l V- 1 , WWm ir^; *V* * ' ^v TH1» McHEWRT PT.AnTDEALER, HeHBHBT, IIX. f(fe' : ]?, .Ipr-T.« " #- ??*•# Quality and Price We carry all worthy drug store goods in stock, and make a specialty of handling "qual ity goods." Our large trade keeps our stock ever chang ing and ever fresh. We take great pains in buying, and demand the best. We want our customers to do the same. We Guarantee Satisfaction You will find this a dependable store--your purchases will always be as represented. We protcct you on prices, too. No one can possibly make better prices on goods or the same quality. N. H. PETESCH .MtHENRW n.l.lNOIS . ' NEW TIES New ties to sell at 25c and 50c. They are the latest designs, direct from the factory where they were made. It is almost a won der that we are able to get ties as good as these to sell at 25 and 50 cents, the same old price. We mu& confess that we make a little lesson each one, but will sell many more ties now than we ever did, that evens it up. SMITH BROS. v McHenry, HI. 'Phone 79-J YOUR DAIRY NEEDS Ajax Flakes Puts milk in the pail money in the pocket Wilbur Lumber do. 'Phone No. 5 WeSt McHenry Teach Children TO SEW MANY pretty articles of wearing apparel can be had at trifling cost if they are made at home. Sewing at home is an interesting, entertaining and thrifty pastime. Encourage your children in the art of needlework. Buy a few yards of AGATHA PERCALE and start your little girl today. * In later years she will thank you. , --AT THE----r C. M. ADAMS STORE 'PtKNW **-*-• JOUNSIiliKp, P'~:C JOHNSBURG , Nick Nett of Rin^wood wis in town Tuesday. .. y, ' Miss Katherine King of McHenry visited with friends here Monday. Misses Anna and Helen Adams were McHenry visitors last Sunday. Mrs. Nick Weber of Spring Grove was a caller in Johnsburg last week Wednesday. Frank Mathieu came out from Chi cago last Saturday for a few days' visit with his wife. Joe and Henry Nell of Woodstock were Sunday guests here with their mother, Mrs. Nell. ^fiss Mayme Smith spent the lat ter part of last week with Miss Clara Pitzen, at Pistakee Bay. A few from here took in the mas querade dance at Stoffel's hall in Mc Henry last Saturday night. Miss Katherine Althoff of Spring Grove passed Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pepping and chil dren passed Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. B. Hetterman. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen visited Sunday in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F^ank Miller. Theo. Meyers left last Saturday morning for a several weeks' visit with his children at Racine, Wis., and Chicago. 1 M iss Margaret Huemann of Mc I Henry passed Sunday in the home of her parentis Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H Huemann. Misses Isabel Tonyan and Frances Freund spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week with relatives at Woodstock. Miss Eva Schaefer was taken to Chicago last week, where she under went quite a serious operation. She is doing very nicely at this writing Did you say sun umbrellas? Yes the first of the season were seen on our streets Tuesday. If we can guess right this indicates a very hot sum mer for Johnsburg. The wedding dance at Smith's hall here last Wednesdsay evening was at tended by an unusually large crowd, oves ninety tickets being sold. - Ev eryone had a fine time. v ! y Mrs. Jos. Hetterman entertained the following last Thursday after noon: Mesdames Jos. J. Michels, Christ Blake, Jos. Freund, Ben Stil ling, Frank Schumacher, Jos. King, John Pitxen, Steve May and S. H. Smith. Mrs. Frank Mathieu and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers passed Saturday and Sunday in Chicago, where they attended a farewell party given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Sjjnon, the latter a sister to Mrs. Mathieu :<n:i Mr. Meyers. Mr. and. Mrs. Simon will soon leave for St. Louis, where they expect to make their future home. " , The hard time dance, given at par ish hall hereon Monday evening of this week, proved a decided success, a large crowd being in attendance in spite of the unpleasantness of the weather. Most everyone appeared on the scene dressed in costume to fit the occasion and there was no end to the merriment until the close of the Home Sweet Home waltz. A few, who probably had nothing but good clothes to wear, appeared all "togged up" and, as per warning given them, were made to pay fines of 10 and 15 cents. This extra obligation was met in every instance with a kindly spirit and all told the event easily proved one of the happiest of the winter season. As a result of the dance the church treasury was en riched over $60.00, there being one hundred couples in attendance. OSTEND Getf: Brady and wife are at White water, Wis., visiting relatives. Lester Sherman is reported slowly, but surely, recovering from severe burns. The Misses Campbell entertained a number of young friends at a Val entine party the 14th. Fred Eppel sawed his year's wood Thursday and Henry Hobart sawed his Friday of last week. Frank Martin and wife attended the Frances Willard memorial service at Ringwood last Friday night. Many cisterns in this vicinity are dry and housekeepers are wishing the rain would all fall on house roofs. Ed. Wallis is hauling large logs to the saw mill on Mr. Marks' farm to be sawed into timbers for his new horse barn he contemplates building the coming summer. Relatives of Mark Hutson and fam ily received a letter from them at Belleview, Florida, stating they had a very heavy* frost there, which ruined all their gardens and other crops. Old settlers say they never experienced the like at any other time. * A tramp made his appearance in. this neighborhood last Friday. He slept in the schoolhouse Friday night and went begging -the next day. He stopped at a farm house where there were a lot of men working a saw at a pile of wood. They tried to get him to try splitting wood, but he was too tired. They finally asked him_to dump his pack to see if he had any school books. They found it con tained one rubber shoe, one over shoe, an'old necktie and a pair of woman's . stockings. Who is the laugh ofl? - ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of justice of the peace, subject to the approval of the legal ! voters of the town of McHenry at the | annual town caucus to be held on I Saturday, March 17, and will appre ciate Hhe support of jky friends and 'voters at that time. 36 B. C. Hawley. BMd rhUnrtwtor Mfe' PISTAKEE BAY Chas. Buehler of Chicago was out at Pistakee Bay Sunday. Mrs. Fred Diethorn, who has been quite ill of pneumonia, is improving. J. R. Justen and assistant are now driving the spiles for the Miller and Wilks piers. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Justen vis ited at the home of S. M. Schmitt in Johnsburg last Sunday. Mrs. Mike Pitzen returned from Chicago last week, where she has been in a hospital for treatment. The last ice house at the Bay was filled last week with twenty inch ice. We have a nice lot of it for summer use. Chas. Peters, Chas. Glaser and Louis Hoing and families drove out from Chicago and passed Sunday at Pistakee Bay. Hebron Tribune: William Gordon, local speculator in metals, etc., was in Sycamore one day last week, where he purchased a half car load of cop per wire clippings and old machinery from a Borden factory there. Of course this is of no singuar circum stance, but the above news item has further significance, which we will try to relate as it was told to us. Mr. Gordon arrived in Sycamore and at once detected a Chicago speculator by the name of Cohen on the job. Gordon knew that Cowen was there for the same purpose and hastening to a telephone he called up his father at Harvard and had him call Cowen to the phone and with orders to hold the man Cowen as long as possible. In the mean time "resourceful" Will iam slipped out and purchased all of the big junk while the Senior Gordon was "entertaining" the Yiddish gen tleman from Chicago over the tele phone. We would recommend Mr. Gordon to the war department of Uncle Sam's dominion in case of war with any foreign power, as he ap pears to be a strategist and quite re sourceful. Bootlegger Forgets Luigi Massagli, Italian, who was arrested a week ago by State's At torney V. S. Lumley on a charge of bootlegging in Woodstock, forgot that his trial was set for Monday. When, the prisoner did not show up Mr. Lumley summoned his bondsman, who explained that Massagli had mis understood and was in Rockford. The case was continued for a week and the bondsman was notified to have the defendant in court. n JPtainri--ler ads briny resottf*. • V« RINGWOOD W. E. Smith was a Woodstock vis itor Monday. ' Warren Foss was numbered with the sick Tuesday! Next Sunday^ evening meeting will be held at Henry Stephenson's. James Rainey was a business vis- itor at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Bertha Esh of Spring Grove spent Tuesday with her parents. The card club was entertained by Mrs. Martha Bradley last week. Fred Gibbs and wife attended her sister's wedding in Woodstock Tues day. . Mrs. Hamilton and daughter of Kansas City are visiting Mrs. E. C Hawley. H. M. Stephenson and wife visited in Chicago from Friday until Sun day. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Del Abbott spent last Friday with their daughter, Mrs Maud Clark, at Ostend. The memorial meeting at Mrs. Carrie Smith's last Friday evening was very good. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Callie Rainey. Bert McCannon and family were Woodstock visitors Sunday. Mrs Emma Matthews went with them and remained with her daughter, Mrs Brink. Miss Katie Frisby of McHenry spent Thursday and Friday at Del Abbott's and called on old acquain tances. She made her home at Chas. Harrison's, Sr„ for thirteen years. J. McLaughlin was very much sur prised last Saturday evening, when i number of his friends came in un announced to spend the evening with him. He at once told all to make themselves at home, which they did Dainty refreshments were served. .TERRA COTTA Mrs. Leonard Beal was a Crystal Lake caller Tuesday. Miss Margaret Grant spent Tues day evening at Crystal Lake. Mrs. John Liddle was a business caller at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Miss Florence Knox visited with McHenry relatives Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cox and fam ily of Cary spent Sunday at Ray L. Cox's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay were business- visitors in Chicago Thurs day last. Mi;s. Stacia Knox is caring for Mrs. P. H. Conway, who is very sick at this writing. John Conway of Detroit, Mifch.; was called home last week, owing to the illness of his mother. Misses Eleanor and Edna Phalin spent Saturday evening in Chicago and saw "Hip, Hip, Hooray" at the Auditorium. Thomas Phalin and Edward Knox, Misses Frances Knox and Lillian Riley attended dancing school at Crystal Lake last Wednesday even ing. Miss Lillian Riley spent Saturday evening with Crystal Lake relatives and attended the card party given at Leonard's hotel for the benefit of St. Thomas' church. Francis Frisby, Harold Knox, Howard Phalin and Margaret Grant took the preliminary eighth grade examination at the Crystal Lake and McHenry high schools on Friday. SHOES! We have just put in an ex cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while repair work receives our prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamps We give* Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur chase. Let us explain our Silverware Premium Lists. M. A. Theleir West McHenry Winter will pass and spring will come and plans of improvement will be given effect. They ought of course to include Wiring YourHoose for ELECTRIC LIGHT The expense of the opera tion-fixlures <included--is usually small-it often in, fact,, works out iless than $2 a month sor we spread the cost over 2 years. Full Details on Request. Public Service Co. or NORTHERN ILLINOIS OLIVER MODEL NUMBER NINE THE EXTRA-CAPACITY YOURS FOR 17 CENTS A DAY -FOR SALE BY- H. T. Cooney, Agt. Woodstock, III. KEEP THE Eat bread made from whole Wheat Flour. Scientific men tell us that white bread is constipating because in making white patent Flour, all the mineral properties so beneficial to the digestive organisms are extracted from the wheat. WHEAT-A-LAXA WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR is a natural "laxative because it has not been robbed of these min- erels wtiich the body needs to perforin its dailjr functions and which are as effective in the hu- . man system in resisting disease. Put up in '3-lb. packages. Just enough for a trial. You'll like it Wilbur Lumber Co. OR YOUR GROCER Receipts are lost and denied. Money remitted by mail goes a&ray and its receipt is forgotten. The Best and indisputable evidence of money paid and til*' ceived is the canceled check. Tleii Think of the Convenience Pay ail bills, make all remittances by checkand avoid disputes. HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry-Bank of RinoVood SAVE ON Groceries! Pure Cocoa, 13 ounce jar...25c Early June Peas, 2 cans 25c Peaches, No. 2 1-2,per can. .15c Hatchet B. Powder, per lb... 19c Tomatoes, No. 3, per*can.-15c Raisins. 2 packages 25c Mince Meat, 3 packages 25c Pure Pepper, 1-2 lb. can 19c Price's Health Bran, 2 pkg. ..25c Beit Rice, 3 lbs...... 25c Pure Vanilla, 4 oi. bottle----38c Catsup, per bottle., - - Mc Mince Meat, 2 lb. jar.^.>t..I5c Sweet Cider, per can. . 19c Peanut Butter, 24 oz. J«r 29c Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans 25c Cream of AH, per package.-15c Santos Coffee, per ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR CASH JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY, ILL. THE PRICE PURE FOOD STORE ^ The price of Writing Paper has greatly ad- . -vanced. We have a large assortment of / fine paper which \/e will sell at the old price while our present stock lasts. It will pay you to buy now. Lord Baltimore Stationery, per box _ _. _ _ 25c Cascade Linen, per box ISe Sorority Linen, per box--, -_--2Sc May Flower Crest Stationery, per box JSe May Flower Crest Correspondence Cds.Ke Cloverdale Linen, gentlemen's size--_J5e VOGT'S DRUG STORE s Successor lo E. V. McAllister The Store m ; £V, : f.S-ife' J ."8s, : 1®'- ~ v ; 1 '4 -;j ,v* >!U lft>. •• it \ 'Ji i 2;Kv • -V • i 4 Read The Plaindealer and posted jo* Jocftl happening* keep ' I 1- * '-4 "i ¥e want to Bell you your groceries for a good business reason i You will SAVE MONEY if we do; because, for the AWAY-UP quality of the groceries that you get from us, our prices are AWAY-D01N. It will also pay you to deal with us, because OURS is the store where the HUSTLE is. This means that we sell our goods so fast they don11 have tiae to grow STALK. You want FRESH gro- • ceries, don* t youT ' - You get thea from sSt.. M ,v *, :HVi , \i y: Schneider Bros,, - * -i A'c'rr . --A.*