"Wi Mil# "* "i, ,? #••;•* ^ 5*NS- •• • V - s\-V ^ a '» st ';'";- J'v .'jw-:_ " '••..^i- . Tw- > , * iM* £ imariv0 a if iwa* ms^»iBrw#ie»ib' ifir #--'• Jr ,1:4 ft. 1 ill JJ ISA19 jCJK| JBLOJflLStS JB A 9 If iiwJ> •WH* And a New Illinois * the "Harmonized" Jackpot-Spoilsmeri Crowd f t ___ * c • The slate-wHe Pniroary- M> close at hand--'will decide the Crisis that .. Uliiiois has reached in the united drive of Progressive-Republicans to save ̂̂ * the state from the Bi-partisan Pillagers within the party. The battle lines are sharply drawn* Good government-?*constructive Republicanism led by its 10-year champion, Senator Morton D. Hull--is t| charging against the "harmonized" bands of Spoilsmen. slawping powders so they may forget the put of tho«* win are secretly work ing oat the plan* to be restored to piece MM! power through the nomine* lies of Lowden, who is their --didate Wft net their lender. 11m tesh el good gw--Mint is biff •ad demands a big statesmen as |o*er- --r it calls for die courage, honesty and ahiBtjr that the Legislathre Voters* Ua|ae finds in Senator HulL Of him this non-partisan league has said: Ira It* r apart September IS. 19101 p,y rt.CO0»|z#J leader of the pmctwwive 'V'.' > #iasaMit mt the Houae." Har profited • Hair* m.Tsmsat for a are those wb aided and ha the shemefal Allen Bill 80*jw freaahiaes Is strMt taSwaye,the MJaek-Pot" legislators, the "Bathroom" gang who **pot over" Leri- •ser, the *9laeh twrnf Ungs end others .vHko have 4mt a priea on special privi» lag* la the past, aad ebstracted good yoeoraaMaft for the safco of graft. Thoso miaou* laflueacoa lave com to noeaiaato Lowden for gover- 2m ... SB^p VP We *• e of his ytalitini character, his||H; iBawperience .ha state effake, his to fondsg Larimer; fit; fatten their Aed spsie la Jaeeiy ItlXi "Ooeef the p»i--• Movers of tha RepuWicar. Ptfc» ^piain wrgeelsatioB, No «»n«<trr ae B* awes ^usstioaad U| ste; And in Oatsfcsr WMi Hsisseeend Wttiri snd «fcselJ be slsctsd,' Bat what ahoot Lowden?, Comment- lag upon his avowed pc zy to shirk leadership if nominated. The Chicago Daily Newt in a recent editorial sayas • "If Mr. Lowdsa mean that h» cue lie «bo»en governor if Illinois, he will t' iei«hr Kl upon whatever matter* come P to him. then he may rest assured his poller will not work. The peo* pie of lUtnoic are entitled to have as •r • • |«»en»r & mu of initiative, who will fcbor aggressively <er the betteeeeeatei Conditions in the state , . , . . . "Morton Hull seenM to have ' || proper cosceptiea of thareQuh-emeatS" _i|f the situation. In one of his recent Speeches he said: "If nominated and ' Elected coventor, I will use the l*|W> •sate power ef that office to aid iaso* euriac forward4ookias lesUettea."* 1 ag of tMs tonUwa now grips Chicago's government. Dr. Theo dore Seeks was a martyr to the plup- to Your Friends--Win Votes for Hull • V,- ^ '• ^ - y f , t i '• *- ' r--- i <• «••• " ' MRepahUcaa<' legialatara who bolted their party caucus as. who combined with the Democrats at Springfield ami m elected a Bi-pertisen speaker of the knue--not once, but repeatedly--these Bi-partisan "repaMicaas" are now as- aitag Sest&l ̂ HaB and thdbr battl«- mw *• "Ifawwy/" BUT DON'T BE DECEIVED! Their brand of "Harmony" means that Repob- aad the people must he given tell men yon meet about Hull and Ids 10-year record. How he led the long fight that brought Direct Primaries aad Civil Service to Illinois. His work for Labor -- for Shorter Hours for Women --far Insurance Safeguards --- for the Anti-Graft Law--for regenerat ing State Institutions--for honest Grain inspection--for better State Highways --for the Pur# Food Laws--for public control of Public Service Corporations --for iiiiing gag rule--for Anti-Loan Shark Laws--for Efficiency in State Management--these are only a few el the many constructive acts which Senator Hall fostered. Blinois needs him to carry the task of Good Government forward. Send us your name and address to day. Well tell yon how yoa can help to win with Hull. MULL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE U6iN Jui, secretary tZi East Sixth Street, SMMKFIEU, ILL Give Our School Children the $4,800 ON PRIMARY DAY YOU WILL VOTE TO GIVE THE $4800.00 EITHER TO SCHOOL CHILDREN, OR TO CHARLEY ALLEN, OR TO STATE'S ATTORNEY JOSLYN'S SON J F % Ik A vote lot Charles P. Barnes for State's Attorney is also a vote to save the $4800 for our school children in place of paying it to a paid assistant State's Attorney. A vote for either Lumley or Josiyn is also a vote to take $4800,00 from our school children's money and give it to Charley Alien or to State's Attorney JoslynV son as a paid assistant State's Attorney. The records that have been published in this paper show that Josiyn gave the taxpayers eight cents in four years,! and that Lumley did not give them one penny in his four years as State's Attorney. * MICHELIN-FOUNDED- 1832 s>f g§ MICHELIN 1114 t - r < r r r : MICHELIN UNIVERSAL TREADS skI RED TUBES price. it Ikfc-priced! J(lit compare ilitte with time yog have been paying. Tmkmtr«* IWNMk UNIVERSAL TREAD CASINGS AND RED TUBES Inch Size* Q.D. wlOC Q.D. Cbdxt Red Inner 1 abe* U*3 ̂ I1S.3S S3.SS »s4 » M as 24.M 25.CS :s.k 27.9$ $24.M KM 2S.K 27.SS 4.4S 4.2S 5.94 S.i4 M 37 33.M 34.7S 3S.7* 33.N 34.7S 3S.7S 34.44 «^S S.M S.N 4.30 »sS 37 «.M 41.M 44.S4 4I.M 4.S5 8.3S Mwifch aaft ImJ cfadM •a* 31 > 4, pric* $22.2& . ., --- ----.dorsal Tread combines all tho advantages ?l.ll.n"-**!** « both tho raised-tread and suction-treed types. , Tabes retain their velvety softness indefinitely. Ueed in combination, Michelia cm satisfactory tire oqeipnwet. M'HENRY, ILL. STAR GARAGE AUTYOHiy- THE BEST PLUMBING AlfD HEATING DR. F. J. AICHERi DENTIST Office la Telephone Exchange Bldg Centerville need Woî kmen McHenry, Iliinois Telephone No. 7#-W OONAVIN Subscribe for the Plaindealer 'LTIP • ft*: -»• » y-' mt-fi I I I PROBA TE Nil WS { [Furnished by' McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi nois. Office in Arnold Bio«kf east side of public square. Abstracts of title .and conveyancing, Mpney to lodn on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay- moots to suit borrower. Phonea 634, 903 and 911.1 1 • Real Estate Tranafera Allison Segcr A h to Charles F. & Mary Glaeser, It 10, Pistakee Beach subdiv, sec 1ft, McHenry $5000.00 Dean S. Cioff & w to Fannie J, Goff, Its 9 & 10, River park subdiv, sec 25, Mc Henry .................. 1500.00 W. D. Wcntwortfi A w to Geo. ^ Bohr, e 50 ft, of n% It blk 1, West McTIenry.... $60.00 Marriage Licenses I,. R. Evans, 26L«4* .Ateonquin Lulu Ri t t , 21 . . . t " ; , . .A lp ronqu in Harold Guyon Townsen<t 33.. Chicago Ann^ Ijouise Robb, 30. Marengo C. W. Sprouse, 28....... .Richmond Beryl VarneJl, 20....».. ̂ Richmond Edward Zeimer, 35.., .... Chicago Louise McCarthy, 35. . Harvard Jas. K. Walter, 22. .v .. .Minneapolis Marian A. Blakslee. 18. .Kansa§ City Dance at Johnsburg Manager Smith of Smith's hall, Johnsburg, is making arrangements for another social dance to be held at his hall on Wednesday evening, August 30, and extends an invita tion to everyone to attend. Manager Smith has made for himself a repu tation in the dance, business very sel dom equalled and his place is prob ably the best known and most favor able in this section of the county. He promises all those who attend a good time and the same genial hos pitality that has characterized all previous dances held at that place. Oeflfling's orchestra will furnish the music and the tickets will sell at 50 cents each. Read The PUindaakr and keap post- WEEKLY PERSONAL ITERS CQ&LF.RS AND GOERS OF A WEEK ' OUlfc BUSY VILLAGE ̂ COUNTY FARMERS* INSTITUTE As Seeit By I'laindcaler Reporters and Handed Into Our Office By Our n-.FriM»da Arthur Hanson was a Chicago Vis itor last Saturday. \ , Mrr. C. W. Goodell spent Monday ji the metropolitan city. " S'mon F toff el was a business vis itor in the windy city last Friday. Atty. A. H. Pouse attended to legal matters at the county seat Monday. *: Mesdnmes Jolm Meyers and John l)egen were Elgin visitors Monday. Leo Stilling took in the auto races at Speedway park, Chicago, last Sat urday. . Mrs. Ella Ilanly is spending the week as the guest of relatives at £lgin. Krc'il J. Schnorr *»f Council Bluffs, la., is here visiting his father, Fred Schnorr. Miss Maude "Granger «sf Chicago passed the week end as the guest of home folks. Miss Harriett Chapell of Chicago passed last week as ja guest of the Misses Granger. ' ^ John R. Knox attended to matters of a busim:.js nature in the metropoli tan city Monday., Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer and ^on papsed the week*end as the guests of . relatives at Barrington. • 'Mrs; Anna Mollohan of Ridgefield spent the first of the week as the i^ue^t of McHenry friends. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle and daughter, Bertha, were among the Chicago pas- sentrers Monday morning. Mrs. W. E. Whiting and Miss Eva Whiting passed a recent day as guests of Richmond friends. - Mrs. F. J. Karges .and daughter, Dorothy, are spending a month as the guests of Kenosha relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller and Mr. and Mrs." J. J. Freund motored to Waukegan Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart and son, Fred, of Chicago were Sunday guests In the home of Mrs. Robt Schiessle. Miss Varina Wentworth passed last weskvas the guest of relatives and friends at Carpentersville and Algon quin. Mrs. Vernon Lockwood of Wood stock passed a day last week'as the .truest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. T. Per kins. \ N Miss Clara Schiessle passed last week ag the guest of relatives and friends in Cfyicago and Crown Point, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, Ruth; of Elgin were guests in the home of Mrs, Augusta Wolff Sunday. Miss Rose Herbes of Chicago spent Sunday as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank He/bes. ;: . . * Mr. and- MM. P. N. Musser of El s'in spent a few days last wefek as the quests of relatives in McHenry and vicinity. Mrs. Raymond Whiting and daugh ter of Lake Geneva, Wis., passed the week end as the guests of McHenry relatives. John Knox, Jr., and Leo Smith were interested spectators , at the Bubs-Giants' baseball game in Chi cago last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers and son, Marcellus, spent a few days last week as the guests of relatives at Morton Grove and Chicago. Mrs. R. A. Howard of Elgin and W. T. Waite of LaPort, Ind., spent last Friday in the home of t^eir brother, Rollin Waite. Mr. and -Mrs. Victor Meyers and children Of West Chicago spent the week end as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mrs. Francis J. Merrill and daugh ter, Helen, of Elgin passed several Jays last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bassett. Chas. Jackson, who has spent the summer in. the home of his aunt, Mrs.'Ella Hanly, left for his home in Kansas City, Mo., last Saturday. Mrs. Geo. ChesnUt and son, Arnold, of Crystal Lake are spending the week as guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mrs. S. S. Chape!? and daughter, Marion, of Chicago passed the week end as guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Alsena Smith. 'Mrs. Lucy Thomas of Woodstock spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. H. Wattles. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander spent the lat ter part of- last and the fore part of this week as the guest of her son, Leroy, in Chicago. Mr. Bohlander was in Sunday. Mrs. M. L. LaVelle and little son, Maurice, of Rochelle, I1J., spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Buss. Mrs. Wm Marshall and, children of Morton Grove are spending a couple of weeks as the guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mr. Marshall was out over Sunday. Pavilion Da ace The next dance at Null's Columbia park pavilion is advertised to take place at that popular resort on Mon day evening, Sept. 4. Music for the occasion will be furnished by the Mc Henry orchestra and a fine time is assured all who attend. Dance tick et?, 60 cents. M. E. Chun* Services as follows next Sunday: Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.j pre ing s«rvi«e£, 11:00 a. m. jr.c. Ewn, frri* F«r B«rt Display ef Canned Vegetables ami The McHenry county farmers' In stitute is offering as a prize for the best display of canned vegetables and fruit at the McHenry county fair, Sept. 5-8, a free trip with all ex penses paid to the Illinois state fair school. Details of the school are given below: * The Illinois state fair school of do mestic science will hold its seven teenth annual session from Sept. 7 to Sept 22, 1916. One hundred andf two pupils be tween the ages of eighteen and thir ty-five years will be, admitted, each county being entitled to select one. The person selected must bring her own toilet articles and< napkin ring, a white apron and kitchen aprons, a blanket and spread for her single bed. All pupils must be present at all lec tures and lessons and observe the rules of the school. ATI expenses will be paid by the farmers' institute. The school is under the personal supervision of the woman's board of managers of the domestic science de partment^ of the state board of agri culture, who will furnish proper chaperonage to all pupils. A compe tent corps of instructors will deliver three lectures daily, and with prac tical demonstrations endeavor to teach the young ladies the best and most healthful methods of cooking, serv ing meals, sanitary housekeeping and personal hygiene. Mrs. Nellie Kedzie Jones of Au- burndale, Wisconsin, who has been director of the school for the past eleven years, will again be in charge. Mips Olive Percival, from the Univer sity of Illinois extension work, will again direct the baking. Miss Fannie Brooks from the University of Illi nois will give lectures and demon strations 1 on "Home Nursing." Mrs. Katherine McNary of Martinsville, III.* will superintend the dining room work, and Miss Lena Laws of Don- nellson, 111., will assist Mrs. Jones in the kitchen work. On being enrolled each pupil will be examined as to her previous oppor tunities and examined at the close of the term on the work done during the session. Thru the courtesy of the farmers' institute scholarship to the household science department OT the State University will be given to the three making the highest grades who are graduated from accredited high School or its equivalent. Certificate of credit will be given to all who com plete the work. No pupils received before Septem ber 7, on which day all must enroll. Other desired information will be cheerfully given by secretary. Laura A. Gonterman, Secretary, Edwards- ville, Illinois. The farmers' institute is also offer ing a free trip with expenses paid to the winter short course held at Ur- baria to the housewife exhibiting the best display of canned vegetables and fruit. Both displays will be held in connection with the exhibit of the McHenry County Soil Improvement association. McHenry Co. Soil Imp. Assn. . A. J. Gafke, County Agent. RURAL TEACHERS' MEETING isHvt *« f!? -M 4 V'l: / % :L To Held at -the Court Houae la Woodstock, August 31 . t- v;:. • -.i I r • ' • A sM k: % * •, ¥' fv. ' t . " , . • : • - . t'J The first annual meeting of the rural teachers of McHenry county will be held at the court house in Woodstock oh Thursday, August 31. All rural teachers of McHenry coun ty who have planned to teach this year are expected to attend. The meeting will be called to order at ten o'clock a. m. and will close promptly at two o'clock p. nu Competent instructors have been secured to advise with the teachers and to instruct them in methods of school room management and actual recitation work. This meeting will be ygpy practical and for that reason the co-operation of* every rural teacher is earnestly requested. The work for the year will be or ganized and the revised teachers' manual will be discussed and all sup plies for the year will be distributed. Before the opening of the meeting and also at the close of the meeting opportunity will be'given each teach er to advise with the county superin tendent concerning immediate prob lems relative to their school work. "VOLO * Phil Peterson and family spent last Thursday at St. Charles. Bessie and Albert Miller spent part of the week in Chicag^. Mr. and Mrs. Huson and daughters spent Sunday at Round Lake. The Volo M. E. Sunday school held a picnic on the banks of Fish lake on Aug. 17. Henry Raymond of Elgin was a visitor at Lee Huson's Wednesday of last week. - Mrs. Clif Benwell and Mrs. Frank Hironimus were McHenry visitors last Wednesday. Sunday school at 1:45 and preach ing at 2:30 on August 27. Come out and join the contest. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lusk entertained Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Lusk of Liber- tyville over Sunday. Reed Geary and Martha Ross- deutscher of Wauconda spent Thurs day evening last here. The Main restaurant on the West Side is now open all night. Meals and ice cream served at any hour day. night. Also a choice line of cigars d tobMXMr W'; -mm* : 7-lBk r --h**r* CH ARLES P. B AKNES TO THE VOTERS OF McHENRY COUNTY: In my letter of April 22nd to State's Attorney Josiyn; t i asked him to join with me in selecting a committee of five to it^. yestigate his reports, and make a report of what they found, and* I agreed their report'should be conclusive for tills campaign and be refused my request. » * ^ Ip my letter to him of July 12th, I challenged him to join »' with me in a joint public debate or discussion before the voters . of this county, on his record, his reports and accounts, and *h<t he had done to our school money, and this he also refused. ̂ a At my qwn expense I /have made this Bght and Josiyn'a record and I am the only one of the three candidates for state's attorney who insists on cutting out a paid assistant state1* attorney, and saving the taxpayers $4800 of school money. Lum*< ley does not promise, if nominated, that he will even attempt-to make Josiyn disgorges -- - - I firmly believe that two-thirds of the voters of this county '"p¥e opposed to the renomination of Josiyn, but either he of I wiHJ surely be nomimated on Primary day, and it is an utter possibility Jto defeat Josiyn by dividing the anti-Joslyn vote be? • w e e n M r . L u m l e y a n d m y s e l f . . « * * . ' ! To illustrate, suppose Mr. Josiyn should reoeive 3001* -Wtoir and that I should receive 2000 votes, and Mr. Lumley 1500, or even 2000 votes. In that case Josiyn would be nominated while two votes taken from the Lumley column and given to ate eo»U , > ? surely defeat Josiyn. ' •;* -.I'"-;-;'. . v;' v "h ' '>"*1% S *r If the voters who really want Josiyn defeated will give mt - " their undivided support on primary day,; Josiyn will surely ^ < Jp§^defeated by an overwhelming majority. A suit should be brought by the bewly elected state's attor- V ney against Josiyn, and his bondsmen, to recover over fl0,000.00' of our school money that Josiyn is withholding and this is the ease that Josiyn says he, will carry to the Supi^^^^ <gjj^ state. i ' 1 Remember that a Vote for Lumley is the same as a Vote * Josiyn, because it adds nothing to my vote. > | Very truly yoiirs, * r ^ CHARLES P. BARN ' '• ' ' ! ' •' DO ALL YOUR COOKING WITH GAS OR DOAL--ON ONE RANGE Moore's Wizar WILL DO IT WITHOUT CHANGING A PART - I f •), 4 «vWi v J430B" A range that is really two in one. The-top"- is^ only inches long: yet it has abundant surface for all possible re quirements. The gas equipment is of the most, approved design and in no way interferes with the coal construction. Nor aie there any parts to be changed around to use either fuel. The coal equipment has Moore's Fire Back which is as necessary to a good working range as a safe is to a bank--It keeps money from going to the wrong place by saying waste products which make heat. BE SURE TO CALL IN AND SEE THIS RANGE • . . . McHenry, Illinois. r--'vai . ^ --K <4 ; -V ;