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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 May 1917, 5 000 5.pdf

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• : ' v ' : . ' ;l ,• => Iff- -', ̂ ; ; V*r ,f •»,% '•', S ^ \ - J .% *< «*fc j TEE MeHBHBT B. P. S. PAINT Good Paint answers a double purpose. It protects your house and also beautifies it. It, makes of the "house" a "home." The same pleasant transfor­ mation is made in porch furniture, floors, walls and other places where paints, varnishes, etc., are used. We have an excellent line of Household Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Interior Finishes, Mixed Paints, Patco Wall Paint You can get at our store just what is needed for any paint job, and prices will always be as low as poss­ ible consistent with quality. "THESTORETHAT HAS A PAINX FOR EVERY PURPOSE." B. P. S.-BEST PAINT SOLD THONE BOW N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST Send The Children! If it isn't convenient to call us up or to personally come with your order, send the tots. The order will be jueft as care­ fully filled and as promptly delivered as tho given by yourself. Our guarantee of satisfaction holds good in the grocery as well as all other departments of our &ore. SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. PAINTS! In order to. unify our line of Paints we will sell our Paints at less than the regular price. If you have painting to do requiring from a quart to a gal­ lon or two, it will pay you to look at these Paints. They include Floor Paints, Wall Paints and Flat Paints. Quart Cans One-half gallon. __ One gallon ^ Screen Paint, Slack, pint Screen Paint, black, 1-2 pint__ Screen Paint, green, pint Screen Paint, green, 1-2 pint - _ 55c $1.05 $2.00 _25c -,15c JSe --20c VOGTS DRUG STORE WESt McWENRY, ILL. Shoes Now Don't wait until a steadily ad­ vancing market compels high­ er prices. My line of Work Shoes is quite complete and for a short time you can get them at practically before war prices. Increasing sales in­ dicate that my prices are be­ low others, but will be com­ pelled to advance prices with­ in a short time. . Don't Delay! Buy Now! JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY SOLON MILLS Mrs. Grace Jackson spent Sunday in Chicago. Grant Hill was a Lake Geneva vis­ itor Sunday. -- V Mrs. A. T. Wellman was a Ricmond caller Monday evening. Mrs. R. R. Turner spent Tuesday afternoon at Libertyville. Earle Monear made a business trip to Davenport, Iowa, this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Monear were last Thursday callers in town. Miss Thelma Gibbs is home from school this week, owing to Illness. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Covell of Rich­ mond were Tuesday callers in town. C. W. Cropley and Arthur Bell were business callers at Woodstock Mon­ day. i ~ Mrs. .L. Mikutis and daughter, Stella, were Richmond visitors Sun­ day. Ford Jackson returned Sunday even­ ing from t&e West Side hospital hi Chicago. Henry Miller of McHenry was a business caller in town Thursday of last week. _ - Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Santucci and family were Janesville callers Wednesday. Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Haldeman and Miss Floy Haldeman were Woodstock caller Thursday last. J. Bromenshenkel of Minneapolis, Minn., was a business caller here the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorne and son, Wesley, of Hinckley, 111., were week end guests of Mrs. W. H. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. John Kauer of Chi­ cago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foley the past week. » Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Turner and Miss Vera Turner motored to Elgin Saturday. Geo. Yanke, Misses Lillian and Hannah Yanke, Lucy Wheelwright and Vera Turner attended the class play at McHenry Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rawson of Ring- wood were calling on friends here Tuesday. On Thursday they expect to leave for their new home at Roscoe, 111. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gardner enter­ tained as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rawson of Ringwood and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson and son, Francis, of Spring Grove. Several from here attended the township exercises at Richmond Wed­ nesday evening. All enjoyed the fine program. In the spelling contest the winners were Harold Osbern, Alfred Stotz and Walter Mikustis, a^ from Solon Mills school. TERRA COTTA Thomas. Phalin is ill with the measles.^ Royal Gracy visited his parents here Sunday. Allen Noonan of McHenry was call­ ing here Sunday. Thomas, Church of Aurora spent Sunday at J. H. Gracy's. John R. Knox of McHenry was a business caller here Monday. Miss Marie Dolan of Chicago spent the week end at John Riley's. Raymond Riley was a guest of Woodstock relatives last week. Robt. Anderson was a Crystal Lake caller Thursday morning last. Miss Frances Knox was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday evening last. Mrs. B. F. Martin visited relatives in Chicago a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family visited at John Flanagan's Sunday. Miss Florence Pettibone of Chicago visited relatives near here Sunday. Miss Florence Knox closed her term of school at Holcombville last week. Miss Frances Knox spent Thursday evening last with McHenry relatives. Miss Nettie Fitzek of Crystal Lake was a guest at the Fleming home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nelson an<J son,. Melvin, spent Sunday evening at G. Gaebe's. Mrs. J. H. Gracy, who has been quite sick for the past few weeks, is now somewhat better. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fox and chil­ dren of Charles City, la., are guests of Mrs. Marion McMillan. Several from here attended the senior class play, "The Touch Down," at Crystal Lake Friday evening, Miss Lillian Riley and Edward Knox of this place being among the cast of char­ acters. ̂ OSTENO Farmers are rushing the corn planting this week. John Lockinger and a friend from Woodstock were Sunday visitors at the Kaiser home. Mrs. Leona Brott returned last week Wednesday from a visit with relatives and friends at Milwaukee. Rural carrier No. 8 from Wood­ stock is laid up with scarlet fever. He has had a substitute for the past two weeks. Henry Hobart, wife and son, Roy, were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of E. L. Francisco and family at Woodstock. There was a mistake in the school report last week, the writer having been misinformed. School does not close until the first of June. Ray Thomas and family of Crystal Lake were Sunday callers at Frank Kaiser's. "Ray is a night worker again in the Oliver at Woodstock. Little Grace Thompson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, has been quite dangerous­ ly ill at the home of her aunt in Woodstock. She is reported as im­ proving. ' * We wish someone who knows would tell us'whether the heavy frost ruined our fruit crop. Tlye blossoms keep coming out on the apple trees and not many that were well advanced have turned brown. PISTAKEE BAY (Mb. J. Sayer has moved to his liome here. Wm. Larimer >has three residences up for sale. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pike spent last week at the Bay. Mrs. A. R. Beck and son, Alex, spent the week end at the Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Blake are en­ joying a new Overland car. Mr. Schilling of Chicago is occupy­ ing his summer home here. Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Carson of Chi­ cago are here for a week's stay. Mrs. Adam Schillo and son, Ed., re­ turned to Chicago the first of the week. MrS. Hubert Freund and Mrs. Chris Blake visited Mrs. Jacob R. Justen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luckey of Chi­ cago are getting their residence in shape to move out soon. Tom Cunningham of Chicago is spending the week here, making ex­ tensive improvements on his place. , Jacob Schaefer has just completed the summer residence of J. P. Loos of Chicago at Sunnyside beach on Fox river. . Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Loos and family of Chicago spent the week end in their new residence. We wish them much pleasure and good luck. J. P. Loos met with a slight accident just as he. was preparing to leave for Chicago. In trying to board his boat he lost his footing and slipped into the river. Except for the sudden chill and hasty change no ill effects ensued. Wm. Lorimer is recuperating at his home in Chicago from injuries re­ ceived in a sawmill at Jonesville, La. His arm was broken in three places when a heavy chain attached to a log snapped and one of the pieces flew at his head. He threw up his arm to ward off the blow. He owns an in­ terest in one of- the .Wheeler Lumber company plants there. RINGWOOD Clarence Rife is very sick at this time. H. M. Stephenson was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. Martha Bradley, was a Rich­ mond visitor Tuesday. Warren Foss and family were call­ ers at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs. Avery Holmes of Palatine was in Ringwood Tuesday afternoon. Ben French and wife of Chicago were visitors,in town Wednesday. Ed. Bell and wife were callers at Spring Grove and Wilmot Sunday. A number of our people attended the Memorial exercises at McHenry Wednesday. Mrs. Alma Clemens of Elgin spent Decoration day with her sister, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. Miss Agnes Dodge came home last week from Ypsilanti, where she has been attending school. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at James L. Conway's. Rev. Ratcliff will be with us. Mrs. Alice Kendall and son, Her­ bert, of Chicago were over Sunday guests in the Allen home. The Memorial day exercises were good, but on account of the rain the attendance was not as large as usual. Rev. Murray gave a good, address. VOLO Rev. Geo. Shark was a McHenry visitor last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher were Round Lake visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey were El­ gin visitors on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Rose Dunnill and Mrs. Ves Wagner were McHenry shoppers Sat­ urday. Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld entertained two lady friends from Chicago over Sunday. Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry made a professional call here on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Cora Dowell, Miss Ella Moore and Robert Paddock were McHenry visitors Sunday. Mrs. Benwell of Oak Park came out Saturday to spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Chris Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kapple and daughter, Frances, of Grayslake were calling on friends here last Saturday. John Walton and family enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. If- Kruger and sons of Wauconda and Wm. Dillon and family Sunday. JOINS MARINE CORPS McHenry Boy Writes His Father Here From Atlantic Coast A letter to John Lodtz of this vil­ lage from his son, Percy, who has joined the marine corps and is now stationed on the Atlantic coast, is as follows: Norfolk, Va., May 23, 1917. Dear Father--We arrived here Tuesday a. m. and have nothing to do but eat and sleep until we are uni­ formed, then we'll begin to drill. We had a pleasant trip with the ex­ ception of a big wreck at Hammond, Ind.,$but hone of us were hurt. We will all be examined and sworn today. If rejected we will be sent home. It is a beautiful place here on Chesapeake bay, right in the navy yards. The rations we get make me sick, but will get used to it in a few days. Discipline is trict, but if a fellow does the right thing he is treated white, for the officers are fair and square. We do not know how long we will be here, but think about seven weeks. Climate is fine, very warm during the day, but the nights are cool. We are soldiers, not sailors, but will I fight on land and sea. It is getting time to be examined so will have to close. Hoping to heat from you soot, MANY S A V E . The i - -P Iron THOUSANDS of them are in adive use in the territory served by this company--a quite suf­ ficient testimonial of the advantages of Irons are made in various weights and styles of finish and sell from $4.50 upward Public Service Co. Ol NORTHERN ILLINOIS SHOES! We have just put in an ex­ cellent stock of Men's Dress and Work Shoes and we will be pleased to have the men of McHenry and vi­ cinity call and inspect them. Harness Department Our Harness and Horse Goods department is also very complete while repair work receives our prompt and careful attention. Trading Stamps We give Trading Stamps with every 25c cash pur­ chase. Let us explain our Silverware Premium Lists. M. A. Thelen West McHenry remcc Even a Child can make good biscuits with Early Riser Flour. It is so easy to make a pan of light, toothsome bis­ cuits if you have the right kind of Hour and ours is the right kind. Prove it to yourself by ordering a sack today. : WEST MERRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS rat. HOME or BETTER Groceries In these days when ALL grocer- . les are high in price--the poor as Well as the good--the real choice is in QUALITY. Good groceries cost very little more than infer­ ior ones, but they go a long ways further. '* Quality is our trademark You will find it in every package or bag or pail or basket of goods that leaves our store. You will conserve your health and«your pleasure by buying groceries of us. We give you the SATIS­ FACTORY kind of eate. M. M. Niesen McHenry » Phon<? Ho-W rtipiaiu, Sincerely, Percy. U. S. Marine Recruit Depot, Norfolk, V». Had you commenced five years ago to live on Three-F ourths of your income and deposited the Other Fourth . • V f in a bank you would today be on a sure road to wealth and happiness. Start " '• - - - \ that System today at this Bank. HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry>; Bank of Rino'wopd •,!§-yS MICHELIN Notice the cunre So wfiicfc ilidtefin Tabes Naturally Hang INSTEAD oi being (imply • \ _ piece of straight tubing co» \ aented at the ends. theMichdia Tube is formed on • circular aandrel in the shape of tbeinsidn of the casing,. Thus when inflated It is neither stretched on its ouM side nor compressed into d»> Structive wrinkles next to the rink This perfect fit gives the Michel® Tube greater durability and pra<> tically eliminates cUpgct el ptoch» iag the Ufa*' * ! STAR GARAGE, McHenry, Illinois ;.V. J '\4 'ii x *» £ Office Hours Telephones: 9:IH> to 12:M a. m. Office 17 1:06 to 4:3# p. m. Residence 51-W 7:06 to 8:M p. m. A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon o^erlvSt?sLDG' WEST McHENRY Telephone No. 108-R % SIMON STOFFEL ^ • j, Insurance agent for all classes of J, property in the bast companies/' ̂ WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS r f Well Give Y<m the Shade You Select in Strictly Fresh Paint ̂ It's annoying to select a shade of paint you want to use from the Color Card and then1 -4 ̂ nave the dealer state he is "just out." " ̂ YouTl never have that experience here. • We show thirty-six shades of Bradley & Vrooman Guaranteed Patni on our Color Card and carry every sin&la one of them in stock--ready for immediate delivery. And every gallon of B & V Paint we sell is Strictly Freshly Mixed--ready to &ive you a maximum of service and satisfaction--protected by a written, signed Gold Bond Guarantee. < Bradley & Vrooman ^ Guaranteed House Paint Donavin & Reihansperger WEST McHENRY. 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