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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1917, p. 7

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* • * ' « 4 * % . - - < . * » . ; • * >• ^ , i ' ,r *\'; .. ' ' THE MeHBKRY PLAINDEALER, v - « (i:, ri\ *£>-**/Bri T®, 2 , ILIi. peeF • • "V *V ^ V „ , tji -v.-: -f: Practical Gifts for Every Stocking '^jkmrnamSmSBSSSS i i i Right now is the time to begin planning for the Christmas Stockings and you can make the task lighter by calling at Petesch's and selecting from our choice array of Gift Goods. Our fine assort­ ment and low prices will enable you to settle your Gift Problems early. Make your selections now while the assortment is complete: y • - &:• STAIONERY PERFUMES" CUT GLASS SHAVING SETS LEATHER GOODS MANICURE SETS TOILET ARTICLES .JEWEL BOXES SMOKING SETS CIGARS, CHOICE CANDIES •wsNE bow N. H. PETESCH druggis t Yuletides Children Can Never Forget are the ones enjoyed in the "old home'* and we have yet to hear children refer to a rented home as the "old home." It isn't natural you know, for a rented home is never much more than "old place" and the children get in the habit of calling any place home, which isn't the case where they have been domiciled during their child­ hood days in a real home. It may seem funny to some of you. but somehow on Christmas we get to feeling pretty good when we look back over the years and count up the new homes for which we have supplied the lumber, and we kind a want to let everybody know how we feel about., people owning their own homes--and that's our reason right now for print­ ing this stuff this year. Wilbur Lumber Co. West McHenry, 111. POULTRY! Now is the time to get your Poultry in trim for winter laying. DR. HESS POULTRY PANACEA is the ideal tonic and egg producer. No advance in price. 25c 60c $1.25 VOGTS DRUG STORE WEST MCHF.NRY, nx. The GOING DOWN deep in your pocket isn't necessary if you make this store your headquarters for gro­ ceries. You'll find our prices very reason­ able in every case notwithstanding the high character of our merchandise. And in very many instances you will discover there much lower than so-called bargain figures. Try it and see. Our Leader Roasted Coffee, per pound 2tfc Early June Peas, sweet and »tender, per can_-_-.._A__ 14c Red Alaska Salmon, per can,30c Lenox Soap, 5 bars (limit) 27c Not-A-Seed Seedless Raisins, per package _15c JOHN STOFFEL JOHNSBURG Rev. Wm. Weber was a business vis itor in McHenry Monday. A few of our young men are now employed on the ice fields in this lo­ cality. \ Mrs. Nfck L. Freund of Hope, N. D., is visiting among relatives and friends in this vicinity. The visitors from out-of-town were served an elegant dinner at Smith's hall last Sunday evening. Frank Pitzen of Turtle Lake, Wis., is visiting among relatives and friends in and around Johnsburg. A number from here attended the auction sale on the farm of Bernard Wegener near Lily Lake last Satur­ day. Our business bouses are all decked out in holiday attire and the propri­ etors of same are enjoying a busy hoi iday season. Johnsburg has been a very busy place during- the past week. The meeting at the parish hall on Friday night brought out a large crowd, while the Forester initiation on Sunday was one of the biggest events of the kind ever attempted here. The solicitors for the Knights of Columbus fund have made a thoro canvass of Johnsburg and vicinity and the people here responded with very liberal donations. Our people are coming to realize more and more the importance of helping our boys in service and the manner in which they responded is a distinct credit to the entire community. A letter received from Wm. Mueller, a former resident of this vicinity, but now located at Adams, Minn., will be of interest to many of our people. The letter is dated Dec. 10, and tells of the bitter cold spell that they are exper­ iencing, the thermometer Tegisterinfr from eight to tr/enty below zero, with every cold shed empty. Coal was never so scarce. When a carload of coal arrives the contents are unloaded right from the car and distributed among the people of the village. In spealfing of the crops he says "that corn was almost a total failure. Ohts were better, running from 20 to 45 bushels to the acre; barley was fair, while wheat went from 20 to 35 bush­ els to the acre." "The wheat," he adds, "was of good quality. The prices are all way up, pork on foot averaging from $1G.00 to $16.50 per hundred. A better crop of hay was never harvested, same selling from $13.00 to $16.00! per ton. If, pressed same brings $3.00 per ton more." Nearly all of the hogs are shipped from that place to southern Minnesota, northwestern and southern Iowa. Where there was a good crop of corn most of it is soft. Adams is a busi­ ness town" with a population of about 800. It has two large dry goods stores, two large hardware stores, one furniture store) four restaurants, one of which is vey up-to-date, occupying a building 33x80 feet; two grain ele­ vators, two coal dealers, two stock buyers, two banks, tailor shop, print­ ing office and a modern blacksmith shop with all modern machinery. All that is lacking in the village is a first- class hostelry. Accommodations for goers and comers are not what they should be. Also have two dray lines and three oil distributing companies, two automobile dealers. One of th# dealers the Ford agent reports the sale of fifty-two cars during the past sea­ son. There are also two schools, one public and one parochial, the public school having been erected at a cost of $33,000, it being modern and up- to-date in every respect. Mr. Mueller also sends the Dec. 6 issue of the Stacyville (la.) Monitor, which con­ tains an account of the wedding of Mr. Mueller's daughter, Elizabeth, to Joseph S. Schaefer, which was solemn­ ized at Adams recently. The groom is one of Adams' best young men, be­ ing the manager of the Hunting Ele­ vator company there. RIDGEFIELD Ed. Aniiers spent Sunday in Chi­ cago. Herman Buell was doing the windy city Monday. D. Dufield spent Sunday with his sons at Cary. Leroy Skinner was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. Mrs. Ed Rossman and baby spent Sunday at Cary. Mrs. S. Nash was a Crystal Lake shopper Saturday. A. Martini was a business caller at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. D. P. Bohl was a Woodstock shopper Wednesday. Little Robert Skinner is quarantined, in with scarlet fever. F. W. Hartman was a business caller at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott and Earl spent last week at Cary. Miss Lois Levey was home from Harvard the past week. Miss Genevieve Goddard was a caller at Crystal Lake Friday. Mrs. E. W. Merchant of Elgin vis­ ited her parents here Saturday.^ Mrs. J. B. Lynch ^d son, Ray, were shopping in Chicago Friday. Mrs. L. M. Goddard was a Wood­ stock visitor Saturday afternoon. Miss Rosie Peterson attended a dance at Woodstock Saturday night. Mr. Kock of Union is helping at the store this week as Kremer is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martini, Wm. Rush- ton and Mrs. Rushton spent Sunday at Cary. Wm. Rushton and mother and Mrs. Martini were shopping in Chicago Monday. There will be a Christmas tree and cantata at the church here on Friday evening. Mrs. Carrie Johnson and Mrs. Her­ man Wille were shopping at Wood­ stock Saturday. « Miss Ella Mollohan and Mrs. Stev­ enson were Crystal Lfcke callers Sat­ urday afternoon. The Helpers' class met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates for a jolly good time Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Keeler of Bar- rington were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. S. Wakefield. Mrs. Hans Nelson and daughter, Edith, and Elmer Ettling were Wood­ stock passengers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Wilkins and son, Ralph, are visiting her parents at Harmony and helping care for her father, who is very sick. Mrs. Stevenson will read "The Birds' Christmas Carols" next Sunday evening in place of the regular Chris­ tian Endeavor services. Mrs. L. M. Goddard and daughter, Marjorie, returned to Moline Wednes­ day after a two months' visit in the home of her parents. Mrs. Lola Ben­ nett went with her and will remain ulritil after the holidays.1 SOLON MILLS A. F. Parker spent the week end here. H. H. Fay Spent Tuesday in Chi­ cago. R. R. Turher spent Sunday iti his home here. ; , Fyed Jacksoft spent -• Thursday. last in McHenry. E. E. Monear was a business caller at McHenry Tuesday. Miss Anna Herbes was an Elgin caller on Thursday last. « Miss Mae Sweet of Rockford, 111., is a guest in the Hodge home. Louis Sweet of Richmond wrfs a caller here Tuesday afternoon.. P." J. Cleary of McHenry was a caller at R. W. Aylward's Wednesday. R. R^ Turner. L. S. Overton and W. H. Gardner spent Friday in Chi­ cago. Mrs. Ed. Carey and children of Spring Grove were Sunday callers at J. S. Gibbs'. Frank Reading of Egan, S. D., is visiting in the home of his brother, H. G. Reading. Mrs. R R. Turner and Mrs. Mary Walker spent Tuesday afternoon at Spring Grove. A Christmas entertainment will be given at the M. E. church Tuesday evening, Dec. 25. Mrs. Chas. • Vogel returned home Wednesday evening after a few days' visit at Beloit, Wis, "Brookdale Farm" will be presented by the Mystic Workers of Solon Mills on Saturday, Dec. 22: E. C. Johonnott of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of his mother, Mrs. E. S. Johonnott. M rs. A. W. Sims was a Sunday caller in the B. C. Rudolph and Jas. Todd homes at Richmond. Lee Aylward returned home Wed­ nesday after spending a few days at Woodstock and McHenry. Mrs. M. E. Livezey entertained her nephew, W. P. Livezey, of Lake Bluff, 111., the fore part of the week. Mrs. E. S. Johonnott went to Chi­ cago Monday for an extended'visit in the home of her son, E. C. Johonnott. A. F. Wellman of the U. S. navy arrived here op Thursday last on a ten day furlough from his duties at Boston, Mass. RINGWOOD James Rainey and wife were Mc­ Henry visitors Sunday. Warren Foss was in Chicago pur­ chasing goods last Wednesday Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at Mrs. Emma Brown's. Lewis Hawley returned Monday from a trip to Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Washington. . Mrs. Myrtle Sanborn of Spring Grove has been spending the week with her mother. Irving Merchant, wife and little- granddaughter spent last Wednesday with their daughter in Woodstock. The lyceum course entertainment will be held in Woodman hall Thurs­ day, Dec. 20. Matinee in afternoon. The Ladies' Aid dinner last Thurs­ day was quite well attended in spite of the cold weather. The proceeds were $50. The W. C. T. U. had a pleasant meeting at Mrs. Hawley's last Satur­ day. The r.ext meeting will be with Mrs. Callie Rainey. Hettie Stevens left Wednesday for Terra Haute, Ind., where she will spend the^ winter with her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Johonnott. Miss Dorcas Foss went to Beloit, Wis., Saturday and remained with Miss Winifred Bradley until Monday evening. Saturday was Winifred's eighteenth birthday. The Ringwood chapter of the Red Cross has made up to this date 7 suits of pajamas, 24 hospital shirts, 18 sweaters, 28 pairs of socks, 3 scarfs, 2 pairs of wristlets, 3 helmets and 1 trench cap. The patriotic meeting Tuesday even­ ing was well attended, a number from McHenry being present. The Mc­ Henry band furnished some fine music and the children did well in their song and drill. The vocal solos were good. Rev. Grose gave a fine address, ex­ plaining why we are at war, and Simon Stoffel gave,a good short talk. C. W. Stenger explained the work of the State Council of Defense. YOU ARE INVITED TO BECOME AMEMBEROF OUR . AND START A BANK ACCOUNT WITH lc, 5cf, 50c, $1.00 or more THE EASIEST, SIMPLEST AND SUREST SAVING PLAN 1 Come to this bank, deposit lc or 5c and increase the same amount each week for 50 weeks--or deposit 50c or $1.00 regularly each week, for the same length of time--according to ikfc following classes: £ Join as many classes as you desire: As! m Class 1 and save Class 1-A and save.. Class 5 and save Class 5-A and save. _ Class 50 and save Class 100 and save__ $12.75 $12.75 :$63.75 _____ $63.75 $25.00 ... _$50.00 Enroll Yourself--Enroll Each Member of Your Family--Get Your Friends to Join Set year-children a good example--Teach them the saving habit Encourage your friends to have bank accounts , Everybody is welcome HOY BANKING CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS | TERRA COTTA Mr. and Mrs. Merton Gracy were Chicago visitors Saturday. Edward Malone of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. Mary Grant was a business caller in Crystal Lake Saturday even- ing. Mrs. Stacia Knox of McHenry is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. M. Knox. - Misses Clara and Mary Frisby spent Friday evening and Saturday with Elgin relatives. ! rf ji \ m r * KlillUiM : : a - ctORES CHURCKgff -.'J*. ' " * ? " THEATRE All These Advantages Are Within Reach of the Farm with thi A!, .^1 Model 85-Fowr $ 112" Wheel MUM f -' W f- 2i Tax Free Not whert you live, but hom, determine* IUCCHI and happintMl The farm offers bleuirifi the city man envies. He get* an Overland for hit family and motor* into the country. In town there are many thing* for thr farmer'* family. Why not let this Overland make your life full and complete? Eoery member of your family benefit* every day boat their Ovw- tand. Alter • ll-hoar day of constant work for the men attending to busi­ ness, j tur Overland >s fresh and ready to take the family to the theater, a distant friend's home, or an exhilarating and restful ride in the evening Don't be iiolated, shut off from friends and happenings of the world! Oet an Overland and keep m touch with affairs, both business and aoetaH Be up to date I With an Overland you are the muster of condition* not ma»tat>< by them. Only an Overland give* off the advantages your family needs in • motor car ct the price it is wisdom to pay. No tother gives such roomy com­ fort, such power and economy. Mch beauty and modern equipment at anywhere near the price. Its generous upholstery and long whtelbase afford extra room ana riding comfort-- Literal room for five _ superabundance of power in thia SS h p. en bloc motor, and cantilever rear ipnngs. Alao, electric starting and lift­ ing system; magnetic apcatoMhr and 32 s 4 inch tira. r<ou-jia» tear- Also, vacuum gasoline *ysMe» ample speed; 112' inch whttlklN! beauty and luxury. Now you know wny you -- get your order in at eaM I* meM dmppoifltBNBl* Overton & Cowen, West McHenry, 111. Offce Hours: to 12:M a. m. 1:M to 4:3* p. m. 7:Mto 8:M p. m. Telephone Office 17 A. I. FROEHLICH Physician ani Surgeon WEST McHENRY FREUND BLDG. Over Vogl't PLUMBING AND BEATING -BY- Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER Telephone No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS Several from here attended the fu­ neral of Ed. Klein at Crystal Lake last Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Klein of Crystal Lake spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. Ray McMillan. Mrs. B. F. Martin was the guest of relatives in Chicago the latter part of last and the fore part of this week. Christmas cards and booklets at Petesch's. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL. ATTENTION UIVEN TO TH* SAL* OP - ? Dressed Beef, flutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Efts t f Thia is the oldest house on the street Tags and prioe lists famished .gftL application. COLD STORAUB FREE CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. Stall i & j, Fultoa St. Wholesale Market. •The Best Fur HouseOnEartk For Fur Shippers Nothing is more important to the Pur Siuopar *K.w doing; busmen with an HoiWIt Kgiiable I Responaiblt'- Safe Fur House. I Safety First--"Ship ToShuberf ' th*s lariat House in th« Wufkl dsaliot eKtusiiMiyk Am*rurau Kurs, mher* you will " Accurate ati<i Literal Aae^rtiaetU, '.be i'rieea ami the usual fctftcieoi, teous Mrvlc*. M Write fx<r thelatedt editionSHNdhtti conumiutf v*iuabW U*rk*t inXorawtwn you mml A. B. SHUBERT, !nc.££' SPouSEm! A p. „ > - • • J§« / - . 'A - • -j i'v " ^'0 ' - • -j READ THE PLAINDEALER ADS ,-v

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