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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1916, p. 4

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< -'TV 7' * 1 ' ^..* . ->f • *;• <r/ ';** «feA 1 .'V& •. j***' #j 7; 9»mfggw. rlZx-'M' Ci9WhfW^^ - '*•" • *>* * t - "-**'/ - ' • ! „'v + r \ •yf v>> "-?£. b :;^^^^i3^:^TffiiSBHUs!aEja!iiai#iBa^^aa«B»iMB Food Values Food provided for the family table de* "Serves the careful thought of every house? wife. Do you use thought when buying ^tjpaking powder? e " >~i- *s>~-~':~ • •' * "• '"*' ' ^ • ^ ' '*'" i ;• •. The quality, of cake, biscuits and all quickly raised flour foods depends largely ̂̂ w .Jttpon the kind of baking powder used. ̂ ' • ' • " * ' . . . - . • •[i': Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder W /̂- ipade from cream of tartar derived from?X grapes. It is absolutely pure and has provecf its excellence for making food of finest qual­ ity and wholesomeness for generations^ ̂ 4 1 , T l i e r e i s n o a l u m n o r p h o s p h a t e i n ^ \ PR. pjRICE'S CREAM BAKING PpWDER " ^ MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR DERIVED FROM GRAPES mm ADDITIONAL PERSONALS * **& **^'r ^ >v* " *»W£-*.*:r,p •adBBtt PIAINDEALEH, McHENB ,̂ HX. " » , < £ ; T - 'H im 'VY^ 'Vai •JJ\ «ms "J"1 CS5KS Petite Who Come and Go During .,« Wiek PPHENRY PLAINDEALEX rOBLISHEB EVEKY THUKSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER In Bank Building Telephone W-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: • Ymmt.i. •I.5» Months, 7Sc ; " Three Month*, Wc Thursday, Dec. 14, 1916- QUARTER OF A CENTURY1 Clipped From The Plalndealer 0t Twenty-Five Tews Ago Ye dancing public remember* the Hew Year's party at the Riverside Abuse. The board of supervisors were in ion at Woodstock on Monday and T'piesday of this week. . The State Teachers' association will meet at the state capitol at Spring­ field Dec. 29, 30 and 31. The Univers^list Sunday school is waking preparations for their Christ- entertainment, which will take Christmas eve. " • . O. W. Owen on Saturday last put' in a fine Decker piano for Miss Amy Owen. It is said to be 6ne of the s fines instruments in this section. , ' ̂ :•• A fine new front is being put in the - .jewelry store of Huemann Bros., which much improves its appearance. . The new firm is making many needed Improvements ' in and around the ^itore. ' The bazaar* and entertainment of the Willing Workers at Riverside hall on Wednesday evening last was well Attended and a most enjoyable affair. The net proceeds, after paying all •rpenses, footed up the handsome % sum of $62, Michael Winkels, an old and highly respected citizen <?f Johnsburg, died at his residence in that place on Sat­ urday last, aged eighty-three years. He has been a resident of this town ship for forty-seven years. He was sick only two or three days. The father of Frank Ward, who lately came here from Iowa, has purchased a small farm near Barre- ville and with Frank and his family has moved on to the same. It is known as the Shales place and will make a good home for all. At a regular communication of Mc­ Henry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. & A. M., held on Monday evening last, the fol­ lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year: W. A. Cristy, W. M.; F. L. McOmber, S. W.j E. W. Howe, J. W.; John I. Story, treasurer; O. N. Owen, secretary. All kinds of holiday goods at F. A. Bohla ijdcr^Si Appoints Assistant State's Attorney State's Attorney V. S. Lumley, who was sworn iAto office at Woodstock on Monday of last^eek, has named Atty. Charles T. Allen of Cary as his assistant. The state's attorney has not asked the board of supervisors for a paid assistant, but appointed Mr. Allen so that there would always be someone in the office to look after the business connected with the state's attorneyship. - A full line of Christmas candies at C. Unti's. Any 10 cent item, 3 for 25 cents at the Fay Variety store. Cigars, put up in Christmas boxes of twenty, at C. Unti's. lis.. >• 2353E T* y COOL IN V SUMMER ̂1®. ̂ atJoliet today. Dr. C. H. Fegers was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. ' , s'~ Mrs. C. W. Goodel! Was a windy city visitor-Tuesday. " . Mrs. Stacia Knox is a guest of Chi­ cago relatives this week. Miss Alice Waite was an Elgin visitor Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoelscher of WhdatoA were Sunday visitors here. Glenn Shales of Woodstock was the guest Of^McHenry friends Sunday. Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, Julia, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walsh visited relatives inoElgip .Saturday and Sun- day* " ' Jay Coiniskejr of Woodstock was the guest of McHenry , friends Sun­ day. Chris Burkhartsmeier of Chicago passed Sunday as the guest of friends here. F. A. Schnabel was«araong those to board thfe Chicago train Wednesday morning. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Parks of Wood­ stock were Sunday callers at J.: F Claxton's. . \ Mrs. Emma Mudgett of Chicago is ihe guest of her sister, Mrs. 0. H. Parks. Mrs. Peter Wirfs and daughter, Marie, took in the eights in Chicago last week. Geo. kanly of Elgin passed Monday here as the guest of his mother, Mrs. Ella Hanly. Mrs. Ben Wegener and children are spending * a few day? as guests of relatives in the windy city. Miss Lelah Claxton spent several days last week with Woodstock and Barrington friends. Misses Vera and Theresa Knox and Vera Stoffel attended the dance at Caryg Saturday night. Mrs. C. W. Stenger and daughter, Lucille, returned Wednesday evening from their trip to Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Jos. Frett and daughter, Ger­ trude, were among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morning. Miss Hellen Carpenter of Elgin was tfguest in the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Nellis. Math. Vollmann and C. C. Lynch of Chicago spent Sunday as guests' in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Heimer went to Chicago Sunday evening and took in the play entitled "A- House of Glass." , Miss Sarah Geary of Wauconda passed several days last week as a guest in the hqme of Mr. and Mrs. H. Schaffer. Andrew Walsh^ of Aurora arrived here Wednesday evening, having been called by the death of his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waite of Lake neva were guests in the home of former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. jf • .* - - with many useful Gifts that will surely please CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT All adTertlieuitintH inserted under unrf bead at the ruiiuwlugratea: Klvelines or lens, 25 cente (or first Innertion; 16 cent* (or each subsequent Insertion. More thin Ore lines, 6 cents » line (or flrst Insertion, and 3 oents a line (or addltlonl Insertion*. FARMS FOR SALE--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHerfry State Bank. 19 FOR SALE--Eight head of young Holstein heifers, three in calf. John A. Bowers, Spfing Grove, 111. 26 FOR SALE--House and four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreiner, West McHenry, HI. For Year-'Round Use--a Gas Range ; * > r and Kitchen Heater families in homes where "the heating equipment makes no pro vision for the kitchen, find a little Kitchen Heater placed beside the Gas Range to be distinctly practical. .. : It bonis coke, coal, wood and rubbish. Prices $11.50 to $15.50. FOR SALE--Buggy, fly nets, pair runners, 2 horse blankets and robe.. Jos. Freund, West McHenry, 111., 26 FOR SALE--A quantity of upland and timothy hay. Also a new cook jStove. Inquire of Mrs. Jos. H. Jus­ tin, McHenry, 111. 26-2t FOR SALE--About four acres of land opposite Chicago & Northwestern de­ pot across railroad tracks. Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 22 ' -i Holiday Suggestions f Let us help you in selecting your Christmas Gifts. Our stocks are complete and we are anxious to serve you. Among some of the beautiful gifts we have in stock are: \ TJnjversal Lunch Box, complete vacuum ,;.r bottle I* - <3asseroles Pyrix Ware ; .Aluminum Wate ^ Hickle Plated Copper : Ware Carving Sets Razors of all kinds Air Guns •'on Rifles Sleds Pocket Knives Tool Chests, Shears Embroidery Scissors Ladies' three-piece scis­ sor assortments Crumb Trays & Scrapers Plash Lights i Electric Plat Irons Skates • „ w- Quality Prices and Service f.i are always right West McHenry, 111 FOR SALE--New modern house near school house. Will be ready for oc- cupancy by January 1. Terms to suit purchaser. Geo. A. Himler, West McHenry, 111. 26-tf FOR SALE--Pure bred (Chester White boars and gilts from beat blood liner known to the breed. Prices from $18 to $25. Pedigrees fur-, nished. F. E. Thayer, Hebron, 111. Phone 363. • 26-2t FOR SALE OR RENT--House, build­ ings and three acres of land in south­ ern part of corporation known as the Samuel McDonald place. For terms write or call Miss Margaret McDonald, 332 Linden Park Place, Highland Park, 111., phone 8, or call at West McHenry State bank. 23-tf FOR SALE--Two story building suit­ able for saloon, hotel or ice cream parlor, with suitable rooms for two families; also one story building suit­ able for barber shop or confectionery store, all located near the busiest cor­ ner in, town; also two best vacant lots in town and two vacant lots in Em­ erald Park. Jos. W. Freund, West McHenry, 111. 26-tf FOR SALE--McHenry county farms in sizes of 20, 120, 160, 184 acres with good improvements. Also one of 285 acres of nice level land with good im­ provements, with or without stock. One of 285 acres including 100 head of live st<jck, 10 horses, and all farm­ ing tools. All good bargains. In­ quire of Ben SUUingrt Mô enry# 111. Phones 28 and 7&-J. ^ 30 ,>Mt" •Vi %*. 4 ^ V"- T i P • . $ i / vi A handsome Davenport* something needed in every home xm For Her Christmas Present, a Kitchen Cabinet Cedar Chests as Gifts for Sweethearts, Mother or Sister* are practical, acceptable, lasting § am -n. <ay j*. A Sled, just what the boy or girl wanted, 7 sizes to select from A Christmas Gift worth having m All styles and sizes in steel and Coaster Wagons Large selection of Easy RockSacs A necessity in the house, ' Bitsell's guaranteed Vacuum Sweeper N. J. JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING WEST McHENRY, ILL. R. Waite, two days last week. N Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer and son and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Perkins and children were guests of Mr. and M*s. Otto Singer at Woodstock Sun-' day. Mesdame8 Harry and Robt. Schlatt of Oswego; Robert Peterson of Ro- chelle, 111., and Mrs. Chas. Wendling of Dorchester, Wis., are here to at­ tend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Chas. Johnston. Mrs. Lawrence Watts and sons, Sherman, Spaulding and Lawrence, of Dallas, Texas, who have been vis­ iting their aunt, Mrs. A. M. Brown, the past two weeks, left for Wood­ stock Sunday to visit relatives before leaving for their new home in Youngs- town, Ohio. Peter Heimer, Math. Engeln, Ray­ mond S. Howard, Mrs. Ed. Hayes, Mr. and M|s. Geo. Stilling, Casper Bickler, Fred Weinschenker, Ben Stilling, Jos. Freund, John Knox and Geo. Schreiner were am'ong those to board the Chicrffeo train this morning. An elegant assortment of meer­ schaum pipes at C. Unti's. Notice to Hunters Parties caught hunting or trespass­ ing on the property or premises of the undersigned will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Signed, John Huff. Philip Schaefev? Jos. A. Scheafer. ^ , Peter Peterson. Philip Thennes. Anton Miller* 15-I4t • • Tonyan Bros. ; Fine line of Christmas nufcr at C. Unti's. * French ivory esch's.' toilet Bets at Pet- Give lis your next order for en­ graved calling cards and see what a neat job we put out for you. ^ Stop-Look-Read -THE GREAT ASSORTMENT OF- Xmas \ ; \ ';'V. /i-sJ 'M Vycital's Hardware Yffor flnsband Pocket Kiiiv^, Razors Safety Rawws Rasor Straps " ; Search., Rifl# Guna^ 'v v Hammers Hatchets Saws iter Tools Your Wife Cutlery * Sih^erware Aluminum Granite Ware Nickle-plated Ware SUeotric Sad Irons. Casseroles Roasters ! Wringers" Washing Machine Cook Stoves Your Child ,;;ST' 1 V. ; - : i£T$. 1; ' ̂ j»V jnd many other useful article ̂ Tricycles Sleds . Air Rifles Ice Skates Roller Skat«i>U: Tool Chests Basebal 1t G1OV«| ! Balls ' Bats Knives Watchef .-.U 1 • • . ; mV Do your shopping early and avoid the rush ̂ LA1NDEALEB AOS PA¥ ' * '• f ^ * 'v t' n. - KJCta, f J it.

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