• r. l??1 to - f, l?K. ' i£ * •:'• : I! '& *JF*- ?r • a- f i Hi ; ^ Ijk- > b v p : - i . , ^ *U * , r' ? - 1 1 % - ' * We can't get every man's trade though we admit we'd like to. But we ask you to try us. Our hope is that we'll serve you so well that you'll keep on coming. Sincerity Clothing Ready to wear, is a pleasure to sell as it will give satis- faction and at prices $15 to $25 a Suit which is a saving of 25 per cent Royal Taylors Clothing Made to order by the largest tailoring house in busi ness. Suits $18.9# to $35.00 which is 25 per cent cheaper than any made to order suit, Quality considered. JOS, W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. ' " : ' SHOES! What Size? How Much? That is all we need to ask you--the size, and the price you want to pay. We can give yOu ANY size. You can pay ANY KIND of a price you want to, and what: ever the price you pay, it will be the BEST value for the money to be found anywhere in this section. That is die in ducement we offer you and no other house can touch it. F. A. Bohlander iVEST McHENRY. ILL. ' - 'P v Si,""'; ®S;' ' V-r ASK THE WE She knows J L Mr. Husband Do you realize that the time is near at hand when friend wife will be taking up the an nual spring inventory in your home? And do you also realize that she will find a num ber of things that will be needed to keep die home cheerful. Well, these are facts, and by co-operating with her in planning and se lecting the things that are needed you wil| be intrumental in making housecleaningtime a pleasure for her. It's easy to make a select ion from our large stock of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and Linoleums. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, 1LUNOIS J&K ' il,' IF M4 Spring and Summer in new colors and weaves jL*.. Sport Voiles and Silks, novelty plaids and stripes in the newest creation for the smart dresser, up to 65c per yard ; ; . . A new line of Ladies' Collars in voiles, silks and georgetta crepes, plain and embroidered. Auto Veils and Caps 1 ! ~ : Shirt Waists and Muslin Under wear. Shoes for the whole family at extremely low prices. New line of Men's Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Shirts, Spring Ties, Hosiery, Etc. Made-to-order Suits Full line of pure, fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. 'Phone 63-R Goods delivered ITEMS Of LOCAL INTEREST AS PICKED IIP BY PLAINDRALBPj REPORTERS DURING WEEK What People are Doing la This Til- lage and the Immediate Vicinity-- Other Short Paragraph* Batter Market Butter on the Elgin board of trade sold at 46 cents per pound last Sat urday, an increase of five cents over last week's price. Use Benzo cream for your hands. . Petesch. Scrub hard----no more. Put linol eum on your floor. N. J. Just n & Son. Phone 63-W, The rear end of die Star garage has been nicely lettered. John Neiss, Jr., did the artistic work. Don't forget the ice cream social and sale at. the Universalist church Wednesday evening, June 6. All kinds of aprons and rugs, also many other necessary articles at the Universalist church Wednesday, June 6. A few more cottage owners opened their summer homes at Pistakee Bay and along Ftfx river during the past week. An inspection of our offerings wil! prove that our rugs combine style with quality. N: J. Justen & "Son. Phone 63-W. The Chicago passenger train now has its summer equipment and is pulled by one of those big £ 1 en gines, No. 2220. Paint for protection, Paint to beautify. Use B. P. S. For sale at Petesch's. Memorial Sunday will be observed by the parishioners of St. Mary's Catholic church next Sunday, when a procession will be made to the ceme tery. The cottages and grounds along the river between here and Pistakee Bay as well as south, too, including Emer ald Park, look prettier than ever this spring. The crushed stone has arrived and the bad spots in our streets are now being repaired. Just as soon as this job is completed an order for oil will be placed. A few of the followers of the K. of C. baseball team accompanied the boys down to Dundee last Sunday after noon and came home just a bit dis appointed. Chas. Unti, the hustling ice cream manufacturer, has opened his Water street retail store for the season, the opening taking place the latter part of last week. Col. Copley of Aurora has given out an interview in which he states that he was of the opinion that no married men would be taken in the (irst selective draft. Miss Florence Granger, chief oper ator at the local Chicago telephone exchange, has been enjoying a well deserved vacation from her duties. She returned to her desk this morn ing. G. E. Schoel of this village recently passed a successful civil service ex amination and is now enrolled on the Chicago police force. He entered up on his new duties in that city^this week. Every owner of an American flag should unfurl same next Tuesday,vreg- istration day. In many of the cities and villages fire whistles and church bells will announce the importance of the day. Maple avenue from St. Mary's church north has undergone notice able improvements of late. The street there has been in bad shape for some time and the repairing of same is appreciated. Rev. Edw. Berthold, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church, is preparing a large class for their first commun ion, which will take place at St. Mary's church some time the latter part of June or fore part of July. Fred Kamholz is having his home on Main street raised and a founda tion built. He will also make other improvements. A front porch and kitchen have been planned, which will add comfort and convenience to the home. Frank Nimsgern, who resides near Ringwood, is driving a beautiful new Willys-Six touring car, purchased thru the local agents, Overton & Cowen. The machine is one of the finest that has been sold in McHenry this season. Under the provisions of a bill in troduced in the senate a short time ago, all idle men between the ages of nineteen and fifty in this state dur ing the period of war with Germany will be compelled to find some useful employment or go to jail. The senior class of the McHenry high school made up a theatre party that visited the metropolitan city and took in the "Bird of Paradise" on Tuesday evening. Miss B. Mae Small and Miss Irene Harruff acted as chap erons. They were also accompanied by Leonard Frett. Thru the American Express com pany the West McHenry State bank is now able to furnish travelers' checks and letters of credit payable iin all parts of the world.. This will mean quite an accommodation for local people who wfll travel in the future, as it will do away ^rith a special trip taYChicago.,to 1 secure REGISTRATION DAY JUNE 5 (Continued From First Page) ' Street and number,............ ... Post Office or R . F. D . . . . . . . . . . . "Inclose a self addressed stamped envelope with your registration card for your registration certificate. Fail ure to get this certificate may cause you serious inconvenience. "Male persons within the designat ed ages who, on account of absence at sea or on account of absence without the territorial limits of the United States, may be unable to comply with the regulations herein pertaining to absentees will, within five days after reaching the first United States port, register with the proper registration board or as herein provided for other absentees. Before completing the registration cards of such persons the proper county or city clerk will require of them an affidavit stating the cause of their absence, which affidavit will be forwarded to the registration board t)f the persons' domiciliary precinct to be filed with the registration card. "Persons absent from their homes at training camps, schools, colleges or other similar institutions will be treated as absentees and should reg ister as prescribed for absentees. However, for their convenience, the county clerk or clerks of cities of 30,000 or over are authorized to dep utize a competent person to certify to the registration cards of non-residents in such institutions (but not to fur nish registration certificates or to reg ister such persons) and to furnish a sufficient supply of .cards to do so. It must be borne in mind that such registration must be made a sufficient length of time before the date set by the president for registration to en able such student to mail the cards as stated in section 64; that the bur den of registration in his own domi ciliary precinct is on every man; and that persons in this class must see to it at their peril that their registra tion cards are in the hands of the reg istrar of their domiciliary percinct at the time prescribed in the president's proclamation. "While felons will be considered morally unfit for military service and will not be drafted, those within the designated ages will, in every case, be registered. Inmates of peniten tiaries will be registered by the war den thereof on the day set for regis tration, and the required reports will be rendered to the adjutant general, but will not by him be entered on the consolidated state report. The regis tration cards will be kept by the war den and not consolidated with county records. The copies thereof will be forwarded to the adjutant general and will not be consolidated with the cards of the state, but will be kept in a separate file. Persons awaiting trials and misdemeanants are not to be treated as felons. The inmates of jaHs and reformatories who are not felons will be treated as absentees and will be registered and their cards for warded tos their domiciliary precinct as provided in section 56 and 64, ex cept that the warden or jailer will ob tain the necessary cards from the sheriff or other executive officer and certify to the registration, and assist prisoners in forwarding the cards to their domiciliary precinct. Cards for such registration in jails, peniten tiaries and reformatories will be sup plied by the governor from the state surplus* supply. In forwarding pris oners' cards to the proper registration precincts, wardens and jailers may mark the inclosing envelope "Official business, War Department," and send them without affixing a stamp. Persons who, on account of sick ness, are unable to present themselves for registration on the day set by the president will cause some competent person to apply to the county or city clerk for a copy of the card and for authority to fill it out (including the registrar's report on the back there of). If satisfied that the case is bona fide, the clerk will deputize the per son applying for the card to make out the card and the registrar's report, first carefully explaining the card. The card will then be mailed by the sick person, or delivered by his agent, to the registrar of the sick person's voting precinct as described for cards of absentees. The sick person will in close a self addressed envelope for registration certificate. At each booth will be- posted a placard giving information of the character of the questions asked and the answers expected. Familiarize yourself with this placard and have answers responsive to the questions to be asked ready in your mind." The failure of any young man to register will mean imprisonment. While we feel safe in stating that Mc Henry township hasn't any slackers, one never can tell and for this reason The Plaindealer is taking it upon itself to urge all eligibles to be sure and register next Tuesday. There is some speculations as to how many will be required to register in this township. Some place the number from 125 to 200, while the more conservative guessers are plac ing the number at from 90 to 100. The Plaindealer hopes to publish a complete list of those registered in its issue of next week and should we fail to call on the registrars of the two vot ing precincts - we will consider it a great favor if these gentlemen will make out a duplicate list (of the names only) and hand or mail them to this office for publication. In conclusion we reiterate, don't fail to register. Altar and Roeary Society The Altar and Rosary society wtfl meet at the K. of C. hall tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. A birthday social will be in order. Every lady in the parish is invited to attend. . f . . » » ( / " n o ' ! - - 4 • ;r> ' /V: \T > , C V - '3-Wi W* : 'MM and Convenience Do you know that nine-tenths of the business of the United States is done by some form of check? The reason for this is that the banking sysftem of this country has been placed on such st safe basis that corporations and individuals have faith in it. The wel fare of the banks depends in a large measure in maintaining this ^onfidencetf - A checking account with this bank is an absolutely safe propo sition.. Your money is safer than it is in your own pocket and your check is as good as your money in any business transaction. We shall be pleased to have you open a checking account with u», You will find your account to be a safety and a convenience. Wê i McHenry State Bank Central OPERA HOUSE McHENRY LIIRE^/R. THURSDAY, MAY 31 Mae Murray IN "The Big Met" SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Marie Doro IN- Ground" * SUNDAY. JUNE 3 Louise Huff in "Reward of Patience" SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION * For Membership In Canning Before June 1 Club While ̂ quite a number of the young folks of McHenry township have al ready joined the canning and corn clubs there is still room for more and those who have not as yet sent in their application for membership in the canning club should do so at once, as next Thursday is the last day that members will be received. If you wish to join send in your application at once to A. J. Gafke, Go. Agri. agent, Woodstock, 111. Every township must have at least five members in order to compete for the township club prize, so it is to everyone's interest" to see that their township has the required number. Below we give the names of new members in the canning contest and a few who were overlooked in the corn contest last week: Canning Club Alden--Luella Fink, Olive Fink, Lu- ella Wright, Eifie Wright, Lilly Wick- ham, Ruth Fink. Dorr--Eilene Quinlan, Helen North rop, Helen Bolger, Helen Boyce, Irma Read, Nettie Baird, Irene Hurley, El eanor' Anderson, Helen Weienke, Em ma Fehrman, Hazel Friend, Grace Cal- linan, Senorita Moore, Mabel McNett, Alta Hutson. Seneca--lone Farley. -Greenwood--Florence Thompson. Hebron--Minnie Mulder. Marengo--Martha Markinson, Jean Wilson, Gladys Wilson. Corn Contest Hebron--Willard Hunt, John Mul der. Greenwood--Elmer Hypper, Floyd Hopper, Lyle Hopper, Charles Meyers. Collision While two local physicians were on their way to a Johnsburg call last Sun day evening a motorcycle with a side car struck them, with the result that the occupants of the motorcycle were more or less seriously injured. The accident occurred near the river bridge guide post. . Outside of a severe shaking up the two physicians escaped injury. - Give us your next order for en graved calling cards and see what a neat job we can put out for you. FOR SALE--House and four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreiner, Wast McHenry, 111 For the Same Reasons that it pays to have the dentil look after your molars and the jeweler your watch every so often, it will pay you to arrange for the expert periodical inspection and care of your motor car. By so doing, incipient trou bles may be remedied, which, if negledied, would cause wear and deterioration of parts, the avoiding of which might easily save more dollars than the prover bial "nine" quoted above. C/1 LWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FO EXPERT REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING - BATTERY CHARGING -- TIRES-GASOLINE-OILS -- SUPPLIES-ACCESSORIES FORD SERVICE STATION AUTO LIVERY-QUICK SERVICE STAR GARAGE JOHN R.KNOX, PROPR. PHONE 30 . MS HENRY III. I HUMPHREY AUTOMATIC GEYSERS , HEAT WATZR HOT ,, INSTANTLY . &T CHEAPLY*, mill" imi'i A plunge in the old swimming hole is all right but it can*t take the plate of a good tubbing in your own bathroom--where the water tem perature has been made right with a Gas Water Heater, /gfe Western United Gas /jfo and Electric Company '<&* P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COriMiSSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVBN TO THE SALE Of* Beef, rtuUon, Hogs, Veal, Po**Itrj, Hides, Etc., Butter and Bgfi This if» the oldest house on the street Application. Tags and price lists famished an COLD STORAdE FREE Stall • * 3, Paltoa St. WtrateMl* Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Read Plaindealer ads. seed potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. Farm machinery and binding twine I Work of oiling the roads at Math. Freund's. [Lake Gfineya has already been Bnrbenk and Urn* Hew • Yorker Ud. £S, "-I-,. r . -- ^