V*. * \^4 • •N* - >3 4 V * .»» - SK W'i- «•-#>-' iW ij'f'.-f"., ' J», • t ca . * t** '• v>:' ~V,r* "»" -,v, k"-s.^|a ^ "•' Kr~#y -Vjc^-^* *>*/ •" ?• V? : '.fi'r~:\<;ftf .•,•!*'.r/it^trr^^rpzyt!.^^^n7T7»7^r^.{*^A;; *g " --t, n.E -r- ' " ' •"• "* ' ' """ * THE Me FUniDIlUB, . T, f ,^< „.., vj, '*c- * •* *XZ - i**, ^ S5..f?.s*:%S ^Vs?J £;* '. <•" ' ̂ mmmimhh ir"4 A'if-?#-'-•>?•' ••VT- • J^£- .jv;:^" _ B . •' _• -*•'* - 'S'* • '^i"-"" 'i ' ' •" 'V '< : • *•'. '"• ' -vJ«S»& Vr-* . jjlfcir V » *V t: * 1 C t ) r> ; • -V 1 r iV-Lt * • * * •: !,1§S? »•. MUST BE DEALT WITH FIRMLY -••<• • •< •••,. •,. .. \u • - ; . ' . "•• *-V.t .• f 'V* lfciV,fcv<* V J . ' ' ' ;, •• I|f 1 5 Don't take chances on losing your hair. Sea!# •^ health is necessary to the nourishment crif iffj? healthy hair bulbs. If you want a cool, clean **l* • head and an abundance of healthy hair, usft .1 ; V, i>| Excelal, Sage and Sulphur f HAIR TONIC C^ it Metises and invigorates the scalp an® pft>* ^ ' tfiotes fhe healthy growth of the hair. If yoiar ISC .Hair is falling out, or if it has lost its lustre, get a bottle of Excelal, Sage and Sulphur I lair and start its use at once. Price 50c ' " i ' • N. H. PETESGH McHRNRt ILLINOIS 4, ; L- '< t ,v ' £ » t * * r ' ?**.'? a* P : ^ 30 ; .-- We are often asked the above question. We'caiv say this: If we were fifty or more milei away from our customers we would not have to be so pqrticalar about quality, but as we expect to see them all again we try to sell things that satisfy. Many say cheap shoes last as long as good ones. This, if true, is more than we can understand. IF shoes were all the same for wear, why do com panies like the F. Mayer, from whom we buy most of our shoes, use the best and highest priced leather for their shoes? Others may be made to sell cheap. We aim to sell what is really cheaper for our customers. .<¥? SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J* McHenry, 111. <*• - * fV- • I •f •» * > Woman's Shoes $1.75, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 The high price of leather if! steadily increasing the cost of Shoes, We made our purchase before theatlvance and are now selling good Shoes at prices that are, in some instances, below to day's wholesale cost So everyone who would save on footwear should pur chase now. We cannot urge too strongly the importance. of making selection^ for present needs as well as for spring and summer. JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY, ILL. THE PK1CE PURE FOOD S "•4*s iV •& n . r' '.v ^ al ./ ,' X ;-1 % < . • * s' / f > 7'-^] %' It*!* ON ACCOUNT The cost of living has almost doubled on ac count of the war for some mysterious reason. You have to be more economical. You have tor use judgment in the purchase of yoinr --^clothes. It is more important now than evqf Ife lthat you have them made to-or^er and tailored to perfection. Come and see what excellent fabrics we are offering .at reasonable price®. Every garment, of course, is tailored strictly to measure and backed by a guarantee to give! you lasting satisfaction. -AT THE isSf^ C. M. ADAMS STORE- Vm JOBNSB0RG •: Yotingr of-.-|^®a»y' spent Wednesday with friends here. A number from Johnsburg and vi cinity took in.-the poultry show and automobile, exhibit at McHenry last Week. . A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Al. Pepping here on Wednesday of last week. That's why Al. is wearing that broad smile these days. A happy throng of young folks took Jn the dance held at Smith's hall here on Wednesday evening of last week and; like similar occasions of the past, evefyone had a good time. A wedding dance will take place at Smith's hall here on Wednesday evening of next week, Jan. 81. Oef- fling's orchestra will furnish the music for the occasion and a delight ful time is in store for all who at tend. Dance tickets, 50 cents. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Quite a number of our horse flesh lovers were attracted to McHenry last Saturday afternoon, where two exciting horse races were pulled off on the ice of Fox river. Many of the hoys were pulling for John F. Freund's classy little steed to win the race,in which it was entered, but unfortunately they were obliged to come home disappointed, but with a i'eeling; that the best horse lost. In spite of the very disagreeable weather a good sized crowd greeted the home talent players at the par ish hall here last Sunday evening. The efforts of the players revealed the fact that we have here in Johns- burg some exceptionally good talent and the entertainment, as provided on this, occasion, could not be improv ed upon. On account of the fact that the weather'kept so many away, the performance will be repeated at the same place next Sunday night. Don't miss it. A chicken supper was enjoyed by a number of his friends at the home of Jos. J. Michels on Thursday evening of last week. The fore part of the evening was passed at cards, while the "eats" came at about the mid night hour. It's unnecessary for us to state that everyone present en joyed the hospitality of the hostess, as Joe 'has never yet failed when it came to showing his friends a good time. Those who made up the gath ering were: John H. Miler, N. E. Barbian, Joe N. Miller, G. E. Schoel, Joe King, Stephen King, Stephen May, John A. Miller, Ed. Tonyan, Peter Freund, Peter Niesen, Jos. Het- termaan and Joe Freund. RINGWOOD Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at Walter Bradley's. Joe Lynch of Baltimore, Maryland, is visiting at Ora Harrison's. The Card club was entertained by Miss Mildred Wolkos last Wednes day. Mrs. Leo Brunswick and son, Lyle, were Woodstock visitors last Thurs day. Mrs. Rilla Foss attended a Ladies' Aid meeting at Richmond last Wed nesday. Mrs, Nellie Dodge and daughter, Sarah, were Chicago visitors last Saturday. Otis Bigger of Buffalo, North Da kota, is visiting his uncle, Joe Big ger, of this place. Charles Harrison of North Crystal Lake visited his sister, Mrs. J. C. Ladd, last Saturday. Mrs. Lora Brown and little son, Leonard, spent last Friday with her parents in McHenry. Mrs. Jay Bennett of Belvidere spent Saturday night ami Sunday at Henry Stephenson's..... A sleigh load of our young people attended the basket ball game at Mc Henry Friday night. Mrs. Alma Thomas of McHenry spent last Saturday with her daugh ter, Mrs. James Rainey. Miss Margaret Harrison attended the expectant teachers' meeting at Woodstock Saturday last. Lewis Ingstrom entertained the young people with a card party at his home last Thursday evening. H. W. Allen and Bert McCannon attended the milk producers' meeting at North Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Luella Stephenson and Mrs. Grace McCannon visited Mrs. Clara Starritt at McHenry last-Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hall and Ora Harrison and family attended the chicken show in McHenry last Satur day. William Coates received a tele gram from his wife in Iowa-Friday that her sister, Mrs. Emma Terry, had passed away that morning. The W. C. T. U. had a very pleas ant meeting at Mrs. Hattie Buck- land's last Saturday. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Buckland told the ladies that it was her seventy-ninth birthday. All joined in wishing her pleasant returns of the day as they departed for their homes. Rl&GEFIELD D. P. Bohl drove to Woodstock Saturday. J, H. Slater was a Chicago passen ger Friday morning. Ray Lynch and Oscar Nelson were Woodstock callers Monday. Robt. Knilans was a business vis- itor at Woodstock Saturday. J. Mikkelsen and children drove to Crystal Lake Friday afternoon. Miss Genevieve Goddard was Home from Ringwood Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. Scaro, Mrs. Ericson and Anna, were shopping at Woodstock Saturday. The Ladies' Cemetery society Will meet with Mrs. A. Peterson Thurs day, Feb. j Mr. Rooney and daughter, Hallie, ,of Chicago called on friends here Sunday afternoon, * r - ' Albert Parker was back in his old place Sunday and had for his theme 'The Beautitudes," ^ * J. W. Leonard is back on the job again after being laid up for ten days with a sprained ankle. Margaret Briggs of Crystal Lake spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. W. E. Dike. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Senne and son, Marcellus, of Woodstock visited with relatives fiere Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Wheatoa of Chicago was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Leroy Skinner, Saturday. The Y. P. S. C. E. will give an oyster supper in the basement of the church this Friday evening. Every one welcome. Mrs. Anna Motlohan and daughter, Ella, were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schuene- mann at Crystal Lake Saturday. F. W. Hartman is gaining, slowly. E. J5. Knilans is still confined to the house. Mrs. A. Anners is under the care of a physician. Mrs, Lynch is a victim of tonsilitis. Mrs. J. Mer chant is improving after a longsiege of bronchitis. TERRA COTTA Miss Mary" Conway was a recent guest of Elgin relatives. Miss Mary Conway was a Wood- tock visitor last Saturday, Miss Annie Buss of Woodstock spent Sunday at her home here. S. B. Leisner was a business caller at Crystal Lake Saturday morning. Miss Clara. Frisby of Wauconda spent the weke end at her home here. Miss Florence Knox spent Thurs day evening with relatives in Mc Henry. Miss& Agnes Frisby attended a teachers' meeting at Woodstock Sat urday. Robt. Anderson * spent Saturday with his daughter, Mrs. Lewis Qole, at Crystal L$k.e Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bolger and, daughter, Vivian Claire, spent Tues day at M. Knox's. Misses Eleanor, Edna and Marjorie Phalin spent Saturday evening with relatives in McHenry. Mrs, John J. Riley has been very sick at her home here the past week, but is better at this writing. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay was the guest of her parents in Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bay was doprn Sunday. Mrs. Earl WilCox of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Riley. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with Chicago relatives. Sunday they at tended the fifty-fourth wedding anni versary of Mr. Gracy's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Northrup. OSTEND Mrs. Hila Thomas spent last week at Woodstock at the home of her daughter. The saw mill on Mr. Marks' farm is turning out numerous railroad ties and some other kinds of work. Ernest Brott and wife gave an oyster supper to their young friends at their home last Thursday evening. Ben ^Hutson and wife and Mrs. Hannah French of Woodstock were Sunday afternoon callers on relatives south of here. Little Elma Sherman spent last week at Grandpa Hobart's. Her brother. Dorr, and cousin, Clyde, were Saturday night guests at the Hobart home. J. N. Sayler, rural carrier No. 1, has made every trip this winter with his little Ford, including Monday of this week, when he found some pret ty hard roads after leaving C. B. Durkee's. Mr. Durkee drove thru a couple of times and still they were obliged to do considerable shoveling. While finishing spliting wood to haul to the house, Clifford J. Sher man of Bull Valley met with quite an accident He drove a wedge into the log and picked up another to drive in, when the first, without be ing touched, flew out an struck him squarely over the mouth, knocking out one tooth and breaking a piece from another. He very wisely left most food alone for a day or two, his mouth being so badly swollen. Not a Submarine Late last Friday afternoon, just about the time that ye editor was cleaning up preparatory to leaving the office for the evening meal, we were brought back to our desk by the ringing of the telephone bell. A voice over the phone told us that a German submarine had been sighted Fox river at a point near the Honey Dew club house. However, upon further investigation we learned that Fred Weinschenker had gone thru the ice with his large automobile truck. Those who happened to be within hearing distance, say from two to six blocks, Were well aware of what had happened, as the air in the immediate vicinity of the accident was kept a very dark blue for several hours. W_£ have never heard of any one accusing Fred of speaking above whisper (t), but on this occasion his lung power was given all the vent that he possessed,- while his vocabu lary was taxed to its utmost capacity. With the assistance of kind friends, prominent among whom was a French volunteer, he was helped out of his predicament, but riot until three or jnore hours of the hardest kind of work had been put in. Operation at Woodstock Miss Mae Kane, who, is employed fat the Elgin w erated on at t! last Tuesday. Mrs. Stacia Ka her many frien that the operat m. . ry, was op- ick hospital daughter of locality and ased to hear ccessful and SHOES! We have just put in an ex cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Is department is also complete while repair >rk receives our prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamps We give' Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur chase. Let us explain Our Silverware Premium Lists. 'i < M. A. Th«slen West McHenry is available day and night at every lamp socket connected to our service and Electric Power is of intimate interest to the owners ef every piece of machinery in town because of its economy and its effi ciency and likewise in every household be cause it will take over the heaviest labor. We can readily demonstrate tllta Public Service Co OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS FRUITS! Groceries and Canned Goods A big stock on hand at all times M. Niesen McHenry Phone tt-W k,w 'V ^ ^ ^<v:THEf -- ENROLLMENT IN OUR Christmas Sayings Closes ,'.g§§ FEBRUARY I, 1917 There are no re&ridions. Everybody it welcome to enjoy the pleasures and bencv fits of membership. . - •The fir& deposit makes you a member „ Without any further expense or trouble \ S* except to keep up the small weekly pay- ^ merits, which anyone can do without inconvenience^ ENROLL YOURSELF. ENROLL THE ^ CHILDREN. ENROLL NOW. Hoy Banking McHENRY, ILLINOIS •>is Office Hours 9:00 to 124* a. m. 1:00 to 4:3# p. m. 7KM to Ml p. m. Telephone*: Office 17 Residence 51-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon FREUND BLDG. Over McAllister's WEST McHENRY she will soon be able to return to her home here. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs. Geo. Chesnut and children of Crystal Lake are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers, i ' "v Mrs. j. C. Bickler, Miss Lovina, Nicholls, C. G. Frett, J. F. Adam$, and Wm. Simes were Chicago passen gers this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart and sons* Fred and George, of Chicago were guests in the» home of Mrs. Barbara' Schiessle over the week end. Mrs. Chas. E.» Pulz has returned te Wauseon, Ohio, after spending a week in the home of her father, An ton Engeln, who has been seriously ill, • " -J-- ' -• Miss Mary Meyers attended the Allied Bazaar in Chicago Friday night and visited Saturday and Sun day with Mr. anid Mrs. Wm. Marshall at Morton Grove. Mesdames Mayme Harrison, Clara Starritt and C. L. Page attended the funeral of Mrs. Jennie Bell, supreme past matron of the Eastern Star, in Chicago Sunday. The services were held at the Oriental Consistory at Dearborn avenue and Walton Place at 2:00 o'clock and were attended by at east 5000 people. The work was done by Mrs. Bell's court of officers of* the official year 1917 and was a most beautiful and impressive ser- •i*.. a'"4' • Some peOpTe dislike to enter the doors of a bank because they Think their small business is too trifling for the banker to bother with. JVe invite such people to oome io and^ use this bank. " \ . t >,f'4M . • ' We are in bosiness to be Bank of McHenryjBank of Rinowocd ' 'i 3T3£."^r.v ^ -f' * % Kt **r-ji S '-'4 ,Every man, woman or chi!<J sh6uld have a bank account of some size. ruu W1ICHT Potato^ Ve not only giro you full weight when you buy groceries from ua, but we give you &1b& Ik SUPERIOR GRADE. Ve will not *llow inferior Urooeriea to come into our «torê || 1 'feigh' • the ques tion of where to buy your groceries; give us at first only a part of your trade ; our good things to eat will gain for us the BALANCE of your business. * i i vffl •m III J ̂11 • M Schneider Bros., - We^l McHenry (r- P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVXN TO TH* 8ALI OF " . T'-"-".'* Drcased Be«f, nutt«*i, Hsgs, Vsal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Egf* Thla is the oldest house on the street* Tags and prtoe Hats farntshsi ©• application. COLD STORAOB FKBf > * r | stall i a s. P «*•**• WhoteMJ* Stork*!. •m :-rw :.».T?£4sr-» • ...j