F. G. scmmm** ftfflcalit Baok Bulldtnc Tvlepboa* *-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION) OM Ynr flJI It Months, 75c Tin* Moaths. *c v^^OturswIwy, .time 21,-IMS' • »!. •»' -- -- ••'••V-rj - SPRING GROVE * liV John Karls wis a Chicago ger Monday. , \ . Mr. and Mrs. Ben May visited rela- ^ jn McHenry Sunday. - » > Nick Etten of Kenosha spent Sun- , X !'oii|>y with his mother here. > v' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christen sen Richmond callers Tuesday, 'HVi. prank Hay has moved his household goods into the Peacock building. ;; Spring Grove was well represented at the circus in McHenry Sunday. * , Miss Kathryn Althoff spent Wed , ttfesday with home folks at Johnsburg. '• Miss Mae Keefe attended the fu- ^ uer&l of a friend at Woodstock Mon .Any. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wieland enter tained company from Chicago Son- Mrs. Steve Smith *nd sister, Tillie, «( McHenry were callers here Wed ®»sday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen spent Sunday with relatives at Mc Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nimsgern en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Mike Degen d Kenosha last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britz and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. John Weber Igent Sunday at Round Lake. - -Quite a number of our young folks attended a barn dance at Jackson's barn near Solon Friday evening. Mr. and • Mrs. Frank Wagner, daughter, Julia, and son, Joseph, were Richmond callers Tuesday evening •/-"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Justen of Ring- fipood spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Winters of Twin Lakes spent Monday evening in file home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay. Mrs. Frank May and son, Arnold, spent Thursday in the home of her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Kattner. A large crowd attended the show in Peacock's hall Sunday night. Every one enjoyed the singing and acting. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Welter and iftildren. of Ringwood spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick ftoos. Math, Laures and Miss Vera Knox of McHenry spent Wednesday even ting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. How- Christensen. ^ •Xi-. - ' f c . - ; 29 f.. WNGWOOD > ' The W. C. T. U. meet* Jane With Mrs. Abbie Martin. , < Roy Waterman of Barrington was ; at E. C. Hawiey's Monday. Y The proceeds of the Red Cross sale last Saturday evening were $100. W. Allen and wife spent Wed nesday and Thursday last in Chicago. Mrs. Maude Merrell of Solon Mills ; visited at Lewis Schroeder's Monday. A little son came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting Satur- .fiy. , # - .Frank Hawley and wife of Chicago *:^:ijkre over Sunday guests of his par ents here. •; Mrs. Frank Hitchens went to Chi- Tuesday evening to have her ton sils removed. William McCannon and wife drove 1pt» Milwaukee Sunday to visit the Henry Hobart cisco were business county seat Monday. The Ringwood meat wagon made its first trip of the season thru here on Thursday of last week. Several of the farmers here at tended a milk producers' meeting at Ringwood Friday night last. Merle Hobart returned to his home in Richmond Wednesday of last week after a few days' visit with relatives here. Frank Kaiser and children attended the funeral of his brother's baby granddaughter at Woodstock on Wed ^esday of. last week. The little one was brought out from Chicago for burial. Frank Hutson does not improve. His condition is said to be very ser ious. His wife arrived in Woodstock the middle of last week from Belle- view, Fla. Frank and his youngest son came thru alone about three weeks ago. Mr. Hutson /has been tapped and several gallons Of water drained. ' . QUARTER OF A CENTURA Items Clipped From The Plaindealer •f Twenty-five Tears Ago IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE VOMERS AND GOERS OF A W f f^olkos family. ^Vivian Esh, wife and little daugh- Jjr of Spring Grove were brief caller* at Ed. Bells' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller of Rose- dele, McHenry, were callers at the H. , M. Stephenson home Sunday. Luella Stephenson anu ^race Mc Cannon visited Mrs. Mildred Mun- v ikaw and father at Elgin one day last ll & . ; im,f Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey, Mrs. Alma Thomas and Mrs. Gerald New man were Lake Geneva visitors last Sunday. OSTEND Doit Sherman is spetrtHrtg this week at the home of Tiis grandpar- EV1NRUDE ktackabic aOM>MM7 %CAM0S MOIM. Easfly attached to the stern of rowboat or canoe-- ready to take you on enjoy able outings, fishing and hunting tripe. Portable, easy to operate/ always dependable. Bvinrude Magneto-- Built-in1 This section was visited by a soak- ng rain on Tuesday afternoon, just what we needed. Preparations for the Fourth of July parties in this village are pro gressing favorably. Geo. S. Curtis is now furnishing our citizens with some very fine home grown strawberries. Hon. H. L. Hertz of Chicago, with his family, is now cocupying his cot-, tage at Pistakee Bay. Children's day was beautifully ob served at both the Methodist and Uni- versalist churches in this village. A. M. White of Lake county has been appointed fanner at the Elgin insane asylum at a salary of $1000 per year. The McHenry County Horse Breed ers' association nas made arrange ments to hold its trotting meeting this year on the fair grounds at Wood stock. Detective Benthusen has been win ning laurels by tracing out and ar resting men who have been tampering with the telegraph wires on the Northwestern road. The latest pension has been granted to Mrs. O'Leary, who owned the cow that tipped over the lamp that ourned Chicago. This was not for burning the city of Chicago, but because Mr. O'Leary was in the army. The fishing at Fox Lake this season is reported as being of the best. On Monday three strings brought in by guests at tiie Howard House com prised forty black bass, fifteen pick erel and ten pike, and all were large fish. County Treasurer James B. Perry of Woodstock, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Agnes, are making an extended trip thru the East. They went via Niagara Falls to West Point to witness the graduation of Mr. Perry's son, Howard. John Bishop and Linus Newman were fishing at McCollum's lake Wed-" nesday and brought home a string of twenty-three as fine black bass as one would wish to see. John Heimer and J. Bishop also caught a fine, string at the same place last week. During the thunder storm Tues day afternoon Jacob Hauprish and Walter Wright, who are at work for W. A. Cristy, togetheif with the two young sons of Mr. Cristy, had a nar row escape from death by lightning. They were out with a horse and buggy south of this village and as the rain commenced took shelter under a large tree near by. Lightning struck the tree and Hauprish, one of the boys and the horse was knocked senseless and Wright knocked down. Young Cristy was considerably burned about his neck and down his side a'nd leg, while Hauprish was burned more or less on side and arm, but no serious result is anticipated to either. St. Maij'g School Notes , The school work of the children is on exhibition Thursday, Friday, Sat- ~ »**.•_ .. urday and Sunday. Open day Md |»'E'r" wmk evening 'as guests m the home of the former's \s Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed Into Our Office By Our - Friends ^ Peter J. Heimer wait a 'Chicago vis itor last week Friday. H. E. Buch transacted business in the metropolitan city Monday. Louis Adams transacted business in the metropolitan city Tuesday. R. I. Overton and son, Richard, were Chicago visitors Friday of last week. Mrs. Louis Wrede entertained her brother from Chicago on a recent day. Mr. and Mrs Harry Alexander of Hebron were Sunday visitors in town Richard B. Walsh was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Tues day. ) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Freund of Woodstock spent Sunday in this vil- lage. • Granger Smith of Elgin spent Wed nesday of last week with relatives here. J. E. Pufahl was a business ^visitor in the metropolitan city one day last week. Fred Heuser of Chicago spent the first of the week as the guest of rela tives here. Forest Foss. of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. A. J. Pouliot of Chicago - passed Saturday night and Sunday here with his wife. C. E. Smalley of Crystal Lake spent a recent evening as the guest of Mc Henry friends. Mrs. F. V. Cobb of Hebron spent Friday last as the guest of relatives in this village. Fred Schoel of Chicago was a .vis itor in the home of Mrs. G. E. Schoel one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jackson of Chi cago called* on friends in town last Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rieke of Wood stock were Sunday guests of Mr. and "Mrs. A. A. Landwer, Mrs. Henry Heimer ^passed a few days this and last week as the guest of relatives in Chicago. Misses Lenore Freunu and Varena Brefeld were guests of friends at Heb ron one evening last week. Thos. Knox of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Peter J. Freund was over from the county seat last Sunday and passed the day with relatives here. Andrew Henderson of Crystal Lake was shaking hands with friends in town last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Smalley and children of Woodstock were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Sarah Sherburne and daugh ter, Anna, were guests of Crystal Lake relatives one day last week. Miss Lillian Pouse has returned to her home here after a pleasant visit with Chicago relatives and friends. Mrs. J. H. Miller passed Wednesday and Thursday of last week as the guest of relatives at Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Westermailn and children of Woodstock called on friends in town one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs C. Unti and children passed a couple of days last week as the guests of friends at Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Monear and daughter, Helen, of Solon Mills were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Mayme Overton of Elgin was the guest of relatives in and around McHenry several days last and this week. • Mrs, Lucy Thomas of Woodstock passed several days last week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. H. Wattles. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Stark and daughter of Zenda, Wis., were Sunday guests in the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Joe May. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chi cago passed the week end as guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Margaret Bonslett. Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, KARL ZANDER PISTAKEE BAY Addrcsa, McHenry. IB., Route 1 The following program wiH be given Tuesday, June 25, at the Cen tral opera house: Song--My Own United States Salutatory ... .Master L. Young Class Poem Graduates Valedictory .Miss Viola Stilling Distribution of diplomas. .Rev. Pastor Address Judge Shopen Little Sailor Lads 12 Boys Recitations .1,2 Primary Pupil?. Our Dolls e. .F. Freund, M. Justen Recitations 5 Girls I've Got the Mumps,A. Stilling The Doll Show 10 Little Girta Piano Duet. ...L. Scheid, C. Thennes The Girls Over Here Patriotic play in one act 8 Girls Scarf Drill ,18 Girls Stupid Servant -Aoys Graduate# y;:f-a Masters: .^rp. Louis Youngf r vrtfl^oB Miller Misses: vX.£> Viola Stilling Villa Rothermel Lillian Freund Marie Miller Class Motto: There's Always Room Up Higher. Class Colors: '.V; * Red, White and Blue. Irs. D, P. Walter L. Bishop and Chrf* Offefc! motored down from Lake Geneva Sunday afternoon and called on their grandparents, Mr. Mid M Woodburn. Sr. Mary Henry of Riverside and Sr. Mary Clarence of Austin were guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Ellen Bolfc*, the latter part of last week. mother, Mrs. A. Wolff. Mrs. Alsena Smith and granddaugh ter, Miss Fannie Grander, are spend ing a couple of weeks as the guests of relatives in the metropolitan city. Miss Flora Churchill of Libertyville was a recent day guest in the home of her grandmother and aunt, Mrs. Sarah Sherbure and daughter, Anna. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chapell and daughters, Harriet and Marion, mo tored out from Chicago Sunday morn ing and passed the day as the guests of relatives here. Mrs. Emma LaMoitt and grand daughter, Jeanette Nerger, of Chicago passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as guests in the home of Mrs. Mary Schreiner. Henry Miller and Misses Elizabeth K. and Clara Miller and Mayme Ibsch motored to Kenosha, Wis., last Sun day, where they passed the day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer. William Frett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Frett, has returned to his home here for the summer. Mr. Frett has been suffering from a severe attack of neuritis and he came home with the expectation that the summer's rest would nurse him back to health. Dr. H. H. Hanly, who during the past several months has bfen in the medical service of the U. S. army and stationed at Waco, Texas, visited his mother, Mrs Ella Hanly, the first of the week. The doctor is preparing himself and expects to leave for over seas service in the near future. W. A*-£«yler visited relatives in l&gin last M*ek. G. C. Bosma of Elgin passed Sat urday in this village. , C. G. and Peter Frett were Joliet visitors last Saturday. * . F. O. Clans boarded the Chicago train Monday morning. Wm. F. Holtz of Woodstock spent Sunday with his wife here. Mrs. Victor Meyers and children of West Chicago spent Sunday here. N. A. Huemann attended to busi ness matters in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Worts boarded the Chi cago train last Thursday afternoon. Martin B. Schmitt was a business visitor in the windy city Tuesday. Miss Marion Conway of Elgin spent a few days in the parental home here last week. ' , ' " Miss Alta Wentworth is spending the week with relatives and friends in Chicago. , Misses Theresa Knox and Vera Stoffel passed Wednesday in the met ropolitan city. C. G. Burkhartsmeier of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of Mc Henry friends. ' v' Mrs. H. E. Clemens and son, Guy, motored to Chicago Tuesday and spent the day. Miss Aileen O'Reilly passed the week end as the guest of Chicago rela tives and friends. Edward and Albert Frett of Chi cago were entertained in the hoibe of their parents here. Sister Benigna of St. Mary's pa rochial school, was a Chicago visitor on Friday of last week. Miss Celia Geary of Wauconda was a Sunday guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Schaffer. Wayne V. Woodburn of R,ockford visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Woodburn, here recently. J. C. Bickler and son, Wm., Dr. D. G. Wells and J. F. Freund were Chi cago visitors Wednesday. '. Mrs. Emma Hamel of Chicago spent the week end in the home of her sister, Mrs. D. G. Wells, here. Linus Newman was absent from the Oliver typewriter factory the first of the week on account of sickness. Wm. Buttner and Jas. Maloney ®f Chicago spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chesnut and children of Crystal Lake spent Sat urday and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Jackson of Chi cago motored thru town Saturday and paid a pleasant call to a few friends. John R. Knox attended to matters of a business nature in the metropoli tan city Tuesday. Misses Nettie and Mamie Deady and Ray McCarthy of (Chicago were guests in ,{foe Ed. Kmpc home last week. , Miss Blanche Meyers left Sunday evening for a two weeks' visit with relatives at West Chicago and Mor ton Grove. Mrs. Arthur Whiting of Liberty ville spent the past four weeks in the home pf her brother, Lewis McDonald, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman, Mrs. Alma Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rainey of Ringwood motored to Lake Geneva Sunday. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock at tended the soldier boys' farewell given at the Ed. Knox home last Thursday evening. Mrs Thos. Cooney of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. 7. Rapp of Crystal Lake were here to attend the Knox-Malone wedding Wednesday. ' Mr., and Mrs. F. E. Covalt and chil dren motored to Crystal Lake last Sunday afternoon, where they called on relatives and friends. Mrs. Bertha Frett, daughter, Marie, and sons, William and Arthur, of Chi cago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Frett. Mrs. Wm. Gentleman and children and Miss Catherine Dwyer of Chica go are spending a few weeks at the former's cottage at McCollum's lake. Mr. and Mrs John Leickem, Wm. Niesen and Miss Phresia Kohlman of Kenosha, Wis., are spending the week in the Fred A. Beller cottage on Fox river north of this village. Mr. and Mrs. John Feilan and chil dren drove out from Chicago last Sunday morning and passed the day as guests in the home of Mrs. Feilen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Frett. Private Allen Noonan is home from Camp Hempstead, Garden City, N. J. He was granted a leave of ab sence for ninety days in order to re cuperate from a recent attack of pneumonia. $110 Reward, $10* The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science bas been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Catarrh beingr greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the 8jrstem thereby de- str.ijingr the foundation of th* disease. giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture In doing its work. The proprie tors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY A.CQ,, XfdfAo. Ohta, MA by all Uruggteta, flOtO i-." " 1 * ' & > The adealer for news,1 V The efforts of the business men of Crystal Lake to get a special train service between that city and Wood stock for the accommodation of Crys tal Lake people employed at county seat factories appear to have been made in vain. A recent letter from the C. & N. W. R. R. Co. gives out the information that the company feels that it is not advisable to in crease passenger train service under present conditions. However, the business men of Crystal Lake have not given up all liope of securing the desired service, as it is said that further efforts along this line will be made. mm tt 9 d ¥ V "f 4 * x. 4 y * Thrift Car If- T IB not necessary to 8pend<«aore to|«t of comfort, beauty, roofenfaiCBS for vm, and modern convenfenoefe And- -5 rou cannot set for teas fclidMfoe adv-- tqps of Model 90! It iiaa a powerful, reliable motor th»t CWsxy bit of power from every drop of gaao It has electric Auto-Lite starting and ••cuum fuel system, reajr cantilever spri tires non-skid rear and 100 Itk&i wheelbasfe. K:. ft ki-J.' nr '.ri}, , -**< v' -i-'4 | i "4^ h ( ; ^ j SM;?' it. \ t "t- ./ t • ' >•» 14 With narrow turning radius, ngfim h, simple and convenient oontxo handled. 1 Order your Model Mat onoe. Pitt poimtt of Ornrtmd fc»H>f > »•... ('S Appearance, 7 , , .,, , . 'g'TliB* ftWC a r . S t s o -- f . c . » . flMr wMtel OVERTON & GO WEN Distributors West McHenry, H|. 9W if •A-7 A' y-j. ' /- •*" - - f (1 '•rr-'r ':'r v I y* y. y w. v - - i. . .. v ' 1 1*1?'u.H CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Horse, buggy and har ness. B. Katz, McHenry, 111. 1-lt WANTED--Middle work in small hotel, dealer office. aged woman to Inquire at Plain- 1-tf FOR RENT--Seven room flat. All conveniences. Address The Plain- dealer, McHenry, HI. 46-tf FOR RENT--The F. E. Granger house in West McHenry. Inquire of J. C. Holly, McHenry, 111. 42 FOR RENT--Barber McHenry. Modernly quire at Plaindealer shop in West equipped. In- office. l-2t FOR SALE--Household goods and garden tools, all in good condition. Cheap if taken at once. Alice Simp son, McHenry, 111. " 1-lt* FOR SALE--Two acre farm, situated at Johnsburg. Five room house, barn and corh crib. Inquire of Jos, 0 Holly, McHenry, 111. 51 WANTED--Man to work on farm by month. Married man preferred. No daiiy. S. S. Rogers, West McHenry, 111. Phone 606-W-l. 52 FOUND--A bunch of Yale keys, one Fortune Bros, opener. Owner may have same by proving paying for this notice. property and 1-lt LOST--A lavaliere with pearl setting, mounted in silver with chips of dia monds around entire setting Reward. Phone 91-J, McHenry, 111. 1-,* FOR SALE--A number of beds, chairs, wash stands and feather pil lows. Inquire of or write Mrs. J. F. Miller, Rosedale, McHenry, 111. 1-tf FOR SALE--A cider mill, used but one season. In first-class condition. For apples or" grapes. A bargain awaits someone. Inquire a^ this of fice. ... ' rl. *>;• ' , "v ... '1-lt* STOCK PASTURED--Fine pasture, water and shade for 25 head of stock. Good fences. $1.50 a head per month. S. S. Rogers, West - McHenry, 111. Phone 606-W-l. 49-lt FOUND--Pocket Wbok containing a small sum of money. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. XB. J. Adams, West McHenry, 111. 50 LOST--Beegle hound wearing Chica go license tag on collar. Answers to name of Jack. Disappeared from While-Away resort last Saturday night. Reward for his return. Call phone 77-W, McHenry, 111. 1-lt* FOR SALE--Federal truck, just as good as new. Will carry from 2 to 2% tons. Open box with vestibule seat. Also row boat for sale. For information apply to or address The Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. 52 FOR SALE--Farms and all kinds of property sold at one per cent after We are not making very much noise about it but when it comes to an abso lutely reliable stock of staple and fancy groceries this is the place to find same. Our lines are al ways fresh as well as com plete and our honest ser vice goes* with each order. Our Chicken Feed is an egg producer. Try it, M. M. Niesen McHeiiry Phone 84-W sale in any state. Address the United States Farm Agency, Room 217, Parkway Building, Philadelphia, n. An C. J. HENDRICKS Republican Candidate for County Judge > STRAYED--From pasture Sunday night at Sullivan lake, a bay mare, blind in one eye and weight 1150 pounds. Last seen near Wauconda* Notify J. C. Patterson, Ingleside, 111., or phone 682-M-l 1-lt' LOST--^Somewhere in village of Mc Henry, city of Crystal Lake or oil road between Crystal .Lake and Mc4 Henry, automobile license plate No, 158340. Finder kindly notify The Plaindealer office, McHenry, 111. Re ward. FOR RENT--A furnished house and cottage at Orchard Beach on Fox river. All modern conveniences, in cluding hot and cold water. Porches screened. Key may be had at Ben Stilling's residence. Also boats. In quire of or write Geo. Michel, Rich Ave., Evanston, III, fice. 250 or this of- ' 52 FOR SALE--A five room house, to* gether with 4% acres of land, barn, garage, workshop and chicken house. Set out with all sorts of fruit trees and fruits, which will bear this season. Located about 100 yards from Fox river. Would make a most desirable summer residence or could be utilized as a truck farm. A bargain awaits someone. Address The Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. 42 at the primaries on Sept. It ; If nominated and elected he will give his undivided attention to the duties of the office. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY JUDG^^X ft. F. Mauley > Mrs. Emma D. Fullington of Wood stock is a guest of her brother, Chas. L. Page and family. She will leave here Friday morning for Washington, D. C., where she expects to visit her sister for several weeks. 4 ^ ' * 1 s t *r 1 I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county judge, subject to the decision of the Republican primaries, September 11, 1918, and respectfully solicit the sup port of the voters. If nominated and elected, the probate court will be open at all times for the transaction of business. B. F. MANLEY. Westfall W. Woodburn, wife and two children and Mr. and Mrs. L. Por ter and two children motored from Belvidere and spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr* and Mrs. Di P. Woodburn, here •Mpfr* \ir-r syws-t mail.