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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1918, p. 5

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<5 • * THIS McHEXRY PLADtDEALEB, " ' "Kti H y?4a Check the Cold when you notice the firsft symptoms. It is easier to cure then, and also guards again,<t more serious complications which may result from neglect. Petesch's Pink Cold Tablets if taken in time, will cure a cold in twen­ ty-four hours. They restore circulation, promptly overcome congestion and stop the feverish condition which usually ac­ companies a cbld. They are pleasant to take and in no way harmful. Price, 25 Cents 'PHONE 60.WN. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST ECONOMY OF YOUR Health and Happiness through a good home--that's National economy. Making better homes in Mc- Henry county is "doing our bit." Good Furniture, artistic and sturdy; good service, satisfaction, cozy home outfits, courteous attention, helpful suggestions backed by experience--ECONOMY. Visit the big store N. J. Justen & Son WEST McHENRY, ILL. FURNITURE----'PHONE 63-W UNDERTAKING Day and Night Service r.i cen£tr^msime:i What the Bell System Is Doing THE. value of our navv depends largely upon the effi­ciency of Jthe people ' 'back home." Adequate means of communication are a tremen­ dous factor in national defense. In demonstration of its ability to supply almost instant service over the whole country,' the Bell System, a short time before the declar­ ation ky the President of a state of war, arranged a forty- hour mobilization test of its facilities. Communication was established between the Navy Department at Washington and all naval stations ir the United States, including such widely separated points asPuget Sound, Wash.; Pensacola, Flu.; San Diego, Cal., and Nev Orleans, La. Over fifty-three thousand miles of wire and the services of six hundred employes engaged in making the test. An average of thirty seconds was taken to make most of the connections. Later, by wireless telephony, Secretary Daniels talked from 1^'s desk in the Navy Department with the com­ mander of the Battleship New Hampshire, somewhere on the Atlantic. These demonstrations were of importance to every cit­ izen of the country in that they showed the value of the telephone as a means of National defense. GHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY A cleanly kept house is not OTilv a pleasure, but a '_:T . Nearly all diseases come froa GERMS. Our QUALITY brooms, scrub brushes, soaps, and HOUSEHOLD HELPS of all kinds vill lighten the wox*k of keeping the house clean and HEALTHY. When you come in next ask us to show you our HOUSEHOLD HELPS. Schneider Bros., - We^t McHenry Card of Thanks We take this means 'of extending our heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who in any was assisted us during our recent sad bereavement. Especially do we wish to thank the donors for floral offer­ ings. Mrs. Sue Wright Robert W. Wright. J. W. Smith, manager of the Cen­ tral opera house, is at Boston, Mass., the guest of his brother. Mr. Smith left for the East last Saturday. OSTEND J3stend pupils enjoyed three days of Iscfflool last week. Monday, Jan. 21, is the second date Gus Rossmann has set for Ma on the Ben Brown farm. Mr. Cornwell, wife and daughters were shopping at the county seat Tuesday. They enjoyed a sleigh ride to and from the city. George Hutson sold his farm to Gus Rossmann last fall. On March 1 Mr. Hutson and family intend moving to Woodstock, we are informed. C. B. Durkee put hi^ automobile in winter quarters and thinks it will take lots of sun to thaw the snow drifts if he gets to use the machine before next June. Ernest Brott has quit hauling milk for the farmers here and now they change around, feach farmer hauling about four men's, enough, for their roads. - r The farmers have rather a crooked road to Ringwood with milk nbw. They start in the field at C. E Jacks' place and come out up near Smith's corners. . J, Cornwell and P. R. Eppel made a trip to Woodstock in a sleigh one day last week. They think the road much longer than last summer, when they drove it with their automobiles. News has been received here that Glynn Francisco, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Albert Francisco, formerly of Ring- wood, sailed for France Jan. 14. No word from him since he left New York. Bull Valley school opened last week Tuesday after a lengthy vacation on account of whooping cough at first and then the heavy fall of snow blocked the road so neither teacher nor pupils could reach the school building. The people in this neighborhood have been receiving very irregular mails of late. The roads have been so blocked with snow it was impossible for rural carriers to reach all. James Sayler crossed from the south road to Woodstock to the north, where he turns back to McHenry at Ostend cor­ ners, last Tuesday afternodfi. The farmers have helped all they could. It took them several days to shovel out so they could get their chores done and a road out to deliver their milk. Rural carrier No. 5 from Woodstock hasn't passed thru liere since Jan. 5. SOLON MILLS A. F. Parker spent the week end here. Geo. Vogel was a business caller in Chicago Monday. R. Hankermeyer of McHenry was in town Monday. Wm. Aylward was a business caller, in town Tuesday. Wm. Merchant made a business trip to Ringwood Monday. C. W. Cropley was a Ringwood caller Sunday aftrnoon. Miss Leona Cropley of McHenry spent the week end here. V. S. Esh of Spring Grove was a business caller in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton were Monday callers in the Hodge home. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fay and family are occupying the Mrs. W. H. Davis flat. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner were Spring Grove callers Tuesday after­ noon. K. S. Craine returned to Kenosha, Wis., after a few days' vacation from his duties. The pupils are now enjoying the comforts of the new schoolhouse opened Monday. Miss Maude Spaulding of Chicago was a week end guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Davis. Mrs. W. H. Buchanan entertained her nephew, L. Mantey, from Milwau­ kee on Sunday last. Mrs. Anna Fredericks of Spring Grove is visiting in the^home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. fc. Stotz. Miss Florence Thomas is enjoying a vacation from her duties in the Solon Mills general merchandise store. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hodge and daughter, Dorothy, departed for |heir home in Crow Wing, Jfinn., Tuesday evening. Miss Celia Aylward returned to Chi­ cago Monday evening after a few days visit in the home of her father, Richard Aylward. RINGWOOD Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at J. C. Ladd's. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Rilla Foss Saturday of this week. Little Viola Rager, who has been quite sick the past week, is improv­ ing. Rick Hodge of Red Wing, Minn., visited at Edson Hodge's last Wed­ nesday. The many friends of Mrs. Hattie Buckland will be glad to hear she is improving. Mrs. Frank Hitchens gave a party to her brothel, Brueno Butler, last Fri­ day evening. Mrs. Mamie Harrison of West Mc­ Henry visited at Charles Harrison's last Saturday. Mrs. Alma Thomas of West Mc­ Henry spent Sunday with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Rainey. Don Hohenstein of Woodstock spent the days that the Oliver factory was closed with his father. Mrs. Eva Wagner of West McHenry visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence, last Wednesday, Clarence Tuttle and family of Dun­ dee, 111., were guests of her mother, Mrs. Mary Noonan, the last of the week. Clarence Bitter entertained his brother from the naval training sta­ tion at Waukegan last Friday and Saturday. Joe McCannon and wife of Green­ wood were callers at William McCan- non's and Ray Merchant's last Sunday ' afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. JVC. Ladd and Agnes Bigelow attended the' golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison at Crystal Lake Wednesday of last week. TERRA COTTA . Major Gates was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. M. Knox spent Saturday last with McHenry relatives. Miss Mary Conway spent Saturday afternoon in McHenry. Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby was a McHenry caller Saturday morning. Edward Conway was a Woodstock business visitor Saturday. J. M. Phalin was a business visitor in Woodstock last Saturday. Paul Gates boarded the Chicago train here Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and fam­ ily were McHenry callers Sunday. Miss Frances Knox was a business visitor in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Edna Phalin is spending the week with relatives in McHenry. Miss Clara Frisby was the guest of McHenry friends one evening last week. Frank McMillan and Arthur Shales were McHenry business visitors Sait-. urday. " Merton Gracy went to " Clinton Junction Saturday evening, where he will be employed. Several from here attended the R. N. A. masquerade at McHenry last Wednesday evening. Harry Brantingham of Chicago was a guest in the home of G. P. Bay one one evening last week. Miss Agnes Frisby is boarding at the home of P. McCabe at Burton's Bridge during the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox were pleas­ antly surprised Sunday evening by several friends in honor of their birth­ days, which occurred Monday. Cards were played, the prize winners be­ ing Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Frisby. A pro­ gram of victrola music was also en­ joyed and refreshments were served. VOLO Ves Wagner was in Wauconda Mon­ day. Lee Geary was in- McHenry Satur­ day last. Geo. Carl was a Wauconda caller Saturday. Owen Paddock is spending this week in Waukegan. Rev. Geo. Schark was a McHenry visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark were in McHenry Tuesday. Lloyd Russell transacted business in Wauconda Thursday. Miss Ella Moore spent a few days the past week in Wauconda. Mrs. Rose Dunnill entertained a cousin from Canada the past week. On account of the snow storm the farmers' were busy hauling milk to Grayslake the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon, Mrs. John Walton and Ethel Vogt were Waucon­ da shoppers Thursday last. Rumor has it that Nick Molidore will open up a meat market and gro­ cery in the "market vacated by Wm. Granzee. TERRA COTTA [Last week's delayed letter] Mrs. Leonard Beal was a Crystal Lake caller Tuesday evening. Miss Eleanor Phalin was the guest of McHenry relatives last week. A. Gaebe and daughter, OlfVe, called at Geo. Nelson's Monday afternoon. Miss Agnes Frisby visited the Mc­ Henry high school last week Wednes­ day. Miss Florence Knox was a guest at the Jay Doherty home at Holcombville last Tuesday evening. Miss Clara E. Frisby was pleas­ antly surprise by a number of friends at her home here last Thursday even­ ing. Progressive five hundred was played and music enjoyed, after which delicious refreshments were served. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Nine room house at Pis- takee Bay. 107 ft. frontage. Inquire at this office. 31-4t* FOR SALE--Seven room house with bath, furnace, water, gas, on lot 65x 279. $3,500. Inquire at this office. 31 LOST--On Sunday between St. Mary's church and Centerville, a cameo pin. Finder please return to this office and receive reward. 32-It* FOR SALE OR RENT--The Deutsch- man farm adjoining Lake Defiance. Inquire of C. W. Stenger at West McHenry State Bank. 31-tf LOST--Between Chas. Knaack's and Dr. Chamberlin's residence, a fur robe. Finder please return to Aug. Ross­ mann and receive reward. 31-21* WANTED--By March 1 a man for work on dairy farm. Wages, $40.00 per month. F. R. Eppel, West Mc­ Henry, 111. R. F. D. No. 1. 32* FOR RENT--The Mead bungalow on Mill street. Will lease for one year. All modern. C. W. Stenger, receiver, West McHenry State Bank. 31-tf FOR SALE-- A modern seven room house. Furnace, electric lights and all conveniences, together with two acres of land. J. B. Hettermann, Johnsburg, 111. 32-tf FOR SALE--Pull blooded Poland China boars. Sired by Chief Wonder and also some gilts sired by Wonder Joe, the 2nd. Inquire of Jas. Hunter, West McHenry. On the old Jas. Say­ ler farm. Phone 622-M-2. 29 FOR SALE--On very easy terms, the 99 acre highly improved R. H. Richardson farm at $175 per acre. Small payment down, long time, 6 per cent interest New $3000 modern barn. Three miles from McHenry on main road to Woodstock. Other farms for sale. Simon Stoffel, West McHen- GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS IN THE FILING OF Tax have shown the necessity for you to keep an accurate account of Receipt sand Expenditures. If you carry a checking account with this bank we will render you a correct monthly state­ ment of your affairs. Uncle Sam demands that you KNOW-what you take in and where it goes. Start the Checking Account today. It costs you nothing. Hoy Banking Co. Bank of Ringwood McHENRY, ILL. RINGWOOD, ILL. Start THE NEW YEAR Right and buy our Home­ made Bread. A full one-pound loaf of the best bread that can be baked. FRESH EVERY DAY For Wheatless Days we recommend our Rye and Graham Bread. The McHenry Bakery A. LALLINGKR, PROP. Patronize your home bakery of WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARIES are In use by busi­ ness men, engineers, bankers, judges, architects, physicians, farmers, teachers, librarians, cler­ gymen, by successful men and women the world over. Are You Equipped to Win? The New International provides the means to success. It is an all- knowing teacher, a universal ques­ tion answerer. If you seek efficiency and ad­ vancement why not make daily use of this vast fund of inform­ ation ? 400,000 Vocabtslary Terms. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Colored Plate*. 30,000 Geographical Subjects. 12,000 Biographical Entries. Regular and India-Paper Edition. Wrlteforspeo- imen page*, illustrations, etc. Free, a set of Pocket Maps if you n a m e t h i s paper. G.4C MERRIAM CO, Springfield, Mass. The Ford Coupelet gives its owner a large measure of modern luxury in equipment and attractive appearance for small pur­ chase price and the assurance of low cost for operation and maintenance. The per­ manent top does $way with the bother of raising and lowering while the sliding plate glass windows, with removable pillar, transform it into a breezy open or a snug­ ly closed car. The interior is roomy with • generous seat deeply upholstered. It 's a ' car of quality. Price $505 f. o. b. Detroit. STAR GARAGE 'Phone 30 John R. Knox, Prop. McHenry Buy For Cash AND SAVE MONEY We have the following to offer for ooe week: 18 in. heater, $32.00 for... .$28.00 8 gal. 20 lb. milk can, $5.75 5.00 5 tine manure fork, $1.50 for 1.25 5 tine barley fork, $2.25 for 2.00 Oil can, 15c for 12 Axel greese, per pound 6 table spoons, 30c for. f. 2 celt batteries, 25c for... 3 cell batteries, 40c for. Carpet beater, 15c for.... Boys' sotckings, 20c for 14 Ladies' 5c handkerchiefs for .4 Men's 5c handkerchiefs for " .4 Jersey gloves, 20c for 16 Ladies' 50c sport caps 43 10 qt. dishpan, 50c for. ^".V 8 in. frying pan, 35c for,. Cups and saucers, 20c value Fancy bowls, 35c value.,*,. White dinner plates, 12c for ry, m. 10-tf FOB SALE--A few choice Chester White sows, bred to farrow first week in April, and about 100 bu. Marquis seed wheat and a quantity seed barley. The grain is recleaned and free from foul seed. One pure bred Shorthorn bull, a roan 8 months old and a good one. Write or call me by phone. W. J. Amann, Oak Grove Stock farm, Round Lake, III. Phone 12-W-l. 32 THESE PRICED ARE FOR CASH ONLY AT VYCITAL'S McHENRY, ILL. £- P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSKON MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP ^ Dressed Beef, riutton, Megs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and B|f* This Is the oldest house on the street Tags an* prtoaMHi twpidMi #• application. COLD STOkAQfi PRBE , x "• CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. w?n- • i-- - .-I A. J. MULLEN ~ Attorney at Lair * At^West McHenry State Bank Every Friday Hone Oflke, :: :: Woodstock, DLfChicago Wednesday. Wm. Smith atteiideti to business matters in the metropolitan eifer Wednesday. C. Untl was a If®

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