i V -'M&M Fv-v* i "*» -sas Mff^PUTOEALB i im Hill 11 r• i TirrrT - r -- F. G. SCHREINER ta B*nk Building T«l»pbooe *-W TERMS OF SUBSGUFTIONJ OH Ynr Si* Moatftw, Jfc Thiee Martha, #c Thursday, Sept. 14, 1916 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS WW Cwe and Go Dariai • Week Mrs. & M. Owen wis a Chicago 11 ^visitor last Saturday. Miss Laura Krause was a ptosk visitor Thursday. Wood- Hsasfp:! * !&»- 11' * >" , M, Rob. Costello of Elgin spent Sun isday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Spurling; were callers at Woodstock Thursday, u Frank RossWann of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry rel- ?Hx- ""4,1.' fctives. ; \ '• 1 \ Mrs. W. C. Feltz and daughter, f\' • * Esther, passed last Thursday at Woodstock, §?' Joe Hosier of Chicago was a recent l^uest in the 'home Of Mrs. Christina ^daros here. ; ffj Miss May Peterson spent ft few } fiays last week as the guest of Rich- -laond friends. - Misses Clara Hobart and Edith Schroeder of Richmond were visitors in town last Thursday. Miss Altah Wentworth went to Racine, Wis., Tuesday evening to visit her aunt, Mrs. Dora Hahn. ThOs. Knox of Chicago spent Sun day as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Bill Butner of Chicago motored out from Chicago Sunday and spent the clay with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Parker S. Webster of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Stenger Sunday and Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lenxen of Grayslake spent Monday as guests in the home of the former's parents at Volo. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth motored to Carpentersville Saturday |nd visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lam- phere.. Postmaster Shotliff, • wife and daughter of Wilmot called at the ^ home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mead < .Sunday. Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and son, ff • Rono, of Muskegan, Mich., are visit-. ; - Ing in the C. L. Page home since Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Spurling and ? „Miss Esther Feltz visited at the home Pf Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spurling at . . Cary Friday. ^ 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Young, daugh- '| . J|ers, Veronica and Julia, and son, Ifed., motored to Wilmot Sunday and Spent the day. Atty. and Mrs. J. I. Lang and daughter of Richmond were Sunday guests in the home of Mr* and Mrs. J; , JJohn H. Miller. , Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley and sons, Vernon and Walter, Jr., of Woodstock . . were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wffl. 7 ' Sayler Sunday. |; ~ Mrs. Dan Curley and Miss Katie ^ Frisby of Sioux Falls, S. D., arrived Jfcere last week for an extended visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John mm****- ' , - Mr. mud Mrs. J. N. Miller and two i^aughterB motored to Grayslake last \ «fJunday, where they passed the day \*t ' ' the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Michael i > v *l<enzen. «. }> Probst, who has passed the past three months as a guest in hume of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph inch, has returned to her home in Xt • 'Chicago. IrW 'i 1 Mr- ^ Mrs. Peter Steinbach and ' ^(laughter and Mrs. Iva Steinbach and ^ |son of Kenosha, Wis., were enter- jtained in the home of Mr. and Msr. . H. Miller. Bert Driscoll of Elgin was in town Tuesday in the interest "of Geo. H. Andresen, candidate for Republican nomination for member of the state board of equalization. Resolutions adopted at the 10th Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the West McHenry State bank. State of Illinois, "County of McHenry, I hereby certify that at a regular meeting of the stockholders of the West McHenry State Bank, located at West McHenry, Illinois, held on the 11th day of September, A. D. 1916, a quorum of said stockholders was pres ent, and that the following resolu tion was adopted: "Resolved that the jCapital Stock of this Bank be and the .^-^ame is hereby increased fr^m Twen- A •* ty-five Thousand Dollars to Fifty Thousand Dollars, and that the shares of stock of the same be and the same £•' are hereby increased from 260 to 500 :'p: ' shares" Carl W. Stenger, lMt Cashier. Ben Stilling at Fain 1 p. Ben Stilling, the local agent for the ' *' Great Northern Railway company, 1$:^ 'had a fine exhibit of small grain, veg- ' i&T- e*,ables and fruits at the McHenry county fair last week. The exhibit, ; taken from Washington, Minnesota, Montana and North Dakota lands, \ 4*" •. was one of the biggest and best of kind ever showa at our fair and attracted more than a little attention Mr. Stilling has the exhibit at the Cook county fair at Palatine this week. The chautauqua at Hebron last week proved a success in every way Hebron being one of the few towns in this locality to break even this year. It has already been decided to hold a larger and better ch&utauqua there next year. Read The Plaindealer Lake Geneva Wins lit* McHenry Sox met defeat at the hands of the Lake Geneva com bination at the Woodstock fair grounds last Thursday afternoon, Lake Geneva winning the game 4 to 2. ' ' Croden was in the box for the Wis consin boys and pitched a splendid article of ball, allowing our Nboys but five hit^ and striking out nine bats men. Bird was Manager Walsh's pitching selection for the day, but somehow or other our opponents took a great fancy to his offerings and as a result Bird was yanked in the fifth and re placed by Sahlberg, who held Lake Geneva safe th^ balance of the day. While Croden pitched an unusually stronfe game, his team mates are to be given credit for the victory, as they stood behind their flinger like a stone wall, grabbing in everything that came their way. This does not mean that McHenry was so far out-classed, as our boys, too, put up an article of ball that will win nine times out of ten, but the boys could not hit the pill out of reach of the fielders and that's the reason they lost. They hit the ball hard and often enough, but only five of them fell on safe territory. Thru the courtesy of Edward Sut ton, who kept the score for us, we are herewith able to give the fans a tabulated report on the game: \ Offtc* in StpauMing Mdf, r'fS THE JtsHEHBT rMOTOEAEBB, MeHKNRY, n,t/r'::' , . - » ' Fhon* No 73-R ALFORD H. POUSE ' Attoraey-at*IjMr McHenry, IB. Office Houra Telephone*: 9M to 12rit a. m. Office 17 A. I. FROEHLIC9 Physician and Surgeon , WEST McHENRY McHenry R Brailsford, rf .0 Driscoll, 3rd b........O Bowen, ss .1 Kilby, 1st b. 1 Seablom, cf .0 Bending, If .0 Kimball, 2nd b 0_ Ryan, c .........^..'..0 Bird, p 0 Sahlberg, p 0 Lake Geneva Martin, If Riley, 2nd b Grant, c 0 Foley, 3rd b 0 Folman, rf 0 Quigley, 1st b 0 Rein, ss 0 McClellen, Croden, p Score Lake Geneva... McHenry Left on McHenry, • I, • MR* Mi m H PC 1 1 2 0 13 0 0 1 10 0 0 2 *5 27 14 Jt H PO A . 2 1 2 0 .1 ..0 .1 4 8 27 10 2 By Innings ...0 010 3 0000-4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-2 bases--Lake Geneva, 4; 7. Three base hit*--Kil by, Two base hits--Martin, Quigley, Grant (2). Hits off Bird, 7 in five innings; off Sahlberg, one in four in nings. Struck out--By Croden, 9; by Bird, 5; by Sahlberg, 4. Bases on balls--Off Croden, 3; off Bird, 1; off Sahlberg, 1. Umpire, Collier. Woodstock Trims Lake Geneva With five of the McHenry Sox playing on the Woodstock team, Woodstock defeated the Lake Geneva team at the Woodstock fair on Fri day afternoon of last week, the score being 11 to 1. Sahlberg of the Mc Henry Sox occupied the mound for the Woodstock aggregation and had an easy time defeating the boys from the Wisconsin city. All of the Mc Henry players put up a classy article of ball and Lake Genfeva went home a trifle less chesty then they did on Thursday night after having defeat ed the McHenry team. With Sahl berg working at his best it takes more than Lake Gfeneva can produce to beat him and "Sally" surely was right last Friday. QUARTER OF A CENTURA Iten»~CHpped From The Plaindealer Of Twenty-Five Yean Ago "Vl Telephone No. 1M-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, : ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All adrutliMMBli liMiMiattn tbia bid attk* (oUowtas rata*: »"It« Ubm or laaa, M oa»ta for M iaaexttoa; U east* for aoeb rabaaqamt tnaarMoa. Mora tku flva Unaa, • eaat* a Uaa tor Brat laaartioa, and 3 oanta a llaa (or ad<Utloal Inaartloma. FOR SALE--Good milk wagon, good as new. Inquire at this office. Miss Allie Smith is attending school at Elgin. Diamond Lake will play McHenry at the driving park tomorrow after noon. H. Madden has built an addition to his harness shop to accommodate his increasing business. Miss Grace Stevens has gone to Normal, 111., where she is attending the state normal school. August Bucholtz, merchant tailor, has moved his shop from the West Side to rooms in Bonslett's building south of Owen & Son's warehouse. L. E. Bennett, who has been con fined to the house the past two weeks, slowly improving and his friends hope to see him around again soon. On Friday last the Harvard base ball nine came down for a friendly game with the McHenry club, which was won by our boys by a score of 15 to 13. The Elgin brick and tile works in this village have made and sold near ly two and a half million brick so far this season. They are still running full force. Died, at Johnsburg, on Thursday, Sept. 16, 1891, Nicholas Freund, aged eighty-seven years. He was the father of Mrs. Jacob Bishop and Mrs. Peter Smith of this village. Mrs. Miller, wife of Henry Miller, died at her residence in Johnsburg on Monday night. She was about fifty-three years of age and had been sick for some months. The managers of the --McHenry county fair report a grand success, financially. They have a surplus of about $1,100 after paying * all ex penses. A good showing. Geo. Meyers, who was drawing sand for the brick yard, had his little daughter, three years old, riding on the wagon with him. When near the yard the jolt of the wagon threw her off, the loaded wagon passing over her chest, killing her almost instant ly. FOR RENT--A 105 acre farm. Rant reasonable. Inquire at this office. 10 FOR SALE---Gas range, good as^new. Inquire of Dr. A. Mueller, Johnsburg, 111. 11 FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 19 FOR SALE CHEAP- typewriter. In good quire at this office. -No. 8 Oliver condition. In- 6 FOR SALE--House and lot with one acre of land. Inquire of Simon Stof- fel, West McHenry, 111. 12-3m* FOR SALE--Eighteen foot gasoline launch. Apply to J. < M. McOmber, second house south of river bridge, McHenry, 111. 8>tf FOR RENT--An eight room house with bath, gas and electricity in stalled. On river front Jos. W. Freund, McHenry, I1L 8 FOR SALE--The beatiful new home of H. C. Mead. Roses, shrubs,'fruit, with two lots and about 20 oak trees. Easy terms. %Pay same as rent. Tel ephone 89-W. 13-2t FOR RENT--The lower flat in the Simes block, West McHenry; also the house now occupied by Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler. Inquire of or . write John Carey, McHenry, 111. 11-tf FOR SALE--Ironclad incubator at half price. Also one Matthews gas machine for cooking and one acety lene gas machine for lighting. John Scherman, river road, McHenry, HL WANTED--About 100 or 120 acre farm in exchange for a new two story brick building on Palmer Square, Chi cago. AH clear. Brandt A Company, 4802 W. Fullerton Ave., Chciago, 111. 10-3t LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN-- From my farm the fore part of the week, a black cow, close springer. Anyone* knowing the whereabouts of this cow please notify Philip Thennes, Ringwood, HI. 13-It* FOR RENT FOR CASH--246 acres near McHenry. Will sell all stock, crops, machinery and horses on time. Easy terms. Fine chance .for good young man with little money. Ad dress F. B. Bennett, Woodstock, I1L 9 FOR SALE--On easy terms, the Stanford 190 acre highly improved farm, two miles from Round Lake on stone road. Large barn, 2 silos, water system, etc. Fifty cows, 11 horses, tools, hay, grain, etc. Price, $42,000. May take some income trade. Simon Stoffel, West McHen ry, HI. l0-4t Guardian's Sale' Alford H. Pouse, Solicitor. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. By virtue of a decretal order of the County Court of said County, entered at the August term of said Court, A. D. 1916, on tfie application of Carl W. Stenger, Guardian of Carl Pearson, William Pearson and Mary Pearson, minors, to sell the following described real estate, belonging to said minors, situated in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, towit: An undivided one-twelfth interest in the following described real estate, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter and the East Sixty (60) acres of the Southwest quarter of Section Number Twenty (20), Township For ty-five (45) North, of Range Eight (8) East pf the Third Principal Merid ian, containing 100 acres, more or less, situated in the Township of Mc Henry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. I shall, on the 22nd day of Septem ber, A. D. 1916, at the hour of 10:00 m., sell all the interest of said Minors in and to the said real estate, at the City Hall of McHenry, Illinois. Terms of sale as follows: Cash. f Carl W. Stenger, Guardian for Carl Pearson, William Pearson and Mary Pearson. 10-4t Catarrh Cannot Be Cored with LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, aa tfcey cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure It you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken Internally and acta thru the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect com bination of the Ingredients la Hall's Catarrh Cure is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal condi tions. Bend for testimonials, free. F.,J. CHENEY * CO., Props., Toledo, O. All Drugsrlsts, 76c. .Hall's Family Pills for constipation. m mm*- 'tr^srjr:-t6 pick i$0 real thing in motor cars, Drive a Willys-Knight and you* 11 know--it makes everything else seem like a makesjiift. Willys-Knight power isrevealedin motion only. fo™ senses. _ That quiet* smooth softness also means ab sence of wear -- it's su preme when new--gets better with age--prac tically everlasting. OVERTON & COWEN . WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS Willys ̂ Knight ers are all through perimfcnting --- they* fixed and know it. Settle your motor car problem for good--today with a Willys - Knight --the world's most quiet motor. The Wittya-Ovferland Company, Toledo* Ohio "Made in U.S. A." CKACKtf® 9 I SPEND LESS TIME IN THE KITCHEN. You can if you will buy more PREPARED foods. Then you can give more time to ENJOYING your children and help i ng them with their lessons. Te have many "goodies" for you to put into their lunch boxes, and we can sell them to you CHEAPER than you can make thenf yourself. Schneider Bros., - Wdt McHenry m It's Early Riser Flour the man is delivering. It's a pleasure to the grocer to sell Early Riser Flour because he knows it never disappoints. It's a pleasure to the housewife to bake with it because she is sure of that delicate, delicioust autty flavor tq her bread and the light cakes and pastry that she can't get f rom common f lour . Hun dreds of housewives swear by Early Riser Flour and will use no other. WEST H'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS Differents parts of the house require differ ent amounts of light. There are numerous dark cornets which can't be lighted at all with safety by any other agency than Eledtric Light You can buy lamps of any size needed for this purpose and make them operative by the opening and closing of a door. PUBLIC SERVICE CO. Of Northern Illinois EAST SIDE HutH! Always a full line of fresh, salt and smoked meats; also Fruits, Vegetables, Can Goods, Bakery and Clover Leaf Butter. We sell Oscar Mayer's well known "Edelweiss brand of smokod meats. Orders de livered promptly. Ll.EISENNENGER.JR. PROPRIETOR u When in Doubt, Telephone A BUSINESS perplexity may be cleared up within a few jpin* Utes by a telephone talk. When your next move is contingent upon the plans of some person in a distant city, you can get the information desired without delay by use of the Bell Long Distance lines. It saves time, money and worry to have exact information. Chicago Telephone Company J. H. Conrath, District Manager * Telephone 9003 -The-- (eotervilie Grocery is the headquarters for a full line of sta ple and hot weather specials in groceries and canned goods. Fresh vegetables and fruits in season. Also fresh bakery good§ every day. Goodk service and prompt delivery. M. Niesen IfcHcnry Phone *-W. Fall opening at the millinery par lors of Miss Elisabsth HttMn on Sat urday, Sept 16. Subscribe for the Plaindeaier and keqp ported on local happenings i art now to eat our §,ood bread . If you could get the be& flour milled in the world, the richest, purest, tested country milk, and all other ingredients of the same high standard and then if you had a mechanical oven of super human precision and accuracy, and made baking a profession--then you MIGHT be able to bake as good Bread as yye bake* " But you can't. So eat OUR Ho-Maid GOOD. &art now to Bread. It is The McHenry Bakery A. I AT 1 IXirCD !>DAD A. LALLINGER, PROP. L I F E P H I L I P J A E G E R ^ GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SP&OIAL ATTENTION GIVUf «0 TBJC SACJt Of Dressed Beef, Hut|»nt Hogs, Veal, Poultry*. Hides, Etc., Butter jmd Eggs This is the oldest boose om the stroet. fags and prtoe lists faralslMd on application. I ^ COLD SfORAQB FRGB ss'iifi.'vfisa?'1- CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. * v »t t-r . ,