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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1917, p. 5

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, . r , „ -- . - r - < • , - - ; . :.:,i *Y fif i" >"':> ••'- .. - : Ml Quality and Price carry all worthy drug store goods io ;tock, and make a specialty of handling "qual­ ity goods.'* Our large trade keeps our stock ever chang­ ing and ever fresh. We take great pains in buying, and demand the best. 'We want our customers to do the same. \ . We Guarantee Satisfaction You will find this a dependable store--your purchases will always be as represented. »• We protect you on prices, too. No one can possibly make better prices on goods of the same quality. N. H. PETESCH M^fENfcY. ILLINOIS Hats and Caps FOR SPRING We received our first shipment of Hats and Caps for the coming spring last week. The person who comes soon will have a better se­ lection now than later. Hats are $1.50 to $3.00 each; Caps, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. is just what the name implies. - The most widely dis­ tributed Cement on tjje market. WHY? Order UNI­ VERSAL next time and you'll see. PORTLAND j CEMENT Let us have your order for" what you need for your spring building and repairing while the price is right. Wilbur Lumber Co. "Phone No. 5 Wedt McHenry ,-f ,, •V- The New Oliver 9 Was {MOO Now $49.00 You have read in the leading magazines of the new sales policy of the OLIVER The company guarantees that the Gliyer Niue tu be sold at $49.00 is the latest and best model--which until this reduction was 1100.00. I am authorized by the Oliver Type- f iA writer Company to sell the New \£!l * Oliver Nine at the new price Of together with -all the advantages of a Five Days Free Trial, monthly payments of $3.00, or 10 per cent flispount for cash. Sand direct to me. for further particulars and order blanks tor 5 days free trial. H. T. COONEY, AGT. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS V-' - . -- - *"• JOHNSBURG I sell farms. D. P. Quinlan. Mike Pitzen spent Friday last %ith his wife in Chicago. George Lay of ^ Woodstock ^ spent Sunda£ as the guests of relatives here. - Dr. W. i P. Pellet of Chicago has been a guest of Dr. Arnold Mueller here. Mrs. Fillman passed a few days re­ cently as a guest in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Rauselle at Hammond, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller of Lily Lake were recent guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Jos. P. Miller has invested in a new 1917 Ford touring car, which he and his family expect to enjoy thru the coming season. Mrs. Jacob R. Jus ten, who recently underwent an operation at a Chicago hospital, is doing very nicely and will return home shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller spent a few days last week with their daughter, Mrs. Mike Pitzen, who is confined in A Chicago hospital. It is expected that Mrs. Mike Pit­ zen, who recently underwent an op­ eration in a Chicago hospital, will be able to return to her home here the first of the week. # Mrs. Susan Freund, one of our old and highly respected citizens, passed away here Monday, following a gen eral breakdown in health caused by her advanced age. J. B. Hetterman, the local garage man, has just completed a new addi­ tion to his shop to accommodate his rapidly, growing business. Mr. Het- termann recently accepted a sub- ajyency for the Ford touring car thru the McHenry agent, John R. Knox, and \hus far reports nine sales for the 1917 season, which is a very creditable showing. Besides acting as selling agent, Mr. Hettermann will also carry a nice line of automobile repairs and accessories in stoek and will also be in a position to do re­ pairing of all kinds. Mr. Hetter­ mann is a hustler from the word go and we feel safe in stating that his services will be of great value to the McHenry agent as well as the Ford Motor company. The handling of the cars will not hinder Mr. Hettermann in carrying on a livery in conection and he is at all times prepared to take care of any business in this line that may come hfc way. If you are an automobile prospect you will do well to cail or Twrite Mr. Hettermann, who will be pleased to explain prices, etc., in detail at any time. Those who have recently placed orders with him for the delivery of Ford cars are Jacob Weingart, Martin F. Schmitt, Jacob F. Schmitt and Jos. P. Miller. We, are informed that Mrs. Geo. Nell has rented one of the Ben Still­ ing farm? in North Dakota and that she and her two sons will soon move West to occupy the place. Mrs. Nell has been verf favorably impressed with the prospects of the western country and believes that she and her sons will be able to successfully man­ age the affairs of the farm which they contemplate occupying. Mrs. Nell's Columbia Park property near the Fox river bridge here is for sale and we told that she has had several prospective buyers over the place of late and it is not at all unlikely that sale will be made soon. John A. Bugner, a former Johns- burg boy, writes from Alvado, O., as follows: "We have nice weather here just now, after experiencing two weeks of severe cold, which seriously hampered the wheat, there being no snow on the ground when the cold spell set in, and together with thaw­ ing and freezing weather of the past few weeks has set the wheat back a whole lot. At this time it looks as if there won't be a very heavy crop of wheat this year. Last year very little wheat was raised in this sec­ tion. Only a few farmers sowed wheat, and those that did report poor crops. The corn as well as the oat crops were also very poor. The hay crop was a bumper one, going about two tons to the acre. All the wheat that I sowed last fall I sowed in corn ground, the soil being too hard and dry to plow. Considerable fall plow­ ing was done by farmers here last /all.", SOLON MILLS 1 sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. School was reopened Monday. Wm. Cornish spent the past week in Chicago. Miss Lucy Wheelwright spent the week end at Harvard. Mrs. Louis Mikutis was a Chicago visitor the past week. « Charles Foley was a Richmond vis­ itor Monday afternoon. Mrs. L. S. Overton and daughters are visiting at Milwaukee. L. E. Turner was a business caller at Spring Grove last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley were Richmond callers on Thursday. W. D. Wentworth of McHenry was a brief caller in* town Wednesday. Alfred Parker was a week end guest in the E. T. ^lonear home. C. M. Eldridge of Richmond was a business caller in town Friday. Vivian Eah of Spring Grove was a business, caller here Wednesday. Louis Mikutis of Cicero, 111., was a Tuesday visitor with his family here. Mrs. Oscar Yanke and son, Jas., returned from Chicago Sunday, morn­ ing. Mrs. Wm. Sullivan of Marengo was a guest of Mrs. Wm. Brennan last Tuesday. > Miss Josie Wisniewski left yester­ day morning for her home at Pulas- ke, Mo. Mrs. Florence Bafstow departed for Minneapolis, Minn., Thursday evening. . " Ben Johonnott of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. E. S. Johonnott. George Yanke and sisters, Misses Nette and Hanna, went to Beloit Monday morning. Miss Maude Spaulding of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with her aunt, Mrs. W. H, Davis. Miss Irene Pester was a Richmond caller Friday. Miss Thelma Gibbs accompanied her to her home A number from here attended the illustrated lecture on Farm Garden­ ing at Richmond Saturday evening.* TBe Jmembers of the Y. L. A. and Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church held a meeting at Turner's hall last Wed­ nesday afternoon. ; ; :v OSTEND List .property with D. F. Qainlan. Alfred Richardson has joined the O. T. force at the county seat. Miss Alice Richardson has been the, guest of Chicago relatives for sev­ eral days. Mrs. Maria Brott is here at the home of her son, Ernest, for an ex­ tended visit. . Ernest Brott and , wife were Sun­ day afternoon callers on F. R. Eppel and family. Harry Silliman of Woodstock was over to McHenry to mill last week and called on his sister here, Mrs. F. R. Eppel. Ed. Wallis is hauling the oak barn lumber home that wis made from the trees that he hauled down to the Marks farm to have sawed. The tile in many of the small bridges around are filled with ice, making it impossible for the ^ater to get away during the recent thaw. Roy Hobart and his cousin, Clyde Francisco, a mail clerk, with head­ quarters at Cadallac, Mich., went to Chicago Wednesday of last week to( visit the latter's brother, Glynn Fran­ cisco, also a mail clerk. Mrs. Green, housekeeper at the F. B. Thompson home, left Saturday for a short visit with relatives at Whcat- (on. Mrs. Diets, a sister of Mr. i Thompson, is with the children dur- J ing Mrs. Green's absence. i Read The Plaindealer aad keep {posted on local happening*. RING WOOD List property with D. F. Quinlan. Little Byron Hitchens is quite sick with measles. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at H. W. Allen's. Harold Kelley was a Chicago vis­ itor Wednesday -of last week. Miss Cora Walters of Elgin visited at E. C. Hawley's last Friday. Mrs. Emma Merchant and little granddaughter, Darline, were in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. Rilla Foss attended the fu­ neral of Mrs. Haskins at Richmond Wednesday of last weelc. Mrs. Allen was called to Woodstock Thursday night by the illness of Jay Hawver and wife. - She , returned home Sunday evening. Mrs. L. A. McCannon and Mrs. Frank Barber of Greenwood were visitors at Will McCannon's and Ray Merchant's last Wednesday. Mesdames Grace McCannon and Libbie Allen entertained the Willing Workers together Thursday of last week. The ladies tied two comfort­ ables. Tea was served. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hopper, Thomas Walkington, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klintworth and Edson Hodge attended the funeral of John Walk­ ington at Richmond Monday. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Rilla Foss Saturday of this week. Topic, "Relation of the School to the Home." Leader, Mrs. Susan Rawson. Tea will be served. All hearts were saddened to hear of the death of Mrs. Alice Peet of this village Tuesday afternoon, March 13. She had been ill for some time, but none thought the end so near. TERRA COTTA I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. Frank McMillan spent Saturday af Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay spent Saturday in Chicago. William Ames sp&it the first of the week with relatives at Waukegan. Miss Frances Knox spent Thurs­ day evening with McHenry relatives. Mrs. M. A. Walker of Sycamore has been visiting relatives here for the past week. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago spent Saturday evening and Sunday with her parents and sister here. S B. Leisner attended the funeral services of Mrs. Leisner's nifece, for­ merly Miss Beulah Blish, at Crystal Lake Saturday. Many from this vicinity attended the five day retreat which was giv^n at St. Patrick's church in McHenry during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Anderson at­ tended the funeral of the latter's sis­ ter, Mrs. Jennie Haskins, at Rich­ mond one day last week. Philip Hoffman, who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan to Val- mora, New Mexico, a couple of weeks ago, returned Tuesday evening. He reports Mrs. McMillan somewhat improved in health. ^ v" • There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years It was sup­ posed to be Incurable. Doctors pre­ scribed local remedies, and by constant­ ly (afllnf to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Catarrh is & local disease, greatly influenced by con­ stitutional conditions and therefore re­ quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured ty F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio, is a consti­ tutional remedy, is taken fcnternally and acts thru the Blood on th/e Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to cure. Send for cin<iil»rs »n<l tMtimoni&lS. t. J. CHENEY & CO.. ToLeao. Ohio. Mid by Druggists, ?5e. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Read The Piaincfeealer an<f keep posted on local happenings.. ^ SHOES! We have just put in an ex­ cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi­ cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while repair work receives our prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamps We give Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur­ chase. Let us explain our Silverware premium Lists. M. A. Thelen West McHenry In spite of the present high Paper Market we are offer­ ing a splendid variety of new attractive patterns at popular prices. We con­ tracted heavily for the 1917 season and will be able to take care of your wants. We advise buying early as. prices are iiable to advance after present stock is sold out. JOHN ST0FFEL * WEST McHENRY NTEN . You will find a variety of Lenten Eatables here at all times such as Herring Bloaters Codfish . Fresh Fish and Oysters Also the largest assortment --of-- - Fruits and Vegetables to be found in town S 'PHONE 26 PROMT! UtLitpY THE IIOAE or BETTER Groceries In these days when YALL grocer­ ies ai*e high in price--the poor as well as the good--the real choice is in QUALITY; Good groceries cost very little more than infer­ ior ones, but they go{a long ways further. Quality is our trade mark You will find it in etery package or bag or pail or basket of goods that leaves our store. You will conserve your health and your pleasure by buying groceries of us. We give you the SATIS­ FACTORY kind of eats. M. M. Miesen McHenry Phone K-W Telephone No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS List property with D.F. Quinlan. J Our Di&indt Aim is to make and keep these banks actfve, progressive : and, in the lulled and be& sense, up-to-date inhibi­ tions. Their present gratifying conditions may easily be traced to the satisfactory service and courteous treatment extended to all depositors, ^ Y6w are invited to d6 your banking business here HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry -Bank or Rinowood M m m ft WHY IS IT BETTER? Because it's a . NEW HOME •; • V: NEW JOKE SEWING MACHINE fY A|I tyi n f- f. 1 i| dews mi Kinds or material, nems, nxim patches. Does all these things and more. q Has lifetime of service to i q Buy a NEW HOME. Your good judgement will be proven in years to l| Just received a Call and see them. of NEW HOMES- ; . : '•'V; N. J. Justen & Son FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Phones: Res., M-R; Office, 43-W PICKLES! Don't miss this. Raise Pickles. Contracts and Seed at F. A. Bohland- er's also^hn L. May. C. F. CLAilSSEN & SONS PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SN SPSCIAL ATTENTION QIV*N TO TU* SALK 0> DresMd Beef, riutton, Hoc*. Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Ens This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists ImnUshed on *w>licatIo,l' COLD STORAGE FRBB CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i * 3. Paltoa St. Wfcol--H Markat. 1 -..fs DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Btdf. CenterTflle McHenry, :-s Hlinoit Telephone No. 7t-W Offic* in Spauldiag Site. PtMMM N*» XWt * ALFORD H. TOUSls Attwnejr-at-Law We# McHenry, . «... .

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