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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1917, p. 5

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Wh : ^--s:rr jwr /fff?F F & ??*Tr ^ pffa *t t ^ .*.v. ; -V-% - - v:'r \ ; THDB. mche^RY, MCHOBOTIT, IXA* \ k :\f > *' ? fti^s££ Protects and Beautifies Good Paint answers a double purpose, I| protects your house and also beautifies it. It makes of the "house" a "home." The same pleasant transfor­ mation is made in porch furniture, floors, walls and other places where paints^varnishes, etc., are used. We have an excellent line of Household Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Interior Finishes, Mixed Paints, Patco Wall Paint You can get at our store just what is needed for any paint job, and prices will always be as low as poss­ ible consistent with quality. "THE STORE THAT HAS A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE.'? B. P. S -- BEST PAINT SOLD PBONE 60-W N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST DRESS GOODS! The next time you come to our &ore ask to be shown-the nice selection of silks we carry in &ock. We get these silks from the Nono- tuck silk mills, known all over the United States as leading manufacturers of silk and crochet cotton. f Tub silk, white with black and blue stripes, 36 inch, per yard $1.35 Striped taffeta, 3(>inch, per yard. $2.00 Silk crepe de chine, most of the good colors, 40 inches wide, peryard _.$1.75 Silk and wool poplin, 40 in., per yard-.$1.40 Georgette crepe, per yard $2.00 SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. Connecting-̂ m Li~ Between M*arts Is a The the spring of the year the young naah*& thoughts turn to love and the comforts and happiness of having a home of his own. This desire for a home comes to every man some time dpring his life and when you feel it creeping1 upon you just Come Down to Building Headquarters and let us show you the m a n y hooks of plans we have to assist you in selecting the house host suited to your future require* ments. Our years of experience will no doubt save you a lot of money. Gome in toc^' and talk it over. ' Wilbur Lumber Co. 'Phone No. 5 Weil McHenry It is entirely feasible to 115 put a switch in your E1 e c tr i c installation which will control every light in the house. Cir- cujnstances, easily un- ' derstandable, might ar­ ise that would' make it a big thing. Numerous old install- ations are not equipped with modern adjuncts such as distant control switches, floor and wall outlets for the use of appliances and port* able lamps. The cost of addinjr them is moderate. %E DO THE WORK Public Service Co. , OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Wall Paper In spite oft the present high Paper Market we are offer­ ing a splendid variety of new attractive patterns at popular prices. We con­ tracted heavily for the 1917 seasen and will be able to take care of your wants. We advise buying early as prices are iiable to advance after present stock is sold out. JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY 1 SOLON MILLS Bert Sutton was a McHenry caller Wednesday; R. R. Turner was a business caller at Ringwood Friday. | C. L. Turner made a business trip to Chicago Wednesday. j H. A. Gibbs of Genoa Junction was a recent caller in town.* j D W. Overton and family spent Thursday last in McHenry. ' Miss Maude Spaulding was a week end guest of Mrs. W. H. Davis. Miss • Marjorie Brigham was a Spring Grove caller Wednesday. Mrs. J. Pester spent several days last week at Lake Forest and Liber- tyville. Mr. and Mrs. Parker and children came out from Chicago * Saturday evening. Geo. Vogel held a stock sale on Tuesday. April 24. A, large crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. Denker of Chicago were recent guests of Mr. ancj Mrs. E. E. Crppley. Mrs. Sievert and lady friend of Fox Lake were Tuesday guests of Mrs. J. Pester. E. iS. Morrison of Grinnell, Iowa, was a business caller in town Tuesday and Wednesday. Ben Johonnott and son, JLyman, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. E. S. Jofionnott. . Mrs. Coates, Mrs. H. Buchanan and Mrs. Westlake were callers at Mc­ Henry Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noble of Wood­ stock were calling on friends and relatives here Sunday. Mrs. A. F. Wellman, Mrs. H. Buchanan, Virginia and Sumner Parker spent Tuesday afternoon in McHenry. Miss Aileen O'Rielly and Miss Myrtle Huck and brother, David, o£ McHenry were Saturday afternoon callers here. Misses Laura Hay and Anna Fangmeier wpnt to Fenimore, Wis., Wednesday for a brief visit in the latter's home. Mesdames T. D. Cole, E. G. Turner, Furlong and Geo. Wieland were guests of Mrs. R. R Turner Wednes­ day afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Bayrd and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hyde of Woodstock were guests of Mrs. Adelaide Coates on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cr6pley have returned from Chicago, where they spent the winter. All will be pleased to hear that Mrs. Cropley's health is much improved. Earle Monear, Chas. Vogel and Miss Kathryn Yanke were Wednesday evening callers at McHenry. Mrs. Monear returned home with them after a few days as the guest of Mrs. Wm. Cowen. At the school election held Satur­ day evening, W. H. Gardner was re­ elected clerk. The question of build­ ing a new schoolhouse was voted up­ on also. The results were 34-3 in favor of a new building. On Monday,'April 23, Chas. Vogel and Miss Kathryn Yanke were united in marriage at Woodstock by the Rev. Wm. Kilbourne. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Yanke were the only attendants. The wedding was a complete surprise to Solon friends, where both are held in highest esteem. Hearty congratula­ tions. OSTEND George Brady is much better, able to be out again. The Richardson family is recover­ ing nicely from measles. C. B. Durkee and wife were Monday evening callers at Henry Hobart's. R. Hi Richardson has been kept in­ doors a few days with a severe cold. The four months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherman is very seri­ ously ill with pneumonia. He is un­ der the care of Dr. Hepburn. Elmer Francisco and Ed. Martin of Woodstock were in this neighbor­ hood Monday, delivering some nursery stock for a nursery up north. Milo Hutson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hutson, is reported on the gain. He has the best wishes of all his friends for a permanent recovery. Ernest Brott received word Mon­ day morning that his mother, Mrs. Maria Brott, had passed away that morning at the sanatorium at Rock- ford. Pierson McCarty, the boy that came from a home in Chicago six years ago to live with Charles E. Sherman, was taken back to the home last week. He is fifteen years old. Our hopes have all vanished for early garden. Most farmers hurried to get in early potatoes, but no chance for them to grow. August will be the tithe for early potatoes this year. VOLO~~ Mrs. Geo. Benwell was a recent R(fUnd Lake caller. Miss Martha Rossdeutscher spent Sunday at Lake's Corners. Mrs. Ruthford and daughter, Hazel, were Wauconda visitors last Satur­ day. Mr. Gracy and family of Crystal Lake have moved into the meat mar­ ket building. Miss Clara McConty of Elgin is visiting in the home of "Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirwan. Mrs. T. Engeln and daughter of Crystal Lake are spending this week a^ F. Hironimus'. Lee Huson, Henry Stoffel and Henry Stadtfeld were Waukegan vis­ itors last Saturday. Miss Fern Ruthford of Barrington spent Sunday as a guest in the home of her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Crocker of Liber Ityyille spent Sunday as guests of Mr. iand Mrs. Lee Hironimus. I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. îUon and children of Ivanhoe spent Sunday as guests in the home of John Walton. SPRING GROVE Mr. Stodgesdal visited at Liberty- ville several days last week. Joe Wagner and Lou Wilk were Chicago passengers Monday. Miss Katie Althoff spent Sunday with her parents at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Rudie Simenack are the proud parents of a baby boy. Mrs. P. F. Siegler and daughter, Mabel, were Chicago shoppers Friday. Miss Lillian Sanborn of Chicago is spending this week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen and son, Arnold, were Johnsburg visitors Sun­ day. Miss Christine Schaefer is visiting her grandmother at Johnsburg this week. - - Mrs. Etta Esh is visiting her spn, Richard, and wife in Chicago this week. Mrs. Wm. Roeptoe spirit several days last week With her sister in Kenosha. Miss Mamie Frett visited in the Howard Christenson home Saturday and Sunday. •% Several of our young people at­ tended the dancing party at Wilmot Saturday nighty Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen spent Sunday afternoon at the J. W. Sanborn home. Mra. Mary Huff moved to. Elgin last week. Joe Alaviler moved into the house vacated by her. Frank McMillan and family of Terra Cotta were Visitors in the R. D. Carr home Sunday. Mesdames Glenn and Vivian Esh spent last Thursday in the home of their parents, Ed. Bell's, at Ringwood. ' Mrs. Jas. Oxtoby, Mrs. R. A. Ox- toby and Mrs. Geo. Simpson visited friends in Chicago Friday and Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Sirapsoil and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Ed. Depke, Mrs. Freeman and daughter, Dorothy, visited rela­ tives at Marengo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simpson and daughter, Mil­ dred, and Mrs. C. E. Westlake visited relatives at Harvard Sunday. TERRA COTTA Mrs. Frank McMillan is ill with the measles. Miss Edna Phalin was an Elgin vis- tor on Wednesday last. John H. Gracy was a Chicago vis­ itor one day lastwee k. Mrs. B. F. Martin is entertaining relatives from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Riley called at John Flanagan's Sunday. John Bolger was a caller in this vicinity Saturday evening. Ed. Gannon and sisters of Huntley visited at John Riley's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wingate were Crystal Lake callers Saturday even­ ing. Miss Lillian Riley attended the bakery sale at Crystal Lake Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sund and chil­ dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lindahl. Miss Annie Buss of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday at Phil Huffman's. A few from this vicinity attended a party at Weber's hall in McHenry Saturday evening. Raymond Shine of Chicago is spend­ ing a few weeks with his grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. A. H. Henderson, Jr., Wm. Pinnow and Mr. Witte of Crystal Lake were business callers here Tuesday. Mr. And Mrs. Geo. E. Adams and son, Donald, of McCollum's Lake spent Sunday at P. H. Conway's. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and sons of McHenry spent Sunday after­ noon with relatives and friends here. Lewis Anderson, who recently un­ derwent an operation in a Chicago hospital, has returned heme, much improved in health. ^ David Johnson of Chicago spent Sunday at Riley's, Mrs. Johnson, who has been the guest of relatives here for two weeks, accompanied him home Sunday evening. PISTAKEE BAY The recent rains have been respon­ sible for green lawns "ill around the bay. Stilling's summer resort property here is beginning to show decided im­ provements. It surely looks as if the proprietors are going to be suc­ cessful. Rumors have been afloat about the Bay to the effect that Geo. J. Sayei one of our resorters, is confined to his Chicago home by illness. We have been unable to learn whether or not his condition is serious. Robert Boettcher, tenant on the Rohema stock farm here, will again supply 'the resorters with milk and cream the coming season. Last sea­ son he supplied thirty customers, while he looks forward to accommo­ dating as many if not more patrons this summer. Jos. F. Haas has made extensive improvements in his summer home on the east shore of the bay. Carpenters have been at work for some time and when all the contemplated improve ments are finished Mr. Haas will have one of the prettiest places on that shore of the lake. That Pistakee Bay will have new golf grounds this year is now an as­ sured fact. A large strip of land has been rented from Jacob R. Justen and same is already being placed into con­ dition for golf purposes. The grounds will be located north of the Justen house and when finished will be the finest to be found anywhere in this locality. Owners of summer homes at Pistakee are very enthusiastic over the golf prospects for the coming season and we are told that the de­ cision to have a club at the Bay has already been responsible for a new family at this resort. ̂ SHOES! We have just put in an ex­ cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi­ cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while repair wofk receives our prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamps We give Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur­ chase. Let us explain our Silverware Premium Lists. M. A. Thelen West McHenry T A4\. -g-zrts* I (FLOUR] We Select All the Wheat that goes into JCarly Riser Flour. Any inferior grain is rejected. This is one of the reasons for the superi­ ority of this flour. Another reason is the conditions that surround its manufacture. Human hands never touch the wheat after it reaches our mill and expert millers watch care, tully every step in the manufacture. The result is the most perfect flour for all purposes and we want you to try it todav. WEST FTHENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS HATCHED C H I C K S Th« Kind that Live and Grow It does not pay you to spend the time and trouble bothering with the fussy, uncertain hen when you can have your eggs hatched by us in a safe and sure hot water Candee in­ cubator, at the small cost of (2.00 a tray of 75 eggs. SEND YOUR EGGS TO US AND GET MORE AND BETTER CHICKS Your eggs will be doubly safe­ guarded by an automatic regulator at each incubator compartment and an­ other regulator at the heater. This, and the healthy hot water heat, insures your getting the greatest number of chicks that will live and grow into profitable layers and breed-; ers. Place your orders early for baby chicks. S. C. R. I. Reds and S. C. W. Leghorns. E. G. PETERSON Phone 625-M-l Johnsburg, 111. •5 ^ . , -Mm * f^ . zJr/ W c / J r . - k You are determining Now the sort of Old Age you will have* A Bank account Parted now may mean The Difference between later years trf influence, comfort, pleas­ ure and poverty, discouragement, misery. HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry • Bank of Rinowood $ * A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY Health? Heat Makes He*lthv Chick* C A N D E E Hot-Water jf Incubator THE HONE OF BETTER Groceries Id these days when ALL grocer­ ies are high in price--the |>ooras well as the good--the real choice is in QUALITY* Good groceries cost very little more than infer­ ior ones, but they go> long ways further. Quality is our trade mark You will find it in every package or bag or pail or basket of goods that leaves our store. You will conserve your health and your pleasure by buying groceries of us. We give you the SATIS­ FACTORY kind of eats. *M. M. Niesen m a< tar McHenry Phone, 86- W PLUMBING AND HEATING -BY- Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER Read The Plaindealer and keep posted on local Tnis wonderfully successful iiri •samehigh quality inatlsim«« tiow ready for small cart-- And 4OVERSIZE 31X4 Highest Quality Moderate Price •ichelin believes that most •wners of Fonts and o Mnali cars are good b ness men, and as such willing to pay for an a what it la Intrinsically worth Thm Burnt la Alwaya thrnSmd Chtapmwt In Michelin Universal* in Umm •mailer sizes are made w the same high quality ber and fabric as the larger •izes and poa •CSS the same unsurpassed resiliency and durability ' STAR GARAGE, Office Hours , to 12:69 a. m. 1:N to 4:30 p. m. 7:90 to 8:00 p. m. Telephones: Residence Sl-W FREUND BLDG. Over Vogt's Telephone No. 108-R -j£l£i SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all,classes of ^ property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINO& . Well Give You the Shade You Select in Strictly Fresh Paint It's annoying to select a shade of paint you want to use from the Color Card and then have^the dealer state he is "just out." You'll never have that experience here. ̂ We show thirty-six shades of Bradley & Vroomant. Guaranteed Paint on our Color Card and carry every , one of them in stock--ready for immediate delivery. . , And every gallon of B & V Paint we sell ̂ Strictly Freshly Mixed--ready to fciye you a maximum off iervice and satisfaction--protected by a written, ai&nedL Cold Bond Guarantee. Bradley & Vrooman Guaranteed House Paint • Donavin & Reihansperger WEST McHENRY, 1LI. Subscribe for the Plaindealer ind keep posted on local happening* •~&MW . .P". . a :.

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