CC-1 s; v i *?*rv w • M .1 j&iinw: PMY-'"1 »- J-; f'jfVvi^., Lf #« f s ?M3?*i- fsffe WlH: iflM* ^v..>. • v *& */£*• To Have And To Hold tj&k, ;'. t ••£•. ?>' * v ' ; v£iV * Sw1 '• *V J.lVi ;l|iHSHiii To have a customer means to hold him at this store, We hold him by never giving him - reason to go elsewhere. We carry what people want, we give the kind of service that people like and we make prices that always please. We want your trade and as a basis for this trade we want you to feel that it is worth while for you to come here for drugs. 'i'l' •• •4fhv *1 . . ' « .> i j ) UM ;-iif Vv "b' ^ •' sV .•* j-iU > %]4 . ' y • , / "* * .i$ --'if>K< i U-w ""t thone sow N. H. PETESCH druggist We want all prospective daddies, granddads, grandmas, uncles and aunts to know we have * dandy assortment of Fibre Reed, Gondola an<f Pullman Baby Carnages that ate noted lor com* fort, durability and elegance. 7 .«• n t UNKKTAKIM Service -v . J. JUSTEN & SON fVRNITURE r WE8T McHENRY, ILL. UNDERTAKING ft-A M SPRING SUIT MEN AND YOUNG MEN Order your Spring Suit early and get the best of tailoring- We can satisfy every fancy and also your purse, prices ranging from. $15.00 to $50.11 In our two lines the old reliable International Tailoring Co. and the Scotch Woolen Mills a per fect fit always. :-i Our line of DRESS GOODS is very complete Id silk and woolen materials. Shoes in fancy and staple shapes and popular colors, ranging in price, per pair, up to. $8Jt PURE, FRESH GROCERIES Finest quality of Tea and Coffee -IF WestMcHenry. \/r T ,\\T^ 1^1* Goods delivered. 'Phone 43-R. XtX» fV HI SIX ,gj and save money. We have to .i'Lxi-s. offer this week, for cash only, the following:. Buy For WW: I '-w-^ ft**# t*l sfM W> •*# •' M ̂ PttCkM^ea °f frC®h 8eedS -1*- ^ , , * «" I qt. house paint..., v' gai. house painlL.,. *HV Uif • y'~ 'M J yl. 4WHM Hunt. .. t v,: • . : SJ^ 4 I? WE TAKE EGGS IN TRADE McHENRY, ILLINOIS ' v ' ̂ 4 ; V ' - 4 * - JOBHttWnSG Theo. Meyera last Friday for Racine, Wis., Is spi|ipbig a few days as the guest of his son, B. H. Meyers, and family. Mrs. Maggie Thomas retnriMd to her home at Racine, Wis., last Suiday after a three weeks' visit in the home of her father, Theo. Meyers. A few of oar young people drove to McHenry l*st Sunday evening, where they saw Flora DeVoss in "The Imp of Satan" at the Central. J. B. Hetterman reports the sale of a six cylinder Oakland touring car to Jos. J. Freund of this place. The delivery of the car has already been made. Many of our automobile owners, especially those who have recently come into possession of new touring cars, took advantage of the beautiful weather and enjoyed Sunday at "tour ing and sightseeing. ' The old store building, which for many years was occupied by the C. M. Adams store, is novv a thing of the past. The wreckage is now being cleared away and the place will, ere long, present one of the beauty spots of the village. A number from this place attended the funeral of Peter Schaid at St. Mary's Catholic church at McHenry last Thursday morning. The funeral of Mrs. August Huff of Spring Grove yesterday morning also took a number of our people to that village. Our people were very much sur prised as well as saddened last Thurs day when the news reached here that St. Mary's church was burning. Our people went thru the same experience eighteen years ago and they well knew how to sympathize with the parishioners of St. Mary's at Mc Henry. The Young Ladies' sodality of St. John's Catholic church here announces a May party, which is to take place at the parish hall here on the even ing of Wednesday, May 1. The young ladies are already laying their plans for the coming event and an enjoyable time is sure to prevail. More par ticulars later. • Work on enlarging the basement at the parish hall here has been at a standstill for some time past. It now looks as if there will be nothing doing until after the busy season and men and teams will again be obtain able. It is the intention to make the basement sufficiently large for a meeting place and possibly a dining hall. After spending a week with his u ifa here, Frank Mathieu left Tues day for Chicago, from which city he started out on a long theatrical en gagement, which will carry him over the western circuit. His first stop will be at Minneapolis, Minn., and from there will make all the leading theatres in the big western cities. He expects to be gone for several weeks. The last note against St. John's parish here was paid on Monday of this week* and today the parishioners are rejoicing over the fact that the entire church property is entirely free of debt This is indeed a most grati fying showing for the beloved pastor and the good people of his flock. Three years ago, when the present pastor took charge of the parish here, there was a total indebtedness of sev eral thousand dollars, while the prop erty was sadly in need of improve ments. The heating system was in a very bad state, while the windows and roof were also in anything but first- class shape. Then, too, the sister house needed attention. All told over $4,000 were spent in making repairs that year, while $2,000 were spent in repairs the following year. Today all of the church property, with the pos sible exception of the floor and base ment of the parish hall, is in first class condition with all debtfe entirely wiped out. The pastor and parish ioners have good reason for rejoic ing as they all know the hard work involved, in bringing about. 4tm~ diti«. - f T^ISsirthegueet r^^es.' Walter Reading of Brooklyn, Mich., is visiting in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Reading. Mrs. Trow and son, Clyde, of Heb ron spent Sunday as tike guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Merrell. ' Harry Turner and several friends from Union spent Tuesday as the guests of Mr and Mrs. R. L. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell and Mrs. Nellie Turner accompanied Mrs. Mary Shipton to her home in Woodstock Thursday evening. Mrs. A. F. Wellman returned Mon day evening from West Chicago, where she has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. M. J. Town. Mrs. Wm. Geiser and children and Mrs, Mary Aubert and son retained to their homes in Chicago after spend ing tiie past week in the Bert Sutton home. ! Mesdames L. S. Overtoil E. E. Monear, Walter Cairns, Arthur Bell, R. R. Turner, W. H. Gardner and R. L. Turner attended a lecture at Spring Grove Monday. Mrs. Shipton of Woodstock spent Thursday last here. A Red Cross branch was organized here and the work has already begun, formerly members of the Red Cross here have worked for Richmond or Spring Grove chapters. SOLON MILLS Miss Bird Hodge spent Monday at Spring Grove. Miss Mae Sweei ii -visiting at Spring Grove. Mrs. E. E. Brigham is visiting at Ft. Atkinson, Wis. Mrs. R. L. Turner was a Thursday caller in Richmond. H. H. Fay was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. John Weber was a McHenry caller Thursday last. Miss Hazel Turner was a oilier in town Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner were McHenry callers Sunday. Miss Alta Wentworth of McHenry spent the week enck here. Misses Sarah and Bird Hodge were Ringwood callers Saturday. Mrs. Adelaide Coates spent Mon day afternoon in Richmond. Mrs. C. W. Cropley was a business caller at Ringwood Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haldeman were Spring Grove callers Saturday last. Anthony Winters and family are moving into the L. E. Turner house. Mrs. Yanke and daughters, Nette and Lyllian, spent Sunday at Genoa Junction. Mrs. T. D. Cole of Spring Grove was a caller at Mrs. R. R. Turner's Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. N. Buhr and Mr. and Mrs. Meyers were Sunday callers at R. I. Turner's. I Mesdames Wm. Brennan, K. S. Craine and Geo. Vogel were, Richmond callers Monday. Mrs. Grace Jackson is spending sev eral days in the Jos. Noertker home near Spring Grove. Mrs. W. H. Gardner returned Sat urday from Milwaukee, where she has ; TERRA COTTA Walter J. Wal3h called on friends here one day last week. Henry and Frank McMillan were McHenry callers Friday evening. Ed. Bergman of Chicago visited at the home of S. B. Leisner Sunday. Henry Miller of McHenry was call ing in this vicinity Friday evening. Wm. Welch of McHenry was call ing in this vicinity last Thursday. Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry was a caller here several days the past week R. F. Conway of McHenry was a business caller here Friday evening. Mrs. Mary Grant was a business vis itor at Crystal Lake Monday evening. Dr. N. J, Nye of McHenry was a caller in tliis vicinity Saturday even ing. Fred Bergman and son, Carl, of Chicago were guests of relatives here Sunday. Rev. M. J McEvoy of McHenry was calling on friends here. last Thursday. Rev. E. A. McCormick of Barring- ton spent a recent evening at the J. J. Riley home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaebe and family of Holcombville spent Sunday at Geo, Nelson's. Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughters of Holcombville were calling on rela tives here^ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sund and chil dren of Holcombville spent Saturday evening at G. Lindahl's. Lewis Ensign, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ensign, is ill with pneu monia at his home here. Mrs. Henry McMillan returned home Saturday from Van Orny, Texas, where she has been at a sanatarium. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago spent the latter part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. $. B. Leisner. SPRING GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Math. Lay* spent Wed nesday in Chicago. " Thomas McCafferty is moving into the fish hatchery. Anton Schaefer was a Chicago pas senger Thursday. John Karls was a business caller at Fox Lake Wednesday. Rev. Wm. Dommermuth was a Chi cago passenger Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Young of Ring- wood were callers here Sunday. Mrs. N. N. Weber and son, Paul, were McHenry callers Saturday. Miss Kathryn Althoff spent Sun day with home folks at Johnsburg. Frank Wagner is moving into the house vacated by Thomas McCafferty. Miss Mayme Frett spent Sunday afternoon with her friend, Mae Keef . Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams of Johnsburg were callers here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Guth and family of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Keefe home. Miss Theresa Mertes of Johnsburg visited in the home of John Bowers a few days last week. Wm. Britz, Martin Weber and John Bowers boarded the train Saturday evening for Adams, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Smith of Johns burg were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Lay. Misses Mabel Seigler and Miss Mae Keefe and Messrs. Edmund Keefe and Lee Aylward attended a dance at Hartland Wednesday evening. RINGWOOD Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at J. C. Ladd's. E. C. Hawley and wife were Elgin visitors Wednesday of last week. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday of this week with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Bert McCannon and family spent Sunday at Starr ^rink's in Wood stock. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Agnes Bigelow visited relatives in Crystal Lake last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bradley vis ited their daughter, Winifred, aj Be- loit college Sunday. Rev. Grose of Crystal Lake will speak in the M. E. church next Tues day evening, April 23. Victor Peterson, who worked tfro years for Ed. Peet, died of pneumonia at Camp Grant last Sunday. Miss Bernice Harrison entertained the high school class last Friday evening. There was a good program. E. P. Flanders has cleaned up our park very nicely and preparations are being made to have a third liberty loan flag. Bradley and Foss will close their itJ"V • / -* »£ M. . k- j**' W* fmmt ii i Ownership of ft LIBERTY BOND is evidence of thrift and an index of your patriotism. You can buy a LIBERTY BOND on the partial pay ment plan. The small weekly payments will not he noticed. Subscribe the THIRD LIBERTY LOAN TODAY? A 5*1, iM it McHENRY, ILLINOIS ' $&.*•" LONG R U N Messa America's fECURE certainty of service In Tested .Una. They die sure service because it is proven service. Their endur ance and mileage have been proved in the one way to assure mileage to the motorist, on the cat uu the toad." ' • Hearken to that 1918 message, the roads of America send* American motorists. Last year. Goodrich, launching1 six Test Car Fleets in six widely different regions of our country, took Goodrich, T:r"s, and with light and heavy cars mauled them over and rock roads of plains, deserts and mountains, to try out THE CITY OF GOODRICH • AKRON, What those tires endured doubled Goodrich's pride ift Its -- v They fought America's roads through 4,178,744 tire miles. They r conquered the roads of America in that phenomenal mileage, those 1 BLACK SAFETY TREADS and SILVERTOWN CORDS. Let .American motorists listen to this message from America's roads. It means time and money saved them. They get lasting service with the tires that have won the title, "America's Tested Tires." THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY 1 Chicago Branch: 1925 Michigan Ave., Chicago, HL store at 6:00 o'clock p. m. on Tues day and Thursday evenings during the summer. OSTBND Little Anna Kaiser is one of the new pupils in our school this spring. Assessor J. W. Kimball was mak ing his regular yearly call Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Young were call ing on relatives at Spring Grove Sunday. Next Saturday is school meeting, but we have not heard of anyone seek ing office. Myron Francisco and family of Wauconda were Sunday visitors with their daughter here. Roy Hobart and friend^ Jack, mo tored to Woodstock Monday evening to attend an entertainment. We are informed that C. E. Jecks and wife will enjoy a new Overland as soon as C. E. can master it. F. R. Eppel is without a farm hand and needs one very much as he is put ting in considerable grate and has a number of cows to milk. Mr. Born, a Chicago man, rented the Brott farm this year. His sister 630-R-2 HARRIET J. LUTHER Nurse • 'T'^N McHENlfYt ILLINOIS and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Young, will do the farming. This is their first experience in # farming, having always lived in the city. FOR SALE--Reasonable, a 20 ft. mo tor boat, 2 cylinder Grey engine. Inqiure of E. R. Sutton, McHenry III. Phone 6S4-J-2. 44 FOR SALE--Black mare, 9 years old, brown mare, 12 years old, in foal; bay mare, 4 four years old, team geld ings, 4 and 10 years. Inquire of Pat McCabe, McHenry, HI. R. 2. Phone 630-W-2. 44-3t SEED :xi Potatoes! As in. former yearn 4 we are again mak- ing a specialty oI Seed Potatoes. We aire again handling the Early Ohio and Early Rose varie ties and our guaran tee goes with them. Our Chicken Feed is wm egg producer. Tor it M. M. Niesen Mi'Hearr Ww« \ u... .. *• . * \