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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1917, p. 5

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~«HB Me j , /% -%t • :•• - v^a% * 7*:*/„ ^ \- ^vl~lt;j • /?! f.: t i? j_s" ,¥ ,** ^ * ' > * 1 '*'* -v^as; Y PLAINDEA LER,. McHEKRY, ITiL ^ ?K . ijf ' • i -v-h- /. "THA-t ALWAYS HAS IT' GOING from store to store in search of some new remedy, toilet preparationor other items usually carried by druggists, is not a pleasant ex­ perience. For years we have kept right up-to- date regarding new articles which are constantly beiftg placed on the market. We stock all the worthy ones and usually have them 'on hand as quickly as the stores located in large cities. We realize the importance of service and constantly strive to live up to the reputation we have gained. "The Store that Always Has It** PHONE 60-w N. H. PETESGH DRUGGIST Men's Work Shirts AT 65 CENTS EACH We can for awhile longer, as long as our &ock la$s, sell work shirts at 65 cents each. These are the same grade that we sold two years ago at 50 cents. Buy a few extra now, as it seems they will be a little higher soon. Remember, you can get Armen's Plate Hosiery here. SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. Spring and Summer Goods in new colors and weaves um West McHenry, flL Sport Voiles and Silks, novelty plaids and stripes in the newest creation for the smart dresser, up to 65c per yard A new line of Ladies' Collars in voiles, silks and georgetta crepes, plain and embroidered. 0 Auto Veils and Caps Shirt Waists and Muslin Under­ wear. Shoes for the whole family at extremely low prices. New line of Men's Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Shirts, Spring Ties, Hosiery, Etc. ' Made-to-order Suits Full line of pure, fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. 'Phone 63-R Goods delivered PEOPLE WHO PUT OUR GOOD GOODS ON THEIR TABLES CAN HAVE A PRIVATE CABARET IM THEIR HOMES 1 * / ,%. FOP Tfl EY'I I DANCE . WITH DELIGHT j AT EVERY BITE TRY OUR- Adams Special Coffee, at per pound 25c Adams Winner, at per pound 30c •--<OUR WEEKLY RECIPE CHEESE GINGERBREAD 1 cup molasses • 1 top. soda 4 c. sugar 2 tsp. ginger 4 ounces soft cheese i tsp. salt 2 c. flour ' t c. water / Cream the cheese and the sugar together. Add the molasses. Mix and sift the dry ingredients and add them to the cheese mixture, ^..Alternately, with the water. Phone 26 ADAMS BROS.Mcnenry i JOHNSBURG ; The high water has filled the small streams around here with fish and many good catches have been reported in nearby streams of late. The creek just west of town is proving an ex­ ceptionally good fishing spot. Frank Mathieu, the juggter, of Chi­ cago, passed a few days this week with'his wife and relatives here. Mr. Mathieu has been exceptionally busy all summer and welcomes the opportu­ nity of spending a day or two In the country. Dr. Arnold Mueller returned to his home here from Chicago last Sat­ urday, where he has been confined to a hospital during the'past seven weeks. While his confinement has taken him down considerably, the doctor seems in fairly good spirits and hopes thai with good care he will soon recover his former good strength. His many friends here are pleased to know of his return and everyone is hoping that he will be able to resume his? practice here in the near future. A deal was closed here a short time ago whereby Ben J, Schaefer, the local meat dealer, has come into possession of the J. C. Debrecht stock. At the present time and Until this fall Mr. Scheafer plans to operate both places, but with the summer rush of business over he will consolidate. The market will be moved to the Debrecht store building. At the present time Mr. Schaefer will conduct only a meal market and grocery, while his plans for the future are to add a general line of merchandise. Mr. Scheafer is a hustler and has already made a bin success of his meat market undertak­ ing. He is giving his patrons very good service and this, together with a good line of goods, is bound to bring him more business in the future than he has «ver enjoyed in the past. His many friends here congratulate him on his enterprising nature and wish him success. Jacob May was able to return home from $he Woodstock hospital last week ahere he was taken immediately after the accident which befell him when his horses ran away about three weeks ago. Notwithstanding his terribly mangled condition at the time of the Accident, he has recovered sufficiently ID enable him to be up and around the house and should be able to resume his farm duties within the next few weeks. His friends will be pleased, lo learn of his return and also that he is on the road to complete recovery. TERRA CO'lTA ' Mrs. W. H. Grant was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. Floyd E. Covalt of McHenry was a business caller here Friday. Michael Knox spent Thursday of last week at Milwaukee, Wi.<C Mrs. M. Knox was the guest of Mc­ Henry relatives last Thursday. Miss Mary Conway is the guest of her aunts in Elgin for a few days. John Riley and Jos. Pace were busi­ ness visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Misses Eleanor Phalin and Emma Foley spent Monday at Wilmot, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nelson enter­ tained relatives from Crystal Lake last week. Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby and daughter, Agnes, spent Sunday and Monday with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family ipent Sunday evening with friends near Burton's Bridge. Miss Edna Phalin spent several days last and this week with a party of friends at Pistakee Bay. A. P. Landgren and son, Edgar, of Crystal Lake are spending a couple of weeks at Frank McMillan's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan and daughter, Ruth, of Crystal Lake vir- ited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walker have moved to Sycamore, where Mr. Walk­ er has secured employment. Misses Edna and Emma Foley of Cleveland, Ohio, are guests in the home of their cousin, Mrs. J. M. Phalin. ^ OSTEND Ed.- Wallis' bam building is at a halt. He discharged the workmen and wants a new gang of competent work­ men. George Brady and wife and Mrs. Brady's sister and Emil Thomas drove to Whitewater, Wis., Saturday in the latter's car. Barley harvest is at hand and there are a goodly number of acres in our neighborhood to be harvested. It is reported a very good crop. Warren Francisco and sister and Henry Hobart, wife and son, Roy, mo­ tored to Harvard and ate dinner with S. L. Lincoln and family Sunday. While George Brady was hitching up a team one of them, i$> fighting flies, hit him on the knee, making him quite lame. There was no cut, only a bruise. The people in this neighborhood hardly need go to town only for pleas­ ure. They have two grocery wagons, luckily fresh meat twice a week, fresh fish every Saturday and rural mail de­ livered daily. The hot, dry weather of the past few days is ripening all kinds of small grain. Farmers fear it may shorten the crop of oats. It certainly is hurrying them up to get haying done. Barley and wheat is fast turning. ~ YOLO Jas. Kirwan spent Tuesday in Chi­ cago. Rev. C. N. Curtis of Wauconda was calling qd friends jn town last Satur­ day. Mr. Peters of Chicago and son, John, of Libertyville attended church here Sunday. Mrs. Ben Cushman and daughter of Round Lake spent Sunday at James Kirwan's. Mrs. Robert Oaks of Chicago spent a few days last week with her par­ ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lusk and Mrs. James Kirwan were McHenry callers last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vasey and Ves Wagner and .family were McHenry visitors Saturday. Mrs. Robert Oaks of Chicago spent Friday and Saturday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lusk. .The Ladies' Aid society entertained the Ladies' Auxiliary of Wauconda at the home of Mrs. John Walton on last Thursday, July 26. RING WOOD George Golden was a McHenry vis­ itor Sunday. Ed. Nickels of Chicago called on friends here last Sunday. Mrs. Frank Hitchens has been en­ tertaining friends from Bath, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Georgg Bacon of An- tioch were recent guests in the home of Wm. Dodge. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Eau Claire, Wis., was a recent guest of Ringwood friends. .<'• . Mr. and Mrs, Jos. J. Milter and chil­ dren called on friends in McHenry Tuesday evening. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Miller and chil­ dren were guests of relatives at Johnsburg Sunday. Mrs, John Meissner and son, Wm., of Richmond passed Thursday of last week in this village. Miss Lora Smith has been enjoying a two weeks' vacation from her duties at the postoffice here. Mrs. Frank Hitchens and sister, Miss Alta Butler, passed a recent day at Lake Geneva, Wis. M rs. Callie Rainey was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Alma Thomas, at McHenry last Thursday. Andrew Butler of Hartland passed a few days recently as the guest of his sister, Mrs. Frank kitchens. Mrs. Ella Bigelow and daughter, Lillian, of Sun Prairie, Wis., are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Js C. Ladd. Harry Stephenson of Harvard spent the week end as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson. . Mrs. Lola Brown passed Thursday of last week a& the guest of her par­ ents, Mr. arid Mrs. James McDonald, at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Foss and family motored to Richmond one night recently, where they attended the play, "Cinderella." Misses Lora Smith, Marion and Eleanor Whiting, Dorcas Foss* and Winifred Bradley spent last week camping near Twin Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson autoed over to the county' seat last Friday, where they passed the day as guests of the latter'^ sister, Mrs. Mc­ Lean. The Ladies' Aid society was enter­ tained at the home of Mrs. Frank Hitchens last Thursday afternoon, where everyone present was well en­ tertained. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen, who have been spending sev­ eral weeks touring the East, reports that they are having a fine time and that they expect to be home the lat­ ter part of next week. A Red Cross society was organized at a meeting held at M. W. A. hall nere last Friday evening. The organ­ ization was effected with a good membership and plenty of enthusiasm. Mrs. W. H. Shipton of Woodstock was present and gave instructions. Now watch the local branch of the Amer­ ican Red Cross grow. E. C. Hawley, our enterprising meat dealer, has moved his shop from the Hepburn building to the new shop recently erected by him here. The new place gives him one of tie best little country shops to be found any­ where and henceforth he will be in a position to serve the public better than everi He has also rented the Conway property, where the family will reside in the future. MAKE TOUR OF INSPECTION Boys and Girls From Marengo, Riley and Coral Townships Visit Plots Eighteen cars, carrying 101 tour­ ists from Marengo, Riley and Coral townships visited McHenry and Nunda townships yesterday in their tour of inspection. The boys and girls of the corn and canning clubs in these towns, accom­ panied by their parents, and headed by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gafke and Prof. GFeen, the former county agents and the latter from the State University^ who has charge of the boys' corn clubs in this state, traversed the townships. The noon hour, after a basket lunch, was spent at volley ball and the party visited every plot of corn, comment­ ing and taking notes on each. The girls were also visited and an inspec­ tion of their canned fruits and vege­ tables was given by the crowd. The day was ideal and the trip greatly enjoyed as well as being ben­ eficial to the boys and girls of the clubs. - t • Dilldoves Are "Biting" The dilldove season is again with us. Two hunting parties took place ill the vicinity of Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake last week and the victims were Frank J. Hinderlin and Boh Walters, who spend much of their time at Mertes' hotel at Pistakee bay. It is unnecessary for us to state that both of these gentlemen hail from Chi­ cago, as city residents fall victims to these country jokes just about as easy as the rubes are pulled in by the big city slickers. At any rate, the two Chicagoans held the bags a long, long time before discovering that the joke was on them. "Alice" LONGDISTANCE PASSENGER BOAT Excursions thru Pista- * kee Lake, Nippersink Lake, Grass Lake, in­ cluding the world's fa­ mous Lotus Beds; Lake Marie, Lake Bluff, Lake Catherine, Channel Lake up to Wilmot, Wis. ALL DAY OUT­ ING ON WATER. Boat can be chartered at any time for parties. 60 MileTrip for $1 ON THE FINEST BOAT AFLOAT WM. KOEPPE, CAPT. 'Phone 75 R, McHenry £ The Entire Family including the dog will rejoice and grow fat on bread made with EARLY RISER Flour. There is no other article of food that you eat so much of as yon do of bread. It is very essential that it be good bread. This is assured when it is made with EARLY RISER Hour. It is equally as good for pies and cakes. Uetter order a sack to­ day. :: :: :: WEST M'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS Red Cross Notes McHenry branch has gone over the one hundred mark since fcfie last re­ port. Boost for the flag! The afternoon as well as evening meetings were well attended and the work is progressing nicely. Permanent officers were elected as follows: Chairman, Floyd E. Covalt; vice chairman, Loretto Walsh; secre­ tary, Laura B. Engeln; treasurer,, C. W. Stenger. The young ladies of the Just Us club turned over $150.85 cash at the meeting on Friday evening last. Be­ sides this they stood the expense of organizing and twenty-four paid mem berships, making in all a total of $175.75 given to the American Red Cross society. This is a very credit­ able showing for the club and the officers and members take pleasure in announcing the fact. * Miss Norma Whiting, of the mem bership committee, brought in twen- ty-one memberships at the last meet­ ing. Volunteers are wanted. Let every member aid in securing mem bers. Unless you do Americans who fall in battle may lie in agony on the battle field and nurses and physicians, who have gone to the front, may find themselves helpless to ease the pain of the sufferers for lack of the most necessary hospital supplies. Summer Resort Fred Brandt entertained his mother from Chicago at McCollum's Lake all last week. Boat excursion trips along the river and thru the chain of lakes are prov­ ing just as popular as ever these days Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Wiedemann and children and Miss Lillian Burger of Elgin are spending a couple of weeks at Pistakee Bay. Some of the hotel proprietors around Pistakee bay and lake are complaining about poor business. However, the cottages at these points are nearly all occupied. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Keebler of Chi­ cago are guests of Mir. and. Mrs. M. D. Wilkins at Orchard Beach on "Fox river, just north of McHenry. Messrs. and Mesdames Roy Stock­ ing and Samuel Gross, of Chicago are occupying the Walker cottage at Or­ chard Beach on Fox river for the week. Geo. Murray and family motored out from Chicago last Sunday and passed the day at the Honey Dew Gun club cottage on the east shore of Foi river, just north of Rosedale. Game Next Sunday The McHenry Sox will entertain the Libertyville team on the home grounds next Sunday afternoon. Libertyville has one of the strongest teams that has represented that city in years and they are coming to McHenry to avenge the defeat handed a Liberty­ ville team here a couple of seasons ago. Don't miss this game. Bead Plaindealer ads. J; $ ' v " k Your duty to yourself, to your family, to society Demands that you look aft^f the ? Safe v of your funds. • Thieves do 3leal and fire-brands burn, but youif money in these banks is here for you when yoii want it. The man who has his money in these, banks is the man with his mind at ease. 7 HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry • Bank of Rino'wood . •y -A S lam Your sheep, hogs, cattle, horses and mules are subject to deadly attacks of worms. These ravenous pests multiply by the milHoos, Starve your stock, keep them poor, weak, and out of conditioa. SAIUVET _ mrsg* , The CvmI Worm Destroyer end Cemtttiemef Is a medicated stock salt that writ! rid every animal on your place of worms Quietly and heap them worm free and healthy. No pay if it fails. No dosing, no drenching. Ju«t put It where all your stock can run to It freely. They will doctor themselves, thrive faster, ana put on money-making flesh. Sal-Vet is not aapenaive. We carry it in six sixes irom 73c up. Coine in and get a package to try. You will ba pleaiwed with th« results. w« guarantee It. I For SaSm by | VOGT'S DRUG STORE WEST McHENRY, DLL. i., Old Father Time's Tested Roofing: Whether you are building new or just recovering jour roof, it will pay you to take a tip from Father Time's put ;> experience and use the old dependable roofing' material^-- Cedar Shingles Come in and let us tell you how to lay a shingle roof thai will defy both time and the elements for forty years. Our shingles are all cut from live cedar logs and are guaranteed by the manufac­ turer. You'll find them to be cheapest in the end. :: :: " Wilbur Lumber Co. We& McHenry* Illinois Telephone No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in .the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office In Telephone Exchange BUg. Centerville Illinois lephoM No. 7S-W McHenry, Tele] Office Hour* 9:M to 12:M a. m. 1:M to p. m. 7:M to H:M p. m. telephones: Office 17 Residence 51-W A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon FREUNDBLDG. Over Vogt's WEST McHENRY SHARON. WISCONSIN Wednesday ud Friday 8 a. m. to Sp. n>. Sunday and Monday I By appointment only DR. CHARLES R. TREAT WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS ». i,{* Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9a. m. to »p.m. ,.v Jm ijii Office in Phoae No 73-R Spaulding Bld». ALFORD H. POUSE Atlsn»ey-«l4«if'.--^-v WeA McHenry, - iV PLUMBING AND HEAIHG Experienced Workmen DONAVIN * REIHANSPERGE* Give Us That Next Job

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