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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1917, p. 5

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. . • ' J. r f " 7 ^ 7 , , ^ • " ^ < r : MeHSNBT PLAUfDKALEB, KeHBNBY, ILL, ; ? ' »> •-'4' *<* },\ i> • \'?V rAM ^fePwWefc^^lixi; Bautifies Paint answers a tble purpose. It protects % ,i* ̂ , ,, 7v /your housk and also beaut if k*f k, .It makes of the ,-t \ >owg&* "B^me." The sa&ie pleasant transfor- mation is made in porch furniture, floors, walls and other Rlac^g wt^ere Pfintf, v&itf sfjs, etc., ar$ used, ^e have arS ex<|Bller^; ^^jal ^ . ;i Id Pain^S^trnistes, Enamels, Interior -Mixed Piiots, PatcOjWall Paiflt You can at our store jus! \vTl:U-is needed for any paint i5>b^nd prices will always be as low as poss­ ible consistent With quality. Tt! h STORE THAT ?HAS A PAIltC FOR EVE^^HlRPOSE." ^ " & ; V I S . ^ - B E S T / ' PHONE 60-W N. H. PETESGH DRUGGIST ERVED FOR s$ : • 'Phone BROS. McHenry, 111. f*St; . » •s IS YOURS ' .»&*'• ' * * *' »K •' We are 'wjijth a Soil TESTING APARATUS and can /give you* an "acCufcM& |$4t of your soil. Also jfive you corrupt scien- tificjjgstimatiek^f what^our soil ' deeds to Certaip^j6p$. If you are in do&t ^Ho the cipiiditioti of your soil, *flo not failto take ad> vantage "of this £ervicel.'• ,-ber it is Absolutely free t( Wilbur L 'Phone No. 5 * '$• ' It is entirely/feasit>le to awt a sWitcn in your . # c tr4 c instillation ^ Wtfich will control every j. flight in the house. Cir- cumstances, easily un- y • derstandable, might ar- ise that would riiakelt a big thing* ' p Numerous old install­ ations are not equipped witlfriiiodern adjuncts such as distant control switches, floor ancj wall outlets for thfe use V-Uf appi iancesai _ ... - -• -- able lanips-. r Co. W«ft McHenry ,The cost of adding ^ them is moderate. - v. \ THE >VORK ice Co. OF I#ORT^ERN ILj.INOIg In spite oftfhepresent high Paper Market we are offer­ ing a splendid variety of new, attractive patterns at popular prices. We con­ tracted iiflHiafei for the 1917 season take We ad prices after pr th. t *r. Av4:: be able to ur wants, early as advance k is * , • ' " • • ' «,•> " V " r TERRA COTTA X fiv Gracy was a Chicago visitor Saturday. * \ Michael Knox- wsj* a Woodstofck caller Saturday; . v -r} V/v/. S. B. Leisner is visiting his daugh­ ters in Chicag#. ' • • ' i> | Miss Frances Konx was a Wood­ stock visitor Saturday. < * Thomas Frisky, who has been very ; sick, is now much better. j Mr-Sj£?y McMillan has been seri­ ously lWfor the past week. Mrs. Merton Gracy was*a Crystal Lake xaller Saturday evening. Mrs. Michael Knox ^ spent Friday evening with Elgin relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Walker spent Sunday With Sycamore friends. Rev. J. J. Loner^an of «Cary was a recent guest of friends here., Mrs. S. B." Leisner was a business caller at Crystal Lake Monday. Miss Margaret Grant was a caller in Crystal Lake Friday evening. David Johnson of Chicago was a Sunday guest at the Riley home. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and son, Thomas, motored to Elgin Sunday. Rev. E. A. McCormiek of Barring- ton was a Sunday guest of friends here. Miss Florence Knox spent Sunday evening with Miss Mary Burke at McHenry. P. H. and Ww. Conway attended the funeral of John Ooherty at Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and children were Sunday guests of the Rliey family. Mr. and Mrs." Earl McMillan and daughter, Ruth, of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests of Mrs. Marion Mc- Millian. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adams and son,' Donald, of McCollum's Lake were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Conway. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Coleman of. El­ gin spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay. Mrs. Cole­ man remained for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Knox and daughters, Florence and Frances, at­ tended the funeral of Mrs. Knox's brother, John Doherty, at Elgin Mon­ day. (Last week's delayed letter) Mrs. Ray McMillan is sick at this writing. M. Knox was a business visitor in Elgin Tuesday. Wm. Conway spent Sunday with his sisters in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nelson and son, Mflvin, spent Friday evening at A. Gaebe's. - "" ' * Mrs. ^tacia Knox of McHenry spent Monday evening with her sister, Mrs. M. Knox. Mrs. David Johnson of Chicago is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. John"'J. Riley. ( Mrs. J. Walsh and Mrs. M. J. Walsh of McHenry called on Mrs. P. H, Conway Saturday. Mrs. Merton Gracy, son, James, and daughter, Ethel, were Crystal Lake callers Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty of Elgin were Sunday and Monday guests of relatives in this vicinity. Miss Alice Riley returned to her home here Monday evening after a three weeks' visit with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Frisby and daughter,, Nancy, of Elgin spent Sun­ day with the former's mother north of here. Miss Edna Phalin is teaching the Terra Cotta school this week during the absence of the teacher, Miss Ger­ trude Klein. J. H. Gracy and Clyde Wingate at­ tended a meeting of the Soil Im­ provement association' at Woodstock one day last week. Several from here attended the-il­ lustrated lecture on "The Soldier- Saint of Loyola" at Stoffel's hall, Mc­ Henry, Sunday evening. Mrs. George Adams and son, Don­ ald, of McCollum's Lake spent Satur­ day evening 1 and, Sunday with her parents here. Mr. Adams was here Sunday. ' JOHNSBURG Theo. Meyers was a McHenry vis­ itor Wednesday. ' * The main road leading thru Johns- burg is in rather bad condition and should receive attention. A number from here attended the target shoot held at Joe Mertes' at Pistakee Bay last Sunday. A number of our workmen are again employed by owners of prop­ erty at Pistakee -Bay and Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaefer1' at­ tended the funeral of the latter's father at Adams, Minn., last week. John Schumacher has returned from Adams, Minn., where he attended the funeral of his father, Bartholomew Schumacher. A number from here attended the band concert at the Central opera house at McHenry on Tuesday even­ ing of this week. Joe B. Hettermann, local Ford dealer, is one of the busiest men in Johnsburg. Joe' makes a hustling salesman and it takes a good man to get away from him. Henry J. Klapperich, Peter Niesen, John Schmitt, John Huff and Jos. B. Hettermann are candidates for school trustees. The election will be held Saturday and it is hoped that al! voters will turn. out. The present school board is composed of three of our most respected citizens and in re­ tiring they have the appreciation of all concerned. Another daaea will be held at Smith's hall here on Wednesday even­ ing of next week,, April 25. We un­ derstand that "Stubby" intends to hold a series of dances at4 his jgace during the spring, summer nad fall months. This, no doubt, jrill bf good news to the many patrons of the plaoe here and the- sfcirrounding coun­ try. „ John Adams has returned to his home at Adams, Minn., after spend­ ing the winter with his mother, Mrs. Castor Adams, here.' -Mrs. Adams expected to accompany him to the West, but finally decided to remain here for the summer. Hef daughter, Mrs. Emma Miller, whe/ has been making her home with aar son, Jos. J. Miller, at Ringwood, has come here to reside with her. SPRING GROVE H. H. Fay was a Chicago caller Tuesday. ^ John Justen of McHenry called here Monday. C^ Jeangerard was a business caller in town Tuesday. Mrs. R. R. Turner was a Chicago caller Wednesday. Alfred Parker spent Sunday in the E. T. Monear home. Miss Fannie Haskins spent the week end in Chicago. Mrs. Keenan of Chicago was a caller in town Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Cafrna were Chicago shoppers Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley v^rere Thursday caller^ in McHenry. B. F. Manley of Harvard was a recent caller at W. H. Gafdner's. Miss Stella Tangmeier returned Saturday evening from Fenimore, Wis. Mrs. Earle Monear is visiting Mrs. Wm. Co wen at McHenry this week. Mrs. H. H, Fay and chilrden of Mc­ Henry were callers in town Wednes­ day evening. - Mr. and Mrs. G. Globis and Miss Getz are spending a few days in the Mikutis home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowen of Mc­ Henry were Sunday guests of Mrs. Fannie Overton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foley enter­ tained friends from Chicago Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. P. J. Boll of Chicago spent a few days last week as a guest of her sister, Mrs. E. E Brigham. , Mrs. Geo. Vogel and son, Edwin, and Mr< and Mrs. Wm. Brennan at­ tended the funeral of Miss Genevieve Vogel at Woodstock Saturday. OSTEND E. H. Thompson was a business caller at the county seat Friday. Henry Hobart was at^Wood stock Monday for repairs to machinery. C. B. Durkee and wife attended Mr. Still's funeral at-Woodstock Sun­ day. Ed. Wallis is hauling lumber for his new barn, which will be over 120 feet long when completed. Mrs. Laura Randall of Richmond, 111., visited over Sunday at tfte home of her brother, William Thomas. i^rs. Leona Brott left Saturday for Manitowoc, Wis., to visit her father and sisters. She expects to be gone a month. Ernest Brott had the misfortune to lose one of his horses he drove on the milk route and v&s compelled to pur­ chase another. S. L. Lincoln, wife and son, Leon, motored over from Harvard to at­ tend Mr. Still's funeral at Woodstock and then over to Ostend and ate din­ ner at the Hobart home. Henry Hobart, wife and son, Roy, and Miss Ammie Francisco attended the funeral of their old friend and neighbor, Abe Still, at Woodstock Sunday. One in the immense* crowd that attended was a member of Mr". Still's company, Co. G, 17th Illinois Cavalry. They were soldiers in the war of the rebellion. , RINGWOOD E. P. Flanders was elected school trustee last Saturday. William Rowson is entertaining his mother from Libertyville. Frank Ilawley of Chicago was an over Sunday guest of his parents. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at William McCannon's. Mrs. Eleanor Bacon of West Chi­ cago spent Saturday with' home folks. Bert McCannon and family spent Sunday at Joe McCannon's in Green­ wood. Del Abbott and wife and*H. W. Allen and wife attended the funeral of Abe Still at Woodstock Sunday. Several of our people attended the picture show, entiled "Civilization," at Woodstock last Thursday and Friday evenings. Mesdames Howard and Bassett and Miss Mabelle Wheeler of McHenry at­ tended the W. C. T. U. meeting at Mrs. Rowson's last Saturday. Mrs. Goodknecht read an excellent paper. Tea was served. The next me&ting will be with Mrs. Spaulding. VOLO Henry Stadtfeld has a new auto. Clyde Wright was in Gray slake Friday. Miss Ella Moore was a recent Wau- conda caller. S. Deinlein of Libertyville was in town Sunday. Ray Paddock was in Wauconda last Thursday. / S, I. Russell transacted business in Jflgtesttie Saturday. \ L. Fox of Round Lake was a caller at Russell's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Russell were Wau­ conda shoppers Saturday. Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry made a professional call here last Thurs­ day. v_S»hday, April 22, there will be Sunday school at 10:30 and preach­ ing at 11:15. A good attendance is wanted. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Cora Dowell and daughter, Ella, and Messrs. Robert Paddock and John Vasey were pleasant callers •t M. Powers* in Waucond* Sunday. SHOES! We have just pult in an ex­ cellent stock of Men's Dress arid Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi­ cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very, complete while repair work receives our prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamps We give Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur­ chase. Let us explain pur Silverware Premium Lists. M. A. Thelen West McHenry w Some Banks ̂ ̂ • •• >• / large accounts. IT'S EARLY RISER FLOUR the man is delivering, litis-a pleasure to the grocer jito sell Early Riser tlour, because he knows it never disappoints. It's a pleasure to the housewife ' to bake with it because she is sure of that delicate, delicious, nutty flavor to her bread and the light cakes and pastry that? "she can't get from common Hour. Hundreds of housewives swear by Early Riser flour and will usr no otlu'i". , WEST M'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS (̂ NDEE HATCHED C H I C K S The Kind that Live and Grow It does not pay you to spend the time and trouble bothering with the fussy, uncertain hen when you can have your eggs hatched by us in a safe and sure hot water Candee in­ cubator, at the small cost- of $2.00 a triay of 75 eggs. SEND YOUR EGGS TO US AND GET MORE AND BETTER CpICKS Your eggs will be doubly safe­ guarded by an automatic regulator at each incubator compartment and an­ other regulator at the heater. This, and the healthy hot water heat, insures your getting the greatest number of chicks that will live and grow into profitable layers and breed­ ers. Place your orders early for baby chicks. S. C. R. I. Reds and S. C. W. Leghorns. E. G. PETERSON Phone 625-M-l Johnsburg, 111. m; Bank is equally the Bank of the ======= laboring man, the me­ chanic, the business man, the housewife, the child or the man of leisure; All accounts, large or small* will be given the same treatment We are a bank for the people and extend you a Welcome - HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry • Bank of Rindwood 1 HH -3 '! uHf «4i v Extra ̂ Weight ANY user will tell you that MidnUa , Universal* give remarkable mile* age. Why? Because these unequalled *• tires contain mora quality rubber and fabric. Prove this by having us weigh a Micbelin in comparison wjth ottar -Xion-skids. You will find tfee MichsMa ( freta 12 to 15 % heavier than the averaga. Y£u ~Gwe it to yourself to give theaa Mgh-quaUty* moderate-priced utt* STAR GARAGE McHenry, :: AM Michelin Caiirigs are just as good as Michdin Red Inner Tubes, which an qfien imitated in color but never In quality. Healthy Heat Makes Healthy Chiclu C A N D E E H~t U7..„, If Incubator THE WML OF BKITtK Groceries In these days when ALL grocer­ ies are high in price--the poor as well as the good--the real choice is in QUALITY. Good groceries cost very little more than infer­ ior ones, but they go a long ways further. Quality is our trade mark You will find it in every package or bag or pail or basket of^goods that leaves our store. You will conserve your health and your pleasure by buying groceries of us. We give you the SATIS­ FACTORY kind of eats. # M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 86- W Office Hours Telephones: 9.-M to 12:M a. m~ Office 17 l:Mto4:Mp. m. Residence51fW 7:HtoS:Wp. m. I A. I. FROEHLIGH V Physician and Surgeon cfverVogt". WEST MeHENRY Telephone No. 108-R > SIMON STOFFEL ranee agent for all classes of . 'property in the best companies WEST MeHENRY, - ILLINOB j s Insin /propt PLUMBING AND HEATING -BY- c Experienced Workmen t)ONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER Read The Plaindealer and pos ted on local happenings. keep if*; i We'll Give You the Shade You Select in Strictly Fresh Paint It's annoying to select a shade of paint you want to use from the Color Card and thou - liave the dealer state he is "just out." You'll never have that experience here, t We show thirty-six shades of Bradley & Vrooman(A"1 Guaranteed Paint on -our Color Card and carry every rintls one of them in stock--ready for immediate delivery. And every gallon of B & V' Piaint we sell is Stri6dy Freshly Mixed--ready to fcive you a maximum of service and satisfaction--protected by a written, si&nad - Cold Bondf Guarantee. » 1 «T 4 - - y *; 4 X Bradley & Vroomail • { ̂ Guaranteed House Paint ' Donavin & Reihansperger >VI ST MeHENRY, ILI. . J# * " $*.' -M- Jr : Geo. J. Schreii|er/ has re-entered the employ of the Chas. G. Frett meat market and grocery, starting work there Everybody is now willing to boost our b|md.' Their Tuesday evening* performance has made them maay

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