< .* «<THAT ALWAYS HAS IT" • • ' >^^«OING from store to store in search \>f some <:A^vJnew remedy, toilet preparationor other items usually carried by druggists, is not a pleasant ex- - perience.' For years we have kept right up-to- date regarding new articles which are constantly being placed on the market. We stock all the ̂-^pworthy ones and usually have them on hand as |̂ ||pquickly as the stores located in large cities. We "' -realize the importance of service and constantly strive to live up to the reputation we have gained. "The Store that Aiway* Has It" 'tam so*N.. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST u •Poor Tires Are Tiresome wearisome and worrysome, and cofft a pretty sum in vulcanizing and repair bills. GOOD TIRES ARE TIRELESS in their service, requiring less repairing, thus cod ing less, and demonstrating very clearly the wisdom and forsight prompting their purchase. Equip Your Gar With Michelin Tires c/1 LWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FO EXPERT REPAIRINO ACETYLENE WELDING-BATTERY CHARGING -- TIRES-GASOLINE-OILS -- SUPPLIES-ACCESSORIES FORD SERVICE STATION AUTO LIVERY-OUICn SERVICE STAR GARAGE JOHN R. KNOX, PROPR. PHONE 30 ---------- MS HENRY III. ARMOR PLATE lAur}5(«KH) Hosi Have You Ever Stepped To Think that stockings should be fitted us carefully as shoes? That unless your hose fit properly your shoes won't, either? The comfort and well-being of our customers concern us vitally--a satisfied customer is a permanent customer. In our hosiery department we have made a study of "loot-comfort", and as a result we strongly recommend ARMOR PLATE Hosiery Knit to shape and site exactly Into shape after knitting. Therefore, they fit the foot. not shrunk or stretched r, -efore, they fit the f Ukle and leg perfectly, without sagging or wrinkling;. And they're dyed with "Harms-n6t Dye" (fimrmateeil by the manufacturers not to rot, burn or weaken the vara. That ins longer wear as well as fast color. Get a pair today for each member of the family. Smith Bros* - McHenry P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHWISSION MERCHANT *>• 3PBCIAL. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SAUT OP DtMMd Beef, rtuttea, Heft, Vest, Hidw, Etc., Butter Md ' ̂ ^ Thin is the oldest I Application. * • on the street COLO STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. » - * % TERRA COTTA M. Knox spent Tuesday at Milirsu kee, Wis. «» Thomas Phalin spent Sunday at Honey Creek, Wis: Miss Lillian Riley is spending ftis week at her home here. M. Knox and daughter were Wood stock callers Thursday last, Frank Peck of Chicago spent last Thursday at Frank McMillan's. J. H. Gracy and Will Qonway were visitors, at Honey Creek, Wis., Smt day. Thomas Frisby has been.the guest of Elgin relatives for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson of Chi cago are spending the week at. John Riley's, George Callahan «f Chicago was guest in the home of J. M. Phalin last week. Miss Irene Conway of McHenry spent a few days last week with Miss Mary Conway Mark and Miss Eva McMillan are spending a couple of weeks with rela tives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buss of McHenry were calling on friends here 'last Thursday evening. ' P. II. Conway and family spent Sun day with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. E. Adam: at McCollum's Lake. Miss Neva McMillan and brother, Glenn, returned last Thursday from week's visit with Chicago relatives. Carl Bergman of Chicago is spend ing a two weeks' vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.' S. B Leisner. ^ Mr. and Mrs. John Riley an<^ fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson motored to St>. Charles, Batavia and Geneva Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox, son, Edward and daughter, Florence; and Miss Ellen Doherty of McHenry motored to El £in Sunday and called on Mrs. John Doherty Mr.'and Mrs. W. F. Burke-of Lake Defiance, Miss Mary Burke of Mc Henry and James Burke of Kansas City, Mo., were guests in the M. Knox home Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. John Stanton and daughter, Irene, of Chicago spent the Fourth at B. F. Martin's. Dr. Stan ton returned"home that evening, while Mrs. Stanton and daughter remained for a longer visit. JOHNSBURG Farmers owning land adjoining the river are complaining pn account of the high stage of the water. Attend the dance at Smith*s hall next' Wednesday night, July 18 line time is projnised to all who turi out. » Mesdnmes Fred Lang and Jos. Pe kov'sky of Chicago spent a couple oi da^s last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jungen. A number of our people, especially those having automobiles at their dis posal. are attending and enjoying the weekly band concerts at McHenry. A number of the music lovers here are planning on attending the big musical entertainment at the McHenry opera house next Sunday evening. The farmers thruout this section are all smiles these days. The crops with the possible exception of corn which is a trifle slow, are looking fine The young men of this vicinity, who registered a short time ago, are anxiously awaiting the drawing of the new army which is to protect Uncle Sam's interests. Frank Mathieu, the juggler, is this week performing at Hotel Pfister, Mil waukee, where a convention of the National Leather and Shoe Finders' association is being held. The Fourth of July picnic, given under the auspices of St. John's Cath olic church at Columbia park, proved a big success, both from a social and financial standpoint of view. In spite of the fact that celebrations were held all around -us, most of our people re mained at home, while quite a large number of out-of-town visitors also found Johnsburg's hospitality to their liking. A large number of people took advantage of the excellent dinner and supper served by the ladies of the par ish^ while the dance platform also re ceived a splendid patronage. As a result of the picnic the treasury of St. John's church was considerably en riched. • ~ VOLO Chris Dillon spent Friday in Oak Park. Tom Fisher was in McHenry last Thursday. Mr. Oeffling and family are enter taining friends from the city. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh ters spent Sunday in Libertyville. Messrs. Win. Frost and Henry Stadtfeld autoed over to Wauconda last Thursday. A little son came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mollidor on Tuesday, July 3. Mrs. M. Compton and daughter, Jtfiss Annie, spent the Fourth with Mrs. Cushman at Round Lake. Miss Ella Moore attended the Auxiliary meeting at the home of Mrs, W. Coon in Wauconda Thursday. Mrs. C. G. Huson and daughter, Marion, of Elgin were visitors at Lee Huson's Wednesday and Thursday of last week. . Phil Peterson and family enter tained Andrew Eddy and family of McHenry and Mrs. Gilbert of Elgin over Sunday. Mrs. J. Engeln and daughter, Vir ginia, of Crystal Lake are spending the week with the former's sister, Mrs. F. Hironimus. Mrs. J. Chamberlin of Waukegan is visiting in the home of her son, Dr. R. G. Chamberlin, on Elgin road. Read The Plaindealer and keep post ed en local lnintwiiit)Ti ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST AS PICKED UP B7 PLAINDEALEP REPORTERS DURING What People are Doing ia This Vil lage and the Imnieliatt Vicinity-- Other' Short Paragraphs . Batter Market Thirty-seveh and one-half cents fper pound was offered for butter on the Elgin board of trade last Saturday. Join the Red Cross. The Plaindealer for news. A number of our people are enjoy ing home grown strawberries these days. Some minor repairs were made on the Central opera house building this week. The crowd was nicely handled here on the Fourth, not a single accident being reported. The biggest musical treat ever of fered in McHenry at the Central opera house next Sunday night. John P, Schreiner is enjoying his annual vacation from his duties at the F. A. Bohlander store. Miss Alta Wentworth is an employe at the Schnabel studio. She assumed duties Monday morning. • » FOR SALE--House and four lots. Excellent building sites. Mrs. Mary Schreiner, West McHenry, HI. John Heimer has returned home from Chicago, where he recently un derwent treatment at a local hospital. Now that we are bone dry wouldn't a public drinking fountain be a fine thing, to have? We are not all camels. From present indications it looks as if Atty. R. K. Welch of Rockford is to succeed the late Judge Frost of Winnebago county. Leander J. Young of Woodstock has recently been appointed deputy state factory inspector. The position pays $1,500 per year and expenses. Miss Alice Waite is again at the McHenry postoffice, where she will assist during the summer rush of business. She began work last week. A number of switchmen have rented a cottage on Fox river, just below Mc Henry, where they expect to enjoy a two weeks' outing, beginning about August 1. A postal from Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gafke of Woodstock to the secretary of the Girls' Canning club, says that they are enjoying a splendid vacation at Brainerd, Minn. The band concert <Mi the school campus last Friday evening was highly tenjoyed by the large crowd present. Most of the pieces rendered on this occasion were new to our peo ple and all of them very good. The Paulist Choristers, who were advertised to appear at the tent audi torium at Riverside park here on July 22, will not be here on that night, but will entertain our people on the fol lowing Sunday evening, July 29. We are informed that the breaking of a large dam above Burlington, Wis is the cause for the high water in Fox river at this time. The water is now at,the highest point that we Jiave ever seen it at this time of the year.s All of the piers are under water. The band concert Tuesday evening, given on the school campus by the McHenry "Military band, called out the usual large attendance and all enjoyed the splendid musical numbers rendered The next concert will take place on Tuesday evening of next week. Out of courtesy to Rev. M. J. Mc Evoy and his Choral society, St. Mary's church has decided not to have Frank Mathieu and the two comedians at the tent auditorium next Sunday evening. The vaudeville headliners will appear there on a later date. AH of the roads in every direction leading out of McHenry have been given a coat of oil and it's unneces sary for us to state that this work is appreciated by the people residing along these highways as well as the general public who travel the roads A public demonstration of the auto- utilizer* for which Wm. Simes of this village has the agency, was given at the F. A. Cooley ware house last F^ day afternoon. Just to demonstrate the working of this wonderful device cord of wood was sawed before a good sized crpwd of interested spec tators. ' The fruit store, which was opened in the Masquelet building a short time ago, has again been closed. The high cost of fruits, together with the small profits, are undoubtedly the reason for the closing. Also in view of the fact that most of the grocery scores and markets handle fruits, there was scarcely room for an exclusive store of this kind in this village. A number of his friends who hap pened to be at the station last Sun day evening as the Lake GeneVa spe cial passed thru recognized Math Karls in the cab of the engine. Math. a McHenry boy and has been firing for the C. & N. W. Co. for several months, but this is the first time that he has ever passed thru here. Grover Kimball, who last year con ducted the Peter B. Freund place in partnership with Wm. Sherman over on the West Side, has again gone back railroad work and is now employed as brakeman for the E. J. & E. rail road with headquarters at Gary, Ind. Mr. Kimball has followed this voca tion for several years and is rated as good man in this line of work. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund, who recently moved from this illage to Woodstock, is now under quarantine, their son, Arthur, having been taken down with scarlet fever last Friday. Arthur passed the Fourth in McHenry and was taken ill the fol lowing day. Mr. Freund is making his <home with his daughter, Mrs. G. A. Barker, for the present. j SOLON MILLS Stanley Beall of Hebron was a Wed nesday caller here. D. W. Overton and fanoflly were Antioch visitors July 4^ Chas. Westlake went to Avalon, Wis., Tuesday morning, Miss Maude Spaulding of Chicago spent the week end here. Miss Eleanor Kauer spent the past week in the Chas. Foley home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pester and family spent Wednesday at Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cleary of Mc Henry were Tuesday callers here Misses Lois Dilley and Thelma Gibbs were visitors at McHenry July 4. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell were Ringwood callers Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Kauer of Chi cago were Sunday guests at Chas. Foley's. Miss Florence Thomas and brother, Fayette, departed for Kilburn, Wis., Monday. James Overton of Elgin is visiting in the home of his- grandfather, W. J.Overton. ! Mrs Lawrence Santucci and family spent several days of the past week in Chicago. '? Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rawson of Ros- coe, 111., were week end guests, at W. H. Gardner's. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Parker and family are now occupying their sum mer home here. Miss Margaret Overton and brother, Richard, of McHenry are visiting Mrs. Fannie Overton. Mrs. E. E. Brigham returned home Thursday evening from a two weeks' visit in Chicago. Mrs. E. E. Cropley, 'Mr. and Mrs. C. E Denker and A. F Wellman motored to Pistakee Bay Thursday last. Mrs. Sylvia Cornish and daughter, Lorraine, were Sunday guests of Mrs. W. H. Streng at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denker spent the Fourth at Woodstock and Lake Gen- Ova. Mrs. R. I. Overton, Mrs. Wm. Cow en and fedward Buss of McHenry called at Mrs Fannie Overtones, Tuesday aft ernoon. Geo. Vogel, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vogel, Mrs. Wm. Brennan and Mrs. K. S. Craine spent Wednesday after noon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Moody and son, Clarence, Mr. Johnson and Mi- Larson of Chicago were entertained at R. R. Turner's July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Winters and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foley, son, Harry, and Miss Eleanor Kauer cele brated the Fourth at McHenry. Miss Hannah Yanke, Mrs. Chas. Vogel and Mrs. Oscar Yanke and son, James, spent Tuesday in the Chas. Yanke home at Genoa Junction, Wis. OSTEND Ed. Martin of Woodstock was call ing on friends here Sunday. Elmer Francisco, wife and children of Woodstock were seen on our streets Sunday. We noticed the three Harris broth ers out in their new automobiles the Fourth of July. . Ernest Brott has just received word that his brother, Vera, aifd wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a son at their home. Every family in this neighborhood celebrated July 4th either at McHenry or Woodstock. Flags were flying from every automobile. The Misses Ida and Mabel Campbell entertained the young people of the neighborhood at their home on the Martin farm Tuesday evening. Mildred Gaylord of Emmettsburg, Iowa, passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Jecks. Henry Hobart, wife and son, Roy, and Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, and Pierson McCarty ate Sunday dinner at Wauconda with My ron Francisco and family Orson Brass, many years ago a resident of this neighborhood, but for several yedrs past has lived in Nebras ka, passed away at the home of his children there and his remains were brought to Marengo for burial Tues day, July 10. His wife is buried there. Mr. Brass is Mrs. Grant Randall's father. , RINGWOOD H. Wharton and family spent July Fourth at Crystal Lake. George Golden is again employed at the Bowman dairy plant. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday last in this village. Elmer Lindeman's father and broth er of Dundee spent Sunday last at W. S. Smith's. C. E. Fay of Hennepin spent Wed nesday last with his mother, Mrs. M. V. Spaulding. Mrs. D. Bacon of West Chicago vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley, Monday. Miss Rosemary Nye of McHenry was calling on Ringwood friends Fri day afternoon last. Miss Genevieve Carey of McHenry was calling on friends and relatives in this vicinity last Saturday after noon. Quite a number of our citizens helped to celebrate Wednesday, July 4, at our neighboring towns, Wood stock and McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert of Crys tal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boh lander of McHenry were callers at E. Flanders' Sunday. At Chicago Heights Frank Zuelsdorf has given up hit position at the Oliver typewriter fac tory at Woodstock to accept a more suitable position with the Advanced Terra Cotta company. Mr. Zuels- dorf's family will remain here until such a time when he finds that the i# will fefr a Wr « tNve$rt Some folks apparently are getting rich with great ease. In fad, they are the ones who commenced y layiof Aside a Fixed Portion of Their come Each Week and depositing it in a reliable bank. Then when opportunity offered they had the nec essary funds fot taking advantage of it HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry-Bank of. Rinowood YOU CANT COME TO THIS 5TORE ANY TOO OFTEN TO*SUIT U3 We are always hem 1o waif on you as promptly as possible and 3hal! endeavor tJXQZirr fliiaiiiiuui uuuu-ui arm. of oil times ia have on hand a line of qualify eatables that will please _ A334 *^CTRT theseV- Fruits Hams Peaches Oranges Bananas Cherries " Cantaloupe® Watermelons Strawberries Gooseberries Black Raspberries Vegetables Peas Beets Carrots Parsley , Spinach Turnipa Pepper# Cabbage Cucumbers Wax Beans Head Lettuce [PUR WEEKLY RHIPt> ̂ 4 o. sugar i c. lard 1 egg 1 c. molasses GINGERBREAD 1 c. hot water 2 tap. soda 24 c. flour 2 tsp. cinnamon 1 top. ginger 4 tsp. cloves i tsp. salt Raisins (if desired then molasses. Mix Cream lard and sugar, add egg well beaten, and sift all dry ingredients, and add a little of this to the egg mixture, then the hot water and beat it all thoroly, and stir in the remaining in gredients. Pour into buttered pans and bake in moderate oven. ^ WE SEII THE INGREDIENTS Phone 26 ADAMS BROS. McHenry Spring and Slimmer Goods ia new colors and weaves West McHenry, I1L Sport Voiles and Silks, novelty plaids and stripes in the newest creation for the smart dresser, up to 15c per yard A new line of Ladies* Collars in voiles, silks and georgetta crepes, plain and embroidered. Auto Veils and Caps \ Shirt Waists and Muslin Under wear. Shoes for the whole family at extremely low prices. New line of Men's Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Shirts, Spring Ties, Hosiery, Etc. Made-to-oitier Suits Full line of pure, fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. * ."W 'Phone 63-R Goods delivered 3 • •L '"i > / rjr#i 'if! ? S&iv •4 ! %; im Telephone Now 1M-E SIMON STOFfEI. Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST 3 OSee in Telephone Exchange BMg. Centerville Mcfleni-V. Ulinoto '4 ^3 J \ | - ' J ' lenry, T&ph«» N* Tt-W SHARON. WISCONSB* ; Wednesday and Fridajr o>. to 5 p, m, Sunday and Monday IU appointment only DR. CHARLES R. TREAI ̂ WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Tue»da>. Thursday and Ssivda; * a. m, to. s p. as. Offic* ia SamMlnff Bld«. Mmm No>Mt ALFORD H. POUSE Attoraey-at-lMr • •SI We* McHenry. 11 .v