McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jul 1918, p. 8

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v ' • • • y'-t mumtm mm fv<v *1 '! >" £t. •?' t- j®-1 ? :.'-?' r." * , " t* , ,. ;, o mi, Wi , 'f.^% life V • :f*". . . *•' (For Men and Boys ^4-% ̂ V. ••„• . v • •, fc-.' y^y-") <i'-1 ^ f V» I' 1 <&-fi \ •" ;) V?0 • iCfri-*; 4 't ^f*V;>Kg»: ^ taBbMsn#(rtrcitt MmtUfe MMIefeo add f ^domestic woolens, guaranteeing to our Cloth- ,[i'fi}ng a 8upem% of wMc& we are justly proud. < * iDon't let the talk of high prices discourage you. Come audsee these Suits and the eW C.' /tremely lo# pftte# at *&kti they are goii# > *. "p;¥ou will be corn -} pf these StiMM-1 ^ « y if you wear one "fto '•** f: ,LV-n! ' % V< . * st , 1 > •*. ̂ m f*v-i JOS. W. FREUND .7W .. - ^ w, v* ?f;5:WSvSi ,, j„ ^y*"t n ti :--i, \ » t * <£*«t*, *-< > na. ^ j|f ^ "" :jfc' -1# :' ^ • •* •••v Sir f.l teta 'v -ti. ? 1 • " " - ; •**>; ' 1,41'-.* • immi m mis STOKE IS SELLING w, * ; *' ^ A,;„i .VS-1 * v»v v••.??,.,•,]»i- j' . • / ; • ' " -'L0U , f f i _ , .V-1" Every mun, woman and child should - / < x Iteep buying tKem. Put a little motie^^ ^ iegiilarly into War Savings Stamps and Si ^#ateh your savings grow, rA profitable, iimple and stttim investment; a sure »oad toprospMty. ' ^ '.••>• \ ' "^T' ~r./ ••-.•'v.- ^-jaaarasr r- . J ; • r>va' Si##"? F.I >r-V. : WEST McHENRT. ILL. rikiii / •• £•'¥% i ; , «i fc/ it*: may be best enjoyed by purchasing the ^ things that bring comfort at thisstor^pj We have a very complete line of the fw iwiag Summer Goods: |J0 Lawn aad Porch Swings, ^ ,:V • • 1Mb Shades, 7 ,f! > • Porch Chairs,?-. '•• H<..;-•>-< j-f'i'Af ' I*wb Seated i ! ; ' f* '" r ••. '<"* HammocliSs, " *' ' " ->' « <r/: cC.t? Window Screen^ Awnings. Etc. fc,| ;-V '̂ afeocarrya fine stock of gFumkure, Rugs, Carpets* Linoleums, ,, fi Window Shades, Croquet Sets, Push t ^ v Carts, Wagons and Baby Carriages of ^ various designs. Tf.-s ' I?"., 1 f A' 'r ' % U* ?'• n 9, % £V fh? t- ». ? • - |t , A\» .t ̂ C, % 1/^ 4*J ^ ,""v >' ^ ^ it a McHENKY. IIXDfOB ' {(>; fadA X K i's / ' t l . ^; & ^ 9 , i P*i * t r*J j •%7-\ lh f ;h : ; l , l *?, j5 ^ ^ v sift:** •fa -» IS ' ' {V-, K \' , <; V"^<" ^" \ *£•" -'ft ;/ 1 > ^ %' r 10 ,* 1 * /_,v > For Friday and Saturday j ; Fruit jars, quarts, do&.-lte Red kidney beans, ca»..tft Golden pumpkin, 3.t$e Baked beans, torn, saace 171 Hominy, Na 3, can, lie Select coffee, pan lb. Mason jar caps, doz....,Ue P:#%- Pew, telephone, can... ,-17« String beans, cm......_16e Prepared tapioca, pig...lie Cocoanut, Baker's, can. 7c Soups, condensed, can. _12c Fancy Japan tea, lb. __..5fc Xaundry soap, bar^ .̂ 11 .l^uck Mapgarlnci in atock'/^ ;̂ Tdfai The following letter, written by Jol Freund, was handed to us by Mr. an Mrs. Michael Jucten fat public«tt6nt Dear Un«le an# At»rt>^-On my last visit in McHenry yftu asked me to write to you some time. I am fine and hope you are the same. Am very busy from morning till night Today we pitched nine hi* tents to sleep in for about two fcittMligrd men. The rookies are caglfting in this week and therefore had to give up our barracks for ten dajfe, while they are in quarantine. We haven't much drill­ ing to do, bat hike every Thursday night for about two hours. Every Friday at noon we go out of camp for about three miles and pitch our sleep­ ing tenta and stay for the night. We carry three blankets, a shelter half, mess'kit, knapsack and first aid med* ical belt, on our back. In all weigh­ ing about fifty-two pounds The med- teal belt consists of adhesive tape, spirits of aromatic ammonia, iodine, swabs, two pair of scissors, a book of blue and white tags. The blue tags are for severely wounded soldiers wh» we helpless and feel blue. The white ones for the slightly wounded. . I was |it Marengo Sunday at the dedication of the Sacred Heart ser­ vice flag, consisting of twenty-six stars. About thirty soldiers were present besides the base hospital mil­ itary band of twenty-two pieces, in-j charge of Lieut. Rev. J. F. Xonergan; The services were very beautiful. We had a chicken dinner, which we do not get in camp. In the afternoon we were entertained by the young ladies of the parish. We left Marengo at four o'clock and arrived in camp at eight. We did not pass -any wet toims, but stopped anyway. The Marengo people certainly treated vis fine during the short time that we were there, which was appreciated by all. One year ago today the first board was cut-for the barracks in this camp, which today is a nice little town for the boys in khaki. I hear there are about fifty thousand soldiers in this camp now. All the boys will parade into Rockford on July 4, starting at seven o'clock and returning at noon. In the afternoon the boys will be al­ lowed to visit with their folks from home. There will be all kinds of en­ tertainments during the afternoon, such as boxing bouts, ball games and also some good speakers Will be pres­ ent. A grand display of fireworks will take place at eight o'clock in the evening. I see by last week's paper that John Unti is coming to camp Thursday. Well, I hope he will like it. McHenry has given quite a few of her sons to the colors and I hope she is able to give some more. Many of them are in France now and more will soon fol­ low. I hope they will all come back with a hip hip hurray. Well, I guess I have written all the news. Expect to be home <n a thirty hour passed shortly after the Fourth. Hope to hear from you soon. Re­ gards to ~yott and all the home foWw-l From your grandnephew, J John M. Freqndf i^ Camp Grant, Iu» : • J| ̂ NGERS, FRANCE C K " Appointed'Wagoner m Cow F. 116th Engineers Corps •A fia>. * HU*SO*V. JULY:# '-/A FOX FEATURE -)^:J June C$pite4M§,; : 2"' • --*~»N--- WM GRL'S DREAM 'i^ATURpW ^aniace Reed and Anita King -1--IN- SOCA WMAN-S SON Piuuline Flredericfe IN- ' . The Love That Lives •w REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING fgt 5.00 5.00 68,52 51.50 24.00 21.49 27.15 75.00 75.00 18.24 36.00 : 12.45 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 9.00 12.00 30.38 I A ?;>'j '*} > Wy- Wm. Karls, in a letter to his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls, of this village, tells of his whereabouts in France. The letter referred to fol­ lows: Angers, France, June 8, 1918. Dear Mother and Dad--I received your letter of May 7 today and was glad to hear from you and that you are all well. I feel fine now, but was sick all last week, had a bad cold and it settled in my head and chest. The soldiers on duty in the roar can write as to where they are lo­ cated and as I am on duty in the rear I can tell you. I am stationed at Angers, France, at the present and am doing carpenter work. I suppose that will interest dad. I am doing fine at it. I was appointed wagoner about two weeks ago and am in hopes of going up some more. There are lots of chances over here and a fel­ low can work himself up if he tries. My new appointment means about six dollars more a month so that will help some. Money don't go so far here as it does over there. I have learned a lot about the carpenter game, as it is all fine work. L think I will take a course in building construction wfaen get bade. I met Floyd over here about two weeks ago. The poor kid was in the hospital at Washington, D, C., three months and all the while I thought he was over here. Margaret wrote that she had been out to McHenry to see you all and that she had a good time out there. I imagine I Weald enjoy a visit to Mc­ Henry now and it- looks new as tho we will all be back soon. The Amer­ icans are just getting started and artf doing great Will close for this time. Hope you are all well and happy. Love, ' Billie. Vr.^and Mrs. C. W. Gibhs and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whiting and son, Har­ old, ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Jtrs. J. F. Walsh at Rockford «m their way from Madison. Mn. Arthur Greenbarg of Minne­ apolis, Minn., spent a recent dagr with Mrs. E. S. Wheeler in this ' Mrs. Greenberg was Miss her, formerly of this village. enrouie from Now Yo^k City, whera die had been visiting relatives. Of Village Trustees Takes Place at Village Hall Monday Evening 4 . / aW i / Council Room, July 1,1918. The village trustees met in regular session «with Pres. Chamberlin presid­ ing. Trustees present; Doherty, Hei- mer, Kamholz, Knox, Krause and Stoftel. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and' approved. The following bills were approved by the finance committee, including officers' salaries; C. A N. W. R. B. Co stone Chas. Paul, moying park.... Frank Thurlwell, special police Dolese & Sbepard Co., crushed stone C. & N. W. R. R. Co., demur­ rage on oil . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline,... Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber.. Standard Oil Co., gasoline, oil. H. E. Buch, drinking fountains 181.50 Public Service Co., st lights & traffic lights ....v.....;... 102.80 W. G. Sc'nfei^ unloading crushed stone *. 7.00 Geo. Meyers, lbr with team... 117.00 W. F. Bassett, lbr with team.. 13.80 James Revor, police service...f John Walsh, marshal service.. J. J. Vycital, lb* & supplies... Ben Hiller, lbr on waterworks. Everett Hunter, gravel....... R. G. Chamberlin, Pres. serv. Peter Doherty, trustee service Math. Heimer, trustee service Fred Kamholz, trustee service John Knox, trustee service... Albert Krause, trustee service Simon Stoffel, trustee service. W. G. Schreiner, clerk service and postage'..... Motion by Krause, seconded by Heimer, that the minqtes be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kamholz, that the treasurer's, collec­ tor's and police magistrate's reports be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kamholz, seconded by Heimer, that the bills be paid as O. K.'d by the finance committee, Mo­ tion carritd. , * Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Heimer, that the appropriation and tax levy ordinance be passed as read. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Knox, that the sidewaTk ordinance be passed ~as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Heiteer, to adjourn. , Motion carried. R. G. Chamberlin, Preq. W; G. JSchreiner, Clerk, , n •< ' Red Cross Note^A* ^ ^ Our branch was organized one year ending June 27. ' Plans to dispose of the oil donated by John Schaffer Will be made at the meeting on Friday afternoon. Members of the Home Charity league hand in garments pledged at any time to promoter who enrolled you. Committees have beon appointed to receive renewals of membership. Miss Clara V. Stoffel is chairman of the committees. Election of officers will take place at the meeting on Friday if other orders are not sent from division headquarters. It is' possible that election may be deferred till October. A check for $3.00 was sent to the vice chairman by Mrs. L. F. Pouse as a contribution. Mrs. Pouse is one of our faithful workers and plans to re­ turn at least two finished garments each week. Her generosity and as­ sistance is commendable. Amateurs will please be kind enough to consider that wool Is higu priced and rikmiid be utilized by ex perienced knitters. Do not ask the committee for yarn until you have submitted a sample of your knitting made from wsol furnished by your­ self. Mrs. J. C. Holly very kindly deliv ered iRnished work to Woods^Aek Sat­ urday. The boxes con tailed 6 suits pajamas, 3 bed jackets, V |kN shirts, 30 sweaters, 1 pair and 10 property bags. There are six­ teen sweaters still out. Wefkers will please return by Friday, as July 1 was the time given for our quota to be re­ turned to headquarters. As chairman of the sals of Ckrist- /I * ^PV-vV£ Wr m 1 * » r V? : 1 v 1 $ t* -•:>} if. t>J V P , . H4, vM"M tdy f J a ,i ,; J ^{ Safety and Convenience Do you know that nine-tenths of the business of the United is done by some form of check? The reason for this 3 that the banking system of this country has been placed on such a &fe basis that corporations and individuals have faith in it. The wel­ fare of the banks depends in a large measure in maintaining this , confidence. - J*. ̂ ' • vi!; • ̂̂ . i-r- /•. A i z j i k - W i n absolutely safe proV odtion. Your money is safer than it is in your own pocket and yiMiK check is as good as your money in any business transaction. We shall be pleased to have you open a checking acqounl witli u?. Jtfw will find your account to be a safety anA conveniendfc, Wê t McHenry State Bank .7'̂ .... i vHrlt'.JSfii m WB X Wff- r&i **;§ « ̂ »?%" ,A "Win, i ; }r.\ • f"*** ,j- v.t; 'lul4* * iT-. »• • ••' listed i us}. > + * , .V *4; 4 f ' ! -r ss iM r ^ * *1 *T" '4 '/i - - iV '^k ,'f - * /' ) ^1 DR. F. h AICHER lUjDfTlST Office in Trleph--e Biffamgi CManlDe McHenry, >i Illinois Tslsplwae No. 79-W PLOlttDW AMD BEAURG -BY- Experienced Workmen DONAVIN 8c RRIHANSPER GER CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--A dresser and white iron >ed. Cail phone 51-W. 3 FOR SALE--Horse and buggy. A fcargain awaits someone. Louis Wolff, McHenry, 111. 3-tf FOR RENT--Seven room flat Ail conveniences. Address The Plain- dealer, MeEEenry, til. - ' 46-tf FOR RENT--The F. E. Grangerihouse in West McHenry. Inquire of J. C. Holly, McHenry, HI. 42 WANTED--Woman to help in kitch­ en. Good wages. Inquire at the While Away. McHenry, IU. Phone 77-W. 2-tf FOR RENT--A seven room flat in West McHenry with all modern con­ veniences, including heat. Call at Plaindealer office. ~ 2 FOUND--An automobile crank han­ dle. Owner may have same by prov­ ing property and paying for this no­ tice. Call phone 9. 33-lt FOR SALE--Two aero farm, situated at Johnsburg. Five room house, barn and corn crib. Inquire of Jos. C. Holly, McHenry, 111. % 51 LOST--Somewhere between McHen­ ry dam and the Central opera house, an amethyst pin. $5.00 reward. Carl­ ton Prouty, WinnetkS, 111. 3-2t* LOST--On streets of McHenry, a pocket book containing a small sum of money and trinkets valued by the owner. Finder please leave at Plain- dealer .office. j 8-lt* WANTED--Very best offer for the R. A. Howard meat market^ property. Property must be disposed of and cash. Easy payments or trdde for and considered. Simon Stoffel, West McHenry, 111. ,. 2-4t FOR SALE--Federal truck, just as good as new. Will carry from 2 to 2% tons. Open box with vestibule seat. Also row boat for sale. For information apply to or address The Plaindealer, McHenry, HI. 52 FOR SALE--Farms and all kinds of property sold at one per- ceftt after sale in ahy state. Address the United States Farm Agency, Room 217, Parkway Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 47-12t FOR RENT--A furnished house and cottage at Orchard Beach on Fpx river. All modern conveniences, in­ cluding hot and cold water. Porches screened. Key may be had at Ben Stilling'8 residence. Also boats. In­ quire of or write Geo. Michel, 250 Rkh Ave., Evanston, 111, or this of­ fice. 62 FOR 8ALR--A five room house, to- gather with A% acres of land, barn, jgarage, workshop and chicken house, fist out wit* all sorts of fruit trees and fruits, which will bear this season. Located about 180* yards from Fox river. Would make a most desirable summer residence or could be utilized as a truck turn. A bargain awaits someone. Address The Plaindealer, McHenry, HI. '** a certificate placing McHenry on the honor list for havtof disposed of seals at the rate of six cents per capita, proceeds of which www tad for the mas seals, Mrs; Jack Walsh received (prevention of tuberculosis and the S& Wm' "v mMM. 'X if'" '..•-'-•v ti' ' , r ~ fS-M k; >L-<i , AU in a single day Housework needn't be spi^ad bvet the whpole \veek. Mo$ of your routine tasks can be done in a single day when electricity is in the hoiiae^ for then^ ^ < > -Av.l ft ' < tu- < . Eledtric Washing Machines Electric Vacuum Cleaners 1 " .1 ' • 1 Electric Irons ; ct v. ' 'k v- lengthen the hours. Every lamp socket in the wired house yields power to run these Sold on Monthly Payment^ QF NORTHERN ILLINOIS - .1-: •*> fey '<fy. 't^'s • * i fU€ (* s. *» ' h"* • ft • I •Ml ' , W »TpTErE Ne5i"'ser;vlce; * like X everything dse^ W ilD wnpg,. occasionally, . It is our aim to make our service as nearly perfect as possible, and oupr operators are carefully teamed wkh lhat object in view. s T ; You can cooperate iti maJdng- rfte Service satisfactory. When there is Anything wrong* call up the chid operator at once and steps wiH be jtaken «:«! CffiCAGOTELEPHONE, COMPANY care of those already afflicted. Credit is due the pupils in the schools hes as well as Red Cross members. ' Join tho Bad Crock. /V Our feed hi ducer. it. M. If you have not «. ^ • jv,% »«ri j- iSfc&'LjidL'L " A *• -r ^ . " S O ? i f f e " i ^ & r I j t l r l l t - i • i i . ~ f . % % > • 4 ' &.9iJ sr-wiW. k-j: V£*':

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