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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1919, p. 4

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M.'Nsrcr' V' - , f i . . X ^ ":" ' ' '* ^.-*3# '" " ^f?' i ^*iviy w>»m r • jJ ;v t-KjtSi •**£»» « v.•«*.*•; '&•'•' &£»<?»< ^i*'s7i^Mf' »®ai fW^ y j"-s* s,- -*J if-:; «<*' X-i •li^P*:. fiWni |I'il, !!!;,!14 •• 'illllli iMi' ullikiiii ;ms>m-- mw . .' * % \ -fr '«• ?tf I ,s v 'i '•W-< '-•• TO INTRODUCE OUR HIGH GRADE |t* i'K".i' ' ! K-f» *2"V- • .. >."..• V<<. '•T * 711 -fv ^ W L" ** 1 V „ ^ ' -w^ " > * ,*. *--•,';CyiV*- <-Vp r^H< We want to get acquainted with the people of McHenry and surrounding country and as an in * .V " • -' .... ' ,>' ' * troduction we will SACRIFICE PROFITS for a short period by selling . s i. V ' -: • . >' *- i -fr-it*. -, u; *••*..£/4• these wonderful instruments at a great reduction! - *;v* y\^ --fv * t Jr > 1 «: % - 1 ^ f7V, «> THEY PLAY' ALL DISC RECORDS WITHOUT EXTRA ATTACHMENTS OUR Phonographs reproduce the human voice, violin and all other instruments so distinctly that the very personality of the artist is revealed. They are correct in desigii, •-. • >. • % < • high quality construction and finish. Words cannot serve to show their wonderful qualities--they must be seen. They must be placed side by side with other make** then words will no longer lie necessary. Were the EVERETT PHONOGRAPH be hidden from the listener it would almost be impossible to assert positively that the artist were not actually there. EVERY IMPROVEMENT IN PHONOGRAPH production that has been worth while, every factor that has added to Its musical worth is embodied '•I*: , \r H»- V' '-7- * • m - in these marvelous instruments. TRUE TONE V^lLUE is the big outstanding feature of all our Phonographs. > V^v'^.V' I'* - tii-5' Convenient TennsPrjf^GS &t PrSSfellt $50*00 3. lid tip Liberty Bonds Accepted 7 ' • } ' : '"I * 'V.' , PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE f. . •-•? -W •" /' ^ J *•- > *- -•> I t' .. * r.,V-'.Nfrl»n -ii*. .'J' li' ^ ^ GUARANTEE: I guarantee every Phonograph that leaves this establishment for a period of one year against all material defects (main springs excepted) and will replace atiy part free of charge if sent to us. Every machine is registered for your assurance of genuineness. Every customer must be fully satisfied with our machines or money refunded. / EVERETT HUNTER, Pres. Gall today and know for yourself. It will be a genuine pleasure for us to demonstrate^ No obligi*-, < tion to purchase. We want you to know the difference and superiority even though you are not yet contemplating a purchase. &,. &"y". s EVERETT HUNTER i . McHENRY, ILLINOIS 'r'v.. nr JC ami--Jai DC HE •in 3C 3G V r 1 n , , Blrciry h<»ie should be equipped with an iBexpen- »ve and convenient Portable Gas Room Heater--ready ia^tantly day or night to replace chill with cheerful warmth. j Particularly in the spring and early summer when *! the furnace is no longer in use you will appreciate .hav-f Sing a Gas Heater. They can be placed in any roon*- ^nd drive away quickly the chill of early morning or evening, and are indispensible on those days when , «pme heat is necessary for comfort. _ Ask to see die Hot Spot Heaten at our office - " H ^•-£:W D. AL WORKMAN, DMet t^Mfeir TIE 1THEHRY PLAINDEALER PVIUIieD EVERY THURSDAY »V F. G. SGHREINER Office lb Bank Building Telephone W-W Thursday, March 20, 1919 Says Leath's Furniabm of Home Lovers 1 1 -W'V r /; SCHOOL NOTES Items of Interest From Oar Edacm- ^ ' tkMal Inatitution ' Lato to visit -Leath's Btorea ui mmi &mi: pretty new furniture. Prices art no Ughet for good furniture. Pays to come over to our house for one piece or a whole outfit.' Out of town folks receive a little extra. A. Leatfa * Co. Elgin, 7S-74 Grove Ave. Kockford, Opposite Court Hoo^t Dubuque, 576-SM Mala St,4 " Awrora. 31-33 Isliin<l A«» Ftceport, 1S3-1K Galena Waterloo, W2-314 E. 4th Sfc •eloit, *17-421 4th St. 3«liet, 215-217 Jefferson St. Ddhrwy PICKLES .Ptr CT NOW WHILE PRICES ARE HIGH Vatrun, $2.00 per 100 lbs. Large $1.00 for Jitt lbs. Nubbins, 60c fer 100 lbs. * Contracts can be had A. Krumpen Also John Stoffel's Store ? j ^ ; Annual Township Meeting and Election ' Notice is hfereby given" to tile voters, residents of the township of McHenry, County of McHenry, Illithat the Anntfal Township Meeting and Election of Officers of said Township will take place Tuesday, the 1st day of April proximo, being the 1st Tuesday in said month. The election will begin at 7 o'clock a. m. and close at & o'clock p. m. in the places designated as follows: District No. 1, Woodman hall, Ringwood, 111.; district No. 2, village hall, McHenry, 111.; district No. 3, Colby building, McHenry, 111. ^The officers to be elected are: One supervisor. The town meeting will open in the village hall, McHenry, 111., at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. and after choosing a moderator will proceed to hear and consider^ reports of officers to appropriate money to4 defray the necessary expense of the township, and to deliberate and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, come before the meeting. Given under my hand this 18th day of March, A. D. 1&19. Chas. B. Harmsen, Town Clerk. Auditors* Meeting Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors of the Town of Mc Htiiry, County of McHenry, Illinois, will meet at the town clerk's office West McHenry, 111., on the 25th dsfy of March, A. D. 1919, at two o'clock p. m. to audit any and all bills against said town. Bills may be left with the supervisor or with the undersigned. Dated this 12th day of March, A. D. 1919. Chas. B. Harmsen, Town Clerk. Rain Puts End to let The heavy rains of last week have surely put a stop to ice making and those who had. hoped for the best have since then picked up their tools and called it "quits." At the lakes, where mostly out-of-town help was employed, the workers left last week According to those who are in a po si tion to know, local users of the frozen water have little reason to fear a shortage the* coming summer as enough of the ice has been stored to take care of our people. G. F. Claussen & . If*'-" Ice Gm Out of PI The ice left the mill pond during the heavy rain which visited this sec tion the latter part of last week The rain was also responsible for bringing the frost out of the ground and with a few more days like we have been experiencing this week the soil should be fit Tor putting in gardens. Clifford Buss quit school Monday. Everyone was Irish Monday in, high school. - Sophomores have been reading "Idylls of the King." , Mrs. A. E. Nye and children fb«] ited school one day this week. "• Francis Bonslett was a high school visitor Wednesday afternoon. Seniors have begun reading "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table." The seniors' class play has arrived. Practicing will begin at once. A butterfly hatched from a cocoon in Miss Pryor's room Tuesday. Misses Bemice Bonslett and- Alta Wentworth visited school Monday. Several were absent from school Monday. Why? St. Patrick's day. Louis Weingart and Charles Buchert visited in room I Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Welch and Mrs. John M. Phalin were visitor! in room II Monday. Would some Sherlock Holmes find out who hunfb all third period in the afternoon? One freshman boy is afraid of frogs, therefore Dorothy has turned frog. catcher. The physiology and agriculture classes visited Borden's to test the milk Wednesday afternoon. | A victrola concert was held in the gym Friday morning from 8:30 to 9 and was very much enjoyed by the pupils. Some of the first graders are apt to have to pay an income tax for the sum of one cent is to be given to the one who catches a mouse. An art sale by the pupils of room V will be held , in the auditorium in the near future. This is an opportunity for those who appreciate the best efforts of our boys and girls to purchase various art pieces, which will prove a decoration for the home. Proceeds will be used to buy a flag for the auditorium. Watch the school notes for the date. Following is a report of the school for the month beginning Feb. 3 and ending Feb. 28, 1919: Enrollment: Boys, 99; (iris, 128; total, 222. No. of days attendance: Boys, 1775; girls, 2332; total, 4107. No. of days absence: Boys, 90; girls, 73; total, 168. Cases of tardiness: Boys, 17; girls, ,14; total, 31. Average daily attendance, 206. No. of pupils above 90 in industry, 1W. No. of pupils neither aboent nor tardy, i40. Names of irapils truant, 1. A. E. Nye, in <Chicago. * F. Schnabel was a Chicago visitor last Thursday. Thoe. Schiessle was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Miss Laura Krause was a Wheaton visitor one day last week. L. I. Edingpr was a county seat visitor on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. F. G. Spufling and Mrs. W. C. Feltz were Elgin visitors Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler were recent day guests of relatives at Wau7 conda Atty. F. B. Bennett of Woodstock was a business visitor in Town Wednesday Chas. G. Frett of Aurora passed Tuesday as the guest of old friends in this village. Otto Pohle of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pries. Rev. M. J. McEvoy passed Wednesday with his father.'tA, the hospital in Chicago. ," Miss Gertrude Weber is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jacob Miller, at Zeuda, Wis. Mrs. Fred Deutschman of Chicago spent a couple of days this week as the guest of McHenry friends. Teddie Stearns of Chicago spent Monday evening as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Dr. C. H. Fegers and niece, Miss Eleanor McGee, passed last Thursday as the guest -of relatives at the county seat. Mrs. John Regner and, daughter, Leona, were among those to board the Chicago train Thursday morning of last week. Mrs. E. M. Owen, who has been spending the ' winter with Mrs. T. Culver and Mrs. E. Parker, has returned to her home. Mrs. F. G. Spurling spent Sunday with her sister at Wheaton. Her niece, Arline Gary, returned with her for an extended visit. Mrs. Christina Schreiner returned te Elgin last Thursday evening after a short visit in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Al. Krause. Mrs. Carl Gruener and daughter, Virginia, and Miss Esther Matson of Chicago passed a few days this week in the Peter Wirfs home. Mrs. Ida King, who has been spending several weeks with relatives here, left Tuesday evening for Woodstock, where she will spend a few days ^before returning to Chicago. Rev. Edw. Berthold attended the first holy miss by Rev. James Lauer, O. S. B., at Sublette,. 111., on Wednesday of this week. Rev. Lauer is a brottfer to Miss Erma Lauer, former organist at St. Mary's church. Doherty; vice chief ranger, Maryann Knox; recording secretary, Blanche Meyers; financial secretary, Mary Burke; treasurer, Margaret McCarthy; trustees, Anna Frisby, Florence Knox, Johanna Walsh; conductors, Mary Glvens, B. Doherty; sentinels, Johanna McEvoy, Mary Givens. . , They Object > Wev understand that' sofM of the fellows, whpse names appear upon the saloon blacklists, aren't at all satisfied with same and at least one of them has sought legal advice on the matter. Unless his name is taken off, it is - said, trouble is «pre to follow. We also heard it said that the list is not complete and that there are still some in McHenry' whose names should be posted, if such a thing is legal. ^ Telephone No. 1SS-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agant for all classes tit property in the beat companies WEST MeHBNRY. - • ILLINOIS PLUMBING m' HEATING IY Experienced Workmea DONAVIN 4c REIHANSPERGER ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Miss Elsie Wolff spent Wednesday Elect Officers : At election of officers for St.. Patricia court, No. 187, held recently, the following were elected for the en suing year: Chief ranger, Ellen PER NOW t-K Let us do yottr ^ Hatching in our jnammoth 3600-egg iHicubator f E. Ge Peterson Phone 625-M-l JOHNSBUKi.. ILL. Didn't Come Up s> • The cases against the alleged blin|| piggers here failed to materialize ijip--!1 the McHenry -county court at Wood* .. stock on Tuesday . of this weeki Vi However, ^ is expected that cases will heard next week. (»iv; Is Ready For Work I| Or Two- , -- -v v . All that is needed is to connect it to any lamp socket in any room any hour of the day or' night. ;;"r ? V . - I - Sold oo Payments £5'!V .. , . Ask any one of your friends who owns one about its convenience. Shell talk a good advertisement. The Iron Lasts a Long Ttaie Public Service Co. Ol NORTHERN ILLINOIS PHILIPS'JAEGER. isF'.' K U • I mr-m n. » • • - ^ *'V m GENERAL COnMISSION MERCHANT ' SPECIAL ATTBNTION QIVKN TO THl SALC OF i" ^ •- ? ,; |)rMMd BmI, riuttM, Hoga, VmI, Poultry; f-1 .-' /• Hide*; Etc., Butter and Egff* Thlilsthe oldest boose on the street Tags and priea lists fwatshed ^ •pplloatto*. . COU) STO^AOS PRBE^' ^ Man i * 3; WholMBl* Market. -- *•-- • • . .-'V • • ; .. ' . '

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