McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jul 1918, p. 8

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ra.Vv ..'v:. «i- •T^v'•* V? - ; r \ -1V t '$? ?S* !*• / *T" f1-' ['/* -i ;, % " \ ' " >. ', |S.i ^ *": • - ' M I 1 ' *, U , - r 4 * - ' to * ST A;£.-Sr?--> •!:. . AV:i4ttfct * {'.•if "'4'. <•$. u«: ' us + i Hr - V »J I St 1 nf'lX ̂ ;.*|jj§yj, ^ ii ^ v \ * ^ :.rM^ i\ ^ ' f> Y i *' |- ' ' >? V _ " . ; ; ' it' t '*• «* *"*» t •*'* % , ' -•: \ V. ,1 Ji<\ *! *1 ^ . " ! :tfs t7 '•;•$; ». *< ' «?! «fe ^v . '.+... J' |. ̂ f"» <*, f * "'fii. . j0; f-- i -if; ' " f»icfrv "ifs' k£ ..Jfe' •-. ® ' - f|k i ̂ fc.f : ! ' »* 5€ »>1 ' ' /y*J s; ^ ^/v' «' j " V* ' i ? „ °"S> S i I*!#1 ,yiV.-< ff;1': r-"^ jiluuMjnu^iii ii nilh nfiiirilifliii u ni rii , i/ infr.s ' • !,-• For Men and Boys A , '< X'^ Tfu> <• f ^ •5r ... ..>SV^ >"'t' V :p 'j-fiP Pare the new well ril^ ili:^ "'•• "SS.^;.;v < |ra"'. -ty WORKMANSHIP AND STYLES domimnt features of our spl Suit* for men taikMted and are cut ing a superiority- of which we are justly proud. ̂ Don't let the talk of high ptices discourage *v you. Come and see these Suits and the ex- ! ̂ tremely low prices at whidi they are going. ? You will be ccuwetty KBBwii if you wear one of these Suits and the price wUl not scare you. 4i.j,: . 1 r_ "• , v .VV ,!' JOSrw! tREUNB . WEST McHENRY, ILL. ' •' r' ' i '• $ -\'tf fgf11 - "" ' Summer Comforts j may be best eoioyed by purchasing the i things that bring comfort at this store. # [ "i jWe have a very complete line of the fol- *. >. m®?"-P'-™"';.s "R, * ffr* '-f \<> ' Lawn and Porch,Swi I --Porch Shades, **- I;' H.,> • m 'v :Pt*ch C»aii#!w:|||,K: : Lawn Seat ̂ "*•r' -i ^iammocksy £ - v;i. Window Saeeiis, * ̂; Awmogs, Ete. > s -- ,--j „ f ine s tock o f iFurniture, Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Window Shades, Croquet Sets, Push .Carts, Wagons aR<i BaJ>y Carriages pf various designs. '̂ Cv ,̂ •V.: v <• L'/'-Vv kkt,:' ws McHENIiY, ILLINOIS %T^HIS is one of the delights of select- -I ing ROYAL WORCESTER Cor- lets. You have such abundant variety Irom which to choose. Style,-size and price are yours to name. But whatever- your selection of model, you are confident of correct l lashion, efficient figure W»§i- "-J ^ ^ lort ana satisfactory wear. Ali this is implied and assured in the world famous fame ROYAL WORCESTER - Prices, %IM and up I/VTITkT •ivjnrM .t • > it O i Ur JL1 H/iJ THREJ^PIECE /fthly the lightest, strongest most rigid t , and serviceable ever produced. The re- ^^j?t̂ iiced cost of this complete unit over if- former types of Beds of the same style, fitted with the same spring, is due to the elimination of side rails, lowered cost of handling fewef units and many other features. Ctome ttl and %Ptk lift iImtiah. I $yt;* Si hfa'r £v ':V f i-'y •V&l 'Si M 'PHONE O.W f1* xO & SON itor Wednc Wm. A. Itw test Frl v:9Kc« L. V' » Chicago vis- •** pnm a eoimty seat was • Chi WE8T McHENRY, ILL UNDERTAKING <wt* mmJM Chas. J. etgo visitor Wm. SitXllel was an interested via itor at Grant Sunday Mr. mmm$ - ily were Dwacba callara Konday, Palvta W«8i ^j^Ib "spent last week with ltoretl^%i«ate. Nvwman. Geo- A. Stpbj|;'lsttiuMted badness ift the mriMlptikn city Wednesday. - 3. C. Bwdfr HWi son, William, were iicagro pagwlnyag Tuesday morning Rev. ^ X MeSJfoy and E. Hunter were Chicago passengers this morn ing. Wm. Priea attended to waiters of tHfriness nature in Hie windy city Wednesday. Miss Agnes Frisby has been, the guffit of Chicago relatives the past two weeks. Chas. L. -Newman of Kenosha, Wis spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents here. John Brefeld of. Kenosha spent %Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bwsfelii R. A. Howard <rf Elgin «pent Sun- <tay as a guest in tike home of Mrs. Rollin Wait®. John Brown and Leroy Hughes of Wauconda were > business visitors in town Monday. Miss Grace Eidnier of Woodstock is spending the week at the L. F. Newman home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young pf Ring- wpod were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Miss Mathilda Yoong was a Chica­ go visitor the latter part of last and fore part of this wcfek. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Schaffer of Crys­ tal Lake spent Sunday evening with home folks in this village. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wirfs and the lat* tor's mother of Waukegan spent Sun­ day with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mrs. Louis McDonald and children were Woodstock visitors Friday. Miss Lucile Steinbach of Kenosha; Wis., is spending a couple of weeks as the guest of McHenry relatives. Miss Alceta Schnabel of West Frankfort, 111., is the guest of her father, Frank Schnabel, here this week.' Miss Mayna Getchel of Woodstock passed several days last week as the guest of the Misses Marion nad El­ eanor Whiting. Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and little daughter returned last Saturday to their home here from St. Anthony's hospital in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins and daughter, Adeline, and Miss Margue­ rite Looinis were Sunday guests of Barrington friends. • Mrs. John Reihansperger of West Chicago passed several days this week as a guest in the home of tier son, Chas. J., and wife. Mr. and Mrs, Nick Justen and son, Elmer, of Ringwood spent Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund. Arthur Jack of Madison, Wis., passed the latter part of last and the first of this week as Hie guest of friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Harry Alexander returned home from Rockford Monday morn­ ing, where she had passed fi week as the guest of her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chi­ cago spent the week end as guests in1 the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Margaret Bonslett. Mrs. Emil Feffer spent the letter part of last and the first of this week as the guest of her daughter, Sr. M. Gertinia, at Milwaukee, Wis. Mr, and Mrs. M, J. Walsh and Mrs. A. Edgar Nye spent a recent .even­ ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ward Malone at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Evanson of /Chi­ cago and the latter's father and sis­ ter of Palatine called on friends in town last Saturday afternoon. Mr onrl Mrn W H IMcCIiStCSfe and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brennan of Chi­ cago are spending the week with Mrs. D. G. Wells and son, Glenn, at thehr home here. Mrs. P. G. Pederson and children and Mrs. Fred Bockhus of Ridgefield spent last Wednesday as gnests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Simpson. Miss Regina Rothermel of Chicago, who has been spending the past two weeks as a guest * of Miss Varona Niesen, returned to her home Wed­ nesday .morning. Wm. Buttner and Jas. Maloney <of Chicago have week ended at the home of Walter J. Walsh for the past sev­ eral weeks. They have demonstrated their ability in the harvest fields every Saturday. Mrs. Etta Cooney of Chicago and Miss Ellen Doherty of this village left Wednesday morning for Benton Har­ bor Mich. Thejr will spend a two weeks' vacation at this delight­ ful resort. Mr. and Mrs. John Keller of Wau­ kegan and their two soup, Mick and John, of thfe Great Lakes N«v«l Train­ ing station, were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Went- worth last Sunday. * Mrs. W. C. Besley and sen of /Wood­ stock were gueafts in the of Mr. *THU*«0*V, JULV as ; A mc nt»fVRE .VirgialaPwson mmmwm july 27% . Wm. Desmond , M|rfiifl7ItnMli1* iDv mirnige dbwbic SUNDAY, JUtY 28 ^5? A FOX FEATURE . Geo. Walsh, •----ix-- The Pride of New Yml i from Elgin Sunday and visited at Frisby Bros.' home soutli of this vil­ lage.. Misses1. Margaret Walsh and' Agnes Muldoon of Whiting, Ind., arrived here Friday evening for a visit with relatives. Miss Agnes returned home Tuesday morning, while Miss Walsh will visit relatives at ^Grayslake be­ fore her return. Edward Young jDhicago and four daughters, Mrs. jfessie Dobbins of Adrian, Mich., Mrs. Daisy Peter­ son of Fernwood, 111., Mrs. Pansy Car­ ney of Chicago and Mrs. Frank Cobb of McHenry, were called to the bed­ side of Mrs. Edward Young, who is very sick at her home on th$ old Etten farm near this village. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steinbach, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sieger and children and Mrs. Eva Steinbach motored to this village from Kenosha, Wis., last Thursday morning and spent the day in the home of John H. Miller and at the Oak Park hotel at Pistakee Bay. Dr. and Mrs. L. Flatly and children, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Heimer and daughter, Helen, motored to this place from Kenosha, Wis., last Sunday and passed the day as guests in the home Tax Levy Ordinance For 1918 Whereas the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, in the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, did on the first day of July, D. 1918, pass the annual appro­ priation bill for said Village for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of May, A. D. 1918, the amount of which is ascertained to be the aggre­ gate sum of Ten Thousand Five Hun­ dred Dollars ($10,500.00), which said appropriation bill was duly published on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1918; now therefore, be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, Illinois, that there be and is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property 'within the corporate limits of said Village for the year A. D. 1918, the total sum of three thousand five hundred dollars, for the following specific purposes mentioned in said appropriation bill; and in the respective sups ,as .follows, to-wit: " .. r*' >\H ' ^Ikm't ,.« Am't IteSui j-v; :' iAppro; >; Levied Salaries r.:.....;|2500.0b $ Sidewalks ....... 1300.00 600.00 Streets A alleys.. 2400.00 1000.00 Waterworks ...... 300.QP ^ Public Prop, fund, 500.00 * Contingent fund. 3600.00 1900.00 Estimated amounts receiv­ able from ysoprep-: .;iqt£er than taxation f 7000.00 Totals .110500.00 And the clerk of said Village is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of said County, a duly certified^ copy *of this ordinance. Approved: R. G. Chamberlin, President of the Board of TriliitMR of the Village Of McHenry, ill. Attest: Wm. G. Schreiner, Cle?k. Passed July 1, 1918. Approved July 1, 1918. ... ^ , Published July 25, 1918&* Hears From Harry Stepbemon Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson of Ringwood have heard from their son, Harry, who is confined in an army hospital in England: The letter was received yesterday and contained the information that the young man was suffering, from wounds sustained when he became entangled in a pro­ peller of a flying machine. He re­ ceived severe wounds about the head, body and legs, but at the time of writing the letter he was able to walk about the hospital grounds. His many friends here and at Ringwood express the hope that the^oung Jhan will soon recover. <• Haw Ridiculous Say but don't you think it is mighty pleasant to know what some of your supposed friends and neighbors think of you once in awhile T And these same persons sodR to be very ignorant when they come right out with the name of the parson and say he is stealing from his oam home. For on every one of you. Mrs. Alice Simpeen.» evening until Saturday morning. Dr. Bedeyr spent Thursday and night in the Sayler tmpe, 6f Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miliar^ f Mr. and Mrs. Frank OTlahirtyatti Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Frisby aat|da«g>]K~ /Naoc? . Ruth, iqoliered jo# rv-;'V Hoeteaaea of Past Week Names of those flntartaining for the Red Cross and who aoade returns to Mrs. W. D. Wentwttrtk, chairman of the committee on quflt, til* past week follow: Meadames J. E. Peter Weber ̂ John S "pf- fS I .1 - ^ V ^ ¥ i iff r*£ < L' ^ r \ ftlv , „ 1 ©II'.' "r' SAVE N©W FOR"^rr:;,:v This fall there probably will be smother Liberty Loan and all of us will be asked to lend our share. You may find it a hardslpp to subscribe as much as you should unless you prepare for it npw by saving a little each day. If you deposit your saving! in this bank you wiU be:pai4i ̂ interest while waiting for the next Eiberty toaa* .V . ' - *T •» '• <TtJ r , * t ' , /V ^ \ ^ ^ . v, ' "\ *' ̂ ^ ; i' 'f'«) \ I -.1̂ • • thtiff I j' "> *W1*g , . . , ,v- * . . . k r* . : mmrnmm* w !BEST IN mm THE M' ym <v^.. m V-.'-.y.y. ->i How The Bayonet Lx>st aGreatBattle BAYONETS, first made pt Bayonna, Pnpoe, whence they get their name, to b^tn, mtre almost as dangerous to the army wiih thfm as to its foe. ' Fashioned with a Solid butt, to be jammed into tho muzzle, it rendered a gun useless for firing, Tho butt was soon changed to before the new fangled bayonet tvroujhit the! army to grief at Killiekrankie. The English soldier loond the bayooet a poor fit. hard Id get into his gun; to £^c£ out. When he had to bayonet/he eoul̂ i't bayenot; when he had to shoot, he couldn't shflipL il 1 'M M .. .1 S 't* ' To safeguard tire users against the dbwei of 'e&cr~;:icnt, Gcodr'cli Teat Car Fleets put the tvmd (:St i? Gocdricli Tire, to make them m'mw 'iai VALUE TIRES. _ ..C'-e^ichs^es But one tire value,SERVICEVA&P^- '!'r-h\ what a tire proves it is worth toWm his car and oa the roM, in ec^.iomy, d.pciiJalilityi duraM. A11 Goot!rich skiU and sincerity build op 3E3VICB value, whether you get S^ii LuCl'jTiSWfi vOilwiliiwIli or BUkOK SAFCTY THEADS, you get C-irtVICE VALUE TIRES. Gain mileage ̂and the secunty of 1 knowing your tires: will ilctt fml, by demanding SERVICE VALtJB Tim THEB. F. GOQDI CMcago Erancli: 1985 i OF OOOO ON SALE AT STILLING'S GUURACE ••Wf - JH.yewpg' pi" We are not making very much noise about it but when it come* to an abso­ lutely reliable stock ' of staple and fancy groceries this is the place to find same. Our lines are al­ ways fresh as well as com­ plete and our honest ser­ vice goes with each order. Our Chicken Feed k in egg producer. Try it i X. M. M. Niesen mcHmtt • -fimm 9ttn\ ivM Schneider Bros. F. J. AICHER :-D8PI8i* INund, WalteBr J. Walsh 1 " and MH» v ' ^ >• i a • ™ « « In fh-f&s Sv?>- \i ^ >,K * ' V il .1 Tou need not h»re on^ •oaent'e anxiety abont getting p baoket Phone ttany people to tor and leave tb» r*m% to ua, ' •. It will be easier and cheaper to par thfe aod- erate bill te will •»! yon Ulan to take ti^e to prepara a taaoli. ' Too out "ohuok" tk» "tins" and nasar boz«a* ,«A7K T0BRT. % Kw&miZn 5s5==s==spsa=as m +*~ V' i "'i I. - ^ ^ Experienced Workn»a» 4RRIHANSPUM.B* •.Lri £0. 1 '-' v '• S* ^ , * t t i A l i V.-

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