Proceedings of 4 Meeting, 191# ^ The. honorable board of supervisors , ||C of McHenry county, Illinois, 4, ̂ special session, pursuant to f request I signed by more than one-third of its 1 members, at the court house In the city of Woodstock, on Tuesday, the • 26th day of April, A D., 1916, at 1® i ° Tta^neetSig was called to order by i k. -,3 the clerk, and the •ollowlng members SirJf ? responded to their nam<M-at roll call: ?•** jj Brotwnan, D. M. Wright, H. E. ' ;• Whipple, W. H. Ward, John Baldock, j .-•& W. H. Forrest, E. P. Kuecker, Chas. h. Ackman, Jr., John Donahue, F. A. ; * Walters, J. B. Harrison, H. M. Turner, t,. b. Covell, W. F. Pierce, S. H. I T* J Freund and A. H. Hale, constituting *•»" r a quorum. . . •;X>h1,ri First in order being: the election T4 of a chairman for the ensuing year, Supervisor Wright placed in nomina- tion, N. Brotzman. Said motion being duly seconded by Sup.Wafters, and •J'" • there being no further nominations, y'i^V the said N. Brotzman was declared ' unanimously elected chairman for the ' ensuing year. . • «?&;. The minutes of the last preceding , meeting' were read and approved. A 'petition of the highway commission 's, 4 • era of Greenwood township for coun- ty aid in building a bridge in said » • township was read by the clerk, said "7; - petition being in words and figures, as follows, to-wit: t: County of McHenry, SB. 5 , N Town of Greenwood. '< _ To the Board of SupervisorOf Mc- Henry County, Illinois: , ^ _ r?; • The undersigned board of highway commissioners of the town of Green- ' wood in said county, would respect- * fully represent that a bridge needs to ** be erected over the Nippersink Creek, * - "V- where the same is crossed by the 1 w* * highway leading from main Hebron and Woodstock to Greenwood, in said " town, for which said work the town ? - •* of Greenwood is wholly responsible; If • that the total cost of said work will 'be $3,000 dollars, which sum will be m more than twelve cents on the one • - - hundred dollars valuation, on the lat- " assessment roll of said town, ftnd '*• , .the levy for road and bridge tax for - the two years last past in said town •.^.T^was in each year for the full amount allowed by law to be raised for all - ;road^and bridge purposes, except for ' '* - laying out, altering, widening or va- „ eating roads, the major part of which levy is needed for the ordinary repair ? r"* of roads and bridges. . 1' * Wherefore, the said board of hlgh- way commissioners petition you_ for V aid, and for an appropriation irom ;/-• . , the county treasurer of a sum suffl- '"•f cient to meet one-half the expenses 'f.wT.'-iiof said bridge or other work, said •H-y, »town being prepared to furnish the * - other half of the amount required. Dated at Greenwood, this H4th day £ V \ of April, A. D. 1916. • G. F- BUMSTED, *£'; V 8. B. REED, ^- *' O. H. AAVANG, 5:s?7~ Board of Highway Commission*!*, ^BTATB OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry, sa. • Town of Greenwood. i -1 "'"S We, the undersigned board of hlgh- --way commissioners in the town of " * » Greenwood, county aforesaid, hereby state that we have made a careful * estimate of the probable cost of the bridge to be 50 feet long In clear, 16 * feet clear roadway, same to be of con- ancr'wmg walls; t walls to be 24 feet long, and two walls to be 20 feet long, and we do esti mate that the probable co* Of the same will be $3,000 dollars. . Witness our hands, this 24th day of April* A- D. 1916. ' G. F. BUMSTEHf1-^™ . - s. B. REED, ;• = O. H. AAVANCL Board of Highway CommlsneMIt. STATE OF ILLINOIS, Beginning at a point on the pttblfof Geo. J. Bartelt, mdse. shf.... County of McHenry, "U- "« Town of Greenwood. George Bumsted, S. B. Reed ana O. itt Aavang, board of highway com- "> missioners of said town of Greenwood, Obeing duly sworn on oath say that ,v ^T4$3,000 dollars mentioned in the esti- "«mate to which this affidavit is at tached is necessary, and that the same '~Xt~ Cwill not be more expensive than Is "I- .needed for the purpose required. -- - " G. F= BUMSTED, S. B. REED, O. H. AAVANG, Btta^^^^llighWay Commissionera. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 24th day of April, A. D. l»ll. JOHN N. BARBBR, Justice of the Peace. It was moved by Sup. Whipple that v. said petition be received and that the F " ' chair appoint a special committee to represent the county in relation there- V y:*to, said motion being seconded, was > --" ,vunanimously carried. Thereupon the , V r chair appointed Supervisors H. M. cr jgjjn DonsLleiss, j jPj Pierce as such committee. \ flute's Attorney D. R. Joslyn called ^ 'attention to the suit heretofore de- "V , fended by him, wherein Dr. R. M. j*- \ "Curtlss was plaintiff, and stated that • -C*e had received a proposition to »et- 'itle same for the sum of $200.00, and "'tasked for instructions as to what ao- tion the board desired him to take. It ^ was moved by Sup. Turner that aaid -r-f =«ttl«tn«Bt be accepted and that the claim of the said Dr. R. M. fc~. "•V*** Curtlss heretofore filed herein for the ~ \ %sum of nearly $5,000.00 be allowed / . 'vvjfor the sum of $800.00, being in full . ^for services rendered as claimed in " \ ;5i«aid account. Said motion was sec- . onded by Sup. Freund and unanl- .1'- ', •'* .mously carried. • ft ;V* Final resolutions of the state high- v - "way commission as to state roads in 'r^McHenry county were nad and ' ^Alacej on file. The following resolutions with ref- " lerence to state aid roads, were read by the clerk, to-wit: Resolved, by the county of McHen- _ ,ry, that the section of public highway . described as follows: Beginning at a point on the public §tj ;Ihighway deisgnated as proposed state S'-f '- ,aid road route No. 16, said point be- ing at Sta. 0-00, a point at the west -j-'S end of the present concrete road on ' route No. 1, and extending thence •4; V along said route In a northwesterly **y direction for a distance of 10,500 feet r *H t' more or less, to be known as section ^^SH, as intimated by the preliminary ^resolution of this board, passed Sept *1 1 1*14, 1915, be improved as a state aid *road in accordance with the plans and specifications as prepared by the chief •v " state highway engineer, and that I f ",*' ' there has been appropriated from funds In the hands of the coun- h' .v ,ty treasurer, the sum of twelve v* ' sthousand nine hundred ilfty-six ^ " dollars, ($12,956.00), or so much '*'<r thereof as may be necessary to de- vfray the county's portion of the cost ;0f said improvement; and the county ; A clerk is hereby directed to transmit to 't-'."the state highway commission a certi- 1T fled copy of this resolution which V *•' jjehall constitute final notice. This action of the county board be- 'S^rk-T^lng In accordance with sections 22 and highway designated as proposed state aid road route No. 15, said point be ing at Sta. 24-40, a point at the south west end of the present concrete road, and extending thence along said route in a southwesterly direction for a dis tance of- 10500 feet more or less, to be known as section G, as intimated by the preliminary resolution of this board, passed September 14, 1915, be improved as a state aid road in ac cordance with the plans and specifi cations aa prepared by the chief state highway engineer, and that there has been appropriated from funds in the hands of the county treasurer, the sum of twelve thousand nine hundred fifty-six dollars, ($12,956.00), or ao much thereof as may be necessary to defray the county's portion of thei cost of said improvement; and the County Clerk is hereby directed to transmit to the state highway com mission a certified copy of this reso lution which shall constitute final no tice. This action of- the county board be ing in accordance with sections 22 and 24 of Article IV of "An Act to Revise the Law in Relation to Roads and Bridges," approved June 27, 1913, and all amendments thereto. Further resolved, that upon receipt cf approved estimate by the state highway commission the county clerk be authorized to draw orders on the county treasurer payable to the con tractor in payment for the county's portion of said improvement. It was moved by Sup. Wright and seconded by Sup. Turner that said resolutions be adopted as read. Mo tion carried., The clerk presented lists of claims against the county for labor, fees and supplies and for county poor, and it was moved by Sup. Wright and du ly seconded and carried, that same be referred to proper committees for re port, and that inasmuch as the com mittees for the ensuing year have not as yet been appointed, that the pres ent committees act on matters before them, and that said board adjourn to 1:30 o'clock, p. m., for committee work. I:t0 P. M. The board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present same members. It was moved by Sup. Harrison that the same rules adopted for the government of the board for the, last ensuing year be adopted as the fules of said board for the ensuing yet^-. Said motion was duly seconded and carried. The chair thereupon presented a list of standing committees to consti tute the working force of the board for the ensuing year, which appoint ment was, on motion approved, the list of committees being as follows: N. BROTZMAN, Chairman. G. E. STILL, Clerk. List of committees for the year 1916: s PERSONAL PROPERTY -- W. F. Pierce, J. E. Harrison, Charles Ackman, Jr., W. H. Forrest and R. B. Haeger. LANDS AND LOTS--E. F. Kueck er. F. A. Walters, W. F. Pierce, Chas. H. Ackman, Jr., and S. H. Freund. RAILROADS---W. H. Ward, D. M. Wright, Charles H. Ackman, Jr., John Donahue and L. B. Covell. FINANCE--L. B. Covell, B. F. Kuecker, W. H. Forrest, W. H. Ward and H. E. Whipple. EDUCATION--John Baldock, H. M. Turner, pie and R. ROADS Ackman, Whipple. FEES Turner. John Baldock, A. H. Hale, W. H. Forrest, E. F. Kuecker, W. H. Ward and D. M. Wright. PUBLIC BUILDINGS -- S. H. Freund, F. A. Walters, H. M. Turner, John Donahue, L. B. Covell, D. M. Wright and John Baldock. CLAIMS (Labor, Fees and Sup plies)--A. H. Hale, W. H. Forrest, L. B. Covell, Charles H. Ackman, Jr., and W. F. Pierce. CLAIMS (County Poor)--F. A. Walters, W. H. Ward, J. B. Harrison, II. E. Whipple and John Donahue. TO SETTLE WITH TREASURER --H. E. Whipple, S. H. Freund. R. E. Haeger, John Donahue and L. B. Covell. POOR FARM--D. M. Wright, F. A. Walters, L. B. Covell, A. H. Hale, W. H. Forrest, J. B. Harrison and R. E. Haeger. ELECTIONS--J. E. Harrison, W. F. Pierce, W. H. W4rd, John Baldock, and E. F. Kuecker. RELIEF OF BLIND--R. B. Haeg er, H. M. Turner. D. M. Wright, S. H. Freund and F. A. Walters. RULES--Charles H. Ackman, Jr . E. F. Kuecker, J. E. Harrison, W. F. Pierce and A. H. Hale. PURCHASING--W. H. FOITMt, H. M. Turner and F. A. Walter*. The committee on claims, (labor fees and supplies), made the follow ing report, which was adopted, to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour com mittee on labor, fees and supplies claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims pre sented te them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to Issue orders on the county treasurer to the claim ants for ins several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Roy J. Stewart, March aal* ary, deputy sheriff 9 M.M additional N. BroUman, spl. com. wk... A. H. Hale, do Siavin & Eastman, repaint chairs ^.. D. M. Wright. spL com. wfci«» L. H. covell, do J. E. Harrison, do F. M. West, coal for county W. H. Forrest, spl. com. wk. Chas. Wandrack, detective sup F. A. Walters, spl. com. wk... E. F. Kuecker, do All of which mittedl is respectfully Ml>- A. H. HALE, w. I*. B. COVELL, VM. H. FORREST, t V CHAS. H. ACKMAN, Jr. . Ti W. F. PIERCE. The committee on claims, (county poor), made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour com mittee on county poor claims would beg leave to report that they have ex amined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be di rected to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the sev eral amounts allowed, as follows, to- wit: •. . Nunda~ A. H. Hale, car fara and milk L. J Rahn, Mrs. Goelstrom tax, and care Ned Dler....f Mrs. Ella Bryant, rent, Bdw. Morgan Dr. N. J. Nye. calls, Ned Bter and Yanke .............. Dorr-- F. A. Walters, widow's oen- sion, Barbara Pope, Lena Meehan, May Anderson, Emma Eckert, and Rachel Gillisple Do, exp. J. Oakroot ........ F. E. Howe, coal, J. Oakroot Algonquin--» G. H. Dike, mdse. Mrs. Timm and Billows H. M. Rosenthal, coal, Mri.* Kallina and Mrs. Billowa.. C. Franke, coal, Mrs. Schuett and Mrs. Rakow ........ R. E. Haeger, care of Leuie Bohl Kerns & Smith, groc. Mrs. Rakow . ... .1............ Meier Bros- groc. Mrs. Jesse and Kallina John Buehler, groc. Mia, Holtz and Elbisch ........ Schuemann Bros., mdse. for Mrs. Kallina Dunham-- Dr. J. G. Maxon, med. serv. Chas. Johnson, Thos. Butts, Jack Kelley and Geo. Praa- ten Dr. C. M. Johnson, med. serv. John Kelley Hebron-- Hebron Lumber Co., coal, Mrs. Frederick .......... Richmond-- W. H. Streng, M. D., med. serv. Leon Renner ....... McHenry-- S. H. Freund, board, Mary Stockwell Dr. D. G. "Wells, med. serr. Mary Stockwell Chemung-- H. D. Eaton, M. D., med. serr. Arial Richardson ........ W. H. Ward, exp. Ruth Keel- er, R. Richardson, Cora Plankey and John M. Johnson, r baby at * *1" 'ir'v erne, Mrs. f which is respectfully sub' - F. A. WALTERS, > ^ •*~$s H. B. WHIPPLE, -*• £-=•" "*"• lOHN DONAHUE^ W. H. WARD. The committee on elections made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your com mittee to whom was referred the elec tion expenses for the primary held on the 11th day of April, A. D. 1916, would beg leave to submit the fol lowing report on the matters before them: Your committee would re port that they find the following amounts due the several precincts, to- wit: . Riley | Marengo, 1st :»;i Marengo, 2ndf»«%.,W. Dunham ... ••*-* t •.» * * 1st '{x\pc 28.47 36.00 24.00 129.00 30.00 60.68 ?l*tf 21.T8 2S.II 50.00 20.25 1«.0« 11.94 95.00 till 2.40 liM 28.00 25.00 *1.00 said bridge, by reason of the fact that»10 o'clock, a. m. the state highway commission had re fused to accept plans for, repairing the bridge on the ground that a new bridge was necessary. At this meet ing it was decided by your committee that a new bridge was necessary, and plans for a new bridge estimated to cost $16,000.00 were presented by the state highway commission and adopt ed by the joint committee. Said com mittee again met at Crystal Lake on April 24th, 1915, at which time the contract for buildiiig said bridge was awarded to John J. O'Heron Co. for the sum of $15,400.00, and 40 cents per lineal foot for piling under abut ments. Said committee would further re port that they also thet with said commissioners on May 31st, 1915, Ju ly 10th, 1915, July 20th, 1915, Aug. 12th, 1915, August 13th, 1915, No vember 3rd. 1915, and November 13, 191b, to pass upon matters arising in connection with various phases of the construction of said bridge at the call of the county superintendent of high ways. They would further report that on the 20th day of April they met at said bridge together with the com missioners of highways of said town, the county supcrintendeTit of high ways, and the engineers of the state highway commission, and found said bridge completed, with the exception of the removal of certain piling, and other minor work connected there with, that with said -exceptions the bridge was acceptable to your com mittee, and constructed in accordance with contract, and it having been rec ommended by superintendent of high ways of this county, they rccommend that there be paid to the contractor, John J. O'Heron, on his contract, the sum of $7,250.00, and that the clerk be hereby instructed to draw an or der on the county treasurer for said amount in favor of said contractor. All of which to respectfully sub mitted. J. B. HARRISON, Chm. D. M. WRIGHT. N. BROTZMAN. Ttee following communication wm read by the clerk, to-wit: Woodstock, 111., April 25th, 1910. To the Honorable Board of Super visors of McHenry County: We, the undersigned, executive of ficers of the McHenry County Soil Improvement association, represent ing three hundred paid subscribers and a mailing list of over twelve hundred co-operating farmers, do re spectfully ask the usuai annual ap propriation of two thousand dollars, ($2,000.00) in twelve monthly equal installments during the fiscal year payable to the order of the McHenry County Soil Improvement association, receipted by the executive officer at their monthly meetings. Our books and records are open to public inspection at any time and wa Invite your auditing committee to audit and report upon the disburse ments of this anpropriation. In behalf of the farmers and busi ness men of this county we extend to you their appreciation of your past co-operation and financial aid. Respectfully submitted, H. E. WHIPPLE, President. M, J. WRIGHT, Chairman Executive Committee. M. J. Wright, chairman of the ex- committee of said association. 1235.55 2434.67 •4.67 1.42 ft.OT '••••It « • , •J» l » f * Chemung, Chemung, 2nd' Chemung, 3rd •»» . *. Alden .......«... Hartland Seneca .. ..».,.... Coral Grafton Dorr, let •.«-» »11 Dorr, 2nd .. .v*.... Dorr, 3rd Dorr, 4 th Greenwood Hebron ... .V, ; . • Richmond ............ * Burton McHenry, 1st' .... *.• «Henry, 2nd . ^, •...-. *«.. ada, 1st Nunda, 2nd ........... Algonquin, 1st Algonquin, 2nd .......*»*.. Algonquin. 2rd .... • »'V '+•' 'Jt 20.70 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.60 30.30 29.00 29,80 io!oi 30.20 24.10 24.10 24.10 29.60 29.70 30.60 30.60 31.00 30.20 30.20 30.20 29.80 29.60 20.90 30.20 k%f; of Article- IV of "An Act to Revise •nithe Law in Relation to Roads and _ - """Bridges," approved June 27, 1913, and *ill amendments thereto. *' 5 Further resolved, that upon receipt * of approved estimate by the State gfe*. ; Highway Commission the County ',C!lerk be authorized to draw orders fjr . on the county treasurer payable to - the rontractor in county's portion of said Improvement, i. *• Resolved, by tbe onitr h«v>«-d _ 3 iMehenry county, tnat the section of W. M PW ibublic hishwav described as follows: costi A. M. Shelton, compensation Wilbur Rummel, March sal ary, janitor C, A N. W Ry. Co., freight on car coal C. L. Tryon, Feb. salary, Co. supt. roads W. M. Cooney, 4 day* ballllf at $2.50 O.. R. Bates, labor cleaning cesspool Lawyers* Co-operative Pub. Co., lawyer's reports anno tated, 1916 A J. I. Holcomb Mfg. Co., jan itor supplies, etc. P. F. Pettibone & Co., office supplies, etc Zion City I & I Supply De partment, office supplies.. Thos. Davis, Jr., hauling coal Hebron Tribune, supplies for sheriff Ed L. Martin, auto and serv. deliv. ballots A. Still, serv. burning ballots Fred L. KImberley, do j. T. Kitchen, canv. board.. John Buehler, do .......... Dr. E. V. Anderson, service^ Inquest, J. Werner .... Dr. A. B. Smith, do City of Woodstock, light and water, court house and jail J. W. Gilbert, soldier, burial of Daniel Auringer to de fray funeral expenses .... Crystal Lake Herald, print ing baliots Do, supplies, county supt. of schools * A. B. Dick Co., do A. M. Shelton, office exp. postage, etc. Woodstock Sentinel Co., prtg. for Co. offices, including annual pub. supervisor's proceedings Chicago Tele. Co., service, CO. offices % .. David R. Joslyn, state's at torney, office expenses, etc. payment for the T. H. Brown, poll*.'© magis trate, court costs, People V. T>!r,k Cooney,' constable's public highway described as follows: costs, Bame ,, *•, ""* • , i "7.a • - ' ' ' . r " - * "* f ̂ i * ,, *k •i a., (' 7 *„ - i , 71.00 IS.N 141.26 TS.00 10.00 t^0 6.00 S0.24 202.13 . 4.13 27.20 4.25 1S.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 1.00 6.00 79.60 85.00 291.82 41.85 1.81 w* 421.25 87.86 »».f6 4.00 22.75 AH of mltted. which Is f 101.45 respectfully sub- or Turner that the approprla $2,000.00 be made as requested and that the clerk of this board be direct ed to draw orders on the treasurer as therein directed, first order to be drawn on June 1st, 1016, for the month of May. It was called to the attention of the board that no payment had been made under the appropriation of last year, since the resignation of Delos James, on February 1st, last, and that there was an unpaid balance of $375.00 from said appropriation. It was thereupon moved by Supervisor Whipple that said unpaid balance be paid to M. J. Wright and that the clerk draw an order on the treasurer for said amount payable to his or der. Motion was duly seconded and carried. A resolution in the following words and figures was presented and read: Whereas, Mr. M. J. Wright has, during the past winter, temporarily filled the position of county adviser and farm expert, and whereas, every member of the board of supervisors has observed with much satisfaction, the intelligent manner in which said department has been conducted by Mr. Wright, therefore Be it resolved, that this board of supervisors in special session as sembled, hereby most heartily com mend the effective work of Mr. Wright in the interest of our farm ers and citizens generally, and we hereby heartily recommend to the au thorities in charge of county advisors at the University of Illinois, that they place Mr. M. J. Wright on the elig ible list for the position of county farm adviser and agricultural expert for any position that may be available in that lino anywhere In the state of Illinois. It was moved by Sup. Whipple and seconded by Sup. Kuecker that said resolution bo adopted as read. Said motion was carried and said resolu tion was adopted. Sup. Freund requested that the board make arrangements to visit McHenry at some appropriate occas ion during the coming summer as a body for an outing, and said Super visor Freund was appointed a com mittee of one to look into matters end report plans at June meeting. The following named persons were selected to serve as grand jurors at the May term of the circuit court, and on motion of Sup. Covell, duly sec onded, the list was approved "and the clerk instructed to certify same to the clerk of the circuit court. Riley--Fred GriebeL , Marengo--Frank Miller end Oscar Sandman. Dunham--Fred Mason. Chemung--William McRoberts and A. F- Schultz. Alden--Ernest Fink. ,,, Hartland--Daniel Desmon^b Seneca--G. H. Polr.ow. Coral--Henry BorcharL 1r Grafton--F. C. Beckert. Dorr--F. W. Hartman and W. McConnell. Greenwood--C. E. Beardsley. ~ Hebron--Whitney Brighafli,. Richmond--Wm. Motley. * Burton--Berne Bell. ; McHenry--J. W. Bell and Peter 3. Freund. Nunda--George Ames and J. W. Wlngate. Algonquin--Silas Jayne, Fred Es- tergren. It was thereupon on motion of Sup. Baldock, ordered that this board adjourn. Thereupon said board ad journed. N. BROTZMAN, Chairman. Attest: G. E. STILL, Clerk. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, N. Brotzman, and the roll being called, the following mem bers responded to their names, to- wit: N. Brotsman, D. M. Wright, H. E. Whipple, W. H. Ward. John Bal dock, W. H. Forrest, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, Jr., John Donahue, F. A. Walters, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, L. B. Covell, W. F. Pierce, S. H. Freund, A. H. Hale, and R. E. Haeger, constituting a full board. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The semi annual reports of the county clerk, circuit cierk and sheriff were pre sented and read by the clerk, and on motion, referred to the committee on fees and salaries for report. The semi-annual report of Lynn Richards, county treasurer, was read, and on motion approved, said report being in words and figures, as follows, to-wit: Semi-annual report of official fees and emoluments received and expend itures made by Lynn Richards, coun ty treasurer of the county of McHenry and state of Illinois. To the chairman of the county board of McHenry county: I, Lynn Richards, county treasurer in ar»d for the county of McHenry and stats of Illinois, respectfully present the following report of all the fees and emoluments of my office, and also of necessary expenditures therefor, for and during the half year ending May 31st, 1916, wherein I state the gross amount of all fees or emolu ments by me earned by official serv ice during said half year, the total amounts of receipts of whatever name or character, and all necessary ex penses for clerk hire, stationery, fuel, and other expenses. 1 per cent commission on $123554.62, ree'd from township collectors 2 per cent commission an $121233.25 collected as county collector .... Making delinquent list for publication, 241 tracts and 578 lots, at 3 cents Making delinquent list for judgment, 103 tracts and 211 lots, at 3 cents .... One per cent commission $8406.65 received aa county treasurer One per cent commission on $124148.06 paid out as county treas Stationery Miscellaneous Treasurer's salary for half year Unpaid balance of treas urer's salary, which re mained due and unpaid at date of last report, Nov. 30, 1915 Respectfully submitted, day of June, 1916. LYNN RICHARD8, County Treasurer. STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, ss. I, Lynn Richards, do solemnly swear that the foregoing account is, In all respects, just and true according to my best knowledge and belief, and that I have neither received directly or indirectly, nor directly or indirectly agreed to receive or be paid for my own or another's benefit, any other money, article or consideration than therein stated, nor am I entitled to any fee or emolument for the period therein mentioned, other than those n specified. orn to e, 1910 itYNN RIC . unty V*fer*; mmittee on „ wood bllWjPi 'BIBle the following "re port, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun ty, Illinois: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of construct ing a new bridge at the site known as the McCue bridge, in Greenwood township, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That they met with the highway commissioners of the township of Greenwood at the McCue bridge on the 26th day of April, A. D. 1916, and decided that a new bridge was nec essary, and instructed C. L. Tryon, county superintendent of highways, to prepare plans and specifications for a new bridge, and to advertise for bids, said bide to be received by this com- mittee*on the tenth day of June, A. D. 1916, at Woodstock. The committee met again on the tenth day of June, A. D. 1816, at Woodstock to receive bids for con structing said McCue bridge. Bids were received on beth steel and con crete plans. The committee being In favor a steel bridge, the contract was let to the Continental Bridge Com pany, said company being the lowest responsible bidder on plans for steel bridge. The amount of said bid was two thousand five hundred eighty ($2,580.00) dollars. All of which to respectfully sub- 48 00 ;.78 i!S«.oo 1181.78 this 10th earn- half year Received of ings previously reported, . nro- bate ........... Court costs Miscellaneous .... ««451.H|f 717.40 25.00 2.20 Total recelpU $2477.58 E x p e n d l t s r e s Clerk hire $1341.50 Returned docket fees 18.50 Miscellaneous .... 24.55 Clerk's salary, half year 1000.00 2404.55 Bal. due county . C I R C U I T For recording .. .$1762.25 For "Clerk's fees in suite in court 1487;$#; For miscellaneous ;/•• services 108.48 For att'g court, 66 days at $6.00 396.00 $1073.03 C L E R K Earned Received Total earnings Tor half year ..... .(375 4.40 Received o f e & r * • • * ings previously'V/; • < reported, miscel-;,^ laaeous ....*,.^ 8.; V v , / t . . - , T . Total receipts «V.. E x p e n d Clerk hire Returned docket fee Miscellaneous . ex penses $1762.25 1426.50 108J5 ......$3302.40 tu r e s 900.00 172.00 82.(8 1000.00 Clerk's salary for half year .... Bal. due county S H E R I F F Fees in suits In court $ 693.10 Executions .... 187.09 For taking prison-C? ers to Joliet ... For taking prison ers to Pontiac . For miscellaneous services, other than court costs. . 038.41 Total earnings for half year ...... 1888.14 Ite "WW •stem;- ' r'H.' 2164.65 .81127.75 8 458.50 187.00 82.80 T«ital receipts ..8T08.89 E x p e n d 1 t u r e.s Livery hire ,$ 200.00 j? Miscellaneous .... 158.18 Sheriff's salary for half year 700.00 81058.18 Bal. due sheriff $ 354.54 Your committee would recommend that an order be drawn on the coun ty treasurer for the amount shown to be due the sheriff. We would further report that we have examined the sheriff's report for dieting the prisoners for the past si* months and find that there is due him the sum of three hundred twen ty-five dollars and eighty cents, $325.80), for which we recommend that an order be drawn on the coun ty treasurer in favor of the sheriff for said amount^ All of which "is respectfully sub- • r M. TURNER, Chm. K HALS M*. WRIGHT, F. KUECKERJK: s- , H. WARD, IffBr "•U.^W. H. FORREST, ; OHN Dr. E. V. Brown, prof. serr. £rTrZ^nk Turner li.»* McHenry-- Mathias Miller, board, Maria and Leo Miller Dr. D. G. Wells, serv. Fred Olson, Mrs. Beekwith ..,, Nunda-- Meier Bros., mdse. Mrs. Johft Smith and Jeskie ; H. M. Rosenthal ft Sons, coal, Mrs. Goldstrom, Heine and Holstrom . E. C. Colby, mdse. Holstrom W. E. Kroeger, mdse. L. L. Dodds Schueneman Bros., mdse. Mrs. Deering v. Kegebein & MiUer, coal, F. Holstrom and Mrs. Rose.. A. H. Hale, care Mrs. Hol strom, Mrs. Gole Marengo™ A. J. Steege, mdse. August B O t t . . . . . • D- M Wright, support," O.'lZ DuVon,, ........ „,. . •, Dr. s. C. Wernham, prOf. serv. Mrs. Dan Phelps .... J. H. Patterson Co., coal, Dan Phelps, Kate Kelley ...... Waterman Bros., mdse. Fit Stock ....... ... ^ Hackley, mdse!' Chat, ^ Ward - ' „ Patrick Bros., do^t"I'ITV v j'2 Riley-- R._M. Curtis, prof. serv..... >- -17.M Seneca-- Dr. E. Windmueller, serti^'1 Knaack family ;...... Hartland-- * * , ; Dr. Hi M. Francis, med. ser*. Alex Cisco - Chemung--- *' W. H. Ward, exp. Ruth Keel- er, R. Richardson, John Keeler and pension. Com Plank E. G. Fernhola, drugs-...... Howard D. Eaton, prof. serr. A. Richardson ....... Algonquin-- John Buehler, mdse. m»»«f Holtz, Mrs. Eibisch B. H. Bellows, drugs .... Kerns & Smith, mdse. Rakow W. E. Kroeger, mdse. Mrs. Deering Schuenemann Bros., mdse. Mrs. Kallina G. T. Hunter, burial Minard . Duensing Bros., mdse. Rogman, A. Kelenan R. E. Haeger, mdss. Theo. Bohl Woodstock Hospital, Bessie Dassow 70.22 26.60 17.78 1T.1T ; 5.88 24.00 81.00 21.04 7.80 8.86 2.#S 3.00 W .. A.j ji Ji r"S>. Mrs. iim . .'-*. Mm 82.00 14.78 0.14 14.04 21.00 28.78 20.08 - All of .. 190.00 which Is respectfully sub- F. A. WALTER& '•:#« H. E. WHIPPLE, V V JOHN DONAHUE, W. H. WARD, J. B. HARRISON, A certified copy of the report iif the last grand jury was presented and read by the clerk, same being as fel lows, to-wit: To the Hon. Frank E. Shopen, pro- siding judge of said court: The grand jurors, chosen, selected as# sworn, in and by the authority of the people of the state of Illinois, r*- spectfully report unto your honor: That they have carefully and dilig ently inquired into all matters thai have come to their attention and oC which they are cognizant, and here* with return into court seven true bills and no not true bills. iif ',3.: J. 11. HARRISON. Chm. i JOHN BALDOCK. * W. F. PIERCE, X. F. KUECKER. The committee on relief of the blind, made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your com mittee on relief of blind to whom was referred the applications of Howell S. Hoover and Walter Freund for re lief for thd blind, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That they have duly examined the said applications and find said applicants are in need of relief and they would therefore recommend that the said Howell S. Hoover and Walter Freund be includ ed in the next appropriation for the relief of blind made by this board. They would further report that Mary Frickel, a blind person now re ceiving relief from this county has become a non-resident of this county and they would therefore recommend that the appropriation for her be dis continued and that the clerk be in structed not to pay over to said Mary Frickel the balance of the appropria tion made her. „ All of which ii respectfully sub mitted. • - -j:-- prr?: H. M-.tTRNBR, Chat . D. M. WRIGHT, » -- S. H. FREUND, £lr F. A. WALTERS. The special committee on Burton's Bridge made the following report. Which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your com mittee to whom was referred the building of a bridge over Fox River at the point commonly known as Bur ton's Bridge, would beg leave to sub mit the following report on the mat ters before them: That they met on Sept. 12th, 1914, together with the commissioners of highways of Nunda township, and the county superin tendent of highways at the site of said bridge and decided that the prayer The honorable board-of supervisors of the petition to repair said bridge of McHenry county, Illinois, met in Tho - " o H f'-rrher re- re^ulnr se«rioti at the court .honw In port, that on March 27th, 1915, they the city of Woodstock, on Monday, wpjre again called to ^ meeting held at Jhg ljJth d^y of Jung, A. J2, 1916, at Total earnings for Proceedings of Regular Meeting, 1916 June H. M. TURNER, W. F. PIERCE, JOHN DONAHOT. Committee. George Eckert, probation officer, under appointment of the county court, made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: To the Honorable Board of Super visors, McHenry County, Illinois: Gentlemen: Herewith, find report of George Eckert, probation officer for McHenry county, Illinois, for the year ending May 31, 1016. I have investigated ten applications of widows for aid. Found homes for fifteen children, out of which there were two who proved unreliable, one of them has been returned to St. Charles, and the other is at present an inmate of the county jail, waiting the disposition of the court. Both for theft. 4 . I have also called on seventy-two families on account of non-attendance at school of the children of said fam ilies, and furthermore picked up four boys, who were run-a-ways from Chi cago and returned them to their homes. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE ECKERT, Probation Officer, McHenry County, Illinois. The clerk presented lists of claims against the county, and on motion of Sup. Wright, duly seconded and car ried. same were referred to the prop- r committees for report and the board adjourned to 1:30 p. m. for committee work. 1:30 P. M. 'y., • Board met pursuant. jnent. Roll call showed tame mem bers present. , , The committee on fees and salaries made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your com mittee on fees and salaries, to whom was referred the semi-annual reports of the county clerk, circuit clerk, and sheriff for the half year ending June 1st, A. D. 1916, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them, the semi-an nual report of the county clerk being as follows: C O U N T Y C L B R K Earned Received For probate fees.. $147%15 For clerk's fees in suits ' in court.. 494.60 For county ser vices 698.00 F o r m i s c e l l a n eous serviceJ . claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims pre sented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issu*> orders on the county treasurer to the claim ants for the severe) amounts, as fol lows, to-wit: P. F. Pettibone A Co., sup. county off $ 165.71 18.75 $ 287.22 SftiOO 378<Kt5i 2195.67 to a meeting held at th| 1,2th dgy of ^yn^ A, D. 1 ' * \,... i -I r-../?: * > * <•"Z ' Chicago Tel. Co., rent A. H. Henderson, merchan dise, county off American Law Book Co., law books Callaghan & Co., do Lawyers' Co-Op. Pub. Co., do City of Woodstock, electric lights A. W. Wagner, vault keys.. Frank Shopen, serv. circuit judge Hoy's Pharmacy, mdse. shf.. Woodstock Republican, prtg. blanks and orders, coun- t y c l & r l c « • • • » • • • • • • • • • • * Dr. H. M. Francis, inquest, Thomas Powers ......... Do, Samuel Blwmer Dr. E. V. Anderson, do .... Dr. C. F. Baccus, do, Thomas Powers A. D. Osborn, mdse. shf..... C. L, Tryon, salary, April and May ,/...U .... A. M. Shelton, extra Com- . pensation, Apr. and May .. Rov J. Stewart, salary, April " and May Wilbur Rummel, do Wm. Simes, bailiff 1 day.... W. M. Cooney, do, 8 days.. A. M. Shelton, exp. of efflos. W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., mdse. supt schools C. M. Parker, do D. R. Joslyn, exp. of oflloo.. Chas. Wandrack, shf., depu ties, milk strike Do. do Do, do Woodstock Sentinel Co., prtg. clr. elk., $79.00; county elk. $2.00 W. H. Ward, special commit tee work , L. B. Covell, do ............. N. Brotsman, do . * * W. H. Forrest, do F. A. Walters, do ......^»W Ed. F. Kuecker, do D. M. Wright, do . W. F. Pierce, do . A. H. Hale, do ... H. M. Turner, do J. E. Harrison, do ... 4. John Baldock,vdo ... . ..w All of which Is respectfully mltted. A. H. HALE. L. B. COVELL, . w. F. PIERCE, CHAS. H. ACKMA^ 3t. W. H. FORREST. The committee on claims, (county poor), made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman aftd Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your com mittee on county poor claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as fol lows, to-wit: St. Vincent's Training School, board, Harry Lilley $ Glenwood Manual Training School, board, Floyd Mor ris Dorr-- F. A. Walters, pension. May Anderson, Rachel Gillisple, B. Pope and E. Eckert -- Same, cash, J. H. Read and Mrs. Hunthouse T. B. Merwin, burial of un known man |Do, merchandise .....».Y 'Kanbier & Deits. mdse. Mr*.' Hunthouse 14? • end jelothes, Leon Willis ..v#. -Hebron-- > • » • e^.» «."fc • e'e1'- 19.35 7.50 15.00 5.00 70.80 4.80 80.00 2.25 58.70 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 12.20 180.00 150.00 150.00 120.00 2.50 20.00 18.76 80.70 2.18 20.05 60.80 "Al 81.00 4.20 9.40 4.80 10.10 7.00 7.60 14.20 9.60 12.40 8.50 3.70 4.30 SUb- in confined, and that the statute It regard to jails and jailers has beet complied with by the sheriff. ^Dated this 22nd day of May, A* D. W. S. McConnell, foreman. F. W. Hartman, clerk. Fllqd, McHenry county, Tlllnnl^ May 22, 1916. Theo. Hamer, clerk of the circuit court. I, Theo. Hamer, clerk of the cir cuit court and ex-offlcio recorder in and for said county in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that the within and foregoing to which this certificate is attached is a full, true, complete and perfect copy of the re port of the grand jury returned at the May term, 1916, of said circuit court, as the same appears from the records and files in my office. In witness whereof, I have hereun to set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, at Woodstock, this 22nd day of May, A. D. 1914. (Seal) THBO. HAMgR, Clerk of the Circuit Court. On motion of Sup. Walters, dnfcr seconded, said report was placed e* file. The following resolution WW to- troduced by Sup. Wright, who movod its adoption: Be it resolved, that the board w supervisors of McHenry county, Illi nois. do hereby authorise and direct the payment of a bounty on ground hogs, crow's eggs and crow's heads for the year ending July 1st, 101T, the same amounts, manner and ferae as provided in the acts of the gen eral assembly of the year 1997, tap the payment of such bounties. This resolution being necessary |e comply with the amendments to sett acts, made tty tne general assembly S( the year 1909, said resolution thereupon unanimously adopted. A communication from the food department was read. matlon, placed on file, said nlcatlon urging counties to raise bred stock on county faraea. The committee on elections the following report, which adopted, to-iHt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen e# the Board of Supervisors: Your com mittee on elections would beg leave to present the following list of Judg es of election as selected by the tw% political parties represented on this board: Riley--Polling place, Town Kali; judges, N. Brotzman, Ambrose Crte- sey and II. H. Barber. Marengo (1st district)--Polling place, Sears' Shop; judges, James Cleary, John Kitchen and O. D. Car penter. Marengo (2nd District)--Polling place. Patterson Building; judges^ D M. Wright, William Dunker and O. J. McKeown. Dunham--Polling place, Schooi House in District No. 12S; judges, H. E. Whipple. L M. Lillibridge and John McCabe. Chemung (1st District)-- Polling place. Herald Building; judges, J. £ Shields. Eugene Saunders and T. P. Marshall. Chemung (2nd District >--Polling place. Engine House, Harvard; judg es, w H. Ward, H. H. Megran and J. A. Sweeney. Chemung (3rd District)-- Polling place. Conn Building at Chemung; judges, Elmer Walters, D. E. Little and S. F. Dean. Alden--Polling place. Town Hall; judges, John Baldock, J. H. Carbregr and Garrett Fitzgerald. Hartland--Polling place. Disbrow*» Shop; judges, Wm. Forrest. Corne lius Nolan and John Haley. Seneca--Polling place. Town Halt; judges, Edward F. Kuecker, Den Kan&ley and Gust Polnow. Coral--Polling place. Village HaQ; judges, Charles H- Ackman. Jr., J. T«. Srill and A. S. Peak. Grafton --• Polling place, TUIege Hall; Judges, John Donahue. Chair lee 14.81 Conley and John Hawley. Porr *1ct P?-'*r!~t) pllCOi, 38.50 room under County Clerk's Office In the court bouse; Judges, E. .T& 80.00 80.00 164.00 15.20 20.00 12.20 ••>-1