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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1916, p. 4

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>//'V^4; - - * * S3Sw~-$® * ! THE Ucmmm rLAINDEALEK, McHENBY, IMi. «!»H5S HRH JsseS TEE MERRY PLAINDEALER W:;:"muna £VEKY THURSDAY sr ^ s F. G, SCHREINER ; 'dCk* In liauL Uuildini Telephone 1S-W TERMS OF Stj jcjCRIPTIONt ' Oat Ydr. .. ... .•§!••.1 :|H Mwnht, 75c Thnm Month#, •« Thursday, Augur' 8, 1916 •335 ! Candidate for State's Attorney I hereby anno'TT,ce myself a candi­ date for the R-publican nomination state's at4 rney. V. S. Lumley. For Circuit Clerk I hereby announce myself a candi- 4*le for the Republican ^mination for the r "ce of Circuit Clerk of Mc- Henry county at the Republican pi. inaries to be held on Wednesday, September 13, 1916. 48 Th F. Nolan. For State's Attorney I a candidate for renomination as f V^e's attorney of M"Henry coun­ ty.. the manner jr ich I have conuucted the affiairs - that office during my incun bency meets with yo" * approval I will appreciate your suppo-t at the Repuh n. it prim fine0 on September 13, ,1916. 47 David R. Joslyn. For State's Attorney ~ I hereby announce myself a candi- dnit* for the Republican nomination for the office of State's Attorney of McHen-y county at tne Republican Primaries to be h^M on Wednesday, September 13, 1916. I ask ever iter and tax payer to nai M*y platform and pledge. 48 - Charles P. Barnes. CAMPAIGN OPENED At HEBRON Joslyn AddressM Urge Crowd and Creates Much Enthusiasm To the Voters of McHenry County I am arain a ~^Klii?ate for the of­ fice of .ruit clerk. 1 have at all times ored to conduct this of­ fice to the -.atisf Ion of all Effi­ ciency, curtesy and fairnt been the watch .vtrds of my offioe. If yoo are sa' "- id, I should appreciate your vote at tae primary on Sept. 13, next. I am satisfied with mv job and perfectly willing to serve another term without a raise in salary. Yours very truly, Theo. Qamer. A Picnic Party * A jolly >unch of bov? and girts, numbering fourteen, •* ed to Mc- Collum's lake Wednesday morning, can /ing baskets of lunch for a pic- nk dinner. liieir enjoyment consist­ ed of games, bathSg and boating. Some expert swimmers •* . in evi­ dence. The kodaks were ^ept very bosytduring the day, but the feature of the day was the excellent dinner prepared by these school r'-ls them­ selves. Those present vv ei Rose­ mary Nye, Mary Walsh, Genevieve Carey, Lucile Steinbach, Beulah Lar- ltin, Adelia Heimer, Helen Justen, Walter Carey, Gienn Wells, Leo Hei­ mer, Edmund Barbia,n, Paul .Bonslett, Robert Green and Harvey Nye. Invitation Extcnuu Business Men ' The Elgin Merchants' association . has invited the McHenry Business Men's association to be their guests ponent to find fault with ^is reports [Contributed] _ « T The campaign for the brace of state's attorney is on in earnest. David R. Joslyn made his first pub­ lic appearance before a crowd in his owner home at Hebron, Illinois, last j. riday night. The weather was ex­ tremely warm and a street meeting was held. Henry Turner, the super­ visor, was chairman. Judge Donhelly and Attorney Jas. F. Casey spoke briefly, eulogizing Mr; Joslyn,. expressing confidence in his integrity and ability, and claim­ ing his administration of the affairs of his office had been the most ef­ ficient in the history of McHenry o^unty. Mr. Joslyn's address was largely a defense of his work in conducting the affairs of his office. He exposed the falsity of the statements in many of the articles published by his op­ ponent, C. P. Barnes, and showed that he had followed the law as-laid down in the rulings of Attorney Gen­ eral Stead and that Mr. Barnes in hisJ zeal to deprive him of his job had published and circulated certain opinions by the attorney general and claimed that he had repeatedly re­ fused to accept them as the law, be­ cause he was'not and is not an honest state's attorney, when, in fact, these opinions of the attorney general were rendered in reference to a law that was only on the statute books for seven months during his first term. He also charged that while he was engaged in the Orpet trial at Wau- kegan that Barnes had • clipped the filthy articles published in the Heb­ ron Tribune and : sent them to the attorneys engaged in the trial and to the court officials in an attempt to discredit him and destroy his in­ fluence as an attorney in the case. He made the further charge that Barnes had attempted to convince his friend, Brotzman, supervisor of the town of Riley, that he had not accounted for $1110 which he had collected on a forfeited bond, and called the county superintendent, Shelton, and showed by him that he had never received the money, but investigation disclosed that this money was paid over to George W. Conn, who was then the superintend­ ent of schools, almost a year before Mr. Shelton entered upon the duties of his office. These statements Jos­ lyn maintained must have been made deliberately, as Barnes had certified copies of his reports which showed that George W. Conn had receipted for this money on February 24, 1910. The hit of the evening was made when Mr. Joslyn read an article written by Barnes four years ago and intended for publication. Joslyn was in the midst of his second cam­ paign and ^Attorney Charles Francis was his opponent. In this article Barnes extolled Joslyn's services as state's attorney, ridiculed what he called the feeble attempt of his op- mANs FOR SISTER ROUSE Call Por Modern Structure In Every Respect After considerable delay in secur­ ing plans acceptable on all sides to the building committee, reports are that the Sisters' house cannot be put off is Sisters are to come back again to McHenry.' From all indications the Ven. Mother is solicitous about the health and well-being of all school Sisters under her charge in the^ community and it is certain now that she will be pleased to refuse other applica­ tions pouring in for school Sisters if McHenry is able to give the Sisters a bright and cheerful home. The advis­ ory building committee is for quick action. Two meetings were held. S. H. Freund, who has been doing os much building in the past, is decid­ edly pleased Vith the blue prints, which call for a cozy two story brick residence with modern plumbing and heating as well as sanitary modern toilets for the school .children. To gain time the foundation will go up now. Estimates from contractors must be in by Aug. 12. In the mean­ time excavation will be done by M. Freund. The building committee made short work of the coal sheds last Tuesday. At the present time it is hard to say how much the improvements will cost The Rt. Rev. bishop, has ad­ vised Father Berthold, however, to interest the people of McHenry to make an unusual contribution for three successive years in order to meet the obligations. A subscription will be started as soon as the buildings are begun so that the finances of this year's under­ takings will all be paid for by 1919. The advisory ^building committee: Math. Blake, Peter Diedrich, John F. Freund, Mike Freund, Ben Hiller, Michael Justen, Jos. Justen, Geo. Scheid, Ben Stilling, John Stilling; superintendent, S. H. Freund,. and Rev. Edw. Berthold, pastor. LETTER FROM BROWNSVILLE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT AH Inserted under this he*U at the Fire Lin** or 86 cent* for first Innortioii; 15 cents for each subsequent insertion More than lines, & cents a line for fir** Insertion Aft it '.i riMitfc lliii for nU<titloiil Insertions. FOR SALE--Good milk wagon, good as new. Inquire at this office. FARMS- FOR SALE--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. • 19 Charles Newman Writes Interesting . Letter to His Parents * and participate in the pleasures of fheir picnic, which is to be held .4ug. claimed that McHenry county needs and must have in the office of state's 8, at Wing park in that city. There attorney a man of this type, that Jos- frill be plenty of enjoyment provided jy,, stands as a protector of our lives by the association and each will be expected to bring a large basket of lunch so .that they may remain for di^n^r and supped and enjoy the en­ tire "day and evening's sports, and our property and that it is no time to experiment with a man ,prac­ tically , unknown and entirely un­ tried. The exposure of Barnes' method of " prepared for the mutual pleasure of !conducting a campaign occasioned *11 members. much surprise and especially among those who were not familiar with his methods in |ormer campaigns, when FOR SALE--A 20-foot gasoline launch. H. Berkircher, Emerald Park, McHenry, 111. 4-tf FOR SALE CHEAP--No. 3 Oliver typewriter. In good condition. In­ quire at this office. 5 FOR SALE---Good family mare. In­ quire at the McHenry bakery, Mc­ Henry, 111;, or call phone 104-R. 6-tf FOR SALE--Quantity of cord wood. Inquire of or write Mathias M. Blake, West McHenry, 111., or call phone 607- W-l. 47-tf WANTED--A steady position on a farm by a boy fourteen years old. Francis Walsh, West 1st St., Wood­ stock, 111. 4-tf TO LET--Thirty acres of slough hay to cut on shares or will sell in lots to suit the demand. Inquire at this office. 6-2t* FOR SALE CHEAP--Sanitary couch and mat, golden oak buffet, corner chair and small librarjr table; In­ quire at this office. 7-lt* FOR SALE--Square dining table, 8 foot extension; also folding bed, good furnishings for summer cottage. Mrs. Ella Wheeler, McHenry. 7rl.t* FOR SALE CHEAP--Combination bookcase and writing desk, leather couch and colonial oak buffet. In­ quire of Fred Karges, McHenry. 7-2t T A ,0. Das Volks att Sold The Volksblatt, McHenry count. only German paper, vjich since 1885 I he sought by every means possible to las been published nt Woodstock, defeat Judge Donnelly for the office •has passed out of 'istence. The of circuit judge and deprive McHenry paper has been consolidated with the i county of the benefit of a resident Elgin Herald and Germania and. sub- udge.' sctibers to the '"^odstock paper wil The meeting was closed by Attor- hereafter be supplied with the two! ney E:* D. Shurtleff, who made a Elgin papers The Elgin publishers J strong argument in favor of retain- have made a angements whereby i ing Mr. Joslyn in office. Exposed the "olksbiatt's territory will be cov­ ered as : oroly as it has in the past ar. the subscribers may rest assured 'that the' will benefit by tne change. Graduate of Law *ay M. Weinke of Woodstock, well jj|id favorably known *' manv of the ^bung people of thi • village, has passed a. satisfactory examination and has been admitted to practice law in fie state of Illinois. Mr. We 3 gr*< ited fro- ^e Refit col­ lege of law of Chica^ • short time ago and reports f-om tae college are to * he effect that th- Woodstock boj Bt-yd among, the high'-:' in his class. McHe ry friends extend congratula­ tions. A Close Call A fatal accident was narrowly •'* averted at the Central opera house > eorner at about 2:00 o'clock last Sun- ir ^Jiiiay afternoon, when an automobile p" 't J *»n into a motorcycle. The rider of jhe motorcycle Wi.s thrown se. eral , feet, while *machine was buripd be 3®th the -ifig touring car. Out- " aide i f a few minor bruises the rider I remained unhurt. We have not >en 'able to learn the names of the ~ 'f> parties, altho it . said that the mo- 1 torcycl Hes resides at Crystal Lake. T ( "ADl TIONAL LOCALS i;" "to talcum or skeetx t,koot §1 ^ at McAllister's. || ' ed on local ppenings. f f D o n ' t F o i g e t t h e W h i t e S o x Harvard's street paving job has <• • been started. ^ # McAllister says creonoid costs no " * more than other By sprays, ji%t kills ii- a- , V <4 P I the fliaa. V Try a & cent glass of Moar, the v ' Juicy grare drink, at McAllister's and S V ^ou will want more. :-- - -- t c plaatdeeler ads bring results. . Barnes' position as attorney for Jos­ lyn when the same reports that he now condemns Were being heard in the county court and quoted from the stenographic report which proved conclusively that Barnes' position at a time when he was not a candidate for office was exactly contrary to the jsition he is taking today, when he does not hesitate to besmear the character of any candidate who comes between him and the office he seeks. * Mr. Joslyn will conduct a speaking campaign throughout the county and visit every town and village therein. The next meeting is scheduled for Harvard on Saturday evening, Aug. 5, when it is expected that an im­ mense throng will be out to hear Mr. Joslyn expose Barnes' peculiar methods of conducting his. campaign. Brownsville, Texas, July 25, 1916. Dear Mother and Father--Received your most welcome letter; also one from Gerald and Dick and The Plain- dealer. How is everyone up there this hot weather? How is "Dad" getting along? Tell him I am fine. I also had a letter from Clyde Zoia last week, saying that a fellow that went to school with him at Notre Dame lives in Brownville, but I haven't had time to look for him. Will Mead of Raymondsville was down to see me a couple of weeks ago, but I was on fatigue, so he left word he would come again, but haven't seen him yet. , You asked how many years I had to stay. Well, I guess three anyway, as some of the fellows whose three years were up had to stay four on ac­ count of this trouble. * ^ The other day the infantry, Battery D and 5th F. A., which is a mounted battery, had a "hike" to see who were the most fitted for service and we out-walked all of them IY2 miles out of about eight, but we were all in when we did stop and just dropped when we had our first ten minutes of rest. Am sending $ome pictures of Ed. Gramawell of Arkansas and myself. John Gurell, Henning's brothin-in- law, took them. Give Nellie one. 1 sent Gerald his. In some places in Mexico the chil­ dren were dropping dead in the streets from starvation. It is quiet­ ing down here now and we are having it easier. There are fifty-two truck drivqps here from Cleveland, O., driv­ ing trucks. Have about sixty army trucks here. We may get to see Panama yet. Well, I will qlose for this time. Best regards to everyone. t f Lovingly, Charles.. POSITION WANTED--By young man, strictly sober, in Or near town. Will drive team or do repair work. Reasonable wages. Joseph Escher, McHenry, 111. P. O. box 95. 6-2t* FOR SALE--Ironclad incubator at half price. Also one Matthews gas machine for cooking and one acety­ lene gas machine for lighting. John Scherman, river road, McHenry, 111. FOR RENT--A nicely furnished cot­ tage; finished in oak, with electric lights and gas. Fine spring water on premises. Cottage is located at Orchard Beafch on Fox river, just north of Stilling's place.. Inquire of Mv D. Wilkins or at premises. 7-lt* *«•*•••• WW#-- HeeMM PROBA TE NEWS A PRACTICAL MAR FOR AN IMPORTANT STATE OFFICE mmm. ill. 'i . : ' Geiieva, Kane County, III. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR J State Board of Equalization Receives Promotion Roy Bohlander, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander of this village, who has been employed as bookkeeper for the Borden Condensed Milk company at Hampshire, 111., for some time past, has been promoted 'as private secretary to Harry Reser in their head office at Chicago. At present he is busy with the books at their bot­ tling plant here, but expects to take up his new position soon. Mr. and Mrs. Bohlander are spending the time intervening with the former's par­ ents in this village before taking up their new home in Chicago. * Concert in Centerville Tonight The usual weekly rotating concert will be held on Wednesday nights as heretofore. The concert next week Water street in old gave some fine se­ lections at Columbia park, Johnbsurg, last evening, which were fully appre­ ciate by the large audience present. will be held ^pn town. The t»oy: Committed to Elgin Wm. 'Ensign, whose parents reside near Lake Defiance, came into town Tuesday carrying a revolver and in­ tent upon killing his brother, Charles. The facts were reported to Officer Revor, who, placed him under arrest on a charge of carrying concealed weapons. He was taken to Wood­ stock and for sane reasons given a hearing before . Judge ^Smiley, who committed him to the Elgin Insane hospital. Constable Walsh took him to Elgin a few years ago and it was hoped 4-hat his ideas were righted. However, the excessive heat may have effected the brain, causing the re­ lapse. -- I .... Horses Die From Heat During the terrible heat of last week five horses died in the vicinity of Johnsburg. A valuable mare, owned by Thos. Bolger, living south of this village, was also overcome and died in a few hours. Drivers should take every precaution in caring for horses during hot weather. Too much new grain in the ration i§/$aid to prove fatal. Purchase Stone Crusher The McHenry Artificial Stone com­ pany, under the firm name of Steffes and Wirfs, has recently purchased .a new Aurora stone crusher. The ma­ chine arrived 'last week .and is being used in the gravel pit on Sherman's hill. The company is now better equipped than elrer to meet the grow­ ing demands in their thrifty enter­ prise. % : » I [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock^ Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 90.1 and 911.] Real Estate Transfers William Pliny Lathrope Fox et al to Effie T. Hubbard, Its 1, 4, 5 & 8, blk 25, orig plat, McHenry, w side of B'ox river (ex pc off Its 1 & 4 $600.00 Jessie Wille to Mabel Reed & Elsie Wille, pt ne^4 sec 25, 2 acres, Dorr 700,00 Mathias W. Barth to Peter J. Muldoon, Catholic bishop of Rockford 111., J acre lying immediately west and ad­ joining It 1, blk 1, Owen's out Its to the vil of McHenry 360.08* ' Marriage Licenses Ernest F. Tarr, 22 Chicago Mabel D. Holm, 22 Chicago Fred Rae, 33 Hebron Edith Schlie, 19 Creston 111. Shall the Paulist Choristers Come? On the shores of Crystal lake the famous Paulist choristers are camp­ ing for thirty days with their leader, Father Finn. Everything goes like clock work at the camp. The ice com­ pany's grounds and building have been charitably turned over to the famous singers. A spacious swim­ ming section has been staked out and roped in and a pier built to anchor their boats. .News comes to us that McHenry may have an opportunity to hear the world famous-choristers if some preparations and inducements could be made. An open air musical program given by the boys, who travel to Europe to capture the Paris prize, would be an event in McHenry that would pack the town with peo­ ple. Let us have the choristers in McHenry. * Entertain Card Club Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins invited the members of their card club to their home on Main street to help make merry on Saturday evening, July 29, their eighth wed­ ding anniversary. The evening was spent playing cards and at the close delightful refreshments were served. The party left a beautiful linen table cloth as a token of esteem. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames W. D. Wentworth, J. C. Holly, Geo. Young, Geo. Bohr and Wm. Spencer. Meets With Severe Accident A carpenter at work on a .barn at the Geo. J. Sayer farm No. 4, Pista- kee Bay, fell from the structure "Monday afternoon, breaking both legs and badly crushing one foot* Dr. A. Mueller of Johnsburg was called to attend him and on Tuesday he was taken to Woodstock for an X-ray ex­ amination. He is a married man named Mert Gifford. He was able to start lyar his home at Oshkosh on Wednesday morning. Help make The Plaindealer newsy by sending in any item of news that yoa may know of. Primary September 13, U6 EARLY RISER Flour is the result of many years' exper ience and skill in flour making. Its name guarantees itsquafity and its quality explains its reputa­ tion. Snow white and fine as velvet EARLY RISER Flour invariably 1 assures" good bread and light, delicious pies and cakes. WEST M'HENRY FLOOR AND FEED MILLS mflj * MUk» dollar* •rout of too4 proyrftjr m>mj fiu IliU W| IUC* «i»4 atop SWT (m wfcfc KAf CORN ft'- to «.<•» . tmta but kktalo* •» fcuwMin twiaga. Hab tty mp. N* a4M vWmm tmMm i» aackcM, a, Dimu) SMb" it*. so« ud *i.ea h E. V. McAllister, - West McHenry OPERA HOUSE^ *.i ^ v.J k SUNDAY, AUG. 6 * ' ftr -lll rff i l l |I|| i.1 E. C. WILSON OFFERS THE * RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF "The Same Cast which played Mc­ Henry on former engage­ ment, including Frank Ireson Calvin Rische Bethel Barth Stanley Standon Herbert Sherwood Camilla Dahl Marie Steffen Herbert Johns and others SEAT SALE AT PETESCH'S 70 MICHELIN-FOUNDED- 1832 MICHELIN xrxxxxrr Tff f f l : MICHELIN UNIVERSAL TREADS and RED TUBES are not high-priced! Just compare these prices with those yon have been paying. I UNI tumg In d curve became mada on a umnd cote to fit thiir uttlng* pttfulkb UNIVERSAL TREAD CASINGS AND RED TUBES Inch Size* Q. D. Straight Side Q. D. Clincher Red loner Tube. SI x 1!? $18.30 93.S5 32 B 4 SS 34 SS 24.90 25.6S 2S.TS 27.91 $24.9* 25.CS 25 »5 27.95 4.65 4.25 5.00 5.30 34>4K 31 SS 37 34.75 35.7* 33.00 34.7S 35.70 36.60 6.55 5.90 6.90 (.30 35 zS 37 40.50 41.90 40.50 41.90 C.5S 1.35 AIm Bad* m «oft bead cliackar aw31 *4, trie*922.25. Tk# Mkhelin Universal Triad combines all the advantages of non-a)(ids of both the raised-!read and suction-tread typek Michelin Rod Tubes retain their vrj«ety softness indefinitely. Used in combination, Micnelim cwtiogi and tubes i»ost satisfactory tir« equipment. JOHN R. KNOX, :: FFHENRY, ILL, [ONE QUALITY ONLY-THE BEST John Franzen Representing the MERCHANTS LIFE AND CASUALTY CO. Paid up Capital, $100,000.00 Lei me explain to you £he merits of the"best Life and Accident Policy ever offered by any company. * :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS State of Ohio. City of Tolsdo, Lucas County, ss. . Frank J. Cheney makes oath that no Is senior partner of the flrnA of F. J. Cheney & Co.. dolngr business in the City of Tojedo, County and State afore­ said, and that said firm will pay the nam of ONK HUNDRED DOI,L.ARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HAIJL/S CATARRH CURS?. FtlANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of Decem­ ber, A. D. 1886. A. W. O Li E A SON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern­ ally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Sena tjr testimonials, free. F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. „ (ball's Family Fills for constipation. ROYAL FENCE ACONTINUOUS stay fence of big wires woven together with the famous Royal loop. Look for this sign in every roll. "Royal Pence, mad* by American Steel A Wire Company Poll weight. Full siss of win. Poll lsngth of rolls. FOR YEARS, THAT SIGN HAS .STOOD FOR THE BEST tHAT.lS MADE INFENCEl WILBUR LUMBER CO. WEST McHFNJIY, ILL. fHONE 5 Subscribe for the Plaindealer and keep jipsted on local i^ppeniu^s mm JD • -IS"

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