i T»l*4oo*«-W TERMS OF SUBSCKIPTION: v Tear*. - ---iu* Montta* Tic Ttait MOMLT, #© Tk*iraday, July 4, i»i8 ":;»V FOR SHERIFF ; % s t hereby announce myself as a can- % . didate for the office of sheriff of Mc- Henry county, subject to the decision cif the Voters at the Republican pri- ,/ tnaries, Sept. 11, 1918, and respect- solicit your support and vote. %'> 3 A, H. Henderson, Sr. ^JUNE REPORT McHenry vNimda tur . ,* IMS Aasodatie* is '.v Following is a report of the Mc- ? #tory-Nunda Cow Testing association •\.;vitor the month of Jane as compiled by official testa:. jd ' Four hundred and thirty-five cows ^ were tested during the month. Two .^jjpws were bought and four were sold. '} , The herding having the highest 'J' , The herd having the highest ;•;! qf M. B. Weaver, averaging 93fr *' founds per cow, with twenty cows Rested. Clyde Wingate had the next 1 average with 906 pounds per jepw. ; 'Hi Wingate and Hale have the highest Itiutterfat average per cow with 35.7 ; /founds. John Fleming has the r Jgighest butterfat record with 53.05 ^ pounds. W. W. Whiting has the high- > ;.«st milk record for the month, with ;r,.1575 pounds. " The following table gives the names f , f of the cows in the association which r / have produced more than fifty pounds ^ ' elf butterfat, or 1400 pounds of milk, • U #uring the period of thirty days, end- < >ing June 30, 1918: . ' f*. ** " ••'*% ErCent Life, sji '• * Qwntr Name Ago Milk of Butfat 111; vo W. W tilting No. 20 « 1575 H i *>.40 u M B Weaver Eva fi 1401 H.0 42.03 %)? Walter Walsh No. 12 5 1515 3.0 45.4B t k i. FlemtoK Pet 6 1179 4Jr , 5106 £ K The above cows are all pure bred grade Holsteins. &/' Louis Grumstrup, Official Tester. ^ ~ " .Charles Gibbs, Secretary. J, y *" State of Ohio, City of Toledo, » - j * i k L u c a s C o a n t y , * > n . . . . feii ' / Frank J. Cheney makea oath that few .?,!* |a aealor partner of the firm of F. J. w % tm--r £ Co., doing busiaess in the "r . City of Toledo. County and State afore- • * *l"1 Sli and that said firm will pay the PUB of ONB HUNDRED DOIXARS for • f, V , 'Ja«h asd every case of Catarrh that Dt be cured by the use of HALL S CUBS. FRANK J. CHKNST abacrlbed Iwuru to before me and aiibacri of D«w 1ASON. Public. my presence, this 6th da^of Decern- Notary Pat A. D. 1886. A. W. l u t e a l ) n Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken intern *fty and acta through the Blood on the < nKou Surfaces of the Syatem. fiend fir testimonial* free. r. J. CHKNST * CO.. Toledo, a r Bold by all druggists, 75c. hiall'a Family Pills for constipation* IB. H. Waite Paul J. Donovan WAITE & DOKOVAR < L A W Y E R S •'^McMir Woodstock; Richmond Wed nesdays and Saturdays .' Hours: 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. N*. 108-R _ SIMON STOFFEI, 8 : Insurance agent for all classes of f property in the best companies MeHENRY. ILLINOIS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE m C00NTY TREASURER MeHENRY COUNTY respectfully solicits your support and vote at the primaries, Wed nesday, September 11,1918. ANNUAL C. J. HENDRICKS Republican Candidate for County Judge at the primaries on Sept. 11 If nominated and elected he will give his undivided attention to the duties of the office. J. MULLEN Attorney at Law West MeHeury State Ba6k Every hiday fjffice. :: :: Woodstock. ID. w>3 m m e r Wl; REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE COUNTY JUDCBB I... ";' . B. F. Manley FOR : :'3ro, • I hereby announce myself m a candidate for the office of county judge, subject to the decision of the Republican primaries, September 11, 1918, and respectfully solicit the sup port of the voters. If nominated arid elected, the probate court will be open at all times for the transaction of business. B. F. MANLEY. v b'V 1 •*'" " - >n< „»%> Tkc steady, easily controlled Keat by die I-Want-U Gas Iron makes (or ironing effi ciency. lions the sheer est muslins and finest laces without scorching. Makes light work of heavy pieces. Cost for gas less than one cent X;1 . Ui)ited i' OSTEND Rumor says wedding bells will soon ring. Wait for the announcement. From the talk Ostend people will celebrate at the county seat July 4. The threshing machine company has ordered a blower for the company machine. Many of the farmers are haying, but they will not be troubled to find room for the crop, as it is very light. Some of the neighbors were invited to spend last Friday evening with Mrs. Jennie Cornwell Sommers at her home near Greenwood. Small grain in this locality is not looking nearly as well as a year ago. The dry weather has shortened the crop. Hay it only about a two-thirds crop. Frank Kaiser motored to Elgin Sat urday and brought his wife home from the hospital. She is in the best of health and delighted to be with her family. . EXTRA PERSONALS F. O. Gans and son, Frank, Were Chicago passengers Tuesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander ac companied the farmers and their wives on their trip to Madison, Wis,, last Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly and sdn, Warren, and Mrs. Nizzie Holly mo tored to Genoa Saturday to visit Al bert Holly and family. Both fam ilies motored to DeKalb the same day and called on the F. L. McOmber fam ily there. Mrs. Nizzie Holly remained at Genoa for a visit in the home of Of Lands, Lots and PtiMiwtal of McHenry Township Publication of Assessment Liat, Lands State of Illinois, McHenry County, js. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the following is a full and complete List of the changes in value in the Assessment of Lands in Township 45, r 8 and E, (McHenry) County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1918, as appears from the Assessment Books of said year. Lynn Richards, Supervisor of Assessments. John V. Freund, w 60 a e% se}4 sec 1, town 45, r 8, 50 a $1467 Jacob P. Miller, s 60 a w% se% sec 1, 50 a t... 1688 J. H. Kennebeck, wH sw% sec 2, 80. a 2067 John J. Schmidt, w of rd, s% ne sec 8, 22.60 a., 1053 John P. Lay, n 58.29 a, n% nw *4, sec 12, 58.29 a.. 1685 Martin Jung, w% sw*4 sec 12, 80 acres 1888 John Debrecht, Co. Clk's plat (ex s pt 140x140 links) sub It 4, It 14, sec 13, 1 a 666 Jacob Schmitt, Co. Clk's plat, w 814% ft. & a 104 ft. sublt 1, It 15, sec 13, ,73 a 588 Stephen F. and Katarina Schmitt, Co. Clk's plat, sublt 1, It 16, sec 18, 1.21 a 400 Katharine Klein, Co. Clk's plat, a pt sublt 1, It 16, sec 13, .56 a J17 Ben J. Schaefer, Co. Clk's plat s pt 140x140 links, sublt 4, It 14, sec 13, .32 acres 410 Katherine Miller, Co. Clk's plat, pt e end sublt 1, It 40, sec 13, .10 acres 8 Joseph Michels, Co. Clk's plat, pt se%, sec 13, .50 a 100 John Heimer, e* s%, ne%, sec 14, 60 acres 1400 Bernard Tonian, Co. Clk's plat, s of hy 1 & 4, sec 14,11.76 a.. 200 Wm. B. Tonian, n of rd, 1, 2 & 4, sec 14, 86.09 a 2000 Blue Gill Rod & Gun club, Flan- der's subdiv, It 5, blk 1, sec 22 / 145 Nora Shaughnessy and Helen Tarrow, Flanders' subdiv, It 5, blk 2, sec 22 188 Robert L. Altman, Flanders' sub div, It 6, blk 2, sec 22 88 Adolph W. Gast & Olla E. John ston, Howell's Villas sub, It 3,- blk 1," sec 23 516 Geo. A. Schmitt, Howell's Vil las, s% of Its 4 & 5, blk 1, sec 23 880 Pat. & Louis Hughe!, Howell's Villas, It 32 & n 32 ft. It 88, blk 1, sec 23 210 Eva W., Martin A. & Warren L. Howell, Howell's Villas, Its 38, 39, 40, 43,-47, 48 & 49, blk 1, sec 23. 518 Eugene Kovats, Howell's Villas, Its 44 & 45, blk 1, sec 23.... 166 Eva W., Martin A. & Warren L. Howell, Howell Villas, blk 2, sec 23 '. 299 F. W. Hansen, Orchard Beach, It 16, sec 24, .25 a 466 M. J. Hannifin, Orchard Beach, Its 38 & 39, sec 24, .50 a..... 468 Emil Lasch, Lasch's sub Its, (ex 4) incl 3 to 12, sec 25, 2.25 acres 488 Paulina Kuhlman, Rosedale, It 7, sec 25, .25 a 488 Jacob M. Diedrich, Woodlawn Park, (ex 14) incl Its 11 to 22, sec 25, 2.75 acres 200 Louis J. Wellde &' John C. Hell- esen, Woodlawn Park, It 14, sec 25, .25 acres 48 Catholic Bishop of Rockford, (C) Co. Clk's plat, s% sec 26, It 7, sec 26, 1 acre ...... 1888 Geo. A. Himler, Co. Clk's plat of s% sec 26 (C) (ex w 66 ! | f t . ) p c 1 6 6 f t . f r o n t a s p e r D . J • ' • R. 148, p 91, pt It 9, sec 26, ? town 45, r 8, .24 a 629 Fred A. Cooley, (C) Go. Clk's plat, w 66 ft. front, pt It 9, sec 26, .16 a 608 Henry Wegener, (C) Co Clk's pt, pc 132 ft. wide, w of & adj Owen's out lots, pt It 1, sec 26, .45 acres 16 Joseph May, (C) Hanly's outlts, Its 6, 10 & 13, sec 27, 10.48 a.. 600 John Spencer, (C) Hanly's out- lots, pt It 18, sec 27, 1.75 a.... 2691 Martin S Freund, Co. Clk's plat, It 23, sec 27, 3.90 a 488 Chas. A. Dalstrom, Co. Clk's pt, as per D. R. 151, p 493, pt It 30, sec 27, 4.13 a 288 Martin Boyle est., Co. Clk's pt, (ex as per D. R. 151, p 493) It 30, sec 27, 47.87 a 601 C. E. Sherman, Co. Clk's plat, It 4, sec 28, 40 a... 1866 Martin S. Freund, Co. Clk's pt n of hy, Its 8 & 9, sec 28,' 86.70 StCreS , . ; s ; ; - • - J - :. 1140 Mineral Springs Park Wells & Barbian, (ex Its 16, 17 & 21) incl Its 3 to 23, blk I, sec 36, 6.14 a 800 Robert F. & Jennie M. Clement, Mineral Springs Park, Its 18 22, blk 1, sec 36, .50 a 88 Sunnyside Club, Mineral Springs Park, It 16, blk 1, sec 36, .25 a. .625 Robert F. & Jennie M. Clement, , Mineral Springs Park, pc e of blk 1 & s of hy, pt w% sec 86, 12.01 acres 820 Geo. J. & Christiana Wegener, Sunnyside, It 16, sec 36, .20 a. 26 Albert Etten, Sunnyside, Its 17 and 18, sec 36, .40 a 50 Therval Sorum, Crystal Glen, It 4, sec 8, town 45, r 9, .20 a 888 Chas. F, Churchill, Crystal Glen, Its 9 & 10, sec 8, .60 acres... 280 Frank E. Hansell, Co. Clk's plat, pt, It 11, sec 17, 1 a. 378 Do, Rosing's subdiv, as per D. R. 134, p 498, e 9 ft. It 1, sec 17, .25 acres 60' J. C. & Johanna Bauer, Schaef er's subdiv. as per D. R. 140, p 547, It 13, sec 18, .25 a 251 Jacob Schaefer, Schaefer's sub div pc 4x10 rods adj It 10 on ne, sec 18, .25 a .. 288 Joseph Stilling; Stilling's Colum bia Park, (ex Its 10, 15, A 16) incl Its 4 to 20, sec 18, town 45, r 9 900 Vanderlip, Stlilng's Columbia Park, it 16, sec 18 180 Sue A. Saunders, e% Rocky Beach, It 1 & Co. Clk's plat, It 20, sec 18, .14 a 190 Anna M. Cornell, wH Rocky Beach, It 1 & Co. Clk's plat It 20, sec 18, .14 a 299 Do, e% Rocky Beach, It 2 ft Co. Clk's plat, It 21, sec 18, .25 a..800 Agnes L. Galpin, w% Rocky Beach, It 2 & Co. Clk's plat, It 21, sec 18, .25 a 600 Geo. J. Saye -, sw% se% sec 18, 40 acres 1166 Wm. Mclness, Sunnyside Beach. It 4, sec 18 88 E. G. Wentzel, Mfcy's subdiv, It 2, sec 18 199 Ellen McDrought, May's subdiv, It 5, sec 18 288 W. C. Koester, May's subdiv, It •8, sec 18 .... 99 John P. & Mary P. Loos, May's subdiv, Its 9 ft 10, sec 18 288 J* C- & Louisa Nettnin, May's - snbdlv, Its li, 12 ft 18, sec Schlno, M&m'M rda) sec 18, .76 s. • lO rds, Its 12, Lskot It 3, Adam Its Helen 13 ft 14,*mmb Gretchen W. side, (ex wly 2 0 , . 2 5 acres ....,. H800 Wm. H. Pierce, Lakeside, pc in rear ft .w 8 ft. It 3 ft e 62 ft. It 4, sec 20, .50 a 700 Peter F. Miller, pt e% sw*4 sec 32, 61.34 acres 1094 Elizabeth Schweighoffer, pc 6x 85 rds e& swH *^ 82, 00 a 884 W. F. ft Ida M. JUmMM, as per D. R. 188, p 228, p* aw% sec 32, .75 acres.... ............ 100 Publication of Aaaeaament List, Lota State of Illinois, 7 • McHenry County/aa. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY the John A. 10 of Fox Ri ver Jte 10 ft 11, blk ..f 500 PWer'&piJCJte 1,"2,' 8 "ft n% It 4, blk 11 John Ciw«jr, e% Its %A 3, blk 13 M^^Waite, It S ft e% It 6, Hemry G. Wegener, e% It 7, w % Its 9 ft 12 ft e 16 ft. Its 10 ft 11, blk 18................ Mary A. Waite, eMt Its 9 ft 12, blk 13 7. Frank J. Freund, sub lots 1 of It 1 &* sublt 1 of Its 4, 5 ft 8, blk 25 803 67 120 833 133 1000 East Side Fox River. Outside Corp. Everett Hunter, ltel& 2 ft n% G seffimm, ite ippi, 4, is, 16, 17 ft 18, blk 2..«. A...... las; H. Fegers, incl Its 7 to 12, - p . blk 1 ......... ...Hp Elizabeth Winkle, Its 6 and lS, blk 1 M. Kelter*s • ?; Magdalena Bohr, Hs 4, S & 6, blk 3 State of Illinois, , . f McHenry Counfcy, ss. PUBLIC NOTK3E IS HEREBY GIVEN^ That the following is a full and complete List of the changes in value of the Assessment of Lots and Blocks in the Village pf West . Mc Henry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1918, as appears from the Assessment Books of said year. Lynn Richards, Supervisor of Assessments fciside Corporation J. Z. Webster, w 66 ft., of n 132 ft. sub-lot I, lot 1. blk 12 8 866 Out Lots to We R. G. Chamberlin, It State of Illinois, 840 i'i inM and-|._. OOd, * of iHinois, ' as appear.-' 1 \ . = - - >ks of said* . year. t Lynn Ricfeards, ' Supervisor of Assessment:!. - Arthur C. Merrell, It 5 | 470 ~ J!. C. Hawley, (ex 27x44 ft. sw | corner, e ptit 6 : SS&\ t Hoy Banking Co., pc 27x44 ft. [hl " C sw corner lot 6.............. 766 * t V Publication of Assessment, Personal £ Property • ^ State of Illinois, - , McHenry County, ss. ^jranMJo^ifDTicif-- Is HEREBY ̂ ; v GIVEN, That the following is a full1. and complete List of the Assessed C *- Value of Personal Property- in thei Town of McHenry, County of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, fe# the year A. D. 1918, as taken from the Assessment Books of said year. /' ^1' Lynn Richards, Sup. of Assessments.. - Abbott, T. A.....VfiiW.|2798 Adams, Kathrine ...'«. 228 Adams, B. J. ...*..... 171 Adams Bros. .. • 1090 Adams, Geo. E. . 521 Adams, Frank L.v. .. .. 164 Adams, Jacob A. •.. . 896 Adams, Castor, Est. .. 820 Adams, C. M. ........ 1666 Althoff, Wm. ....I.*.. 871 Allen, H. 646 Ahrens, Henry ' 88 Aurora Brwg. Co...;.i:. 165 Anderson, F. A. ...... 88 Anderson, John ;. 83 Artificial Stone 0o. Anderson, Alex .. Anderson, John A* Anders, Max H. v. Alexander Lumber Babcock, Roll in .. Boettcher, Robert d». •?)>•>? • » • Bechtel, Chas. Bassett, W. F. Bassett, E. E. . Bacon, Wi* .. Bacon, C. D. Bauer, Michael Baur, Math. J. Barbian Bros. . Barbian, N. E. I^aron, Harvey Bradley ft FOBS Bradley, W. E. Behrens, Gustav Britz, Peter . . . Brefeld, BOD Blake, Will \... Blake, Matt ... Blake, Chris .. Blake, John M. Blake, Math. M. Blake, Frank M. Blake, John . . . Blake, Pet<r Blake, Joseph . Bohr, Nick .... Bohr, George . Buch, John J. . Buch, H. E/ . . . Buehert, Albert Busch, E. A. ...;, Blomgren, J. A. Blomgren, R. .... Boley, Mrs. G. Fi; Bool, Samuel Bolger, Mrs. Ellen Buckland, J. V. Boyle, John ... Bowman Dairy Co, Bohlander, Mrs. A. Bohlander, F. A... Borden's Farm Pro. Co. 3841 A* . i • 'S.li: • •V • •tl" *« >»« < t ; : '•> . • * * V* ' Co. *-263 826 * 660 66 1837 83 694 81 76 68 78 260 778 02 2696 196 609 1999 431 142 366 28 682 28 128 1333 682 488 667 499 709 141 75 86 217 100 116 25 25 28 618 81 2209 298 1701 666 4088 i.jfr'jT1"*';* Bonslett, Wm. .......'.. Bonslett, John W» *... Bradley, K. M. Brown, A. M. Brown, S. W. Browning, Mrs. E. .... Brunswick, Leo , . Bickler, J. C. ..-A'Jt.. Biggers, J. B: ........ Birk, Jacob ...,.,.. Bell, Louis. ..:iSi. Bell, Mrs. ^Florence.... Bell, Ed. Bell, James . Becker, Oscar Beth, W. J. Beardsley, C.- >l<at Beatty, S. I. . J^jner, C. G. '. Bishop ft Olson v£>v, Bonslett, Adelia •y... Boley, G. C. Bickler, Arthur Carey, John Carson, Anna H.' Campbell, Robert Q. . Carey, John Carlson, C. L. Carr, C. H. . Chase, Eli P. ..*...* C l a x t o n , J o h n F . ^ L Cleary, P. J. . Chamberlin, R. Q, ... Colby, N. P.' Colby, G. W. . Cornell, Anna . Churchill, C. H. Cooley, F. A. . Coates, Wm. C. Coates, Elijah . Conway, M. A. Covalt, Floyd E.-. .•.'I..'. Cornwell, James Cristy, Mrs. J. C .vj , Cossmann, Wm. Doherty, Petea Degen, Henry ..f Degen, John ..,....,. Duetschmann, Fred .;. Delzeno, Nick ..., .. Debrecht, J. C. Dodge, W. A. . Diethorn, Fred Diedrich, Peter v*)vV. Diedrich, Jacob X. .... Diedrich, Fred Diedrich, Joseph ,. Donavin, Walter 1, ... Dettmer, Wm. Donavin ft Reihan- sperger Dowe, Christina B. . v.. Duffy, John L. i. om, John P. .... Engeln, Barbara .... ESigeln, Antan • i'i w- Edinger, Ekstrom 180 81 94 28 707 40 460 801 665 28 189 666 1424 828 94 80 * 50 980 45 88 128 28 1»1 2863 88 88 276 498 959 3I63 1189 8666 97 210 411 40 60 2084 1084 98 228 78 662 180 486 28 6» 462 25 26 199 789 470 721 588 876 1788 76 100 1480 127 94 92 Eisenmenger, H. <fh 296 694 520 25 60 125 28 *5^228 < i!¥> Freund, Freund, Freund, Freund, Eppel. 'Fred R, Engstrom, N. P< Eisner, John ..... Eichler, Godfred ... . . Erickson, C. ......... Fay, Emm St . Fay, F. E. Fegers, C. H. .... .j.. 1920 Flanders* S. P. ....«* 32 Flodin, C. F. ........26 Francisco, Freund, Frank J.\.. «;* j ^ 184 Freund, John Hi 2390 Jacob M. ,...' ;i203 John <712 Peter M. , Jacob Fre(»n^, Math. S. Freund, Mathias . Freund, John S. . Freund, Jos. J. . Freund, John J. . Freund, Anto^ H. Freund, Hubert . Freund, Ben .... Freund, Peter F. Freund, John V. Freund, Joseph L. Freund, Martin H. Freund, Nick N. . Freund, John F. . Freund, John F. . Freund, John N. . Freund, Peter Jr. Freund, Jos. W. . Freund, Jos. W. . Freund, Martin S. Freund, John P. ^ 606 699 28 182 t...'3748 '63i 496 :518 V..,;792 .;.,1497 488 ..v;- 584 % 62 527 139 197 445 885 ^ jf: ^ 600 151 66 345 i * Freund, M. J. .. Freund, Michael 138 • •• f=;.f _ ...... * 383 Freund, Mathias N. .«^ 59 Freund, Anton P. .,. 354 Freund, S. H. ... ;. 1026 Freund, Nick F. »«•><• ^3 Fritz, Martin • 682 Freeman, Mrs. John' .. % 40 Freti;,.Albert ........#140 Frett, Joseph J. 114 Frett, Chas. G. 1887 £ • .$» < 'M 94 206 a 282 10792 $ 66 1188 "l 50 40 379 380 534 95 299 180 78 144 G. 1388 .. 658 .. 449 1059 998 Frett, John Si; 208 Froehlich, A. I. Foss, Warren M. . Fellows, E. J. .... Flusky, John 3 . . . . Freund, Peter B. . German Ins. Co. .. Gerding, Mrs. Paul .|. i Geier, E. M. ..... . Gibbs, Fred W. Grasser, Frank Glossen, Math. . . Gorman, Mrs. Jennie .. Grammater ft Co. . Guyser, Richard .. Granger, Darwin J. »;i» Goodman, Chester ]C.« Goodman, Margaret Green, Mrs. Mary ... Harrison, Raymond .. Harrison, Clayton C..* Harrison, C. W. ft Son Harrison, C. W. ...... 122 Harrison, Gr L. ... 134 Harrison, Ora D. ., .^<t 871 Harrison, Elnora .. "I. . . 600 Harrison, R. C. ....«• , 313 Harrison, Geo. A. 1290 Harrison, Gilbert ., .,,.6 368 Harris Bros. .. ... ^ 658 Harrer, Joseph . " 313 Harlin, Alvin i . . ,U . ̂ 283 Hall, L. D. . .... .s. t 548 Harmsen, Chas. B. .. t _ t 28 Hallstrom, Martin | 54 Hallstrom, Cad J. ^487 Hayes, Edward L. .>. 32 Hawley, E. C. .. v... i %516 Haverin, Jas. A,. 72 Hall, Chas. 0. *..^w,:f 126 Hall, C. D 306 Herman Bros 4'.... , 61 Hetteiinann, Heiyy 64 Hettermann, Jos. B. .. 245 Hettermann, Henry 292 Hepburn, Wm. .. ., ' 161 itelm, Wm., Jr..... .*j 158 Heimer, Henry ^219 Heimer, Wm. M. . v,. " 162 Heimer, John. Est.. ' 149 Heimer, Peter 92 Heimer, Math. .... 26 Himler, Geo. A. ,. .... 96 Hitchens, F. Ai . 68 Hiller Ben ........... 63 Holly, J. C. . •.;.. ,... | 117 Howard, R. ? 127 Howard, Mrs. C. | Son 61 Howe, Mrs. E. W. . . . . j 119 Hodge, Edson 50 Hohenstein, Geo. 1428 Hogan, John M. Hoffman, Fred A. . Howell, Mrs. Eva & <& Hopper, E. J. Hollenbach, Chas. Huemann, Jacob ...% Huemann, Jos. H. .:iV.| Huemann, Fred W. Huff, John Huck, Lawrence Huemann, N. A. Hopper ft Peet . Hunter Boat Co. Hunter, Everett Hobart, Henry . Hoy Banking Co. Hoy Banking Co. 1 *.* ? 666 387 278 • 692 100 ^8992 270 ' 810 567 f 100 S2792 .111 ft - 960 236 . 594 .".4v.. 6171 £004 India Tea Co. • . ».« «••• « . / ' > .y • » f • Isberg, A. L. Immekus, Anton IM), Adolph Unti, Chas. % Jaeger, Philip ..^ Jacks, D. T. ... .•> ?> Jarnecke, Mrs. J. S» Jecks, C. E. Jensen, Lizzie Jungen, Math. . Jung, Martin Est; Jung, Joe Jung, John ^ Jung, Matte Judd, C. D. Justen, Michael •.*.,.. Justen, Jacob Justen, Fred Justen, Joseph ... ..v. Justen, Peter M. J u s t e n , N . J . -- . Justen, John J Justen, Michael ST. .... Justen, Jacob F. i. Justen, Ben-^..... .x. Justen, Mrs. Joe H. .> Johnson, Otto Kane, Thomas .». ̂ . Katz, B. ......i... *. Kattner, Wm. ........ Kaiser, Frank Kamholz, Henry C..... Kamholz, Hermafi .... Kamholz, Fred ....... Krumpen, Anton ..... Krumpen, Maria Anna, Kennebeck, Elizabeth . Kennebeck, Bernard ... Kennebeck, John H. .. ' V Kennebeck, Anna .... Kimball, John W...1.. King, Joseph Klapperich, Henry J.,. Knox, John ....ji..^,. Knox, John R. . . .^.i. Knapp, G. R. . Krohn, Carl ... .. .. Koerber, John Koch, Adam .. . Kramer, Geo. F. ..,... Krause, Albert Krueger, Matilda t.».. Kranz, Matilda ....... Klein, John H. ....... Kleiman, Joe ......i,.. Klink, Chas Knox, Mary and Alice. Ladd,' James C. Lar.dwer, A. A. .«.. Lawrence, A. .. Lay, John P.*........... Lay, Martin .. .> .„... Laures, Math. B^ «..k. Lasch, Einil .. ̂ V;. ,j!. Lallinger, Albert !.... Leonard, E. E. and Ida Leickem, Jacob ....... Linden, Olaf ......... Lind, H. J. Lodtz, J. D. May,. J°?e • May, John M May, Katharina May, Jacob J. . May, Stephen May, Nick . i Martin, F. E Martin Bros. ......... Matthews, Mrs. Delia . Mertes, Joseph J. .... Mertes, John ..7 McAnsh, Andrew ..... McHenry Pleasure Club McCannon, L. B. ..... McCannori, Will McCarthy, Margfift .. McBerney, Benj. McDonald, Lewi^, . McRoberts, Minnie ... McHie, Minnie Ij*. .... McLaughlin, Mary .... McLaughlin, Jv F. .... McOmber, J. M. ....%. Meyer, J. A. .. .4. . Mayers, Win. J* Meyer, Theo. ......4. Meyers, Geo. Mellin, S, J. Est^l . Merchant, Eliza j. .v. i Merchant, Ray Miller, Gertrude Miller, Anton J. Miller, Peter . Miller, Peter F. y* Miller, Elizabeth, Miller, Cristine n.-- Miller, John F. Miller, Jos. J. ... Miller, Jos. N. .. Miller, Jacob P. Miller, Math. J. Miller, John H. .*... Miller, Henry . .»*«# Miller, Caroline Miller, Frank .-»»»• Miller, John A. Mire, John Michels, Jos. J. . Michels, Hubert I Mueller, Dr. A. %**;. Moody, A. J. ... Morton, H. E. Morton, C. W. .T.V. , Miaz, Bessie . Niesen, M. M. Niesen, John . Niesen* Peter Nett, Math. .. Nett, Joseph . Nett, Nk* . . . % Eat . . . • *. #,1 L. «* - ... .. .. . » • • * • • • e' »v» * • .. •».*««>.. 28 91 592 m 50 80 ; 86 717 38 1066 521 96 682 .533 28 2731 1008 297 3788 616 li5 297 644 1035 779 61 188 85 85 667 693 86 26 * 88 27 828 777 440 1887 800 84 418 495 128 1829 841 28 801 45 168 165 63 75 8868 80 91 483 4741 228 61 1201 2580 159 «8 92 40 41 202 83 79 216 1691 2000 510 . 818 411 860 306 83 464 301 183 83 723 800 28 88 276 125 155 108 180 65 "Si 114 88 181 86 382 760 194 687 709 488 950 28 237 999 '3 849 298 28 83 1692 624 346 87 28 866 257 66 88 526 88 486 844 77 m. Neiss, John .. • Nelson, Magnus ^;! Newman, Mabel Noonan, Mary Nordin, Edward A./.., Norager, Chris F. . ̂ , - -<l V ' I » • V. 1 if'.. Co... Nye, A. Edgar Nye, N. I. . Olson, Chas. Olson; John O. T*. Olson, Ferdinand Overton ft Cowen Oswald, F. A Oeffling, Wm." *.. Ottawa Brewing Oberstadt, O. B. . Owen, Lyidia . . . . . . Owen, O. N. ^. Page, C. .L. . .si. % ^. Pabst, F.v .. Parson, James Paul us, J ohn . ̂ .... .. Patrick, Mary . Parks, C. H. . Pearson, Gus Perry, James B. Peterson, Hulda Peterson, P. N. Peterson, Caroline P e t e r s o n , F . C . . . . ' Peterson, R. A. Peters, Emma. .»..^ P e t e s c h , N . H . . . . * , Peterson, Mrs. E. G. ,. • Peet, Ed. Pitzen, John J. .... V. .1"* Pitzen, John M... .'4',^ ' Pitzen, M. J. . J Pitzen, Nick S.... Pepping, Albert .,...» Pint, John ........ r* Pries, Wm. ,.4*,. Pufahl, J. E. Powers, Mary S. 1 • «,* t. sl25 ?^48 § 28 169 188 tm 79 241 394 ^ 28 f 45 1347 ^28 646 ,196 566 153 *3658 1033 |103 100 28 26 1 28 '220 1888 45 465 1:551 " 28 g 28 " 45 66 557 229 28 123 171 119 489 460 61 61 Powers, Etta and Anns 2362 P o w e r s , M a r y V , . 2 8 Rainey, Jamefj 46 '1 30 460 28 91 *266 ; 28 ; **• ' Ramage, A. J."... Revor, Mrs. Susie Reebie, Louis ... Reed, Chas. E<f;.. Regner, Johns Rumsford, J. 30t. ^ Russel, J. N. .... Richardson, R. H. Ritter, H. L Rothermel, George Robison, G. L. .... * v', Reihansperger, C. J»,V. Rogers, Samuel S. i .... 705 91 91 491 74 584 Rpach, George 389 Sayler, James N....,..: 109 Sayler, W. A. .....V.,: *114 S a y l e r , W . A . . 2 8 7 Sayler, Frank W. . M.. •' 290 Sayer, Geo. J.....,^ 920 Schillo, Adam *** 50 Schaefer, Jacob . . . 91 Schaefer, Mary K. ^ 892 Schaefer, Joseph P. "242 Schaefer, John P. Schaefer, Lottie . Schaffer, Henry J. Schaffer, J. W. .. Schaefer, Joseph Schaefer, Peter . Schaefer, John E. Schaefer, Math. J. Schaefer, Robt. . Schaefer, Joe M. Schaefer, Joseph Ai... Schaefer, Margaret Schaefer Bros. ... i ^ Schaefer, Ben J.... Schaefer, Math. B. . i'., Schaefer, John W. Schaefer, Joseph ..... SchraUth, J. G. '...,..^ l- o fi.i uvauuiauici OClUttflW Schoenhofen Brwg. Co. Schumacher, Jacob £.... Schumacher, John J,,.. Sherman, C. E.'. ...;.V Sherman, Wm. P. . .^V Sherman, John ....... Sherburne, Mrs. L. 1$*?. Schiessle, Barbara /. i> Schiessle, Theo. Schmitt, Math. ... .v.'.' Schmitt, Stephen F|py 1630 53 .£*' >214 279 .^.. 1359 68 .... *652 .*,,.#131 306 ... .3480 J 568 Schmitt, John M. Schmitt, Jacob .., Schmitt,- Matt.' N. Schmitt, Jolm J. ... 28 854 •487 92 1667 ̂ 28 IF?? §17 ,361 56 ,960 I 63 126 28 766 553 518 '961 ¥'763 155 *381 315 Schmitt, Anton M. :723 Schmitt, Martin F. UV 389 Schmitt, Martin B. -V •*' \124 Schmitt, Stephen N.' »,V .439 Schmitt, Joseph F. t i." 119 S c h r o e d e r , L o u i s . . ^ 1 3 3 Schoewer, P. J. !.,128 Schneider, Mary . 25 Schneider, Anton 261 Schneider, Joseph : 26 Bros. 710 Wm, G..~. 65 « • # • Schneider Schreiner, Schrciner, F. G. Schneider, Frdd Smith, Alsena . Smith, Joseplt* Smith, Barbara Smith, Kathrine Smith Bros. . Schaefer, H. BS|ft 28 . ' . . V " , r 6 6 • «..u * R08 .. 1S34 t • 75 yum 167 Smith, J. P. . Smith, Math. Smith, Fred Smith, Peter Smith, John . & : 50 <412 ' 148 IS Smith; A. w. Smith, J. W . . .v,;*/; Smith, Chris ....... Smith, L. L. . ifc... , Smith, W. |. ......t!. Streuh, Dr. Carl r*;'.. Schiller, A. M. . i,#V,.. Stephenson, C. H||^ . , Stephenson, Hen^ Standard Oil Co..,. Steffea, Jacob ' Steffes, Math. Stretz, John .....r... Stenger, Carl .W.-^.:4'i' Stilling, Geq. A. , ^tilling, Ben H..,..«... -Stilling, Ben Stilling, Jos. B. .. . x... Stilling, J. Stilling, Henry Stilling, Joseph Stilling, *Johs . Stilling, Henry J.^, .^ . Stoffel, Simon ....... Stoffel, John Stoffel, William ..j... Stock, Theo. G, Stock, Jacob Stuart, Ira" Starritt, Clara Stevens, Hattie A# %... Sohm, Ottof I. . ̂ ... Stevens, G. A*. .5,.'^.v. Spencer, Win. .... V.'.. Spaulding, Mrs. Jennie Sutton, Edward R. .... Schnabel, Frank Swank Bros. Skogland, August fit... Simes, Wm. Tabor, _0. A.'.. . ̂ -Taylor, H. E. ......... Thelen, Henry J.. .ji> Thelen, Joseph Thelen, M. A. .... A .v Thelen, Elizabeth . Thelen, Mary . Thompson, Thomas . Thompson, Robert .... Thompson, Edward ... Thomas, Alma .M.0I. Thomas ft Son • *>*.(,• • .'•* * Thomas, E. E. ....... Thorstenson, J. Ai Thennes, John A. .;... , Thennesi, Philip M. Tonydn, Ben ... ...... Tonyan, Henry .». -. Tonyan Bros. .. Tonyan, Wm., ... ̂ , fi Tonyan, Frank Van Natta, M. L. ... Voeltz, Wm. ... Voeltz, Auguit Voeltz, Fred .. Voeltz, Fred C. Vogt, Robert .. Vycital, John J. Vogt, Walter F. Ward, Georgiana Walsh, T. 3.4. Walsh, Richard Walsh, M. J Walkington, Thomas .. Walker, W. E. Walters, Mattie » Wattles, Howard ...». W a t t l e s , F . H . . . . Wattles, F. B. Waite, Roilin "Weber, Kate .. Weber, Hubert Weber, John P. Weber, Nick Weber, Math. ... v, *.. Weber, Math. L. * • Welch, W. J. .v.-*,. • • Welch, W. 3. Nidk W egener, Gerhard .... Wagner, John J. ; . Wegener, Bernard . ... Wells, DP G. Weingart, Jacob Wentworth, W. D. ' .. , Whiting, W. E. ....... Whiting, Wm. ....... Whiting, D. A. ....... Whiting, D. A. ....... Whiting, C, D. Whiting, E Whiting Wharton, H Wirfs, Geo. Wilbur,Lumbw Co... Williams, Emma 3..« Williams, Peter J. .. Williams, Elizabth , . Winkel, T. W. . . . . . Wheeler, J. E. Wheeler, Ella M.' . .. Wolf, Albert Wolf, Louis Worts, M. L. Wright, Robt. ^ Diedrich, Jacob P.. ... Peet, Chas! .... Valvoline Oil Co. Amer. Telephone Co... Chi. Telephone Co..... W. Union Telegraph Co. Farmers' New Era Tel ephone Co. .%« Chi. ft NVw Ers Tele- phone Co. Public Service Co..,.. Western United Gas ft Electric Co. ....... v W. McH. State Ban C. 4i N. W. Ry. Qt, 856 V 908 127 % Freeman ••"lit' 660 601 7804 ..18884 v 4fi / * "W ^ W ' "if - H sJJ w%