% -*3" §t§f'"' ft. "v >» »«l'Mt-*-*"-. "* - Jf» V I* •MiB THE HoHBNBI PLAIKDEALER, HeHEHBT, ILL. ,jg»xs«/ ^ f*%"" n,-c *> J| tiiii :;g? i I 3©fc r •"• JvW *P 5>: V;when you notice the fir^l syniptoms. It ^;is easier to cure then, and also guards fe%gain& more serious complications which may result from neglect. Petesch's Pink Cold Tablets if taken in time, will cure a cold in twen ty-four hours. They restore circulation, promptly overcome congestion and Stop the feverish condition which usually ac companies a Cold. They are pleasant to take and in no way harmful. Price, 25 Cents tbom tow N. H. PETESCH druggist POULTRY! Now is the time to get your Poultry#in trim for winter laying. DR. HESS POULTRY PANACEA is the ideal tonic and egg producer. No ad vance in price. 25c 60c $1.25 VOGT'S DRUG STORE The WEST McHENRY, ILL. '-Start with good Furniture. It costs no more and you have the satisfaction of a beautiful home of permanence." N. J. Justen & Sod furniture WfcJ* r McHKNRY. ILL, - PHONE 63-W UNDERTAKING Day and Night Service 1 &xrrcL ^Nothing can speak stronger for the relia bility and general utility of the Ford car than the constantly increasing demand, coming from every part of thisi country apd-from all over the world. By reason of its usefulness it has become a necessity --your necessity. For pleasure* and busi- it is serving and saving for all class- ^it has become i part in the "business 1 -May we not have your order Runabout, $345; Touring Car; #360; Coupelet, $505: Town Car, $595; Se dan, $645; One-Ton Truck Chassis, $600. All f. o, b. Detroit. STAR GARAGE 'Phone 30 John R. Knox, Prop. MdH|enry ness, es- of living, for one? •W--- TERRA COTTA ! Mrs. Mary Grant was ft business | visitor in Chicago Saturday. J Miss Agmes Prisby visited relatives i in Elgin a few days last week. Howard Wattles of McHenry was a business caller here Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson are en tertaining relatives from out of town. J. J. Riley, Leonard Beal and Lewis Anderson spent Friday last in Wood stock. Arthur lutein of Crystal Lake spent Monday with his sister, Mrs. Ray Mc Millan. Mrs. Earl Wilcox and children of Woodstock spent a few days last week at John Riley's. Miss Lillian Riley of Chicago was the guest of her parents and sister here Christmas. • Several from this vicinity attended the. New Year's dance at S toff el's hall McHenry, Monday evening. "Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiston, George Whiston and M. Knox were business visitor*at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Flor ence, spent last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. E. Knox and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beai spent Christmas day with the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lockwood. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Anderson and son, Lewis, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. L>, H. Cole at Crystal Lake. Walter K. Conway of Holy Cross seminary, Indiana, spent an evening last week at the home of his uncle, M Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nelson and son, Melvin, spent Christmas with Mrs. Nelson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaebe, at Holcombvilfe. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Pecpfle Who Cm and Go During • Week RINGWOOD H. W. Allen was in Woodstock last Monday. Henry Wharton was a Chicago vis itor the first of the week. Harry Stephenson was home from Rautoul for New Year's day. Clay Rager and wife were Wood stock visitors last Thursday. Howard Bell is visiting his sisters at Spring Grove for a few days. Next Sunday evening meeting will He held at the home of H. W. Allen. Starr Brink and family of Wood stock spent New Year's day at H. W. Allen's. The Alexander Lumber company presented the Ringwood Red Cross with $25.00. The W. C. T. U. had a very pleas ant meeting at Callie Rainey's Satur day afternoon. William Merwin was called to Man istee, Mich., last Thursday by the death of his father. Mrs. Emma Fullington of Wood stock was a week end visitor at Lib- bie Ladd's and Libbie Allen's. Ray Merchant and Lewis Hall were business visitors in Woodstock Fri day. Also Wm. McCannon. , Frank Hawley, eldest son of E. C Hawley, was married Christmas at Crystal Lake and came with his bride to visit his parents last Saturday. II. M. Stephenson and \yife went to Rautoul, 111., Friday evening to visit their son, Harry, who is in training at the aviation field at that place. They returned Sunday evening. VOIO M is.s Ella Moore spent Tuesday with friends in Wauconda. Mrs. Martha Simons of Elgin spent Christmas at Jas. Kirwan's. Mrs. Jas. Kirwan spent Thursday last with her sister in Round Lake. Mrs. Phil Peterson and daughter, Ruby, #^re in Wauconda last Thurs- lay. % Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright are moving on thei Hughes farm west of vn, • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohne of Elgin spent a few days this week with Mrs. Rose Dunnill. * ('. G. Huson and family of Elgin and . Mr. and Mrs. Croaker of Liber- tyville spent the first of last week at l.ee Huson's. Mr. and Mrs. John Walton and son, .lason, and Wm. Dillon and family ate Christmas dinner at H. Kreuger's in WaucoKda. Mrs. John Benwell died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chris Dillon, Dec. 24. Funeral was at the home and burial in the family lot here. Among those from Chicago to attend the funeral were Miss Minnie Benwell, Mrs. Ford and G. Benjamin, son and daughter of the deceased. OSTEND A happy New Year to all. Russel Thompson spent Christmas vacation with relatives at Woodstock. The corn husking machine moved from F. R. Eppel's to Mr. Cornwell's. Leon Lincoln of Harvard spent Sat urday night and Sunday with his cou sin, Roy Hobart. R. H. Richardson has been confined to the house several days, but is soml- what better and able to be out. The three children of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherman have whooping cough, but are getting along very well. Mrs. R. H. Richardson's mother, Mrs. Benwell, died at an advanced age last week at the home of her daugh ter near Volo, Lake county. The last report from Mrs. Frank Kaiser was very discouraging. These were the words: Tuberculosis of one lung, temperature very high and very little hopes of recovery. Henry Hobart finished com husking Thursday of last week and Fred Ep- pel intended to finish the next day, but inclement weather prevented. Looks as if he wpuld be compelled to finish husking 1917 corn the first of 1918. Miss Jane Owen, Floyd Cooley and Germer* Petesch returned to take up their school duties at the State Uni versity at Urbana Wednesday morn ing, having spent a pleasant vacation in the parental homes here. Henry Miller was a Woodstock vis itor Monday afternoon. . R. B. Walsh was a,Chicago passen ger yesterday morning. ^ Miss Anna Weber of Woodstock spent New Year's day with home folks here. Johnnie Johnson of Piano, 111., is a guest in the home of Peter Nelson and family. Miss Bertha Wolff passed the first of the week as the guest of relatives in Chicago. William Howard of Woodstock spent New Year's day as the guest of Mc Henry friends. Miss Elizabeth K. Miller passed New Year's day as the guest of friends at Woodstock. Lester Bacon of Ft. Benjamin Har rison, Ind., is spending the holidays at his home here Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel passed New Year's day as the guest of relatives at Elgin. Miss Helen Slaten of LaGrjfhge passed New Year's day as the guest of Miss Esther Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Hantaan Kamholz and children of Cary spent New Year's day with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson of Greg ory, S. D,, are spending the week as guests of relatives here. Mrs. D. G. Wells and son, Glenn, were among those to board the Chi cago train Wednesday morning. Geo. Hildenbrand of Naperville, 111., was a guest in the home of Fred A. Cooley and family New Year's. Miss Alice Sutton of Sand Springs, Montana, arrived here Sunday and will spend the winter with home folks. P. J. Dorr of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., passed the first of the week as the guest of McHenry friends. William Bickler of Chicago spent the first of the week as the guest_of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Bick ler. John Eflinger of Waukegan spent his holiday vacation here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin were guests in the home of Mrs. A. Wolff the first of the week. Miss Lulu Sherburne of North Crys tal Lake was a guest in the home of Mrs. S. Sherburne and Miss Anna one day last week. , Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Thompson of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent New Year's day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly. French Duncan of Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky., was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bacon the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Feltz of Moline, 111., were guests of the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. J. Bauer, New Year's day. M iss Elizabeth Miller of Los Ange les, Calif., is spending a couple of weeks as the guest of her sister-in- law, Mrs. Fred Miller. Misses Belle Carey and Sadie Meyers of Elgin were guests of the former's sister,'Mrs. R. I. Overton, and family New Year's. Miss Mary Walsh went to Whiting, Ind., Wednesday to remain for a few days' visit with her aunt, Mrs. M. Muldoon and family. Atty. James F. Casey of Woodstock attended to legal matters in town on Monday and incidentally made this office a most welcome call. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Westfall of Chi cago passed New Year's day as guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel. Miss Ella Ibsh of Chicago was a guest in the home of her father. A. Ibsh; here the latter part of last and the fore part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Deinlein and daugher, Evelyn, of Libertyville were New Year's day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneider on Court street. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas of El gin spent New Year's day at the farm home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thomas, southwest of this village. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and son, Elmer, and daughter, LaVern of Wau conda visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling and family last Thursday. Misses Mary and Venette Deady, Mary McSwiggen and Ray McCarthy of Chicago spent the first of the week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knox. Fred Homuth and daughter, Edna, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Homuth and children, Kenneth ahd Delores, of Bar- rington were guests in the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. A. A. Landwer, and family New Year's day. Mrs. John Heimer and family passed New Year's as the guests of Geo. Heimer at Camp Grant. Geo., who has been in training* at the camp for some time past, expects to be trans ferred .from that place to somewhere the south soon. Arthur Wrede of Huihboldt, la., is spending the holidays as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wrede. M^. Wrede for some time past has been employed on the farm owned and operated by Frank Gotch, who passed away only a short time ago. It will be remembered, especially by those who follow the doings of the sporting world, that the deceased was the champion wrestler of the world. Mr. Wrede was one of the mourners at the funeral of the late champion and speaks in the highest terms of his former employer. The ARE INVITED TO BECOME A MEMBER OF OUR :• d ' S, ̂ m -I avings Club AND START A BANK ACCOUNT WITH gj lc, 5c, 50c, $1.00 or more THE EASIEST, SIMPLEST AND SUREST SAVING PLAN Come to this bank, deposit lc or 5c and increase the same amount each week for 50 weeks--or deposit 50c or $1.00 regularly each week for the same length of time--according to the following classes: v Join as many classes as you desire: Class 1 and save _____ Class 1-A and save Class 5 and save__ . Class 5-A and save.. „, Class 50 and save. . - Class 100 and save__ $12.75 .$12.75 $63,75 $63.75 $25.00 $50.00 Enroll Yourself--Enroll Each Member of Your Family--Get Your Friends to Join Set your children a good example--Teach them the saving habit Encourage your friends to have bank accounts Everybody is welcome HOY BANKING CO. McHENRY, ILLINOIS • '! - * \ % . 'J'.: vM5 A. J. MULLEN Attorney at Law At West McHenry State Bank Every Friday Home Office, Woodstock, III. Auction Sale! R. E. Haeger, Auctioneer Having decided to quit farming the mdersigned will sell at auction sale on the L. D. Lowell farm, situated hout 3>/6 miles southeast of McHenry on the river road and about 2 miles northeast of Burton's bridge, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1918 Commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m., the following described property, to-wit: :U HEAD OF LIVE STOCK --consisting of-- 22 High Grade Holstein Cows 19 milkers and springs. The above herd is of my own raising. Also 1 heifer, 15 months old, I heifer calf, 4 months old and 1 Holstein bull, 2 years old. f> Horses Bay mare, 11 years old, in foal, wt 1400 lbs.; bay mare, .'i years old, wt 1200 lbs.; grey mare, 9 years old, wt 100 lbs.; bay mare, 11 years old, wt 1100 lbs.; black draft colt, 6 month? old. 7 pigs 14 weeks old. 100 White Leghorn chickens. Hay and Grain 10 acres hill corn in shock, quantity >f timothy hay in barn, 200 bushels >f oats. Machinery, Etc. MciCormick corn binder, nearly new; McCormick mower, Bradley sulky- plow, new; 2 walking plows, 2-section hag, C. B. & Q. corn planter with 80 •ods of wire, nearly new; Oliver corn cultivator, John Deere hay loader, 12- lisc pulverizer, land roller, grindstone, top buggy, Stoughton truck wagon, " nch tire; low iron wheel truck wagon, new; light milk wagon, combination lay rack, set dump boards, set breeeh- ng harness, new; set light work har less, single harness, 2 sets 3-horse whiffletrees, wire stretcher, 6 milk cans, 2 milk pails, forks, shovels, and other articles. Good Free Lunch at Noon Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; ver that amount a credit of 6 months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until settled for with clerk. Wm. Hanson, Prop. ' Simon Stoffel, Clerk. Additional Personals Jos. Engeln visited friends at Cary Monday evening. Miss Louise Engeln of Woodstock spent New Year's with home folks. Fred Miller of Clinton, Iowa, spent Christmas with his wife and child here. E. Lang of Chicago passed New Year's day as the guest of E. M. Geier. Mrs. Peter J. Heimer and daughter, A1 vera, were Woodstock visitors last Thursday. Miss Edythe Petesch returned to her school duties at Ames, la., the first of the week. Miss Gertrude Braughton of Wau conda was a recent day guest in the home of T. W. Winkel. Here's Proof That Lumber Is Cheaper In 1914 this load of WHEAT _ 3vheat ,t V ^ 80 Bushels--would buy only 3040 feet of SIDING. In 1917 this same load of wheat will buy 4400 feet of SIDING. Now's the time to buy- Phone us your needs. Wilbur Lumber Co. Wefft McHenry, 111. Start THE NEW YEAR Right and buy our Home made Bread. A full one-pound loaf of the best bread that can be baked. FRESH EVERY DAY For Wheatless Days we recommend our Rye and Graham Bread. The McHenry Bakery A. LALI INGER, PROP. Patronize your home bakery , *1 BAR OUT WINTER -WITH OUR- Pipeless iKHHiininHnminmii CV&yvu£bruiMied> JtfrWia Siueceil? We are in a position to offer you the best proposition in a Pipe- less Furnace ever pre sented. May we ex plain same to you? You will be surprised how cheaply our sys tem may be installed. VYCITAL'S HEATING, PLUMBING & SHEET METAL CO. Here ia your opportunity to insure •gainst embarrassing en or3 ia spelling* pronunciation au4 poor choica ol word*. Know thf meaning of war terms. Increase your erficj^ocy, which results in power anJ succcm. WEBSTERS NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY is an all-know ing teacher, a universal question nnawtrer, made to meet your needs. It ia in daily usa by hundreds of thousands of suc- ct-siiul uica ax.ii uoBii-a the v. <.r. 400,000 Wards 2700 Pages. SOOt) U- luaiii adorn, l?.oOO Biograpfrlcal En tries. 30, (HM) Cougraphical Subjects. C8AND rUZE. iHuh.-sc Award) i'ui..!:...! !';»• i.'.e Ki;>05tliv«n. ueuuui aud INDtA-rAFUS CMm. WRITE for Svwv.-.ur.i Pa*** FREE focket AUp4 ;! > uatur tiUi tMtHi. Q. & C. MERRIAM CO., SBi'la&tield. , V . S. A. >'!U: I E. P. Dietz of Indianapolis was en- McHenry young «»**» returned to Iowa I tertained in the home of Mrs. Cbris- this week. Itine Brefeld last Wednesday. Anton Engeln spent last Thursday as a guest of his daughter, Mrs. M. D. Smalley, at Wodstock. Miss Mary Meyers spent New Year's day with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Ches- nut, and family at Crystal Lake. Atty. Wm. J. Parkinson and Miss Mae Schaefer of Chicago spent a day recently in the home of T. W. Winkel. Homer Harper is enjoying » tvv'° weeks' vacation from his duties aa official tester for the dairy association Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engeln a»d daughter, LaVernye, * t dfiA qpettt the week end with the forawrt er, Mrs. Barbara Engeln. David Merker, who i.i in training the Croat Lakes naval training station, spent New Year's with his uncl« ̂ W. E. Whiting, and fwaSly soaOi of tWi village. - - Km4 rtilmkily aifr ' - ' i .•< J-. ' *