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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1917, p. 10

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•jr - '...CVr&> ADDITIONAL PERSONALS People Wi»o Gone aM 60 Daring * Week George J. Schreiner was home from Woodstock Sunday. Ben Stilling was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Prof. A. E. Nye was a Woodstock visitor Saturday last. F. A. Cooley spent the first of the "Week at Tampico, 111. Everett Hunter was a business vis­ itor in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Emil Geier boarded the Chi- cago train this morning. Misses Lena and Julia Stoffei were !ents- Mr- and Mrs- Mike Freund- Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mr* and Mrs' Frank Ward attend" Mrs. E. W. Howe was a business ed the funeral of Mrs. Julius Ras- visitor in Chicago Monday. , mussen in Chicago Sunday and spent Raymond S. Howard was a business | Monday as the guests of relatives in visitor in Chicago last Friday. ithat city. Mrs. Geo. Smith and son, George, and Thos. Bender passed the first of the week as the guest of Chicago friends. John Kimball and A. M. Schiller spent Wednesday at the county seat. Jay Comiskey of Woodstock was a Sunday guest in the home of J. H. Miller. • y ~ Miss Mayme Ibsh passed several days this week as the guest of Cary friends. Mrs. Wm. J. Aebischer.and son of Chicago spent the latter part of last week as guests in the homte of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoffei. Mrs. John Pfannenstill and sons, Alvin and Harold, of Round Lake are spending a week with her par- were Chicago visitors Monday. Tim Hurley of Richmond was a caller here Friday of last week. Mrs, John Engeln and little daughter, Virginia, of Crystal Lake spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as guests Miss Marion Whiting boarded the re^a^ves here. Chicago train Tuesday morning. Ed. L. Hayes transacted business in the metropolitan city Monday. F. H. Wattles transacted business in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Notice of Sale of Real Estate Alford H. Pouse, Atty. By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, made on the petition Frank Justen was among the Chi- of the undersigned, Christine Brefeld, cago passengers Tuesday morning. administratrix of the estate of Henry F. A. Beller transacted business in Brefeld, deceased, for leave to sell the metropolitan city last Friday. the Real Estate of said deceased, at F. A. Beller attended to matters of, the March term, A. D. 1917, of paid a business nature in the windy city Court, to-wit, on the 7th d»jr of Monday. ' ?March, 1917, « John R. Knox attended to business] Notice is hereby given, that on matters in the metropolitan city Tuesday, the 10th day of April next, Tuesday. between the hours of 10 o'clock in Wm. F. Holtz was among those to the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the aft- board the Chicago train Tuesday ernoon of said day, to-wit, at th$ morning. hour of 1 p. m. at the front door of R. T. Wray of Chicago was an over the City Hall in the village of Mc- Sunday guest of his wife and daugl£ Henry, County of McHenry and ter here. State of Illinois, the following de- Emil Thomas of Woodstock called scribed real estate belonging to the on friends in town Friday evening of estate of Henry Brefeld, deceased, to- last week. < ^ wit: An undivided one-half of the C. Stoffei, Ben Stilling, Al. Krause, following described property, to-wit: Henry Dowe were Chicago passengers Part of the East Half of the North- this mroning. east quarter of Section Twenty-nine Mrs. M. Engeln is spending two (29), Township Forty-five (46) North, weelts tjs the guest of her daughters of Range Nine (9) East of the Third in Chicago. " • ' Principal Meridian, bounded as fol- Chri3 J. Burkhartsmeier of Chica- lows: Beginning at 'the Northeast go was entertained by McHenry corner of said Section, thence South friends Sunday. ;on the Section line Thirty-nine (39) .Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Heimer at- chains and Eighty-one (81) links tb tended the funeral of Anton Zens at~ a point in the center of the highway; Waukegan Wednesday. ! thence North Sixty-seven and one- Arthur Fitzpatrick of Chicago was quarter degrees West (N 67 % de- entertained in the home of Mr. and grees W) along- the highway, Eleven Mrs. Ben Stilling Sunday. (11) chains and Seventy-four (74) Michael Braham of Tigerton, Wis., links to a post; thence North Eight spent Wednesday in the M. J. Walsh (8) degrees and Ten (10) minutes home on Waukegan street. " . East, Seventeen (17) ehains and Thir- Henry Freund of North Chicago ty (30) link*. a post and the end of was a Sunday guest in the home of the ditch; thence North Five and one- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund. ! quarter degrees West (N 5 Vi degrees J. C. Bickler, Peter Peterson, C. W) on the banks of the ditch Four Unti and F. O. Gans were Chicago (4) chains and Fifty-four (64) links; pasengers Wednesday morning. 'thence North Six and one-quarter de- Miss Elizabeth Thelen was in Chi- grees West (N 614 degrees W) along cago Monday selecting new goods for the ditch, Thirteen (13) chains and her West Side millinery parlors. {Seventy (70) links and to the section Lewis Stoffei of Woodstock * spent :lii Sunday as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoffei. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and brother, Vaiighan Jones, left Tuesday even­ ing for their new home at Serma, Alabama. Jas. Densmore of Chicago passed the first of the week as a guest-in the home of his sister, Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin. Mrs. P. Costello of Elgin was among the friends who accompanied the remains of Mrs. Mary Rourke here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrington have returned to their home t̂ Ster­ ling after a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley. the section line Ten (10) chains and Eight (8) links to the place of beginning, containing Thirty-five And one-quarter (36 %) acres of land, more or less, and situ­ ated in the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illi­ nois. Also an undivided one-fifth of all the following described property, situated in the County of Lake and State of Illinois, to-wit: The South­ west quarter of the Southwest quar­ ter of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty-five (46) North, of Range Nine (9) East of the Third* Principal Meridian, containing Forty and one-fifth (49.20) acres of land, more or less, according to Duplicate Number 27690 issued at the Receiv­ er's Office in Chieago, Illinois, ary 27, 1849. r Also commencing at the Southeast, corner of the West half of the North­ west quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Forty-five (46) North, of Range Nine (9) East of the Thirst Principal Meridian, thence South to the center of the highway; thenci Northwest along the center of thd highway until it< strikes the line of thi West half of the Northwest quartet of said Section Twenty-eight (28), Four (4) acres, be the same more or less. Also the West half of the North­ west quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Forty-five (46) North, Range Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, containing Eighty (80) acres of land, more or less, it being the same lot of land for which Duplicate Certificate hfumber 17301 was granted to said Foster at the government land office in Chicago on the 9th day of November, 1844, situ­ ated in the County of Lake and State of Illinois. Will be sold to the high­ est and best bidder. Terms of Sale: Cash. 20 per cent of purchase price to be paid on the day of sale and the balance when the deed is delivered. , Christine Brefeld, Administratrix' of the estate\^f Henry Brefeld, deceased. March 7, 1917. 38-3t Notice of "Sale of Real Estate By virtue of an order and decree oJ.' the County Court of McHenry Coun­ ty, Illinois, made on the petition of the undersigned, Katie Keefe, Exe­ cutrix of the Estate of William Davis, deceased, for leave to sell^the Real Estate of said deceased, at the Jan­ uary Term, A. D. 1917, of said Court, to-wit: on the Third (3) day of Jan­ uary, 1917. Notice is hereby given that on iSat- urday, the Thirty-first (31st) day of March next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 6 o'elock in the afternoon of said day, to-wit, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the front door of the dwelling house on the premises described in this notice, also de­ scribed in said order and decree here­ in mentioned, in the village of West McHenry of West Mc­ Henry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the following de­ scribed real estate belonging to the estate of William Davis, deceased, to-wit: Lots number Six (6) and Ten (10) of A.> H. Hanly's Out Lots to West McHenry as shown on the Plat thereof, recorded in the Re­ corder's office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book One (1) of Plats on page 7, containing 4.62 acres of land, more or less; also Lot Number Thir­ teen (13) of the County Clerk's plat of a part of Section Number Twenty- Seven (27) in Township Number Forty-Five (46) North, of Range No. Eight (8), East of the Third (3) Principal Meridian as shown on tht Plat thereof recorded in said Record*, er's office in Book Two (2) of Plata on page 41, containing 9.18 acres of land, more or less; all of said lots be- inglocated in and being a part of the East Half (%) of the Southeast Quarter of said Section Twenty-Seven (27) and containing, in all 13.70 acres of land, more or less, situated, lying and being in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, will be sold to the highest and best bidder at pub­ lic vendue. Terms* of Sale, for cash. The pur­ chaser, to pay 20 per cent of the pur­ chase price on the day of sale. Katie Keefe, Executrix. Dated Feb. 28, 1917. 87-4t Use Benzo cream for your hands. 26c the bottle at Petesch'a. * / '

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