•'^' V •*' ̂ - - '*• •" '"-*'4, ^ ***• *" *. 7̂ * *"*< *1 "* **<«* • i- ,.Vi^ - ' i ";!&- •C.-^i.^\ia^. MoHENBT PLAtNDEALER, McHENBY, IIX. , f:. 'w 'v' "r"; w^'m -?f | "THAT ALWAYS HAS IT" -m: Vl -'-|ir, ^oiKtf t- .v ,rp^ r, • -*; > 'i -jf^VAi^. ? 3y'*<v Si. i . , ,rf« %.*.«. mr > .. JIT , ' to store in searcn of somo*f:, rnew remedy, toilet preparation or other items usually carried by druggists, is not a pleasant ex perience. For years we have kept right up-to- date regarding new articles which are constantly being placed on the market. We stock all the worthy ones and usually have them on hand as quickly as the stores located in large cities. We realize the importance of service and constantly strive to live tip to the reputation we have gained. "The Store that Always Has It" " 'PHONE 60 w N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST •• Here 4 Years •• Since October 1,1917, we are here four years. We have made a living for our selves, thanks to God and our custom ers. If we have been of service to you, we want to assure you that we will try to serve you better still the coming year. To those who do not buy here now, we want to say that we would welcome them as customers at any time. SMITH BROS. 'Phone 79-J McHenry, 111. Order Coal Now . Inside of six weeks you will need to start your heating plant. Have you any- > ^ thing to feed it? The coal situation has been bad. Pref erence has been given to coal shipments and still we have had difficulty in get ting enough to fill our orders. From now on it will be worse. The car shortage is beginning to be felt as thousands of cars which have been used for coal are now being sent West to move the grain crop. Thousands more will be required in the next two months to move Uncle Sam's troops,and supplies. If you have not ordered your winter's supply DO IT Wilbur Lumber Co. We& McHenry, Illinois HI !!»'•»Hh i i nil" GOODS AND PRICES RIGHT ThfY SURE DO SELL GOOD GROCERIES oMU ***** Byfih A SURE SIGN THEY'RE TALKING A B O U T U S A N D OUR STORE SERVICE AS GOOD AS THE GOODS »-^pUR WEEKLY RtUPE>»-« CARROTS AND POTATOES 2 tbsp. fat 2 c. potatous 1 c. carrots i tap. salt ( 1 tbsp. chopped onion 1 tap. pepper Butter • * Cut potatoes and carrots in cubes. Saute onion in 1 tbsp. fat until brown. Remove the onion, add tbsp. more of fat and brown potatoes and carrots. Add onion, cover with boiling water and cook, covered until tender. Remove the cover And cook until dry. Season highly with salt, pepper and butter. Add curry powder if desired. -5- WE SEU THE INGREDIENTS * t f.t'-rv ' ? Phone 26 ADAMS BROS. HEE tUDGEFtiin Mrs. H. Wille was a, Crystal Lake caller Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Dike was a Woodstock caller Wednesday. !. ' Mrs. Wm. Glawe was a shopper at Woodstock Saturday. H Mrs. Anna Rose visited with friends in Harvard last week. ' F. Wille transacted trainee? at Crystal Lake Monday. > Mrs. Anna Rose spent Monday with friends in Woodstock. • J. H. Slater was a business caller at Crystal Lake Friday. Mrs. D. P. Bohl was a business caller at Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martini were vis iting relatives at Cary Sunday. Mr. aqd Mrs. W. Reed visited with relatives at Woodstock Sunday. Alviji Yanke of Watertown, Fla., was an over Sunday visitor here. Miss Etta Levey and Mrs. C. Tuttle were callers at Crystal Lake Monday. Miss Pearl Reed is teaching in the Silliman district south of Woodstock. Mrs. I. Erickson and son, Willie, were Crystal Lake callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkins and s son, Ralph, were callers at Marengo Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Scavo moved their househoid good to Chicago Mon d a y . \ • ' John McCarthy ̂ of Chicago visited Saturday with his sister, Mrs. C. Wallis. Messrs. Henry and Herman Wille were business callers at Sycamore Monday. J. B. Lynch and Wm. Rushton boarded the train for Chicago Sunday evening. Mrs. J. Kressl and daughters were Crystal Lake callers Thursday after noon last. Chas. Malsch of Woodstock visited here Sunday with his brother, Ernest Malsch, and family. Mrs. Ernest'Malsch and son, Homer, spent Tuesday in the home of her sister in Woodstock. Mrs. -C. Tuttle and sons returned home last week after several weeks' visit with relatives at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. F. Nickels and sonr, were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abbott at Cary Sunday. Miss Frances Peel of Crystal Lake .vas the guest of Miss Helen Briggs at the home of W. E. Dike Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Wagner was taken to the Woodstock hospital and operated on for appendicitis the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkins, R. Lynch and Mrs. L. Bennett and son, James, were Crystal Lake callers Saturday evening. SOLON MILLS Walter Watts attended the fair at Libertyville Thursday last. Mrs. Sarah Struble was a recent guest of Mrs. Adelaide Coates. Miss Susan Herbes was a Sunday guest in the R. I. Turner home. E. T. Monear and J. Pester were Saturday visitors at Libertyville. Wm. Herbes of McHenry was a re cent visitor at the R. I. Turner home. Mr. and M*s. A. C. Merrell were recent visitors at Camp Grant, Rock-, ford. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and sons were Sunday, guests in the Pester home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Monear left Tuesday evening on a motor tfip to Starved Rock. Mrs.'Oscar %anke and son, James, and Miss Lillian Yanke were Beloit shoppers Saturday. „ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Parker and Mrs. E. T. Monear spent Wednesday at Genoa Junction, Wis. Mrs. W. H. Buchanan is entertain ing her mother, Mrs. Town, and nephew of Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merchant and family spent Saturday and Sunday at Ridgefield and Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rowsen of Roscoe, 111., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Overton. Misses Sarah Dodge of Ringwood and Op&l and Jane Cooley of McHenry were Sunday guests of Vera Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Silhevy motored eut from Chicago and spent Friday and Saturday as guests of E. E. Monear. Mrs. Wm. Brennan and daughter, Helen, returned Monday from a two weeks' visit at Monrovia and Indianap olis, Ind. # Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cubbins of Antioch, Mrs. J. B. Richardson and Mrs. L. Sweet of Richmond were Tuesday callers here. * OSTEND ' Vinton Thompson will attend law school in Chicago this year. Frank and John Kaiser started to school Monday morning, Oct. 1. Mr. Cornwell, wife and daughters motored to Dundee Saturday last. Albert Buchert and wife of West McHenry were Sunday callers at the Hobart home. C. B. Durkee is building a new res idence fgr his hens. He expects cold weather this winter. Warren Francisco's silo was filled Saturday and Monday. Fred Eppel refilled Tuesday forenoon. F. E. Martin and family attended the Lake county fair last week. They report not the best they ever attended. Carl Herdrick, wife and children of West McHenry were Sunday callers on Mrs. Herdrick's brother, Joe Harrer, and family. Frank Chapman will sell his hay, grain and farming tdbls and.stock at auction Oct. 15. He resides on what is known as the Brott farm. Leon Lincoln and nephew, Warren Lincoln, of Wauconda were Saturday callers on relatives here. They had been over to Spencer's mill with wheat. Chris Hutson, a former resident of McHenry, but for several years has resided in a Chicago suburb, is a guest of his wife's brother, C. B. Dur kee, and family; .N . Tuesday, Oct 7, all the stock, grain and farming tools belonging to the estate of the late Frank B. Thompson was sold at public auction. The farm will be sold or rented. TERRA COTTA Ed. Bolger spent Sunday with his cousins at Holcombville. Mrs. Macy Grant was a business caller at Crystal Lake Saturday. Miss Florence Knox was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday afternoon. Wm. Goodwin of Crystal Lake was a business caller here one day last week, v Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family spent Sunday afternoon at J. J. Doh- erty's. Mrs. J. J. Doherty and daughter, Vera, were calling in this vicinity last Thursday. M. Knox and sons, Harold, Robert and Vernon, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mrs. Lewis McDonald and son of McHenry were calling on friends here last week, Mrs. Geo. P. Bay and daughter, Nancy Alice, are spending a few days with Elgin relatives. Mrs. Wm. Coleman has returned to her home in Elgin after a five weeks' visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughters attended the Welch-Froeh- lich wedding last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leisner ar rived here last Thursday from San- Francisco, Cal., for an extended visit with relatives here and in Chicago. Golden Wedding Thirty-five relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner re sponded to invitations issued them to come and help celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on last Thurs day, Sept. 27. The home was decorat ed in potted ferns and many different flowers and plants. At one o'clock all were seated at a sumptuous dinner, to which all did ample justice. The afternoon was spent in social conver sation, and several pictures were tak en of the group. Many beautiful gifts, such as gold coins, tableware, jewelry and fifty American Beauty roses in a gold basket, were given to Mr. and Mrs. Leisner as mementoes of the occasion. About four o'clock the guests departed for their homes, assuring the host and hostess that they had spent a day never to be for gotten. Those who made up the happy gathering were: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leisner of San Francisco, Cai.; Mrs. Clara T. Bay, Mrs. Fred Bergmun and son, Cari, Mrs. Nels Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Heisler and son, Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, Mr.' and Mrs. Lanyon, Miss Louise Shuster, all of Chicago; Mrs. Wm. Coleman of Elgin; A. Dilley of Crys tal Lake; Thos. Thompson of McHen ry; Mr .and Mrs. James A. Nish of Barreville; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy, G. W. Ames, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley, and daughter, Alice, Mrs. Marion Mc Millan, Mr. and Mrs. M, Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay and daughter, Nancy Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colby and Mrs. Paul Forrester. , . RINGWOOD H. M. Stephenson and wife were Harvard visitors last Saturday. Bern* Bell and family of Spring Grove visited Ed. Bell's Sunday. William Beck, Charles Bacon and Wives drove to Marengo Sunday. Mesdames Libbie Allen and Callie Rainey were Woodstock visitors Tues day. Miss Agnes "Dodge returned to her school at Ypsilanti, Mich., Wednesday of last week. Samuel Lockridge of Redfield, S. D., is visiting old friends in and around Ringwood. Mrs. Bertha Esh and children of Spring Grove spent last Thursday with her parents here. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Miss Nellie Baldwin of Greenwood Saturday afternoon of this week. Mrs. Frank Hitchens, Mrs. Martha Bradley and Mrs. Luella Stephenson were callers at Woodstock Monday afternoon. A. L. Kimball and wife left Satur day for Crystal Lake. They spent Sunday in Chicago on their way home to Mason City, la. W. E. Bradley and wife and Paul Stephenson drove to iBeloit, Wis., Sun day to see Miss Winifred Bradley, who is attending college there. The Universalist church will hold next Sunday evening meeting at the home of Wade Sanborn near Spring Grove. Rev. Ratcliff will again be with us. All cordially invited to come out. Statement ' of the ownership, management, circu lation, etc., required by the act of Apgust 24, 1912, of the McHenry Plaindealer, published weekly at Mc Henry, Illinois, for October 1, 1917. Editor, F. G. Schreiner, McHenry, 111. Managing editor, F. G. Schreiner, Mc Henry, 111. Business manager, F. G. Schreiner, McHenry, HI. Publisher, F. G. Schreiner, McHenry, 111. Individual owner, F. G. Schreiner, McHenry, I1L There are no bondholders, mort gagees and other security holders. F. G. Schreiner. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of Sept. 1917. Joseph C. Holly, Notary Public. The mission fest, held by the Luth eran churches of Algonquin, Cary, Mc Henry, Crystal Lake, Woodstock and Harvard at Cfytf# wcently, mi St:;- Your Grocer Will Smile With Pleasure When you order a sack of Early Riser flour. He knows you will be pleased with the results and will come back for more. It can be depended upon for quality--it never varies. TRY A SACK TODAY WEST M'HEHRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS Summer Our line of Summer Horse Goods is the most complete ever handled in McHenry. Allow your horse the comforts to which they are entitled by buying your horse necessities of us. A full line of Fly Nets always car ried in stock. M. A. Thelen West McHenry The modern high effi ciency lamp has low^ cred the cost of electric lighting to the customer Mazda Tungsten Lamps multiply light values while reducing current consumption. ALL SIZES Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS .Meats. Our specials for Friday and Saturday are: Native Pot Roasfr, per lb. .16 l-2c Boiling Beef, per lb. -14 I-2c Native Sirloin Steak, per pound Pure lard, per pound..-.-27 1-2 From now on we will have oysters shipped in fresh every day. Also smoked fish, pickled herring, etc. If you want to cut down the high cost of living trade at the East Side market. Small place, small expenses* quick sales and small profits.-- East Side Market Wholesale hid Retail L. H. Eisenmengt", Jr., Prop. McHenry, Illinois 'Phone 57-M was attended by nearly 2,000 people. Educators and Parents are agreed that the- " ' Time to Develop ̂ a child's mental and moral sense is in early yoiMi.v until maturity to develop his business and finan- ^ cial sense ^An early Bank Account and its wf" ^ sponsibilities is the best training youf child can " •. """ have. j--.j HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry;Bank of Rinowood >1 • <s Your sheep, hogs, cattle, horses and moles am s ubject to deadly attacks of wonna. These ravenous pests multiply by the millions* your stock, keep them poor, weak, and out of condition the tto+ai Worm Destroyer and CondMenmr is e medtcatad Mock mM that wtO rid every animal oo your place « ««**»--• fc«N» th*B> worm fire* end healthy. Ho pay If it lalle. No doainc, no drenching, juatpwt It whan all your atock can run to tt freely. They will doctor themaelyaa, thrive hM^iaa p u t o a m o n e y - m a k i n g B a a h . 8 a l - V e t l a n o t e a p e n a i v e . W a c a r y I t i n a l a a l a a a k W e i» Com* in and get a package to try. You will be pleaaed with thereaulta. WtfMiaMalk VOGT'S DRUG STORE WEST McHENRY,* ILL. ,iiit Picture .This la Your Home! This wonderful new radiant gms heater . for the Fireplace, sets back in the -o • chimney and floods the room with Radiant Heat and Firelight. The Humpltrey Rafllantfire solves the problem of the unused fireplace. All the warmth and charm and comfort of the wood blaze without the dirt, smoke, ashes, sparks, trouble and expense. Does not smell or deaden As air. Styles to suit all rooms. Come and sec it! /«^Westerr)United Gas ' VsR? ai)d Electric Compaoy ^ P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSlON MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVBN TO TH* 3ALK OP Drwascd Beef, nutton, Hofs, Veal, Psaltry, Hides, Etc., Butter ud E*g» This Is tke oldest booae on the street Tags aai: application. i' stall « * S. w IVhalnal Msifcefc COLD STORAGE FftBB CHICAGO, ll-LI ... - V i 1