< .5Vv'r-,: !' fC-s ' •tr <V* V:.V. 'J •>'V. ; W f It-'.' sg5, *£: 1 ' :> > !>.V '•"i. "u : . r - . W:/ r,.» - f •- l$if. 5; A?H\ v. ? v«^ /H , . ' lit :,r. i:: ,;; ,vT P. veS" SfPW" glosinq Out in Fall Clothing li t :•? TC03IS and . . ̂ . <; „• Uym mm *-asai «T W OvereoMor . Sag, fmjwi. ^V-yii-' \f: V '7 ; ; , • save you on a garment .00 to $5,00 We have some broken lots of good new Overcoats and •Suits, which we are closing out regardless of co&. Come and inspetfi the line. It will be to your advan- tage wbeabuxwg dqthins. : J ; JOS. W. FREUND itt WEST McHENRk, iU- »y; • Jfappy New Year ' 7'Isb==B=SS^S=S==& J.'C ,' tjM r.i v j 't*c ̂ t f Phone 6341 . J. WALSH Goods Delivered mm •'; •. PC,;-&s* .o- ( • a 4^ ' ' ̂ ?>,i ; . V* , We take this opportunity of extending our thanks in ap preciation of the liberal pa tronage you have accorded |his store during the year just ended and with the hope that our goods and service have merited a continuance of same during the coming year we extend to all our best wishes for A Happy New Year f f f « s F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENKY, ILL. S<p.-y> Kit . * C' • }% & ,wi' TN appreciation for the liberal patronage ^ that has been extended this store during the year now closing we wish to extend you our sincere thanks. It was your co-operation that carried us thru another successful year and we trust that the pleasant business rela tionship which now exists between ourselves and our patrons may accompany us thru the y e a r o f 1 9 1 7 . - . . . JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS f, : amm. MLmmma sm (Continued from First Pftg«) Make #U remittMiees for entries payable to Leonard Fr*tt» secretary, McHenry, 111. All exhibitor^ of tiie grain depart ment most be members of the asso ciation* Important Netlces--Read Them Carefully Make all checks or money orders payable to Leonard Frett» secretary, McHenry, 111. Don't fail to give breed, "MX and band number on *entry sheet. Don't fail to prepay all express charges. Ship all birds and animals to Mc Henry Poultry, Pet Stock & Grain Association, Supt., McHenry, 111. Remember there are no strings at tached to premiums offered at this show. Win the cash specials and cups and take them home with you. Premiums are all in the possession of the association. They pay all pre miums in full and give you your cup before the end of the show. % There is no other show in the west that is giving such large gold cash specials and such fine cups, all tastefully designed, and are well worth winning. Every exhibitor has an equal show to win several cups and cash specials. Be sure and make a big entry, so you can take home some of these specials and a check for a comfortable sum of money. Exhibition Days Open to the public daily from 8:00 a. m, to 10:00 p. m., January 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 1917. Rules and Regulations Cash Must Accompany Entries Rule No. L The premiums of this association are open to the competi tion of the world. Entries must be made on blanks furnished by the sec retary and all entry fees paid in full at the time entry is made. No at tention will be paid to entries unac companied by fees. Remittance to be made payable to secretary, McHenry, 111. Diseased Specimens Debarred Rule No. % Stock showing symp toms of disease when received or during the exhibition will be imme diately returned t* the owner. Not Responsible for Lost Rule No. 3. The association will use every precaution in the, manage ment of all departments, but will not be responsible for loss or v accident. Competent superintendents will have charge of all exhibits, whose duty it will be to personally attend to the cooping, feeding and care.. of all stock entered for competition, and to see to it that each specimen is re turned to its proper owner at the close of the exhibition. No pne ex cept the owner thereof will be al-* lowed to handle stock except by per mission of the superintendent. When Entries Close--Read This Rule Twice Rule No. 4. Entries in all depart ments will positively close Monday, January 15, 1917, at 8 p. m. but should be made as much earlier as possible. The building will be op ened for the reception of all, entries at noon, January 17, and all stock must be in coops by noon Thursday, January 18. Stock unavoidably de tained on the road, when it is shown clearly that they were entered and shipped on time, may be admitted at the discretion of the board of direct tors. Entries may be made by letter or in person, but in all cases the num ber of specimens, name of exhibitor, band number and express company mu st be plainly stated on entry blank. Additional entry blanks will be furnished by the secretary upon request Any misrepresentation made by exhibitors in regard to their stock will forfeit their right and privileges. Tags must be attached to the coops in which the birds are shipped. Judging starts at noon January 18, 1917. Ship By Express Rule No. 5. Stock must be sent by express (charges being prepaid by the exhibitor, and the association positively will not accept them on any other condition). Same will be placed on exhibition, in charge of the superintendent of their respective de partments, who will see that they are properly cared for during the exhi bition, And at the close of the show, returned to the owner, or otherwise disposed of, as per instructions of the owner. Entries and Specimens Defined Rule No. 6. The term "specimen" applies to anything for which a pre mium is offered. The term "foul" applies to the bird one year old or over; term "chick," a bird under one year old; term "cock," a male bird# one year old or over; term "cock erel," a male bird under one year old; term "hen," a female bird one year old or over; term "pullet," a female bird under one year old. A breed ing or exhibition pen shall consist of one male and four females, and may be either young or old stock, or both. Barred Plymouth Rocks Rule No. 7. Premiums to be awarded and paid on singles and pens for both lines of breeding, cock- eryl bred or pullet bred specimens. Exhibition pens are eliminated. Entry Fees and Premiums -Rule No. 8. In all poultry classes the following entry fees will be charged, which allows the specimens to compete for all cash and special prizes offered by the association on the respective classes: Single spec imens cocks, hens, cockerels and pul lets, $0.25; breeding or exhibition pens--one male and four females-- to be made up of old and young birds, or both, $1.00. Entn i|g for arill ha OE OPERA HOUSL McHENRY ads brta* mutt* 5 THURSDAY. DEC. 28 v Marguerite Clark IN- "OUT OF THE DRIFTS" SATURDAY, DEC. 30 Edward Abeles •THriiuor 11 - 1------'--v v ;.jy" ; SUNDAY, DEC.; , Marie Dora ' IN %EPL0MACY" J. k / -"v- ^ "A* - * .$£ " | " Si ' ** i , iv *4. Sj rj:*- t'" . .... ents a pair. Entry fee on pet stock will be: Rabbits, 25 cents each; cavies, 25 cents each. . Single Bird Premiums First premium--Blue silk ribbon, 25 per cent of the entry fetes of the class and sex competing. Second premium--Red silk ribbon. 15 per cent of the entry fees of the class and sex competing. Third- premium--White silk ribbon. 10 per cent of the entry fees of the class and sex competing. Fourth premium--Green silk rib bon. Pen Premiums First premium--Blue sflk ribbon. 25 per cent of'the entry fees of pen( entries of the class. Second premium--Red silk ribbon. 15 per cent of the entry fees of pen entries of the class. Third premium--White silk rib bon. 10 per cent of the entry fees of pen entries of the class. Fourth premium--Green silk rib- bn. To Bo Continued St, Mary's Church Notes Mrs. Elizabeth Berthold was a very welcome guest at St. Mary's rectory last Friday. Miss Erma Luaer, organist and music teacher at St. Mary's ^school, left town to spend a few days with her folks, where she will remain till Saturday. Children Sing Carols Christmas eve there was a jnyster- us gathering of school children with their music teacher, Miss Lauer. Nobody knew it. The time was set for 5:30. At a given signal all romped away and disappeared in the thick >w. Everything was a jnystery. Their coming, their going and destin ation, all in the dark. / Suddenly we heard the singing of Christmas, carols. Was it a sleigh- ride? No. It was at the windows of the sick that they had gathered in real Christomas spirit to sing Christ mas songs to the people who expect ed very little of a Christmas. And the doors opened to see what it was all about, many a tear was seen glistening in the eyes of the aged. From house to house the pious band went until their little feet could not wade any longer thru the snow. On account of their late start and the snow they had to give up their plan to go to West McHenry. It was real fun for the"kids." Those who missed seeing "The Alien," as shown at the Central opera house on Christmas afternoon and evening, missed one of the best silent dramas ever written. Never before, to our knowledge, has Man ager Smith shown as good a picture that one of last Monday. The scenes and acting by an all star cast were exceptionlly fine, while the work of George Beban, as the Italian, could not have been improved upon. In short, those who visited the Cen tral on Christmas day saw something exceptionally good. $1*0 Reward, $1M The readers of this paper <wlll b«. pleased to learn that there is at least; one dreaded disease that science bat been able to cure in ait its stages, and that la catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced by cuiintltutiunal condition* requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de stroying* the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting: na ture in doing its work. The proprie tors have so much faith in the curatifs powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send (or list of testimonials. • . „ AddreM: F J. CHENEY St CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, Vie. * Notice to Hunters Parties caught hunting or trespass ing on the property or premises of the undersigned will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Signed, John Huff. Philip Schaefer. s Jos. A. Scheafer. Peter Peterson. Philip Thennes. Anton Millar. 16-X4t • Tonyan Bros. Notice upDelinquents The books offRiverview Camp, No. 6818, R. N. A., M^ill be close the first week in Jan., 1917, and all delin quents are hereby requested to com municate with roe in the meantime. Katherine Schneider, Recorder. Our Savings Department f Wefwish to call your attention to the fad that this bank maintains a finii-class Savings Department. We receive on savings accounts any amount from one dollar up. On each account we compound the interest semi-annually, adding the interest to the account with- out any trouble on the part of the depositor. Additions may be made at any time, and under normal conditions deposits may be withdrawn in tvhole or in part at any time. On these savings ac counts we pay 3 per cent interest. We recommend this kind of ac count to persons who have money for which they have no imme diate use and which they want kept in a safe place until needed. Tli%compounding of interest is. automatic. This money is not idle but is constantly making more money for you, accumulating for the rainy day or the d^yof need when other sources fail We woujht, be pleased to have you call and open a savings account with. us. .* V WJe^t McHenry State Bank - • , r /d mm -<• •* -1 -l * lifcas s.y -VVJ 4- "s. An Artistic Achievement- Columbia Trio «««& A wooing, melodious sweet ness of sound and a glowing perfection of ensemble effect mark Columbia Trio Records. - - The unforgettable beauty of tone of the Columbia Records made by the Trio de Lutece, the Taylor Trio and other famous organizations attest the pure artistic per* fection of the Columbia recording process, In truth and feeling, tone and timbre, th<8 : 'Columbia Trio recordings are .so fat" ahead that your ear and artistic judgment will tell you to choose Columbia Records. lallj .1 far! Ifore. N. A. HUEMANN, WEST McHENRf PLUMBING BEATING -BY- Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & R EIH ANSPERGER Office in > .Phone No 73-R Spaulding Bldg. / ALFORD H. POU^E Attorney -at-Law Werft McHenry, - III. Telephone No. 108-lt SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHE1& DENTIST \ Office in Telephone Exchange Bidg.j Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 79-W American Sieel RnoeP ŝt For Poultry Yards y WILBUR LUMBER CO, •& The dancers for miles around are looking forward to the leap year party to be given by the Just Us club on Sjaturday 'evening, Dec. 30, at Stoffel's hatt. WEST McHENRY. ILL. Notice Retracted Depot Agent W. Goodoll coivtd notice this morning that PHONE § same rates will continue until further notice, which is evidence that the t fttatote i» rnhaU/ ii- ,«