*MMfe.«"* * v «»<•«, •* *> < i «•• / {- A* sjos«'«f </• ,* *.<_ « * ; THE McHENRY PLABTDEALEB, McHEBTRY .ILL. LONG DISTANCE PASSENGER BOAT L^< "• <%r v,- g*|V ' ' <? ̂ • • :.,„0-' V &; i "THAT ALWAYS HAS IT" mm froi Slfe to store in of ioftte new remedy, toilet preparationor other items usually carried by druggists, is not a pleasant ex perience. For years we have* kept right lip-to- date regarding new articles which are constantly being placed on the market. We stock all the worthy ones and usually have them on hand as quickly as the stores located in large cities. We realize the importance of service and constantly strive to live up to the reputatiop we have gained. "The Store that Always Has It" •PHONE sow N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST BuylnMcHenry Now that freight is so very slow, you are often obliged to wait quite a long time for your goods when you buy from a mail order house. If you buy near home you can nearly always get what you want at once. Besides you get better value at home, most of the time, if you compare qual ity and figure your trouble anything at all. Buy at Smith Bros, to save money and have less trouble to get your goods. Our sweater coats for winter arehere already. SMITH BROS 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. J2L w>;*- %i Old Father Time's Tested Roofing 1 Whether you are building new or just recovering your roof, Tt will pay you to take a tip from Father Time's past experience and use the old dependable roofing - material-- Cedar Shingles Come in and let us tell you how to lay a shingle roof that will defy both time and the elements for forty years. Our shingles are all cut from live cedar logs and are guaranteed by the manufac turer. You'll find them to be cheapest in the end. :: :: C: Wilbur Lumber Co. We& McHenry, Illinois "Where <ire You Gom< My Pretty Maid"?' own 1o Our Grocery jtore"5he Said WE SELL THE INGREDIENTS i The Best in Town and Where I'll Trade When I Become Wed" LOUR WEEKLY RECIPE • FILLING FOR CHOCOLATE CAKE 31 tbsp. flour 1 OZ. chocolate J i c. sugar I c. milk I yolk of eg* I Up. vaniUm Moisten flour with a little cold milk and cook in the hot milk 20 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. hot water to the chocolate and beat until it is smooth. Beat yolk of the egg and add remaining sugar to it, then gradually hot milk and flour. Return to double boiler and cook over hot water for 5 minutes, stirring it constantly. Remove from the fire and when cool add vanilla. Use white lor boiled frosting. Phone 26 ADAMS BROS. McHenry RIDGEFIELD w, T>v*y •was a Crystal Leks vis itor Friday. D. DufieM ww an Elgin visitor over Sunday., ' A. P. Peck was home fromMadi son over Sunday. • Miss Edythe Nelson visited friends in Chicago over Sunday. } Mesdames J. Coates and Gancar visited at Ringwood Thursday. Mrs. Ed. Anners spent part of Sat urday and Sunday at Crystal Lake. I Mrs. E. Malch and son, Homer, were Woodstock shoppers Monday. felizabeth, were recent out-of-town visiters. Mrs. Smith and daughter, Gladys, of Chicago were recent visitors at Riley's. ' Miss Margaret Grant was a busi ness caller in Crystal Lake Monday evening: ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox left Satur day morning for Iowa, where they will visit relatives. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry spent a couple of days this week with Miss Florecne Knoxt Misses Marie and Bernice Dolan of Mr. and Mrs. P. Scavo and Christina; Chicago were guests last week at the Erickson were Harvard callers Sun- home of their uncle, John J. Riley day. < - Miss Genevieve Goddard visited relatives at Greenwood the last of the week. Miss Marion Levey of Rockford is visiting in the home of Grandpa Levey. Mrs.' Belle Pufield returned home Monday after spending several weeks in Elgitt. •" Mrs. A. i^vey *nd daughter Lois, were Crystal Lake shoppers Friday last. Mrs. Anna Molloh&n visjted with friends at McHenry from Wednesday until Saturday. Mrs. Earl Colby and son visited rel atives at Crystal Lake Friday after noon and evening! ' Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan of Marengo are visiting with their daughter Mrs. D. .W. Fitzgerald: Miss Ella Mollohan Was a visitor in the home of her uncle at Crystal Lake part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson and chil dren of Marengo visited at F. Wilk ins' Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkins and Mr and Mrs. Lynch weye callers at Crys tal Lake Saturday evening. Mrs. Frank Muffley and children of Crystal Lake visited over Sunday at the home of Wm. Wagner. Mrs. D. W. Fitzgerald and son Gordon, visited Marengo relatives from Thursday until Sunday. Mrs. Walter Reed visited with Mr and Mrs. August Wille at Austin from Friday until Sunday evening. Mrs. D. P. Bohl and sons, Ray and John, returned home .Sunday after noon irom a month's visit with rela tives in Ohio. Mr. and Mre. F. Wilkins and son Ralph, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B.. Lynch autoed to Crystal Lake and Huntley bAturday evening. Mrs. Blanche Conerty and daugh ter, Jewel, of Chicago visited over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Her daughter, Grace, returned with them after spending several weeks with her grandparents. y hCtajtrih, RINGWOOD E. C. Hawley and family are now moved into the Conway residence. C. H. Stephenson and wife attended the fair at Janesville last Thursday Mrs. Sarah Johonnott of Richmond spent last Thursday with Mrs. Mar tha Bradley. W. E. Smith, his brother, Theodore, and daughter, Lora, were Elgin vis HOIS iast Thursday. Mrs. Lizzie Westerman and husband uf Chicago visited Mrs. Frankie ritcpnehson last Friday. William Allen of Greenwood..was a isilor in the Waikington home Wed nesday ot last week. Dr.' Hepburn and family left last Thursday for Columbus, O., #lth their auto to visit relatives. William Lockridge and Samuel Robinson of Dakota were calling in town last Wednesday afternoon. < Harry Stephenson of Harvard came home last Wednesday evening to at tend the Star meeting in McHenry. Star Brink and family of Wood stock were callers in the Allen and McCannon homes Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Richardson of Richmond and daughters, Miss lva and Mrs. Ada Streng, visited Mrs. Florence Bell last Friday. Misses Dorcas Foss and Winifred Bradley visited Miss Flossie Conway at Harvard from Thursday evening to Sunday morning. Miss Lillibridge of Harvard vis ited at H. M. Stephenson's last Wed nesday and attended the Star meet ing at McHenry. Rev. Collins, wife and sons of Union Grove, with Grandma Freeman of Greenwood, were calling in town last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Celia Wilcox and 9 daughter, Vera, of Rockford, who spent part of last week at Bert McCannon's, re turned to Greenwood Monday evening. Mrs. Lillian Conway and daughter, Flossie, of Harvard spent last Wed nesday in town so Mrs..Conway could be present at the Eastern Star meet ing at McHenry in the evening. Miss Corabel McOmber and broth er, Lewis, of DeKalb visited at Paul Stephenson's from Wednesday even ing to Friday morning. Miss McOm ber also attended the meeting in Mc Henry with a goodly number of the Ringwood members. TERRA COTTA Raymond Riley spent Sundays at Lake Delavan, Wis. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay was the guest of Elgin relatives last week. Miss Mae Ames was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. Francis Frisby is spending his va cation with relatives in Elgin. Mrs. W. H.( Grant and Mrs. Merton Gracy were McHenry callers Tues day. Leonard Hoeft was the guest of his parents in Algonquin one evening last week. Mrs. Ray McMillan and daughter spent Monday with Crystal Lake rel- atives. * Mrs. Jelm Uddle sad daughter, * . Mrs. E. D. Hyde of Genoa Junction, Wis., spent Thursday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roht. Ander son. { ; Raymond and Miss Lillian Riley, also the Misses Marie and Bernice Dolan of Chicago, spent a recent day at Grass Lake. • Misses Edna and Emma Foley have returned to their home in Cleveland, Ohio, after a month's visit with rela tives in this vicinity. SOLON MILLS Grand Hill spent Sunday at Ken osha, Wis. : Mrs. C. W. Cropley' spent Tuesday in Chicago. , Miss Esther Andruss is visiting Mrs. Sylvia Cornish. Stanley Beall of Hebron was a Sun day caller in town. * Mrs. "Geo. Vogel was a recent vis itor at Delavan, Wis. Work is fast progressing oh the new school building. Chas. Vogel is spending several days at Portage, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborn are vis iting at Mitchell, S. D. Misses Viola and Florence Aylward of Hebron spent Sunday here. Mrs. W^ White and daughter are visiting at Mrs. Fannie Overton's. Miss Thelma Gibbs is entertaining little Miss Collison of Richmond. Mrs. E. E. Tuttle has gone to Ft. Atkinson, Wis., for an extended visit. Mrs. Bennett and son have spent several days the past week at J. Pos ter's. Miss Mildred LaPlant of Antioch is spending a few days at D. W. Over ton's. Miss Florence Thomas saw Barnum & Bailey's circus at Janesville Tues day. Chas. Westmont of - Richmond is spending several days at Chas. Os- born's. ' Howard and Ralph Cairns spent Tuesday at Janesville and attended the circus. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rawson of Roscoe, in., are guests in the home of W. H. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Coates and son ol Big Foot, Wis., were Sunday guests at • Mrs. Adelaide Coates'. Several from here attended the Red Cross mass meeting at Spring Grove Wednesday afternoon. Misses Dorothy Cohen and Gene vieve Curtin of Chicago are guests ol their aunt, Mrs. W, H. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gardner and family and Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Over ton and family spent Sunday.at Grass Lake. « Misses Pearl Fillweber and Baty Bant-well of Antioch were guests of Mrs. Geo. Vogel several days last week. Mrs. B. E. Cropley, Mrs. K. S. Craine, Mrs. E. W. Cropley and Miss Leona' Cropley were McHenry callers Monday. Mrs. John Anderson returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday -after an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Yanke. Gus Wellman left Sunday evening for Chicago. From there he^ will be sent to Newport, R. I., for training in the U. S. nayy. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates, daugh ter, Lillian, and son, Cecil, of Lake Geneva spent Sunday with the for mer's mother, Mrs. Adelaide Coates. OSTEND 1 C. B. Durkee and wife entertained friends from Woodstock at dinner Sunday. R. H. Richardson and family en joyed an auto trip Sunday. They did not tell us their destination. Mrs. Lucy Donnelly of Woodstock was the guest of her brother, ̂ Ernest Brott, and wife over Sunday. The company threshing machine is very busy now doing the company s threshing. They commence at one epd of the route and do each man's threshing as the farms come if they are ready. The farmers and their wives have agreed to make the work of getting meals as easy as possible. All get their dinner where they work, but at night as fast as they finish their day's work they go home for supper. In every place the same, so there is nothing either gained or lost, but makes it much easier for the house keepers. One day last week word came over the wires that Ed. Wallis' house was on fire. Several of the neighbors autoed to the scene of the fire. It certainly was enough to frighten Mrs. Wallis. The chimney on the kitchen was burning out and filled the house with smoke. Mrs. Wallis telephoned to some neighbors then rang the bell long and loud. VOLO , Phil Peterson and family were in McHenry Wednesday. t S. Russell and family autoed over to Waujcegan Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Dillon and family spent Sunday at Cherry Hill. Mr. snd Mrs. John Braeme enter tained a party of friends over Sun day. Messrs, C. vad h. Benwell and Excursions thru Pista- kee Lake, Nippersink Lake, Grass Lake, in cluding: the world's fa mous Lotus Beds; Lake Marie, Lake Bluffy Lake C a t h e r i n e , C h a n n e l Lake up to Wilmot, Wis. ALL DAY OUT ING ON WATER. Boat can be chartered at any time for parties. ON THE FINEST BOAT AFLOAT WM. KOEPPE, CAPT. * 'Phone 75-R, McHenry mim mm TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY Every Day In the Week the bhsy housewife is called upon to make something for the hungry family. In nearly every instance Hour plays a prominent part, and if it isn't good flour the results are discouraging. EARLY RISER flour no matter what you are baking, be it cakes, pies or bread, never disap points. It lightens the labors of every housewife. VEST M'HENRY FLOOR AND FEED MILLS Executor's Sale OF- Real Estate GEO. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER The MB Closseo Property McHENRY, ILLINOIS Consisting of SIX-ROOM HOUSE Gas and Gas Fixtures together with barn, well and cistern, lots numbered one (1) and eighteen (18) in block one (1) in Dr. Fegers' addition to McHenry as appears from the plat of said sub-division on rec ords in the recorder's office of Mc Henry county, Illinois in book of plats, page 59, situatla in the town of McHenry, in the county of McHen ry, in the state of Illinois. Also hoes, rakes, spades, hand cultivator, round pointed shovel, hand saw, buck saw an other articles too numerous to mention. Mr, Kennebeck, the executor of the Glossen estate, will, also sell his 7- year-old driving horse at this sale. Weight 1100 pound and broke single and double. Sale to b$ held on premises at 2:00 o'clock p. m., on Saturday, Aug. 25, '17 TERMS OF SALE, CASH Payments on the above real estate are 20 percent down on day of sale and balance when deed is delivered. Sold to the highest and best bidder. J. H. KENNEBECK, EXECUTOR. Of Estate of John Glossen, Deceased. wives were Wauconda'callers last Fri day. Reed Geary of Wauconda attended the concert here on Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs, Lee Huson and daugh ter were Wauconda visitors last Friday. • ; . P Mrs. Jas. Kirwan entertained com pany from Round Lake on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Albert Morris and daughter of Osage, la., spent Wednesday at Ray Paddock's. Miss Ella Moore attended the Aux iliary meeting at Mrs. Broughton's in Wauconda last Thursday. The old butter factory, recently pur chased by Mr. White of Gray slake, is undergoing repairg/fhid will soon be in operation once more. Give us your next order for en< grayed calling: cards and see what a neat job we can put oat for yon. The Plaindealer, The Feeling of Assurance that a bank account gives is worth many times the effort required to establish one at this bank. Because this feeling of a»» surance plays such a large part in the Success of Life MHMBnDMMMMmmBBnHHMHHaMMMB your boy should have it at an early age. Give him assurance and self-reliance by entrusting him with an account today. HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry • Bank of Rindwood .i3il SUGGESTIONS FOR August Vacations Visit Chicago or Milwaukee. Leave any evening via Chicago & North Western Ry.-- From Chicago 5:30 p. m. and 7:0® p. a|" From Milwaukee 7:50 p. m. and 9:1# p. n#i'v': \ Arrive in the Great North Woods f and Lake Region of Wisconsin-Michigan <>- in time for breakfast. Spend two weeks of unalloyed > • <kpt; | pleasure in fishing, boating, swimming and ^ canoeing. Return at end of vacation re stored in mind and body and feeling 100% Ask agent Chicago & North Western Ry. about fares, traiik schedules and for descriptive folders. Or write to-- C. A. CAIRNS, General Passenger & Ticket Agent, IK West Jackson St., Chicago, 111. , ^ t 3, Mfc! W* *: * | 'HERE are three factors f to every telephone con versation : the party call ing, the operator or operators who handle the call, and the party called. These factors must co-operate to insure the, best quality of telephone1 service. The telephone operators are carefully trained to do their share in ^co-operating for good service by completing the de sired connection quickly, accurately and courteously. The party calling can do his part by always referring to the directory to ascertain the right number, and by male* ing sure that the operator4 I repeats it correctly. ___ The party called can co-opei^ | ate by answering promptly,' > givin&his name, the name of th« ^ firm or the telephone numbecw* Both parties, calling and ^ called, can co-operate further \ by speaking clearly and dis* \ tinctly, with lips close to th*. | mouthpiece, an4 by being cou^f,; teous under all conditions. T ^ CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY i - m % P. •• . m-# m P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSlON MERCHANT SRAAIAL ATTENTION OIVSN TO THJS SAXJB or Dressed Beef, nutto«, Hogs, V«*l, PwUlfJ* Hides, Etc., Butter and Begs y This is the oldsat house on the street Tags and priee Urts tantofcift om application. cOU> STQIU0B FREE Stall i a 3. PaltMSt. CHICAGO* ILLINOIS. WMwk MarftM. •*»«=>'¥, • ' • *•