.-W'r. 4V f«A, •'<1 /• # «"V •'•<' -jaCi^.y i.* :'! ' * V,'. •' '! :;si:' McHENBY KADISBALliB, McHENBXj -- : • 'V* .. , <•«, " > • • • v-W- •V, %•. •/ /" \ p>' ' V. • v lr' '- r?*f, " ; *vi;. Should be fresM h iT , Should tie properly kept Should be right potency Should be dispensed carefully Should be sold gt a fair price Everything at ouf ̂ tore is as it should be. You can ^place lhe utmost confidence in our goods and our r'.X?1 A .methods will surely appeal to you v' . H. Druggist • McHenry, 111. Crochet Cotton! ' We sell C. M. C* In white and colors. The C. M. C. is made under the care of several men who were formerly with the company that made the orig inal D. M. G. For this reason it is claimed that C. M. C. is the be^t substi tute for D. M. C. The bedt is what we always try to have, so we sellC. M. C. SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. f prices SAME QUALITY We make our prices lower than others FOR THE SAME QUALITY. We can afford to do it. Then we give the service. That's why we say you'd better buy all your goods at one store instead of shopping here and there. :: :: You can compare our prices wirh any other; you can tell whether, they're lower or not, but, you can't do it unle*ss you compare qualities also. There's the whole thiug in a nutshell. We are pleased to note that our Saturday bar- gains are so much appreciated by our customers THE--- C. M. ADAMS STORE 'Phone *>25-W-l JOHNSBURG, ILL. it before the weather will be such that you will again seek comforts in >our home after enjoy ing one of the most pleasant summers in years. Better look around and see if there aren't a few things needed in the line of Furniture that will ' assist in making your home cheery. . Now is the time to do this* Don't wait until the last moment. Go over your home carefully and jot down the items that you may need, come to our store and make a selection. Make your se lections now and you. are assured of delivery - When the time arrives that you will need the new Furniture. Our lines of Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Linoteumsr etc., are very complete »nd choosing from same is made easy by our elegant display. We bid you welcome Furniture and Undertaking ^ • •• McHenry, ••• "A fllinoto NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED-BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS •J) if * - * v; • v • HIDGEFIELD Mrs. P. Scavo was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. j Mrs. Ed. Anners wasvisiting at ! Crystal Lake Sunday. j Mrs. Behl and sons were Wood stock callers Saturday. Ray Lynch is at Bassett, Wis., this week in charge of the station. Mrs. John Schaflfer of McHenry was a caller here Sunday afternoon^ Miss Edythe Nelson i§ home from Chicago for a week's vacation. Mrs. Anna Mollohan was a business caller at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruell andT sonv Henry, were Woodstock shoppers Fri day. I. A. Kennedy of Chicago" is visit ing in the home of J. B. Lynch this week. , ; W^ 'S. Rushton and A. Wille were Chicago passengers Sunday after n o o n . \ ' • ' * ; • Miss Hallie Barber of Chicago vis ited friends here from Tuesday until Saturday. . Miss Grace Kelley of Terra Cotta was the guest of Miss Cora Lockwood for several days. _ Mr. and Mrs. A. Wille and Mrs. Mix and son visited McHenry rela tives over Sunday. E. C. Colby of Crystal Lake was a Sunday caller at the home' of his brother, Earl Colby. Elmer Danneman returned home Friday from a two weeks' visit with Relatives in Chicago. Miss Helen Nelson of Woodstock is the guest of her cousin, Myrtle Nel son, for a few days. Miss Ella Mollohan is visiting this week in the homes of Misses Brandt and Going in Chicago. Mrs. E. F. Anderson and daugh ter, Mary, were Woodstock passen gers Monday afternoon. Mrs. Leroy Skinner, Mrs. W. Reed and Miss -Elsie Wille were Crystal Lake shoppers Saturday. A. F-. Davis and daughter, Miss Lura, of Austin visited Wednesday in the home of J. C. Button. Andrew Nelson of Garnet, Mich., is spending a few days with his brother, Hans Nelson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert of Chicago spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L'. Gibson.' Clarence Reed and I. A. Kennedy were in attendance at the ball game at McHenry Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughter of Woodstock visited with their par ents here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Rosie Peterson returned home the first of the %eek from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Elgin. Misses Genevieve Goddard, Cora Lockwood and Grace Kelley drove over to Woodstock Saturday after noon. Mrs. Anna Mollohan visited with relatives and friends at Ring-wood, McHenry and Crystal Lake during the past week. Mrs. King and son, Louis, and Ber nard Strong of Chicago were enter tained in the home of Station Agent Lynch Thursday. Misses Ella Mollohan. and Gene vieve Goddard "hiked" to Crystal Lake Tuesday and spent the after noon and evening at Skinner's camp. Mr, and Mrs. Lars Nelson of Franklinville and Robert Wilkin of Woodstock were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nel son. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Knilans and Mr. and Mrs, A. Burvey of Wood stock -visited with relatives and friends at Delavan, Wis., Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs, Mrs. B. Dufield, Mrs. Earl Colby and Mr. and | Mrs. R. Reed attended the funeral of J, H. Parks at Crystal Lake Wednes day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Baker, Mrs. Earl Ormsby, Miss Sarah Ormsby and Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed of Woodstock visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Pomrening at Solon Mills Sun day. H~ N. Cooper and family, M. Ward and family, Misses Genevieve God dard and Elsie Wille, Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed and-Ceo. Johnson enjoyed the concert at Crystal Lake Sunday evening. Church Nates Mr. Parker's theme for Sunday morning will be "What Men Die By, Live By." The proceeds from the ice cream social last Friday evening amounted to nearly $15. Both the president and secretary were- absent from "The Helpers' at Sunday school last Sunday morning. We are looking forward to the Boy Scouts to have full swing after the first of September. Leroy Skinner, Scoutmaster. v The topic for Y. P. S» C. E. Sun day evening, Aug.^20, is "Growth, ] Body, Mind and Spirit." Luke 2:45 52. Miss Genevieve Goddard, leader. | The senior choir will give another ice cream social on the church lawn 'Friday evening, Aug. 18. Everybody invited to come and have a good time, j A full attendance is desired at choir rehearsal on Saturday evening. We would also like to Have more of the [children at junior practice ^ Satur day afternoon. It pays to use Creonoid lice and fly destroyer on dairy cows. Get it at McAllister's. Bathing caps are- sea Attister has a 'dandy new FOR SALE--House an Excellent building sites Schreiner, West McHenr; JOHNSBURG John Schumacher passed Tuesday in Chicago. Miss Ella Huemann left Thursday evening for Chicago. S. H. Freund of McHenry was a caller in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lay of Spring Grove were visitors in town Sunday. Mrs. John E, Nye and son of "Val paraiso, Had., were Sunday visitors here. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen of Mc Henry were callers in Johnsburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. , Wallace Hewitt of Ingleside were callers here last week Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner of V^lo were Sunday guests in the home of Wm. Althoff. Misses Barbara and Mayme Smith were Tuesday guests of Misses Tena and Isabel Tonyan Quite a few from here were out gathering beautiful lotus, flowers at Grass lake last Sunday. Misses Martha Freund and Mary Schacfer of Spring Grove were Sun day callers in Johnsburg. Mrs. Math. Blake and Mrs, Wm. Smith of McHenry were visitors in Johnbsurg last week Friday. Miss Katherine Althoff of Spring Grove, passed Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Al thoff. Mr. and Mrs.-Nick Weber and chil dren of Spring Grove were Sunday visitors in the home of J. C. De- brecht. Mr. syid Mrs. Fred Diethorn,. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann motored to Lake Geneva last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. August Huff and children of Spring Grove and Mrs. Elizabeth . Laures of McHenry were Tuesday evening visitors here with Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pepping. The same party surprising Miss King journeyed to Mrs. Nell's on Monday evening and gave Joe NpII a farewell party. Joe left Tuesday evening for North Dakota, where he will make an indefinite stay. On Sunday evening a surprise was perpetrated on Miss Kathryn King at the home of her brother, the occasion being her fifteenth birthday. Ice cream and;;cake were served. Those present were: Frances Freund. Theresa Huemann, Rose, Celia and Caroline Miller, Mamie Smith, Isabel Tonyan, Clara Freund, Clara Mert*' - Margaret Smith, Joe Nell, Geo. Lay, Arthur Adams, John Heumann, John King, Wm. Rothermel, Geo. OeflUng, Fred Schaefer and Henry Nell. RINGWOOD , Mrs. Starr >£rink and children of West McHenry spent a1 couple of days last week at Bert McCannon's Mrs. Callie Rainey and Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin were recent visitors in Sharon, Wis. Mi$s Clara Smith left for her home in Portland, Ore., Tuesday morning. Her cousin, Miss Lora Smith, went home with her for a visit. Miss Irma McCannon of Greenwood has been spending the past week here with relatives. Mr. and Mrsv Merritt Cruikshank of Huntley, Mrs. Edith White and mother and Mrs. Jane Amelia Carr of Greenwood visited at William Mc- Cannon's Sunday. Mrs. Libbie B&nks atul daughter, Eleanor, oi' Chicago are visiting Mrs. Frankie Stephenson and other rela tives. Mrs. Fl.lburp: is entertaining her lister from Chicago. Fred-Bell and family.of Richmond A-ere caller^ in'„Ringwood -Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Jay Hawvcr and children of Woodstock visited at the Allen home Wednesday. J. H. Parka Jonathan Hapgood Parks, only son of George and Charlotte Kimball Parks, was born on a farm in Nunda township Oct. 26, 1862, and died at his home in Crystal Lake Aug, 7, 1916, being nearly fifty-four years of age. He attended the school in the Clemens district and in McHenry. June 5, 1889, he was married to Miss Ella Philips of Wauconda. One son was born to them, Hugh H., who with his wife, and four sisters, Mrs. Libbie Allen of Ringwood, Mrs., Emma Mat thews of McHenry, Mrs. Ettie Bryant of Elgin and Mrs. Minnie Mentch of Woodstock, are left to mourn his loss. He was aNievoted husband and father and will be greatly mourned by all." He was of the Universalist faith, but there being noiie in Crystal Lake he had attended the M. E. church of that place. The funeral was held at his home Wednesday, aft ernoon, Rev. Brewster officiating. He was a member of the Commercial club of that place, whose members at tended in a body. He was interested in all things pertaining to the build ing up of the home town. The floral offerings were many and beautiful and WSth sJid hearts he was tenderly laid tfe rest in the Crystal Lake cemetery. Pavilion Dance The next dance at Nell's Columbia park pavilion is advertised to take place at that popular resort on Mon day evening, Sept. 4. ilusic for the occasion will be furnished by the Mc Henry orchestra and a fine time is assured all who attend. Dance tick ets, 50 cents. , M. E. Churefc Services as follows tfext Sunday: Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.; preach- 11:00 a. m. r1 h 'V i « *1 If you have a Checking Account the bank does your book keeping free of charge and renders you a statement of your receipts and expenditures whenever you ask for it. OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT. V - V THE-- Hoy Banking Co. CLARENCE F. HOY, FRED J. MERSHON, Manager Cashier FREMONT HO%, President 3 vif =^V Convenience! Present Customers are enjoying the facilities transacting their business AT HOME afforded by our bank. Why not join by opening an account at once -W=s . *1 H. F. WHARTON, CASHIER Dr. Garl Strueh's Sanatorium and Health Resort Ideal place for the sick and those seeking re& and recreation amidst the mod pleasant and home-like rural surroundings. NATURAL METHODS. Write for illu&rated booklet Telephone, McHenry 92-M. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. More Ik! It is a fact that Cows sprayed with CREONOID FLY DESTROYER will feed quietly and give more milk SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY f.v: McAllister * West McHenry, IU. W. Evers, Pa ter, 1Plaindealer ads bring resulta. Dollars and Cents The Economy of Priceless Soups Have you ever counted the cost of making soup--time, work, material, heat, etc.--and then the bother of cleahing up? Amounts to more than you think. Take a can of Priceless Soiip --any one of the twenty-one kinds, they are all good. Add a can of water--heat for a minute or two--and serve. 10 Cents You have enough for six--the cost is little--and ^ the soup Is as tk&cious as you ever at$. ^ WEST McHENRY, ILL.