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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Aug 1916, p. 12

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#V Be Held at W h DA '%• • *0-* stock on Friday, City Hall-, V'4.i" ening of the fall there is held at A the county seat eadh year Rural School " ' day, under the au pices of the county •superintendent cf schools, A. M. Ifhelton. This y< ar McHenry Coun- v'•. ty Rural School flay will be held on Friday) August !5,- at the city hall tn Woodstock. Announcement! have been sent to r one hundred an<jl fifty graduates of SUMMER RESORT DOINGS Orchard >6nly two ular summe Miss Laura Muenzenberger of Chi­ cago was the guest of Miss Mabel Schau at Rosedale on Pox river over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Comiskey of Chi­ cago are occupying the Jas. Arm­ strong cottage at Emerald Park this week.' Misses Julia and Lenore Freund, CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ir%t -vi; J following r&te*: Ftw linos or iMMtion; « cents - More, th.w live line?. ' And 1 oents a line for e linos or lent *6 cant* tot n«» for e«wfc «un»e<?uont iunertion | 5 wnlt a lino for (r.m»rtlox> , FOR SALE--Good milk wagon, good Inquire at this office. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C., Stated West Bank. FOR SALE CHEAP--No. 3 Oliver typewriter. In good condition. In­ quire at this office. 5 4he eighth grade, who will receive Clara Miller, Elsie Wolff and Helen their promotional certificates to high Heimer Ipent last week at the Schies- JKphool at these exercises. Practically sle cottage, McCollum's lake. ^11 of these pupils will enter the var- 'j Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Golden and son, ious schools of this county. Each | David, of Chicago spent the past •tfear a larger percent of these pupils 'week at the Jonell cottage, guests of Juntinue their .school work in an ad- Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McOmbe.r Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and family, with their guests, motored to Jjacent high school. Especially is this vr-^p since the school law permits them i .It) go on with their high school educa- j Lake Geneva Tuesday and to Bohners' r tion at the expense of the state. Last lake on Wednesday. They carried . .. year, for the first time, the state paid lunch and spent the day boating, i. \ tfte tuitibn of all rural eighth grade One of the busiest places along . : fupils thru the office of the county j Fox river this season is the Orchard Superintendent, This tuition bill was Beach sanatorium, located on the ,fl 6,193.39. I west side of the riverf a short dis- 7 A The McHenry county spelling con- I tance north of McHenry. The place * test is also held during this Rural jhas been crowded during the pa?t fp-r w School day program. More than fif-' weeks, every room being occupied, ty rural pupils will vie with each j while the week end crowds are most H'n: >®ther for the honored champion spell- I gratifying to the genial owner, Dr. .s;^<pr of McHenry county. Three con-j Carl Strueh. As a matter of fact, ,-itestants, selected by a competitive (this resort is enjoying the very best ... contest, will Represent each of the var- j patronage that has been accorded the ffcus townships. A large list of com-!place since the popular doctor's lo­ tion words as well as a few more dif- j cation here. The buildings and jgcult ones have been selected to try 0ut their ability and to win honor for "themselves and their schools. grounds are kept in tidy condition at all times and the pleasant location makes the Orchard Beach sanator- The program is . open to the public' 'um one the leading health and and a hearty invitation is extended to j Pleasure resorts in this summer re­ sort region. The doctor ^extends a cordial invitation to any one wishing all to come out and honor these pupils who are aiout to make their stand »fbr additir^al school training and'1® be shown thru the grounds and 'buildings and we are sure that- an agreeable surprise awaits those who take advantage of this invitation. The doctor's assistants are all courteous and obliging and will make you feel welcome when you call. 'The time:. Second week of August. The place^: Schiessle's cottage on McCollum's lake, inhabited for the said time by Julia- and Lenore Freund, Elsie Wolff, Helen Heimer and Clara Miller. Chaperoned by Anna Wolff. Midst kettles, baskets, grips, kodaks, magazines and pillows the girls man­ aged to find a place in the machine which was to qonvey them to the lake. The fresh lake breeze had a tendency to create ravenous appe­ tites and did they eat? Yes, and out on the screened veranda, Wednes­ day evening the girls entertained a host of friends. A moonlight boat ride, followed by refreshments, made up part of the evening's program. The McHenry band perhaps would be interested to know that their music was appreciated by those on the lake that evening. Other friends also registered as guests during the week. TERRA COTTA Mrs. Ray Cox was a Crystal Lake visitftr Tuesday. Edward Knox visited relatives in McHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Liddle entertained company over Sunday. . Harry Brantingham of Chicago vis­ ited at Mrs. Bay's; over Sunday. Miss Frances Knox is spending a few days with Chicago relatives. Miss Florence Knox spent Satur­ day evening with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Heffron of Chi­ cago visited at the McMiU&n Romes the past week. Several from here witnessed the McHenry-Chicago ball game at Mc­ Henry Monday. jprepaz$ticrir. A little encouragement at the proper time is invaluable. The new sanitation law will be ex­ plained to all school officers present. All t pupils who expect to attend high school shculd be present to obtain their blanJcs to present to the high school, regardless of whatever year they are now in should attend that' no misunderstanding may arise rela­ tive to the payment of high school tuition for this year. -a The program will begin at ten o'clock, sharp. The following are pupils earning promotional certificate? to hiph school: Akerson, Mildted Hebron Anderson, Esther ........,... Union Anderson, Herbert .Harvard Anderson, Lester Richmond Ashcraft, Grace Harvard Avang, Melvin ......... ̂Woodstock Barak, Emili# ^. Cary Barber. Horace .......... «~tfMareftgo Barnard, Edna .. ̂ .. .Ringwood Barth, j Mabel Harvard Bratzlcjr, Mildred .. .Barrington Begun i Nita ... Hebron Beth, Maxwell • • .Ringwood Brigham, Joyce .,. .iv*., . Hebron Bonda, Calla . . . .^**l?(.V.Harvard Brick! ey, Henry"". . . . . .Harvard Broderman, Mae a . .Woodstock Brunswick, Wm. , .Ringwood Brubaker, Ruth .... ... .Harvard Buell, John ..... .. .Richmond Callahan, Valensa ^.Harvard Carbrey, Hazel . .Alden, Carnack, Ralph E.-. .. Vv.. .Marengo Chamberlain, Paul .<...:.;.... .Alden Conway, Cecelia West McHenry <3onway, Flossie Ringwood /^ornwell, Margaret ......Woodstock Powan, Bruce N. Crystal Lake |), Leo ....Woodstock herty, Franks .... .West;, j&cHenry George .........Hartland FOR SALE--Several good, heavy work horses. Inquire of or write N. R. Colby, West McHenry, 111. 9rlt FORSALE--Good familymare.In­ quire at the McHenry bakery, Mc­ Henry, IU., or call phone 104-R. 6-tf -t r WANTED--A steady position on a farm by a boy fourteen years old. Francis Walsh, West 1st St., Wood­ stock, 111. 4-tf FOR SALE--Eighteen foot gasoline launch. Apply to J. M. McOmber, second house south of river bridge, McHenry, 111. , ( 8-tf^%f | FOR RENT--An eight room house >$*&*• with bath, gas and electricity in­ stalled. On river front. Jos. W. Freund, McHenry, 111. 8 LOST--On the streets of McHenry on Aug. 6, a ladies' breast pin, with brown topaz setting. Return to Mrs. H. Degen, McHenry, 111. ̂ 9 FOR SALE---New modern 7 Jro6m house. Price reasonable. Terms to suit purchaser. Inquire of Carl W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank, West McHenry, 111. 8-tf LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN--A 4-months-old well marked Holstein calf. Anyone knowing of its where­ abouts will confer favor by notify­ ing Peter Nelson, McHenry, 111. 9-lt* FOR SALE--Ironclad incubator^ at half price. Also one Matthews gas machine for cooking and one acety­ lene gas machine for lighting. John Scherman, river road, McHenry, III. FORWENT FOR~CASH--246 acres near McHenry. Will sell all stock, crops, machinery and horses on time. Easy terms. Fine chance for good young man with little money. Ad­ dress F. B. Bennett, Woodstock, III. 9 FARMS FOR SALE--160 acre Rog­ ers farm near Round Lake. $100 per acre, very easy terms at 5 per cent. New silo. 146 acre farm 2 ikiles from McHenry. $90 per acre. Easy terms. New silo. 210 acre farm 3% miles from McHenry depot. $135 per acre. Easy terms. Simon Stoffel. West McHenry, 111. 9-4t "I • 4 d I t • # Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway and son, LeRoy, of McHenry visited at M. Knox's Tuesday. Mrs. Marion McMillan and Mrs. Cora Bryant were out of town vis­ itors last Wednesday* Bernard J. Shine* of. Chicago is spending a two weekk* Vacation at the home of John Riley. Mrs. Harry Rydquist and son, Ralph, spent Tuesday evening aifd Wednesday at Ray Cox's. Miss Clara Frisby returned to her home here Friday evening after i. week's visit with Chicago relative: . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and fam - ily and Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox an:! family heard the Paulist choristers at Crystal Lake Sunday evening. ' Get Sterizol at McAllister's for hives, prickly heat and mosquito bites. & W p. Help make The Plaindealer newsy by sending in any item of news that you may know of. Our want ads bring positive re* .j. ..-j

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