* V-1r &\*£t W J\g 1( r x >; < 7 . ^ ^ •* ' , • U p ' V ; t > £ ; ; ; • / ' : * Z ; l ; > ~ > t ;f̂ " ̂̂ *HB MelIENRY PLAnfDEALERt MCHENRT, ILL. a^&a&Esy - ?? -«v * *i, *i. ?">,. 1 , * - "•* v» W, ,*-V , v "* * ** ? - * > ^ V" ^ r - r :: V : # '*!••• *iiff&. '• • * V-ipPi '.,'5v.' r-.,^=:; *9^__y«-I4. mrrBXRrrLAiMALER i, PvBU«tt» tvatr «OK*DAY it F. G. SCHREINER (Mta lt BtakBattdlof T*lepbonp »-W TftRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oav Yasr.»^*. - ... •»--^ ««X Month#, t8e |,;. *' '•• . Ttae* Month., 4*> LICKED AT CRYSTAL LAKE McHenry Mgh School ' Five Are V) Ball • t > Thoradaj, fek. 8, 1917 ,•»* • GOLDEN WEDDING VI%--I Johnsborg Couple Obaerye Event la BOnnewto f The following account of the golden '^"tftadfng anniversary of a former Johnsburg couple, clipped from a lit tle Falls, Minn., paper, will be inter- eating to many Plaindealer readers, aa most of our older folks will remem ber the principals favorably: On January 28, 1867, at Johnsburg, ni„ Peter W, Blake and Miss Chris tine Miller were united in marriage. They vesided at Johnsburg for ten years, following which they moved to Minnesota, settling at Rich Prairie. Eight years later they moved to Little Palls, where they have shrce made their home. Hie golden wedding anniversary was celebrated at their home in this dty Sunday, when the children, grandchildren and great-grandchil dren and a few invited guests gath ered there to help them commemor ate the event. A 6 o'clock dinner was served the guests, the centerpiece at the table being a bride's cake with fifty candles. The rooms were pret tily decorated with yellow daffodils. Nine children were born to this union, seven of whom are still living. All the children were here Sunday with the exception of J. M. Blake of Minneapolis, who was unable to at tend. There are also twenty-nine grandchildren and three great-grand children. The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kiewel and sons, Dewey and Charles, of Crookston; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gravel and son, Peter, of Pierz; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blake of Sauk Rapids; M. B. Blake •wH Misses Mame and Adeline Blake at city; Mr. and Mrs. Jac Kiewel and Rev. J. P. Altendorf. Mr. Blake is seventy years of age and Mrs. Blake is sixty-six years of •(• and both are enjoying the best of Hie McHGnry high school basket ball five went down to Crystal Lake 'last Friday night, where they were taken into camp by the local five to the merry tune of 26 to 17. The students of these two schools have been bitter rivals when it comes to athletics for some years past and the rivalry was plainly vis- i ible the very moment the two teams took the floor last Friday night. Crystal Lake got the jump on the local outfit and thru hard and per sistent work they succeeded in keep ing the lead thruout, altho McHenry tried hard to overcome the lead that the home crew was able to affix dur ing the first half of the evening's melee. The first half ended with McHenry trailing their opponents by eleven points. To be exact, the score stood 15 to 4 when the referee's whistle sounded the dose of the first stanza. McHenry took the floor in the second half with a grim deter mination to make up for lost time and in this they were partially suc cessful as they succeeded in piling up thirteen points, while Crystal Lake accumulated but ten. But, as previously stated, the handicap gained by Crystal Lake in the first half was too much for McHenry to overcome* and our lads were obliged to leave the gym with the sting of-defeat as their reward for their efforts of the evening. However, the boys find some con solation in the hope that they will get another chance at Crystal Lake on the McHenry floor, where they feel that they will be afforded an ex cellent opportunity to avenge Friday night's defeat. The line-ups and scores of the two teams follow: Crystal Lake (26) C Thomas L. F. Lowell R. F. Andruss L. G. Cowan Hayford 2; Frett, 2; Executor's Notice Alford H. Pouse, Atty. Estate of John Powers, Deceased, lite undersigned having been ap pointed Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Powers, de ceased, late of the County of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, ^hereby give notice that they will appear be fore the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Wood stock, at the April Term, on the first Monday in April next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 6th day of February, A. D. 1917. David Powers, ^ George L. Murphy, fMt Executors. McHenry (17) Frett Bacon Page, Jones F. Justen Boyle, A Justen R. G. Field goals: Bacon, Jones, 3; Andruss, 5; Lowell, 1, Thomas, 3; Hayford, 1. Free throws: Bacon, 2; Page, 1; Andruss, 3; Low ell, 1; Thomas, 1, Administrator's Notice Alford H. Pouse, Atty. Estate of John A. Smith, Deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed Administrator of the Estate of John A. Smith, deceased, late of therCounty of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the April Term, on the first Monday in April next, at which time all persons hav ing claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same ad justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme diate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 8th day of February, A. D. 1917. Stephenj H. Freund, 34-8t Administrator. One egg a day will buy Hess' panacea for seventy-five hens at Mc Allister's. Winter will pass and spring will come and plans of improvement will be given effect. They ought of course to include Wiring Your House for ELECTRIC LIGHT The expense of the opera tion-fixtures included-is usually small-it often in, fact,, works out less than $2 a month sor we spread the cost over 2 years. 9alt<Petalls <HI Request. Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS OLIVER MODE NUMBER NINE THE EXTRA-CAPACITY YOURS FOR 17 COilS A MY FOR SALE BY H. T, Cooney, Agt. Woodstock, 111. • m GOT DELICACIES jyi iFOR. TEfci OF- AtUNCHCOHS f iT-VAUNtl"1 PAY 00D HINCS TO EAT • Our delicious table delicacies will strike the heart of every housewife and delight the TASTES of the whole family. Preparing a dainty luncheon will be easy our store and buy our already prepared dainty delicacies. You will save more in LABOR and anxiety byt buying these thing* already prepared than they wijll cost in MONEY. "TU Kind Mother Uses' 'Every time mother gets out Calu met I know there's going to be good things to eat at outhouse. Delicious, tender, tempting doughnuts, biscuits, cakes and pies! I've never seen a bake- day failure with Calumet. Mother says it's the only Baking Powder that insures uniform results.' RccaUm! Highest Awiidi CLASSF© KM8TM0IT FARMS FOR SALB--Inquire of C. W. Stenger, West McHenry State Bank. 19 FOR RENT--A house. Inquire of A. P. Freund, McHenry, 111. 33 FOR SALE--House and foor lota. Excellent building sites. Mrs, Mary Schreiner, West McHenry, HI. FOR SALE--Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels. $1.50, $2.50 and $5.00 each. j. V. Buekland, Ringwood, HL 81-4t FOR SALE--About 80 thoro-bred Duroc brood sows. Can be seen any time. Math. J. Glossen, Volo, HI. P. O. Round Lake, 111. 29-tf FOR SALE--A large base burner heater. Will be sold cheap if taken at once. Inquire of Math. Steffes, West McHenry, 111. Phone 99-R. 34 k Frt$ PanmJ 4 tew FARM TO KENT--165 acres, seeded down, 26 acres alfalfa and 10 timo thy. Two miles south of Ingleside station. Geo. Rosing, Ingleside, 111. 34-8t* Cheap and big canDakinQpowders do not save you money. C "latnct does--it's Pu; and iar superior to sour triilk and soda. WEEKLY PERSONAL ITEMS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUST VILLAGE MAN past 30 with horse and buggy to sell Stock Condition Powder in Mc Henry county. Salary $70 per month. Address 9 Industrial Bldg., Indianap olis, Ind. 34* FOR SALE--Four room hohse, to gether with two lots and good sized barn, situajted in . West McHenry. Eli Brink, 903 Marshall St., Lake Geneva, Wis. 33-4t FOR SALE--Single harness, part double harness nearly new, 12 foot dining table, range, coal or wood; string of 30 steel bells, 3-piece'4PTED- room suit, large kitchen cabinet, 2 overcoats, navy-blue serge suit for boys age 9 to 17 years old, nearly new. Call or write Mrs. Alice Simp son, McHenry, HI. 34 TO RENT FOR CASH--The John Powers farm of 234 acres, situated 5 miles south of McHenry and 3 miles north of Crystal Lake. Farm has two dwelling houses. 45 acres fall plowing done. Most modern ly equipped farm In the county. Apply to David Powers, Crystal Lake, or George L. Murphy, Woodstcok, 111. Schneider Bros., - We^t McHenry t " r ; * * " ..Ma.... ,? ,.k. .U -? « . ,yv" fV • m < 8*4-. 1 * T'l- ; Aa Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed Into Our Office By Our Friends Geo. Schreiner was a county seat visitor today. Mrs. C. B. Harmsen spent Wednes day at the county seat. Carl Robb of Hebron was the guest of McHenry friends Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Walsh spent Wednes day with Elgin relatives. Mrs. John McEvoy is visiting rel-s atives in Chicago this week. ' ^ Harold Knox of Terra Cotta vis ited relatives here Saturday. William Schneider passed the week end in the metropolitan city. F. O. Gans and J. C. Bickler were Chicago passengers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. Rev. Edward Berthold returned from the city Tuesday evening. Jos. Justen and son, Frank, spent Tuesday in the metropolitan city. Howard Wattles spent several days last week in the metropolitan city. Chris J. Burkhartsmeier of Chica go was the guest of friends here Sun day. . Atty. A. H. Pouse passed the week end as the guest of relatives in Chi cago. Mrs. G$o. B. Frisby of Terra Cotta was a guest of Mrs. W. A. Sayler Wednesday. Henry Dowe. of Rockford passed the week end as the guest of his wife and son here. Everett Hunter and son, Arthur, D., were Lake Geneva visitors one day recently. John Pufahl attended to matters of a business nature in the windy city Tuesday. Miss Lillian Pouse spent the week end as the guest of Miss Ella Mollo- han at Ridgefield. Miss Kathryn Frisby and Mrs. Hubert Weber passed last Thursday at the county seat Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen were among the Chicago passengers last Friday afternoon. Rev. Jos. Lonergan of, Cary was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh Tuesday. C. W. Stenger, C. B, Harmsen and Dr. D. G. Wells were business callers at Woodstock Monday. Miss Anna Weber of Woodstock was a guest in the home of her father, Math. Weber, Sunday. Ed. L. Martin of Woodstock was a guest in the home of his sister, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Monday. Patrick McCabe and daughter were among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday morning. Ralph Frank, L. F. Newman and Frank Zuelsdorf were over from the county seat last Suaday. H. Watties attended to matters of a business nature in the metropol itan city last Saturday. Miss Esther S toff el returned to her techooi duties at Northwestern Uni versity, Evans ton, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brink of Lake Geneva, Wis., were recent day guests of friends in McHenry. Mrs/ Simon Stoffel passed the^flrst of the week as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Westfall. Chas. L. Newman went to Chicago Wednesday, where he has work with the Baltimore 4 Ohio railroad. •• ̂ 1 •* FOR SALE--My bog type Poland China boar, Chief Wonder, sired by Mastodon Chief No. 129083 by Sur prise Wonder 6th No. 103067. Weight 8Q0 lbs. and not fat. If you were looking for something good do not buy before seeing this hog. James Hunter, Crystal Springs Farm, known as Jas. Sayler farm, West McHenry, HI. Phone 622-M-2. 80-tf V Rev. M. J. McEvoy left for Notre Dame Tuesday evening to attend the funeral of a relative at that place. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and sister, Miss Ethel Jones of Meriden, 111., left last Saturday for a trip thru the South. Mrs. E. J. Hanly went t6 Peoria last Saturday morning for a visit in the home of her son, Dr. H. H. Hanly. Mrs. Geo. Buss and daughter,, Lillian, went -to Chicago Wednesday for a few days' visit with relatives. Miss Elsie Wolff passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as the guest of Chicago rela tives. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin passed the week end as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Loren Martin of Madison, Wis., is spending the week as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin, west of town. ! Fred Justen spent the first of the week as the guest of his wife, Who is receiving treatment at the West Side hospital in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schoewer and daughter, Ruth, of Beloit, Wis., were Sunday guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoewer. Mrs. A. A. Landwer, Mrs. Simon Michels and Mrs. E. .C Howard and son, Ray, attended the funeral of Mrs. Wingate at Crystal Lake last Wednesday. F. H. Wattles, T. A. Bolger and Walter J. Walsh attended the con vention of the Milk Producers' asso ciation at Hotel La Salle in Chicago on Tuesday. Mesdames Clara Beth and Luella Stephenson, Miss Mildred Wolkos and James Conway of Ringwood attended the funeral of the late James Green here last Friday. Everett Hunter and son, Arthur D., left last week to visit the National Boat show in New York City. They will also visit Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg and Detroit on their return trip. Miss B. Doherty and Miss Anna Frisby went to Chicago Wednesday to attend the funeral of a cousin, Mrs. John Powers, wife of Alderman Powers of Chicago, whose death was Chicago papers Tues- Mrs. F. A. Bohlander, Miss Kathryn Pitzen, enger, Miss Vera Stof- sffe!; Mr, and Mrs. Ben R. Knox, Chas. Stoffel were Chicago pas- rning. out of town who at- of Jas. Green here ashington, who left artersville, la., on Mrs. J. E. daughters, Adra and hicago, who returned to ay evening. rs. C. P. Battles of spending three weeks burg and other points at McAllister's. j t ' "A41* ^ * V •air'-n, ' 'At tended were M for her Mondy, Green Glenor K. ^ '?A f *-*4 * " * 1 • ** * ^ * .. • ;\4 ,ti. '"J h*?-' V ^ X * ' - „' - t i - T H E U N I V E R S A L C A ^ % Ford service (or the owners of Ford cars is a fact--courteous, prompt, efficient. Service which covers the entire country, most as a Blanket, to the end that Ford cars are kept in use every-**'.: - ^ ' day. Drive, where you will, there's a Ford agency nearby to look -h. >• t after your Ford car. The "Universal Car" will bring you uni-\, ' . . versa! service. Better buy yours today. Touring car,93d0; Run4 about, «345t Coupelet, $506; Town Car, $edan, o, b< Detroit. We solicit your order. - . ^ •tt, JOHN R. KNOX McHenrp, III; • 1 • STAR GARAGE f: Tel. St, m *> , » - " p i • f ,•*! J' r-j 5'i >.v • % ADAMS BROS. v GROCERY & MARKET WE ARE HERE TO SATISFY AND PLEASE YOB. TOU CAN PLEASE OS BY GIVING US A TRIAL ORDER Shipments of Fresh' Fish, Oysters, Vegetables and Fruits received Thursday 6f each week. All Good brand Butterlne in one pound car tons, per pound 28c ==# Specials For Saturday 2 lbs. Navy Beans for 25c 3 lbs. best Rice for.25c 2 lbs. best Prunes for 25c 2 packages Raisins for. _ , 25c 3 packages N. S. Mince Meat .25c 2 cans Club House Corn for.25c 2 bottles best Catsup --... 25c 3 cans Beech-Nut Pork and and Beans for.. 25c 2 1-qt. cansSauer Kraut 25c 6 bars A. F. Soap. 25c 7 bars Swifts Pride Soap .. 25c 7 cans Sunbrite Cleanser....25c 6 5c packages Gold Dust .. 25c MEATS tork Chops, per pound ... .21c Round Steak, per pound - - Sirloin Steak,(per pound ...25c Smoked Sausages, per th. .. rl|c The above prices are for cash only. A nice assortment of Bakerv Goods fresh , every day. We handle the McHenry. Janesville and Elgin brands. Special cakes and pies on Saturdays. ANTON SCHNEIDER BLDG. 'Phone 26 • • • • • • McHENRY, ILLINOIS All orders promptly delivered KEEP THE Eat bread made from whole Wheat Flour. Scientific men tell us that white bread is constipating because in making white patent Flour, all the mineral properties so beneficial to the digestive organisms are extracted from the wheat. WHEAT-A-LAXA WHOLE WHEAT FLOU t is a natural laxative because it has not been robbed of these min- erels which the body needs to perform its daily functions and which are as effective in the hu man system in resisting disease. Put up in 3-lb. packages. Just enough for a trial. You'll like it Wilhur lumhpr Co, I | mmns wm u«MMVV> v-v <• OR YOUR GROCER Caiarriiai Deafness Cannot BcGufvu t>7 local application*, a* th«y cannot reach th« dlitu«d portion of the ear. There la only on* way to cure catarrhal deataeaa. and that ia bv a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafnau la cau««a h>" flamed ©onditiun of th* muooua llnln* of tha Buatachlan Tube. When thl» tube la inflamed you have a rumblin* aound or imperfect hearinc, and when it ia entirely cloaed, Ut-afn«aa 1a th« result. Unleaa the inflammation can be reduced and thla tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will b© destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which is an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur face* Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the ------us rirrf-p-s oi ths sys tem. ~ We will (It* On* Hundred Dollar* to# any case of Catarrhal Deafness that vannct be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur*. Circulars tr**. Ail DruMists, 76c. r. J. CHENET * CO.. Toted* ©• Lee's germozone' in the drinking water prevents sickness- among fowls. s Get it at McAllister's. LISTEN! Do you know that it pleases us to see you come to this store? Well, it does. And it pleases us still more to serve you with our carefully selected merchandise. We aim to keep our goods clean and up-to-date and assure you that your patronage is appreciated. Jos. J. Miller RINGWOOD Telephoae No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL --Insurance agent for all classes property <in the beat companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Ofltee far Telephone Exchaage Bldf. CentervlUe McHenry, IHinois Telephone Na 79-W Office ia Spaulding Bide. ' rhoM No lUl:" -FORD H. POUSE -- Attomey-at-I#ir WeA McHenry. ̂ > 1*;' fLDHUHfi AMD AEATIHC • ) i * B Y -- ^ Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIH ANSPERGBR Read Plaindealer Ads . . . . •WT / "•isi *; •i - i -AA ..