1 'I' I 1 . 1 111 I CAMPED IN CACTUS FIELD T- *••'• Soldier .-J£cy Write of Army Life IK the South HUEPCIBBn'--fiWIttGEOUS--EFFICIENT MoctoaD. Haflisa man wttha it. So _ aa well as a public, this crisis in Illinois lie 1< looms . „ „ iwiys oa n«d|rliiriTH^orttiipitooid. how Mr. Lowden as National Ixmmer, then under fire, send- councils of the party. 5 social betterment--both as a . --jy know of his ten years* official he has accosefiished for social settlements, vefxuaen* leagues and public institutions. He dally--year in and yw out--to better con- th© Jo" Job--itot m absentm politician Don't Let the "lack-Pot" Crowd Get In - wratlay that law would welcome. See horn Hail led tho 1? ia pvMIe Me -ruagbyraog. He wo* Af kM boon handed to >caa«ayaB tldeetf Which amdMrto can tet «o I StnlTo hbon for hi* State? OfeOane at Ibe man CM* aoaed to ML Tbo "Jack-pot" cravi the *^lad»R0omMlestefaUo<«wta"|mtovw"L<K4- •Mf» tbo "SluahPund*' spoilsmen, tbo "ABeaa Bar btton--thooe mmm mem working ior HmITO oppoo--t. HaB lo not i IA-- nnwmtil CMMB mot a mm a wiwlioi awn a pOMfiorod idikfr. la the rawirtM world hofcuhJt l<W> tod--try. Thtofc of the p--tl of having -- head Instead ola «aal gov. o» tfoU wUl ho. Think of tho «Uo- •OTomw Swrtot Hal hae win his honor* "Watchdog of LcgUateB"- giad.owt by other fm watd-loofclagjaaen, \ at hledeeper experience--hlo root tiro Alp. Tho Progreeatve Committee at Cook Gbwutfr woo mfiSsk to eee !a him a \ So thajr adopted unanimously • m 10m othoc candidate a raoord Cor >*o moacjrf ftooaomlMf• Senator Hi eeenredthe BIMMI of tho Anti-Graft Law, re- tiafcta* tho State Treasurer to tat* ovartothe gtatetha latoroot on PitbUc Punda. Already thie act has broaght the State $474,4M.M. SeasatorHaB wao tho chairasen afldleeder of that' valiant grow is tho Wflnte becirafamoSeaa "ThoBandofHopa.̂ Their .̂ TELABUTOLA MW/LLICITLOMQR LTEPT to Ml Aen- aro oModu Um nom. Hull's record. It wfll atand • flshtafor Direct Primaries, for Ctrfl Service, for aborter houra of employment for **oasea,forthe Workmen's Compensation Act, for carMag tho loan sharks, for doaena of othar ooMtrnctln, new-day measures. • « « » • • • • • Tho pooplo of IDtoola nuat arlao O Thompson spoilsmen and M-partlaan Jack-pot crowd Effl- <4*n£yisMet prevail Old dlii|iuct{ must raatah. moat go. The "good old of mft muat not roturn. linking people all over tho State an vaByteg to Senator Htdh In his personality aad ill tocord they aee a saw future for Illinois,- r You Want Such a Man Come, face tho rrlala bravely. Book HaB. Bet yon moat act qwlcfcly. The! lan t̂ far ofL Join the lor HolL Such loaderahlp aa Hull's la needed. The anemlea of good governaaent aw hard at work-Hindergrmjuad tactlca nnkmnra to tho public. ' Tho Thoa^pooa inldai*---hawing prcstii-̂ ted Chicago's chrii wrtlio eyetem--now oeok to gala control of tho State Joba by defeating Senator HuflL Thna they hope -to open a now free employment bnreau for their henchnkoa. They look gcoodUy at tho State Inatltutiona at Kaniraheew I.jnroln, Alton, Elgin, Peoria, Water* town, Jacksonville, Punning and Anna. Re member Dr. Sacha and hia vain fight to MIV the MrtnkJpai Tubarculoala Sanitarium of Chi cago from political ghouls. Yon can hsflp toaavo Illinois, Name Senator Hull for Governor aad protmsst yomz p®?i~ md yoor State. Join tho sanka fighting for eleaaa, fLepubUcaniam. Don't lot tho agatnaa whs through yow lack of Act! Work! Vote! you want to do your bit for thle mo yip.- avant, aend aa your name and addraaa ' ̂ '• HULL CAMFAiaN COMMITTEE IMAM NAY, «M'y, IS4 S. Slxtk BpafagB '-;r Ik""' J " tM:' mmmm. CONGRESSMAN IRA am '•f 1 -i . " ' */ ?'c*: u " , anaiaate for Republican Nomination at the Primaries Wednesday, ?. * I -SSS; f r M PLATFORM FOR 1916 ^•a for an adaquate protect!v© tariff, est standard of living of the American werldng ansa. "I believe In Ism prohibiting child labor, and Hatting the women. "T believe in eld age sad indemnity imurance. "I believe in the idea that industry owes every man his life and his health, and it >*«• •»» iruarantee these in specifi. tenia. It PMU>n Btti or Ms fasuly for his impaired earning powers , \ - A • • • • . : --u.. -«• MI believe in a national preparedness of such riz« ah absolutely to guarantee tl# ptc^de of this country all the benefits of all their industry and ingenuity. -A "I STILL STAND FOR THE PRINCIPLES BtOMCUTBD IN MY PLATFOIU* or ntmnous campaigns." y'y ^ -.i -t-r . " • * V '* IRA C. COPLEY € P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT snou& AmimoM omtw «o vaa uu ^.^Drainil Boef, rtutton, Hogs, Vaal, . 'Hldaa, Etc., Butter and Eggs Thla is tho oldaal houaa on the applioatioa. sua i a a. Paitwrat. -- " ~ Merfcvti- PREB C MIC AGO, ILLINOIS v^- J Plaindeoler and keep poat-j PUind«ad«r ada bring raantlta. A Vicio US J>est FOR SALE--Strictly fresh sterile eggs. Geo. Ktthn, MeHoury, m. Phono flO^M-2. 028m &*kr A-\ . «A|" I If ^ t-'sS' Texas. ^a the Hike^ Aog. 4, ItlS. Dear Sir---Well, here we are thirty miles from San Antonio, out in a ,|arge cactus field. I \» e have sham battles every fore noon and, believe me, Co. G holds her own v.etl. Walter Geske is our best boxer. ^ 1 didn't receive the paper lwwt week. Will you send me both this week? You see HI remember you with some Mexican money soon. I want to thank Mrs. A. L. Ward thru your paper for the nice, big cake she sent my squad a few days ago. Mrs. Ward will be remembered by all the bunch when we get back. It SUQWS that she thinks of us away down flare in the sage brush. Our company won honors in dress parade the last three nights. * When we get home to Woodstock we will all march over, to the ball game some Sunday and will give Dick "Walsh's teMirn an exhibition of ear drills. I see the McHehry Sox* win every game. Hturral Nothing exciting to write you. 0 yes, one man was bitten by a rattle snake and may lose his linger, and the pay wagon is here. Here's hoping our good spirits may be revived. ^ Yours truly, Wm. Stewart, Antonio, Co. G. , , E! Villa/ Mexico, Aug. 1, 1916. The McHenry Plaindealer. Dear Sir--I saw in The Plaindealer of July 25 a copy of a letter which 1 sent to the Epworth Herald. I am sitting in my tent with noth ing to do so I will write you a few lines. Things are quiet here, not much doing for any of the troops. Lots of rain lately. This is a good, promis ing country here. 'They raise corn, wheat, oats, rice, tobacco, peppers and alfalfa, but Lney have to irrigate. The scenery here is very beautiful. Mountains in every direction and the recent rains have made vegetation look fresh and green. We are camped along a nice river, plenty of trees to afford us shade and the bathing is fine. I just came from the river now, where I have been bathing and washing clothes. The town here is seven miles long and thickly populated. The people live in houses made of mud and straw, called dohbie brick. They look very strange compared with our houses. They have a nice Catholic church here built of this same brick and cement. There are no seats in the church. On July 4 all of the soldiers attend ed high mass there and the pastor gave a sermon in Spanish, which was interpreted by the chaplain of the 5th cavalry. We had a string band and singing at the camp that night and the Mexican band also played for us. The 17th Infantry band is here now and they are going to run moving pictures every night. 1 would like a copy of the paper that this letter is published in, as 1 am Wjritifljjr to all friends. Tours very truly, ^ Donald G. Wafte, 6th Field Artillery, , Columbus, New Mexico. Notice of Sale of Real Estate F. B. Bennett, Atty. By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry Coun ty, Illinois, made oa the petition of the undersigned, James B. Perry, Ad ministrator with will annexed of the estate of August Wasnowsky, de ceased, for leave to sell -the real estate of said deceased at the August Term, A. D. 1916, of said Court, to- wit: On the '9th day of August, A. D. 1916, Notice ib hereby given that on Sat urday, the 9th" day of September, A. D. 1916, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to-wit: At the hoitr of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at the front door of the postoffice in the village of McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of the said August Wasnowsky, de ceased, to-wit: Part of the Northeast quarter of section number twenty-six (26) in township number forty-five (46) North, range eight (8) East of the third Principal Meridian, in the County of McHenry and State of Illi nois, bounded and described as fol lows, to-wit: Commencing at a point which is twenty-three (23) chains and two (2) links East and twenty-six (26) rods North from the center of said section twenty-six (26); running thence, East fifteen (15) rods; thence North two (2) rods; thence West fif teen (15) rods; thence South two (2) rods to the place of beginning. Al so the right of way on the East end of the above described piece of land one rod wide to the North line of the village of McHenry, County of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, to be used in common with other lot own ers, all of said premises being situ ated in the town of McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Illi nois, will be sold to tho highest and best bidder. Terms of Sale 25 per cant of the price bid on the day of sale, balance to be paid when deed or deeds to tKfe property »!•» de livered. James B. Perry, Administrator with will annexed of the estate of August Wasnowsky, de- SMALL True Republicanism Integrity & Efficiency Faithful Public Service * Honest Dealing Help to insure Republioaa Saoeefs by Nominating this Republioaa of State-Wide Reputation In Itpriticia Si|L 43 ̂'16 -Johnsburg- MEAT MARKET -AND- Ice Cream Parlor We cafry a full line of the choicest fresh and salt meats at all times and our con stant aim is to please our customers. Qur wagon makes deliveries to your very door. Also make de liveries along the river and laka» Give us a trial Home-made Corn Beef Our Specialty Ben J. Scluefer JOHNSBURG 'PboM Ma-J-2 Spring Grove 'PboM ;»"S3SH TO THE VOTERS OF McHENKY COUNTY: At my own expense I have made the fight to mafce Joalyn dis~ gorge over $10,000.00 of our school money and to save the taxpayers an additional f4800.00 on their school taxes by dispensing with an un necessary paid assistant State's Attorney. Primary Day will soon be here, and before it arrhres carefully consider and decide the foliowing questl ooi: ' ~ should Ay"'#*1 £ LOU) lll< Shall we vote to lower our school taxes? Shall we vote to make Joslyn pay over our school money? Shall we vote to cut out an unnecessary paid assistant State'8 A ttorney and thereby save $4800.00 of needless expense? Shall we vote to pay $20,400.00 for the work of the State's torney's office for four veart, when ia fully a competent offers to do it for $15,600.00? Who will we eleot for State's Attorney to look after and repre sent the taxpayers in this controversy they are having with Joa-. lyn over the school money Joslyn is withholding? Do we want Mr. Lumley for States Attorney who never gaya the taxp ayers one peony for their school fund daring the fdur years he was State's Attorney? ' Do we want a man for State's Attorney who left that office «iii* the record showing an unpaid balance of nearly $2000.00 against him and in favor of our school fund? ^ * : Very truly your%, GHARLES P. BARNE& M. Hl̂ • a V • v-V J _ * J ^ * 4 J* * 4$ DO ALL YOUR COOKING . JVITH GAS OR COALM)N ONE RANGE Moore's Wizard WILL DO IT WITHOUT CHANGING A PART * . M , Ita the combination of the farmer and the miller that makes Early Riser Flour so good. The far mer does his part by growing a high grade wheat which we se lect very carefully; the miller does his by watching' with in finite care and skill tbe'various processes necessary beforefthe flour is ready for you. We want you to try this perfect flour. The sooner you do the sooner will your baking troubles be over. Will it be today? WEST M'HERRY FLOOR AND FEED MILLS John Franzen Representing the MERCHANTS LITE AM) CASUALTY CO. Paid up Capital, $100,060,00 Let me explain to you the merits of the best Life and Accident ever offered by any company,- ;r ~ McHENRY, ILLINOIS August 9^ A D. lftJjf! Office fat ~ ^ ,;n JPtwao No H-R SpaokHac ALFORD H. (i POUSE Attorney-at-Law Wed* McHenry ill. The Main restaurant on the West Side is now open all night. Meals and ice cream served at any hour day or night. Also a choice line of cigars and tobacco. 7-1& MWt 'A range that is really two in one. The'topJisfionly 43 inches long yet it has abundant surface for all possible re quirements. The gas equipment is of the most approved design and in no way interferes with the coal construction. Nor are there any parts to be changed around to use either fueL The coal equipment has Moore's Fire Back which is as necessary to a good working range as a safe is to a bank--it keeps money from going to the wrong place by saving waste products which make heat. BE SURE TO CALL IN AND SEE TVS MNCE: ̂ •ess J. J. VYCITAL McHenry, Illinois. FLUNBUiG AN| p&UHfi -BY -4iprep»" The latest and ^eet o the Airdome, Riverside night. Bead Flaiadtakr pictures at park, Arery I Experienced Workmen DONAVIN ic RE1HANSPERGER DR. F. J. AICHER f DENTIST Olficolft Telephone £xcfcaacaBld« CaotervUle McHenry, Diiiioit .• r "4-; t -x Telephone No. T -̂W " WIP-? Tetepbc--r R^fsiiie nc« S-W Office Hours IM to 12:Wa.«./ Mtto4JSn.ah. A. I. FROEHLICHt Physician a»id Surgeon £ FRLUND BLDG. Telephone No. 1W-R SIMON STOFFEL Iaburaaoe agent for *11 clamee < property in the beet mt® - W ,fr 'M SI,:: iMi WEST McHENRY