' w* TP vr.̂ r j / - , • . J» w ~ « x" - *3"*. > «f / ~*+ v. * • ~ . •. v ' „ : % *' WkSii - <,»< >«- .--,' ' .__•*«'. MPHESKI, iLfi, '>/ S;aSpS3ifr^^3l ' V'.-.fcgjjJ _C.V'; :••-" J -#; 'V^^-TSJPt 'VJT *>/« j m>. ̂ <r, j4p * V1' v <•' p :Lr r'" ; • . . •;,: ?-•/'•': -'-b' i ••*"• •' VA BRUSH Syringes! FOR YQUR HAIR Of course, you'll want orte with good wearing:* qualities. We pick all our brushes for their durabil ity- ai least, that's the. first consideration, and finish comes next. Our - better grades of hair brushes (are hand made-bristles are all hand drawn. When you need a hair brush, be sure and see our stock. It in cludes brushes at all prices from 25c to $2.Jt : • Our assortment is com plete. It includes every good kind the market af fords. * You are insured good value by coming here.; Through our large buy--' ing direct from manufac- urers we are able to name ; low prices* Bulb, Foun tain and Combination Syringes, Glass Syringes, ! Hard Rubber Syringes, at prices from . 35v' t° $2.50 Just *Ph6ii€5 itfcW N. H. PETESCH -PRU9PIST-^~- Coffee has not gone up. Our 25 cent Coffee is as good as ever. We now have it in nice cans of five pounds each. You buy fi ve potinds at 25 cents an< ̂get the can free. Now that so many things are high, buy rice. Best &ead rice, three pounds for 25 cents. Same old price. i-: SMITH BROS 'Phone 79-J McHenry, III. Valuable Trade Tickets With Every WE WANT « t YourTrade If higb-class goods, /right prices, square dealings and court*" eous treatment yvill get it we cau count on you for a custom mer. Jos. J. Miller RINGWOOD, IMv. Let us help you in selecting your Christmas Gifts. Our jtocks are complete and we are anxious to serve you. Among some of the beautiful gifts we have in stock are. Universal Lunch Box, complete with vacuum bottle Casseroles * l*yrix Ware Aluminum Ware , Nickle Plated * Copper Ware s #*€arvlng Seil * ̂ ̂ -Razors of all kinds :<£ ir Guns ofc Gun Rifles Sleds E*ocket Knives Tool Chests Shears Embroidery Scissors Ladies' thijpe-piece scis sor assortments drumb Trays & Scrapers Flash Lights Electric Flat Irons 8ka«es •' to 'M'-" *Qur Quality Prices and Service ̂ are always right , . DONAVIN 8c "RE1HANSPERGER West McHenry, 111. ^ • t * ** Read Plaindealer Ads ftlllGEFIBLD ; j Mr. and Mrs. John Jerak of Chicago Mrs. R. L. Dufield spent Saturday: and Mr. and Mrs. Joe King spent Sat- at Woodstock. , 1 urday evening with Steve May. Geo. Johnson was an Elgin visitor] Mrs. Jos. F. Schmitt and daughter, o\*er the week end. School was closed this count of the measles. > j Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer and Mr. and Mra. C. E. Lockwood spent children passed Sunday afternoon in | Beatrice, visited Wednesday in the oa ac- 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitt. Monday, I room hoy, rus. finr ir Christmas at McAllister's means useful gifte for all the family, including the following: Christmas candles ...16c to 25c Dolls, all styles... 5c to I&50 Tinker Toys, Tinker Pins and many other new .games. Children's Books * .'. yz -I.'*- Thrusday at Greenwood. Geo. Wheeler spent Thursday with relatives at Woodstock. > Mrs. E. Colby was a pleasant caller at Crystal Lake Friday. W. Cobb spent Thanksgiving dag with friends in Chicago. .1. Oakroot was a business caller at Woodstock Friday afternoon. F. W. Hartman boarded the train ®or Chicago Saturday mornng. E. «F. Anderson and family spent rhanksgiving day in Chicago. Mrs. Frank Reed spent the week 2nd with her parents at Elgin. J. Kania and family of Huntley pent Sunday with Mrs. E. Smith. Mra. Laura Goff of Crystal Lake i si ted with Mrs. E. Smith Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sfcheuneman were afters at the manse Sunday evening. Mrs. Anna Mollohan and daughter, Ella, spent Saturday shopping at El gin. ; - Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Knilans and Mrs. A. Purvey were Elgin shoppers Saturday. .. • Mr. and Mrs. D. Fitsgerald ate dinner with relatives at Marengo Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martini and U. S. Rushton and mother spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mesdames 'Rushton, Scaro, Martini and Goddard were Woodstock shop pers Monday. Misses Genevieve Goddard and Grace Bockhus were Woodstock vis itors Saturday. • Dr. and Mrs. Windmueller of Wood stock called on Grandfather Button Suncfey afternoon. % Master James Bennett spent the week end at Woodstock with his aunt, Mrs. li. M. Goddard. Mr. Wheeler of Rockford Was a re cent visitor in the home of his sis ter, Mrs. Mary Irish. Mr. 'and Mrs. Earl Colby enter tained out of town relatives at din ner Thanksgiving day. Mrs. E. Smith visited her brother, S. E. Olmstead, at Woodstock the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Josephson of Woodstock called on old neighbors and friends here Friday. Glenn Vandeburg and Mr. and Mrs. Vandeburg of Kingston visited at the home of R. Reed Sunday. Mrs. J. G. Hartman returned Sat urday evening from an extended visit with a cousin at Peoria. * E. Cadwallader was over from Ter ra Cotta and spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Belle Dufield. Mrs. R. Reed, daughters, Pearl and Dorothy, and Miss Hazel Baker were shopping in Chicago Friday. Mesdames P. Scaro, E. Anderson and P. Thomas were Crystal Lake choppers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. Mikkelsen, Mrs. Nora Skin ner and Mrs. Lola Bennett were Crys- ;al Lake shoppers Wednesday. j Mr. and Mrs. Colby and children i )f Wauconda were Sunday visitors in I he home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby. Mrs. E. M. Stephenson, Chauncey ind Edna, visited in the home of J. N. Schaffer at McHenry from Thurs- ay until Sunday. The Y. P. S. C. E. will hold their -egular business meeting and election >f officers Tuesday evening, Dec. 12, n the church parlors. • Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike, Mrs. S. <?ash and Miss J. Ashton ate Thanks- jiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. 3riggs at Crystal Lak£. Mrs. Anna Mollohan and daughter, SUa, were pleasantly entertained rhanksgiving day at ^he home of Mr. ind Mrs. Wheeler at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed and Mrs. Carrie Johnson and daughter, Bessie, pent Thanksgiving day with the former's daughter at Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. Fred Senne and son, Elmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Senne and son, Marcellus, of Woodstock visited Sunday in ttie home of F. W. Wille. Misses Ella Mollohan and Gene vieve Goddard and Messrs. R. Walkup and R. Knilans were seeing "Intoler- ence" at the Colonial in Chicago last Thursday evening. JORNSBURG John Jerak left for Chicago Sunday evening. Geo. Lay went to Woodstock Tues- ,y evening. I. Kebler, the grocery man, was in town Wednesday. Miss Emma Freund of McHenry as home Sunday. Joe Brown of Spring Grove l^as in town last week Wednesday. Henry Tonyan of Fox»Lake was a caller in Johnsburg Tuesday. Misses Clara and Tillie Freund were McHenry visitors Monday. Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and Mrs. Richard Guyser were McHenry visitors Mon day. ^ Mr. and Mrs. John Jorak spent Fri day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joe King. Beautiful calendars are being hand ed out these days at the C. M. Adams store. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huemann of Mc Henry were Johnsburg visitors la^t Sunday. Wm. Althoff and daughter, daughters of Madison, Wis., spent the bara, passed last week Wednesday in pag^ with Mrs. P. Stadtfeld and Chicago. • ' [Mrs. E. Towhsend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay and son -- ---- of Ringwood wwe Sunday visitor, in R®~1 Promoter. Organize Johnsburg. | The proposed new road from Rol- Mrs. Victor Aim of Spring GroVe lins Corners to Fox Lake is sure to visite d l a s t w e e k F r i d a y w i t h M r s . m a t e r i a l i z e , a s t h o s e w h o h a v e i n t e r - . . . A Carlston here. ested themselves in the project met kegan, has been adjudged insane and Several young couples from here and organized at Ingleside the other committed to the Elgin asylum, attended a dance at Round Lake last night. Marshal Ernst of Long Lake partnership of Fox week Wednesday evening. - :was named..,chairman wilk Jw»es soived a,few " the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mer- tes. v Mr. and Mrs. L. Bishop and daugh ter of McHenry passed Thanksgiving day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Freund. 1 • Misses Rose and Celia Miller enter tained Misses Theresa and Clara Mer- j tes and Clara Freund of Spring Grove [Wednesday. | Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Adams and {son, Leonard, of Spring Grove passed | Thanksgiving day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. Mrs. John E. Freund and daughter, Valerie, of McHenry passed Wednes day in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer of Johnsburg and Mr. 'and Mrs. William Hay of Spying Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Math. Miller at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Wirfs and Chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. John £ lake and children of McHenry were Sun day guests in the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Klein. The Mystic Workers met here in Smith's hall on Tuesday evening. The evening was passed in playing cinch. Mrs. Fred Diethorn won first prize, Mrs. Jos. Freund, second; Mrs. Jos. Hettermann, third, while Mrs. John Miller won the booby: Mr. and Mrs. J<js. Hettermann en tertained a number of their relatives last Sunday afternoon. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames Jos. Smith, John Smith, Al. Pepping, S. H. Smith of this village; Mr. and Mrs. August Huff of Spring Grove and Mrs. Elisabeth Laures and daughter, Mayme, of McHenry. Mrs. Susanna Freund was tendered a very pleasant surprise by her chil dren at the home of her son, Michael, here on Monday evening, the occasion being her eightieth birthday anni versary. Thflse who gathered to make the event a memorable one are the following: Mrs. Wolf of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob FreuflH, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund, Nick Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and Miss Theresa Freund. A most delightful evening was had by all. OSTEND R. H. Richardson is enlarging his poultry house. Gilbert Harris has a fine new house for storing farm machinery. C. C. Clark and family ate Sunday dinner with Mrs. Clark's parents at Ringwood. F. B. Thompson has erected a new milk house and an addition to his poultry house. C. B. Durkee and wife spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Durkee'b mother and sister. Carl Herdrick and family of West McHenry were calling on relative^ here Sunday afternoon. Fred Eppel, wife and little son, Glenn, ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brady. Frank Kaiser is quite ill at his home here, threatened with pneumonia. Ht is under the care of Dr. Nye. Myron Francisco and family of Wauconda were Sunday callers at the home of the former's- brother. E. H. Thompson came over from the county seat and ate Thanksgiving dinner with his son, F. B. Thompson, and family. Clinton Martin left last Friday for Madison, where he intends to take a course of fourteen weeks in the Wis consin university. Charles E. Sherman went to Chica go Saturday to consult a specialist. He has never fully recovered from the illness of last winter. Frank Luedtke of Bull Valley and Miss Lucile Biers of Ridgefield were married Nov. 29. They will reside on the Snider farm in" Bull Valley. Henry Hobart and family and War ren Francisco and sister ate Thanks giving dinner with the former's daughter, Mrs. Nina Sherman, and 5r;'- HOY BANKING COMPANY Christmas Savings Club BEGINS- December You are invited to enroll and get enough money to pay your expenses next Christmas By Making Small Deposits Weekly CLASSES are organized to save amounts from $12.50 up to $63.! You can become a member of one or more classes, or take one or more memberships in the same class. V CHILDREN as well as ADULTS will be enrolled ASK US FOR FULL PARTICULARS HOY BANKING CO. McHENRY, ILL. JOSETfl C. HOLLY, CASHIER CLARENCE F. MY, HGK. 3G 3E DG Perfumes ..10c, 25c, 50c, 75c Box Candies, t. . ..50c to $li0 New Bibles and Story Books, Toilet Sets for ladies and gents. Manicure Set* H.00 to $8.00 Hand Mirrors ..50c to $2L50 laiuii/. ' Mrs. Hazel Sherman her parents and sister, entertained Miss Corla Francisco, and Mrs. Ethel Davis,, husband and two little sons at dinner Thanksgiving. • • VOLO Mrs. Rose Dunnill spent the past few days in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daughters spent Sunday in Wauke- gan. Mrs. Mary Monohan of Libertyville is visiting, at the hpme of Earl Con verse. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock and sons, Robert and James, were in Wauconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Walton and son, Jason, spent Thursday of last week in Waukegan. Job Vasey and family of West Mc Henry and Mrs. Tom Wright of El gin were Sunday visitors in the home of Tom Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hanson and A New Line of Jewelry Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Lockets, Hat Pins, Lavallieres, Watch Chains and Scarf JRins. Ansco Cameras.. Kodak Albums .̂ Safety Razors.. Smoking Sets.... Thermos Bottles. .. .$2.00 to $20.00 15c v to $2.50 . . .$1.06 to $5.00 ...,25c to $1.00 .. $1.25 to $2J0 Cut Glass, Fount^n Pens., Box Stationery . assortment ..$1.00 to $3.00 ,,. . 25c to $L50 Shop Early at the Rexal Store West McHenry, Illinois Hayek and Fred Schultz of Fox Lake to assist him. H. Hendrecks of In gleside was elected treasurer and W. H. Kimball of the same place is the permanent secretary. Fox Lake hopes to derive a big benefit from the "road when finished. 4 Farm Hand Killed jo|^ Sandblom, farm hand, who during the past four years has been employed in the vicinity of Yolo and Round Lake, was killed by a west bound C- M. & St. P. train near In gleside one night last week. Hie victim of the fatal accident .was on his way home from Ingleside when struck. Waukegan Man Insane Charles Fox, former member of the Fox & Wirfs clothing firm at Wau- and The & Wirfs was dis- weeks ago. Mr. Wirfs laore/ /POUT. % * < THE TEACHINGS of Personal Experience come too high in coat for the up- to-date successful man of today. Invariably the strong est advocates of the bank account is the man who hai i Learned by experience and then it is often Too Late. ( Profit by the teachings of Experience- Start an account today. HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of M c Henry-Bank of Rmowood THE WISHED-FOR GIFT Neckwear cfrn be made to be the gift of gifts. Expensively little or costly as one may desire. Neckwear is ever welcomed out of all propor tion to its pricing if it brings just that elusive cachet to the wardrobe of her who receives it For all that is new and fashion favored is here: Collar of Crepe de chine-- S&e Collars of Broadcloth $1.25 Collars set in charming new modes $1.25 Collars of net, daintily trimmed with lace different styles 56c, 75c, $1J| ---AT THE-- tt , C. M. Adams Store 'Phone 625-W-l JOHNSBURG, ILL. is a brother of Peter Wirfs, Mrs. J. B. Buss and Mrs. Henry Brefeld of this village, Where he was bom and raised. See McAllister's ad for Christmas ideas. f t®- . 'i I 3. Modern Woodmen, Attention Valley Camp, No. 97, M. W. of A* will elect officers for the ensuing year at next regulnr meeting. Wednesday evening, Dec. 13. All requested to he present. £. £. tsassosv S8- ill •xii 3ti. - % • I-:4- 4 vS •r,s 1 Hi: I L *£ iS sSfe > - '*911 'W; : >k