have ever re­ ceived into court and fairly and honestly accounted for it and that the question to be decided is what part of it belongs to me for my services and what part belongs to the County, and that I have filed a bond which amply protects the pub­ lic against any possible loss. ; 'r'e\ X feel disposed to accept Judge Pond's,decision and shall do So if his decision when entered is as I understood it when delivered orally and if by complying with it the existing controversy can be ended. If however, that part of his decision which favors me is to be the subject of further criticism I shall insist that the Supreme Court pass upon the whole matter and their decision will be final, v * DAVID R. JOSLYN. , THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER v . PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY J3Y I* F. G. SCHREINER t Affice in Bank Building Telephone %-W if*-. - . ' ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: »/;• • ' r < Om Year %IM Six Moath*. 75c Three Month*. 4*c 'i. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 4li a<lv>Ttiiu>in<>rit« inn.nleii uiidt i tills head at the teillowtntf rates: Kl»c llm>e or le»*. 115 oent« for Brat Insertion; 16 e**rit* for snb.tmjtitbit Insertion •ore than Ave lints, 6 eents a line for Urst Insertion and 3 cents a line for addition I Insertions. ' Thursday, July 27, 1916 Vi' y \ Candidate for State's Attorney $$$*- I hereby announce myself a candi- /•'X, v date for the Republican nomination r ̂ for state's attorney. ^ V. S. Lumley. t- * ttjJ. F** Circuit Clerk f : * / % \ I hereby announce myself a candi- ^ 7Ate for the Republican nomination for the office of Circuit Clerk of Mc­ Henry county at the Republican pri- l > maries to be held on Wednesday, 18, 1916. /* ' 48 Thos. F. -Nolan. 07 ̂ For State's Attorney ' I «oa a candidate for renomination as state's attorney of McHenry coun- " ^ ty. If the manner in which I have r: conducted the affiairs of that office during my incumbency meets with your approval I will appreciate your • apipport at the Republican primaries I * on September 13, 1916. David R. Joslyn. nikiiiLi State's Attorney ( T hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the Republican nomination »r the office of State's Attorney of cHenry county at the Republican " granaries to be held ,on Wednesday, t4eptember 13, 1916. | 1 ask every voter and tax payer to ' fiead atjr platform and pledge. Ml® Charles P. Barnes. & to the Voters of McHenry County , I am again a candidate for the of- Hee of circuit clerk. I have at all - times endeavored to conduct this of­ fice to the satisfaction of all. Effi­ ciency, courtesy and fairness have V/^ljeen the watchwords of my office. If jtou are satisfied, I should appreciate your vote at the primary on Sept. 13, - next. I am satisfied with my job anefr perfectly willing to serve another term without a raise in salary. Yowp very truly, Theo. FOR SALE--Good milk wagon, good" as new. Inquire at this office. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 19 FOR SALE--A 20-foot gasoline launch. H. Berkircher, Emerald Park, McHenry, 111. 4»tf FOR SALE CHEAP--No. 3 Oliver typewriter. In good condition. In­ quire at this office. 6 FOR SALE--The Wirfs residence on Waukegan road. Thirteen rooms. Electricity and gas. Inquire of MrS. J- B. Buss, West McHenry, 111. 5 FOR SALE--Quantity of cord wood. Inquire of or write Mathias M. Blake, West McHenry, I1L, or call phone 607- W-l. 47-tf WANTED--A steady position on a farm by a boy fourteen years old. Fralicis Walsh, West 1st St., Wood­ stock, 111. 4-tf TO LET--Thirty acres of slqugh hay to cut oil shares or will sell in lots to suit the demand. Inquire at this office. 6-2t* FOR SALE CHEAP--A five room bungalow and two acres of ground Also two river lota. Inquire of Miss Cristine Belle Miller, McHenry, 111. V 3-lm FOR SALE--Ironclad incubator at half price. Also one Matthews gas machine for cooking and one acety­ lene gas machine for lighting. John Scherman, river road, MfeHenry, 111. LOST--From pasture, a well marked Holstein heifer, coming three years old and close springer. Anyone' knowing the whereabouts of same kindly notify- Clinton Martin, Mc­ Henry, 111. Phone 606-W-2. 6-lt LOST--On south road between Mc­ Henry and the John M. Phalin farm, a salesman's tan leather grip. Finder kindly notify the Public Service Co., North Crystal Ltke, and receive re­ ward. ^ 6-lt* % / ,«iu ^ ^ <• »•*« * 'V'1 ' ' K J V ayers win Oveir Judge Pond's Decision Jr. \-y * ^\r Sr- £<"). ...fir./J? Qn Friday ofjast week, County Judge W. li. Pond of DeKalb County, in our County Court, rendered an oral decision on three reports ̂ * State's Attorney Joslyn, covering the time from March 1st, 1910, to *-|j)ec. 1st,-1912. - ji ; "The decision is practically the same as th© two decisions previously _ f r tendered against State's Attorney ,Joslyn, by oiir County Court in the W ; r ' years of 1911 and 1912, and as to the justice fines received by State's At- \ . - /. tprney Joslyn, Judge Pond ruled the same as the three holdings of former * ^ ^ i (Attorney General Stead, which were also against Joslyn. A k v 2 This now makes three court decisions against Joslyn besides three ̂ rulings of the Attorney General's office, and this last decision, (of Judge Pond), is one more sweeping victory for the taxpayers, and a crushing die- ? /• iteat for Joslyn in his attempt to loot our school funds. ;; C / ^ In the oral decision rendered by Judge Pond, he clearly held that' State's Attorney Joslyn had wrongfully and illegally charged up and de­ ducted from our county school funds, in certain criminal cases, illegal fees* to which Joslyn waf not entitled, which in the aggregate, (for Joslyn's first term,) amount to nearly $10,000.00. . Judge Pond also expressly held that State's Xttorn^y Joelyn was wrongfully and illegally withholding from our county, school funds the following items: / -v-v 1 1. The Justice fines received by Joslyn, which during his first term, will amount tt> nearly $10,000.00. 2. The 10 per ceht commission that Joslyn has charged up and re­ tained as a collection fee on all justice fines, (except a few small fines for violation of the game laws.) ^ 3. The 10 per cent commission that Joslyn has charged up and retained as a collection fee on his own legal fees, and on tlie thousands of dollars • illegal fees that Joslyn has wrongfully "charged up, and with which"' he padded his sworn reports to cover up the justice fines. ' t -- , 4 The 10 per cent commission that Joslyn, has charged and de­ tained as a collection fee on allv court eosts, expense, witness fees, etc., collected by Joslyn. ~ / All of the above points ha^e twice heretofore been decided by our county court in the same way, and former Attorney General Stead ruled three times that our State's Attorney was not entitled to receive or retain justice fines, or charge a 10 per cent commission for collecting the same. Judge Pond held with Mr. Joselyn's contention, on two minor points, (involving only a few hundred dollars,) as to certain per diem, charges made by Joslyn, although our County Court has twice ruled with our tax­ payers on these points. Under this decision of Judge Pond, Joslyn must file new reports, and under Judge Pond'^rulings, there is nearly or quite $10,000 of our school money still in the possession of State's Attorney Joslyn, which I shall re­ cover for the taxpayers before this fight is finished. . - Joslyn's record on our school funds is only equaled by his audacity in now boldly asking the votors of this county to renominate him for a third term as State's Attorney. Very truly yours, CHARLES BARNES. *' i 1 '• ----Jobnsburg--< ;̂,1 MEAT MARKET ---AND-- Ice Cream Parlor We carry a full line df the choicest fresh and salt meats at all times and our con­ stant aim is to please our customers. Our wagon makes deliveries to your very door. Also make de­ liveries along the river and lake. Give us a trial.1* Home-made Corn Beef Ouf Specialty Ben J. Schaefer JOHNSBURG 'Phone 6M-J-2 Spring Grove 'Phone For a short time only any of the following brands: 7 Cigars, 25c Alomino--Porto Rico Black Cat - "Comet Factory Smokers James Blaine Pathfinder Moos-hand made Philadelphia Five R. B. Royal Dutch La Azora Operas Only while they last t v. West Mcliemy, 111. The name that is more than a guaran­ tee. A name that has stood for good merchandise and pleasant business relations for two generations. We urge you to visit us at WEST Mc- HENRY, ILL. Automobiles Or Horse Drfwn Vehicles 'Phones, Office 63-W; Residence, 11«-M • J) Pbundealer ads bring results. P H I L I P J A E G E R dENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT 1 SPECIAL ATTENTION"®*VTCN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, rtutton. Hogs, Veal, Poaltry, Hide*, Etc., Butter and Eggs * This is the oldest house on the street. T^rs and prioe lis%i fnrniflhed on application. COLO STOKAOE FREE CHICAOO. ILLINOIS. Stall i A a, PMttea S*. Wholtiilt Marlcat, A V/cJo u& 'Vest Tl« *mmmf aartr • MUm 1»U«n *awfcWfca< Iwi mmrwmt. KiB -- --<•111 •Iiiujiii Ima^h KAf CORN *tr a*. Ma ate Wk Y. McAllister, - West McHenrj J ---ri ; ^ ;• . if ^ i SilMt r-Si Bead The Pbundealer ads. ./C? a' . .. '. . , PLUMBING AND HEATING ---BY---- Experienced Working DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bhlg (Centerviiie McHenry, Iliinoia Telephone No. 7t-W Bead Plaiqdealer ads. VY1 l»n UAiS W VJVni^-Ul\ uwa , Moore's Wizard WILL DO IT WITHOUT CHANGING A PART Ms'V * A '-i-'Hil BIB >- *'"'i, v ft r ' < \ I S ' r l. "J. J'. " Z - v - d. jisosrfi ; \ ;> ^.xr.-y , • 'C • A range that is really two in one. The top is "only 43 Indies long yet it has abundant surface for all possible re­ quirements. The gas equipment is of the most approved design and In no way interferes with the coal construction. I^or are there any parts to be changed around to use either fuel. The coal equipment has Moore's Fire Back which is as necessary to a good working range as a safe is to a bank--it keeps money from going to the wrong place < by saving waste products which make heat. ' BE SORE TO CALL IN AND SEE THIS RANGE j. J. McHenry, Illinois. % Delicious Sandwiches pan gnly be maije of fresh, firm bread of the very highest quality. * That is why oqr GOOD bread is preferred for sandwiches for ALL occasions. Our bread is BETTER than mother used to make--and we sell it to you for less than it pofts you to bake at nome. Give it a trial? LET US DO YOUR BAKING The McHenry Bakery ~ A. LALLINGER, PROP. THE STAFF OF LIFE We have been awarded the exclusive agency for DR. PRICES We are pleased to present these exceptionally fine, pure foods to our trade and are glad to guarantee each item to be > absolutely as represented. In purity and value tjiey repre­ sent the most for your money. Dr. Prices Cream of All Breakfkst Food, 15c; 2 fot,-.--,25c Dr. Prices Wheat Flakes, ready cooked, 10c; 3 for.. -25c Dr. Prices Corn Flakes, perfectly flavored, 10c; 3 for 25c Dr. Prices Health Bran, 15c; 2 for Dr. Prices Corn Meal, pure, 10c; 3 for_..~25c Dr. Prices Macaroni, 10c; 3 for--1 - -25c Dr. Prices Spaghetti, 10c; 3 for___ - -25c Priceless Coffee, steel cut, per pound. --25c Priceless Coffee, whole berry, per pound.^ John Stoffel WEST McHENRY, ILL. Office Hour*: to 1£M m. tm. Telephone* Office 17 Residence Jl-W A. I. FROEHLICII Physician and Surgeon FREUNDBLDG. Over McAllister's WEST McHENRY • f r 1 fiii. 'Vfciia... 's.L* v„/t; ... y'&k'&i!":- /r % ^ Telephone No. 1M-R SIMON STOFFEL (tsurance agent for all classes property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :. ILLINOIS. , n " • ' r^.. • i. * '* ... V •• *tlirv..^-;r:rr,rri

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