m fJm- *Mmqm r'X: >>w "?TL ^".nr.'JRH* GWD rucc TO M-^WA *\jK * , ' ; " No one, we think, wilt question the state* tnont that we have an unusually complete Mock of high-grade drugs. Large as it is* ft is a constantly growing one, because it keep* pace with every advance in medicine or pharmacy. It is obvious tfiat a store like Jlhis one is a good place to get family /drugs 4>r to have prescriptions filled. Drugs here .ire handled by competent pharmacists of large experience. You get ideal service at reasonable price*.^ \ v. •WONE «#-w N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST and be easy on your feet, the be£t we have are only HS5 ^ #4.75 ",!VJE ' • Boys' heavy shoes, same leather as the men's S3.50 and $3.85 -Boys* army shoes,- with the soft tipl - $3.50 and $4.00 Try a pair next time if you-^% want to ^jet a shoe_ SMITH BROS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS fail* KIMBALL PHONOGRAPHS' KIMBALL PLAYER .PIANOS PATHE PATHEPHONES fATHE RECORDS NEEDLES ACCESSORIES AT JACOB JUSTENS »HONE M-R McHENRY, ILL. at Brooklyn said to Omaha .< icome, friend from the town of "Aki* r-B^n." First have an Owl Cigar and tell me then how can you be so young and yet so big? Is it because of your smelters, your railway shops, your stockyards and --aiines r Or is it more because you've tot Western Push? • Thanks, my Eastern friend, said Omaha. 1 must acknowledge my debt to you Our jobbers sell vour sugar Your harbor exports the grain from the country round about me- Now have one of tny Owls. #• • # Fir-Ant ciae* find ready get-together in Owl «ad White Owl cigars. Their aependabiBty of fragrance has made these cigar? "All-American' favorites--from big cities to tiny villages Try them They will tell you tJ*v j»wn.«oi^Jf new dependability of smokingP' :' " > • white OWL & v o D E P F N r> API F C, I (> A R S GENERAL CIGAR CO.. in*; But and ftuMttt Bm*ek jgkr • ;- W '• {Hon City LONDRZS SHAPED ' * WtKJBPlRLD and Mrs. J. B. Lyiich spent Sunday evening in Chicago. Mrs. A. H. Skinner was a business caller at Woodstock Friday. • Mrs. Herman Wille was a Woodstock shopper Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bliss were Woodstock passengers last Thursday. F. Wilkms was a Crystal Lake business caller Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Albee,, and daughter, Marjorie, apent Friday Wternoon at Woodstock. W. E. Rushton and R. M. Lynch attended a union lodge meeting at Harvard Sunday. J. H. Slater and Nels Peterson made a business trip to the county seat Saturday. Mrs. Albee and daughter, Marjorie, visited in the home «f A. Freese at Chemung Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe are entertaining a new son at their home sinfce last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearson of Woodstock visited in the home of his parents over Sunday. Mrs. Carrie Johnson and Mrs. W. Abbott and daughter, Dorothy, were calling at Woodstock Saturday. R. Wallace has moved his family here from Madison, -Wis., and thev are living in Nels Peterson's cottage Mesdames Rose Goddard, S, Reed and A. R. Yanke attended the Adam' family reunion at Harvard Wednesday. Mrs. P. G. Peterson and children and Mrs. E. Bylsma were shopping at Harvard and Woodstock Wednesday. The choir meets every Tuesda} and Friday evenings for rehearsal. There will be special music foi Easter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schaffer of Mclenry were Suitday. visitors in the lome of Mrs. S. Stephenson and laughter, Edna. Mrs. E. Stephenson visited with >.er daughetr, Mrs. J. W. Schaffer, in tfcHenry on Wednesday aud Thursday of last week. SOLON MILLS Jack Pester spent Monday in Chicago. K. S. Craine of Kenosha spent Sunday at the Geo. Vogel home. Mrs. Wm. Cornish was a business /isitor at McHenry Saturday. Miss Mae Aylward spent Monday light' with relatives at Hebron. Mrs. Lynn Overton is entertaining ler niece from Chicago this week. Mrs. Victor Alms entertained company from Keystone one day recently Alfred Parker was out from Chicago to spend Saturday and Sunday. Wm. Patterson of Park Ridge was a Sunday visitor at Walter Cropley's. Dr. N. J. Nye of McHenry was a professional caller here one day last week. > Mrs. Joe Fillweber of Antioch was a Sunday visitor at the home of Geo. Vojrel. Mrs. (£car Yonke and son, James, spent Sunday afternoon at Chas Vogel's. ' Mrs. Sarah Johonnott of Richmond spent Friday evening with Mrs. Ed Cropley. Messrs. August and Roy Aubert of Chicago s)>ent Sunday with rela-- .ives here. Mrs. John Bowers of Spring Grove is a caller at Russell Turner's one lay recently. Messrs. Lee Aylward and Edwin Vogel spent one evening recently with McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krapple of Volo were Sunday visitors at the home of Russell Turner. Mrs. Ed. Cropley has returned to her home here after spending the winter at Dodgeville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aylward, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Craine and Mrs. Wm. Brennan spent one day recently at Kenosha. YOLO Daniel Richardson was in, town S day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon attended church at Wauconda Sunday. Miss Ellgi Moore spent a few days the past week in Wauconda. Math. Wagner and family have moved back to their home here. Dr. J. E. Wheeler of West McHenry was a Volo visitor Saturday. Mrs. Phil Peterson of Wauconda was a visitor at Ray Paddock's last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kruger and sons of Wauconda were Sunday callers at John Walton's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Johns and daughters and Mrs. H. Ruggles of Wauconda attended church here Sunday. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. John Walton on Thursday, April 10, and elected new officers, as follows: President, Mrs. Lee Huson; vice president, Mrs. W. Dillon; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Albert Vasey You are most cordially invited to attend the Easter service^at the. Volo M.. E. church Sunday, April 20. A special program be given. A measuring party is given for you, Tis something novel, something new. We cordially invite all to come And each one bring to aid us some Four cents for every foot you're tall. We'll measure you on door or wall. An extra cent for each inch give And thereby show how high you live. With music and song, refreshments and pleasure, ' Well meet one and all at our party of measure. To be given at die Volo M. E. church ^Wednesday evening, April 28, by the dies' Aid society. JOHNSBUBG Jos. H. Huemann was a Chicago caller Tuesday. Millie Britz and Joe Brits were Sunday visitors w, Miss Isabel Tonyan spent Sundny with Miss Margaret Smith. Everybody is wishing for the return of Dr. and Mrs. Mueller. Mrs. Katherine May was a McHenry caller one day last week. Miss Ratio Meyers spent the 'Week with her aunt, Mrs. Jos. Michels. Mrs. Chris Blake and daughter, Helen, were Chicago shoppers Toesday. • . Miss Caroline Miller visited Sunday with her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Miller. • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John, P. Schaefer. Mrs. Roy Newell of Chicago visited tfith her mother, Mrs. Simon Michels, a few days last week. Miss Mamie Smith came out from Chicago Saturday with the Blatchford families to spend Sunday at Riverdale. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarick and family moved out here from Chicago Sunday and are occupying the Geo. Wirfs house. The Lady Foresters of Johnsburg will hold a dance at the parish hall here on Tuesday evening of next week, April 22. Good music will be provided for the occasion and a cordial invitation is extended to everyone to be present. Dance tickets, 85 cents each. The "victory ' loan committee &f Johnsburg . will be found at Hettermann's garage every night next week. It is the desire of the committee that every bond buyer of Johnsburg and vicinity volunteer his or her subscription during the first veek, thus doing away with the canvassing as practiced in former drives. If everyone will come forward with their voluntary subscription our quota of $20,000 will be made up quickly and without any hardships , to anyone. Let's all show ourselves to be good American ntizens and assist the committee by volunteering our subcriptiona line. . ' ^ \ TERRA COTTA ' v " Mrs. Leonard Beal was an Elgin visitor Tuesday! Miss Frances Knox spent Saturday last in Elgin. x Wm. Conway spent Sunday with his sisters in Elgin. Mrs. John Riley was a McHenry caller Saturday evening.' John Bolger of Woodstock called on relatives here Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Phalin was a business visitor in Elgin Saturday. ' •" S. B. Leisner spent Saturday with friends at Crystal Lake. Misses Clara and Agnes Frisby were Elgin shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Flanagan called at J. Riley's and M. Knox's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trudell were McHenry callers Saturday evening. Valvoline, the real automobile gasoline. Sold and distributed by C. M. Bickler. Mrs. M. Knox and daughters, Mabel and Marie, called on Mrs. David Powers Friday. Mrs. Lewis McDonald and ehildren from near McHenry visited at G. W. Ames' Sunday. The local list of Valvoline gasoline users is steadily growing. There's a reason. Ask "Cap." CO. Y. M. C. A. COMMITTEE MET At Woodstock On Monday Afternoon of This Week A Special meeting of the McHenry County Y. M. C. A. committee was held on Monday afternoon at the Commercial club rooms in Woodstock, at \yhich time important matters relative to the inauguration of the County Young Men's Christian association work were acted upon. County Chairman Lewis A. Keller of Harvard presided. The other members of the county committee are C. E. Shomo, Harvard; E. G. Phillips, J. W. Smith, Hebron; E. H. Cook, J. W. Cosfeello, Huntley; W. W. Winn, R. R. Turner, Richmond; G. W. Keyes, E. C. Peters, Algonquin; A. D. Ellison, C. T. Gilkerson, Marengo; R. W. Bardwell, T. B. Merwin, Woodstock. County Secretary Elect Charles A. Bender was present and gave a brief report on the work already contemplated, which includes co-operation with the county school men in putting on local and county athletic meets. Plans are also under way for the holding of a County^ Boys' camp during the summer. \Over night camps and hikes, swimming contests and first aid work will jhave a large place on the county Y. M. C. A. program. Active cooperation with the churches and Sunday school* is to be maintained. The county Y. M. C. A. program is to be conducted by the strongest leadership to be found in each ooonnunity and will help beys to play hard and work hard and be clean minded and clean lived. Mr. Bender has just returned from brief trip of investigation of the county Y. M. C. A. work in the thirty-five county Y. M. C. A. Assns. in Michigan He found that may of the counties have been organized from eight to ten years. A large number of the counties are reaching the entire boyhood of the country with the association program with its inspiration and helpfulness. Otis B. Reed, state county work secretary, was present at the county meeting and stated that the county Y. M. C. A. program has been in operation in Illinois less than two years and that it was meeting a great need in the lives of thousands of country boys and young men. Lee county was the first county organized and the work tjhere is proving great .success. McHenry county <*: MORTGAGE SECURITIES FOR * p-" ' r4 £*&;. TF you have funds, in LARGE ' or SMALL amount, for which you would like .a five year investment, we can provide such, protecting your investment by DOUBLE SECURITY A good rate of interest will be Arranged; higher jhan is ordin-|fi arily paid by bankers. We would be pleased to have all who have such funds call and let us explain this form of Security, which is based upon Real Estate Mortgages of the highest class. 31 .1 HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS Electric No qne&ion about that. No modern house is built without it. If your house is not equipped for it why We Wire Houses 1 •' i There is no difficulty about it--no inconvenience to the occupants --no damage !e ises. \ Payable in 24 Monthly Payments Full iirt.il* oil reijhA[ Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS USE EARLY RISER Manufactured by the McHENRY Flour Mill We/ft McHenry, 111. Just received a new line of Men's H you need a new Easter Bonnet it will pay you to get our prices before you buy elsewhere. -•SRi i A * JOS. i. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. We have placed in stock a line of goods to supply your Lenten needs and we feel reasonably sure thpt we can please your taste when it comes to the buying of Fish. Our line of Staple and Fancy Groceries is always complete. Just phone us your ordei aad we will do the rest M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone K-W is the second county to have a coun ty secretary on the field. DePage county is organized and a county secretary has been called. Vermillion county has raised a county budget and will meet to call a secretary at an early date. In Dewitt county an organizing committee has the matter in charge and reports indicate that that county will begin the work in a few weeks. The strength of the County Young Men's Christian association rests in trained leadership and careful supervision. Each county association is a member of the state association of the Y. M. C. A. of Illinois and has at its disposal the services of its counseling Mfcretaries, who are men of years of ex- FOR SATURDAY Swedish Coffee Cake and French Apple Cake. Also a full line of home-made Cookies, Pies and Cakes. If you have once tried our goods you will come b«ck for mora t. ^asspaamtKBmBamaBamsB McHenry Bakery McHENRY. ILLINOIS Hot being able to sell my business I will continue lis before and will take care of my customers to the very best of my ability. I wish to thank all my friends for their support and hope to keep their patronage in the future. McHENRY ILL. PICKLES (CONTRACT NOW WHILE PRICES ARE HIGH Vat run, $2.00 per 100 lbs. / ^jLarge $1.00 for 100 lbs. Nubbins, 60c per 100 lbs. * Contracts can be had of A. Also John Stoffel's Store C. F. Claussen & Sons =5= perience and training in association work. TO THE x- . • - if t'iL-1 -vi'- 1 - Mi - ^ ^ Ml*-"